252274 ORIGINAL TO C7TY CLERK �����L.y
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Boa�d of Appeals and Review for
the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining to
the following listed properties and as shown by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated January 13, 1971, a
copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made
a part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
• 99-70-H 838 Case Ave. Mrs. Walter Schoewe
109-70-B 1449 Danforth St. Terrence L. Thompson
Mrs . Terrence L. Thompson
1-71-B Civic Center Arena Civic Center Authority
at Seven Corners by
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John Friedmann
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COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci 19—
Yeas Naya F�,B Z �9
Caxlson Approved 19—
Levine .� Tn Favor � V
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��t►ng Mayor
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Mr. Vice Presi erit � p�LI�D �_
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� Meetinq No. 44
Wednesday, January 13 , 1971
Room 210 , Bureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1: 30 p.m.
Members present: D. Donald Wozniak, Chairman
Raymond Grove
Estyr Peake
Gale Rehnberq
Norma Sommerdorf
Arthur Tieso
James Voigt
Others present: Frank Staffenson, Dr. Paul Cox, Glenn Erickson,
Robert Ames , Chris CYiristen, 5teven Marasek , Thomas Anderson,
Mitchell Kamin, David Lewandowski, Daniel Lewandowski 's brother�,
Mrs. Elizabeth Grigsby, Sigfrid Olson, Mrs . Terrence L. Thompson,
Robert E. Howe.
The minutes of the meeting of December 9, 1970 were approved as
96-70-H 477 Laurel Ave. Charles D. Leske
Ralph E. Koenig
Carried over until the next regular meeting of the Board at
Mr. Koenig's request. Mr. Anderson was asked to transmit a
letter to Mr. Koenig indicating that the appeal proceedings would
commence at the next regular meeting of the board, whether or not
someone is present on behalf of Mr. Leske 's appeal.
99-70-H 838 Case Ave . Mrs . Walter Schoewe,
cont 'd.
PRIOR HEARING: Meeting No. 43 , December 9 , 1970 .
SUBJECT : Letter dated April 14 , 1970 from the Bureau of Fiea�.th
to Mrs . Walter Schoewe, 1176 E. Orange St. , inda.cating five
Ho'using Code deficiencies on the property at 838 Case Ave.
` ' . ��13��1.
, � Meetinq No. 44
APPEARANCES : Mrs. Walter Schoewe.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Wozniak read the letter dated December 17 , 1970
from Glenn A. Erickson, Assistant City Architect, to Mr. Tom
Anderson indicating that no structural reason was found to disallow
the request that the garage be used until spring or early summer.
ACTION: Moved by Tieso to grant the appeal to allow continued
use of the garage until April, 1971 after which time it be re-
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Peake , Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
102-70-H 516 St. Peter St. Rabbi Solomon Miller,
Gopher Apartments con't.
Carried over until the next regular meeting of the board at
Rabbi Miller's request.
1Q3-70-H 116 West Blair Daniel Lewandowski
SUBJECT: Letter dated November 27 , 1970 from the Bureau of Health
to Dan Lewandowski, 116 Blair, indicating that of the necessary
improvements itemized in a letter dated March 8, 1968 , some are �
still required to bring the property into compliance.
APPEARANCES : Daniel Lewandowski, Daniel Lewandowski ' s brother.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Lewandowski stated that he is 71 years old, he
has lived at 116 W. Blair for 30 to 40 years . . . . He has
some married children living in the City. . , . . It is a six-
room house. . . . He would move if he could sell the house.
. He presently earns $127 per month from Social Security.
His taxes were approximately $78 last year. , . . He had a
double system septic tank installed about 20 years ago which he
uses now except during the winter.
ACTION: Unanimously agreed that the Bureau of Public Buildings
examine the possibility of connecting the city sewer system to
his property. Mr. Lewandowski was asked to obtain estimates o£
cost to install the sewer connections , to obtain bathroom
facilities and to install a hot water heater. The matter is �o
be reheard on March 10 , 1971.
- 2 -
• . 1/13/71
' Meeting No. 44
ACTION: Moved by Wozniak to waive the filing fee.
Seconded by Tieso.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none . Abstentions : none. Motion carried
� seven (7) to zero (0) .
108-70-H 670 Sims St. Mrs . Elizabeth M. 6rigsby
cont 'd. i
SUBJECT : Letter dated August 19 , 1970 from Frank A. Staffenson,
Bureau of Health, to Mrs . Elizabeth Grigsby, 29 East Demont in-
dicating that certain of the Housing Code deficiencies itemized
in a letter dated November 18 , 1970 , had not yet been corrected.
APPEARANCES : Mrs . Elizabeth Grigsby, Sigfrid Olson.
PROCEEDINGS : There are eight dwelling units on the first and
second floors and one in the basement in which she lives . That
unit has two exits directly to the outside. There are nine
windows in the basement occupancy. Rent from the other units
ranges from $50 - $75 per month . She would not have. enough
room if she were to move into one of the other eight dwelling
units . Considerable amounts of money have been expended to
upgrade the building. . . . The mortgage on the building is
$119 per month. Other expenses avera_qe $150 per month. A
financial hardship would be created if she would have to move
out of the basement. . . Rental income is approximately
$480 per month. A Zoning Code violation also exists because
of the number of dwelling units within the house.
ACTION: Carried over until the meeting of March 10 , 1971 to
allow Mrs . Grigsby a chance to resolve the Zoning Code violation
by either petitioning to rezone or by asking for a variance.
109-70-B 1449 Danforth St. Terrence Thomp�son
rs . Terrence Thompson
SUBJECT: Letter dated November 10 , . 1970 from Robert L. �1mes ,
City Architect, to Mr. Terrence Thompson, 1449 Danforth Ave.
stating that the requirement to provide a window to meet light
and ventilation requirements had not been met according to pro-
posed plan #8-14 .
APPEARANCES : Mrs . Terrence Thompson.
_ 3 _
' 1/13/7].
• Meeting No. 44
PROCEEDINGS : Mrs . Thompson explained that there was no space
in which to install a window. . . . There is a ventilation
fan above the stove. . . . She understood that she would
be fined for non-compliance but that the window would have to
be installed anyway.
ACTION : Moved by Voigt to waive Section 34 .01 paragraph 2 of.
the St. Paul Legislative Code that the aggregate glass area of
windows be not less than one-tenth of the floor area of a room
in order that no additional window space need be provided for
the kitchen area. �
Seconded by Tieso.
THE VOTE: Ayes : [aozniak, Grove , Peake, Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried
seven (7) to zero (0) .
1-71-B Civic Center Arena Civic Center Authority
at 7 Corners �
John Friedmann
SUBJECT : Memorandum dated December l, 1970 from Robert E. Howe,
Convention Center Architects and Engineers , Inc. , to Lewis R.
Lundgren indicating that in a review of the Civic Center Arena
plans , it was noted that whereas an 8" riser is allowed by
Code, those risers of steps above the crosswalk are 8-1/2"
APPEARANCES : Robert E. Howe , Project Manager, C.C.A. & E.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Howe presented plans showing what portion of the
arena aisles he is requesting a variance of 1/2" riser heic�ht. .
. They are requesting a 1/2" variance from the Code to allow
8-1/2" risers . An alternative would be to use three risers in-
stead of two. This would narrow the tread and ris�rs would be
5-3/4" which may be considered more deleterious than 8-1/2"
risers. . . . Aisle lights will provided. . . Risers
on the upper portion of the old arena are nine inches .
ACTION: Moved by Peake to grant a variance of Section 5-3 of
the Life Safety Code, 1966 edition, "Interior Stairs and Smoke
Proof Towers - Class B Stairs" to allow an 8-1/2" rise for th�
height of the steps on fixed seating aisles above the cross-
Seconded by Voigt.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Wozniak, Grove, Peak� , Rehnberg, Somm�rdorf ,
. Tieso, Voiqt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motian
carried seven (7) to zero (0) .
. - 4 -
� � a./�3/�1
. Meeting No. 44
Letter dated December 9 , 1970 from Pierre Regnier, Ass 't. Cor-
poration Counse
After reading the letter, the board unanimously supported the
interpretation of Section 55 .01 subd. b of the St. Paul Le_qis-
lative Code relative to the necessary votes for board action,
that four members of the board must be present in order to con-
stitute a guorum and that a majority (three) of these four must
agree before action must be taken. Mr. Anderson was directed
to request that the Corporation Counsel draft an amending
ordinance to read accordingly.
87-70-H 588 Grand Ave. David K. Coster
Mr. Staffenson reported that the improvements necessary to con-
tinue occupancy of the third floor at that address had not
yet been completed. The window exiting from the third floor
had not yet been converted to a door and a ladder had been
attached to the side of the house to extend the fire escape
to grade. Board members discussed the situation. Pictur�s
of the window and the ladder were shown.
ACTION: Moved by Voigt that Mr. Anderson draft a letter stating
that the window exiting from the third floor as a fire escape
be converted into a door and that the portion of the fire escape
extending to grade be constructed so as to conform with Building
Code standards . Further moved that if those two corrections
are not made within thirty days of the date of the letter, that
the third floor occupancy be denied.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Wozniak , Grove, Peake , Rehnberg, Sommerdorf,
Tieso, Voigt. Nayes : none. Abstentions : none . Motion
carried seven (7) to zero (0) .
Meeting adjourned at 3 :40 p.m.
�./�•�. � '4�.�.•w�.w-
. Thomas W. Anderson
Recording Secretary
- 5 -
. - cmr oF sr. Pau� �Np� No 52ti'74
RESOLVED, That the Council hareby ratifiss and approves
the action of the 3aint Paul Board of Appeal� and Review for�
the Housing, Buildinq and Fire Prevention Codes p�rtaininq to
the go�llowing liated propertfea and as sham by the official
minute�s of said Board of Appeals dat�d January 13, 1971, a
copy of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made
a part hereof by re�erence:
C�� p=o� Appellant
99-70-H 838 Case Ave. Mra. Walter Schoewe
109-70-B 1449 Danforth St. Terrence L. Thompson
� Mrs. Terrence L. Thompaon
1-71-8 Civic Center Arena Civic Center Authority
at Seven Cornere by
John Friedmann
FE8 819�i
COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Coanc� �9—
Yeas Nays ��g a �971
Carlson Appro� 19_
�°�e � T� Favor
C� ��
�-�� ro0A1T�t .
Mr. Vice President Meredith