252260 • 252�6p fOR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK � � � � 4 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � OUN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF . Ir� the Matter of hazardous lwttdfings being that one and one-half story, sfingle family o frame dwel t tng and garage knor�rr and descrt6ed as 844 Garroll Avenue in the �- City of Satnt Paut and st'tuated upan ttwse o � premtses 1ega11y descrfbed as Lot 6, Block 3, Dean�s Subdivfsfon of Part of ° Q Smith & Lott`s Outlots, accord�ng_ to tbe < plat on ffiie a�nd of recvrd tn the office = o of the Regtster of Deeds 4n and for the o County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota. � � � � � t�lHEREAS, Pursuant to resolutian, G. F. No. 250108 , anproved AUgtast 1$, 1�0 , a eubl i c heari na �as dul,y`he f'cT on ��, �3_`_ep_t_ember_1�_t97p , before the Counci 1 of the Ci t� of Sa�n��t�aul , sa�3 hearing nertaining to the candition of the structures located at • 844 Carroll AVet�ue � , Saint Paul , '�tinnesota; and � t���iCRCAS, U�or� the tacts nreser�ted at the said hearin.y consisting of photographs, inspection renorts and the reco�endations of the Citv Archi tect, i t i s found and deterr�i ned �y tl�� Ci t;✓ Counci l t��at accorcii ng to the recards and files in the office of the �;egist�r of Dee�s, t�e last record oti��ner/q1��► of the above-described nro!�erty is/�tr� �irs. L. J. Knox; � ��f{ER�F�S, Tt is further determin�d that the above-described dweltirt .�_and�g�r�9e constitutes hazardous buildinqs ���ithin �f�e defi- n�t� cii- `�i�nricso�a Statutes Scctic,n �63.15 for the fo11o�•��ing reasons: �,'` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approved 19� Levine Tn Favor Meredith Mayor Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty �� � � / , ��2��� Page 2. a. The dwelling and garage are standtng vacant, abandoned and are sub�ect to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the exterior is deteriorating due to lack of �aint on the siding, cornice, window trim, porches and screening; c. The interior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the three rooms on the first floor are vandalized and the floors, walls, and ceiling need repair due to exposure; the three rooms and both on the second floor are vandalized and in need of repair due to exposure; the plumbing, heating and electrical systems are inadequate, partially vandalized and missing; and the hot water hea�ing system has frozen; d. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present condit�an and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate mafintenance; f. There is a t2 x 18 foot frame garage which is dilapidated; the structural material�s are rotted, causing the garage to Tean and sag; , • . � 2����� � � ORI6INA`L TO CI7Y CLERK � i� � - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Qdqe 3. COMMISSIONER pATF no4r, therefore, be i t RESOLVED, That in accordance ��ith Minnesota Statutes S�ctions 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon thc foregoin7 findings of the City Council , the Council of the City of Saint °aul �oes hereby make the follo;��ina Order: 4PDE�t � 1 . The o�rner/,�,,�F�( of the above-described d�'����� ��d paraae � shall make the same safe and rot detrimental ta t�,�e nu�6�ic neac�, healtt�, safety and ��elfare bv havinc� the said dwe1 �g�,� razed and the mat�rial s therefrom re�oved from t,�nrem��sens��t�i! 'n thirtY (30) days from the date of the service of t��is Order; 2. Unl ess such correcti ve action i s taken to com�l.y i,ai t�� thi s Order or an ans�-rer served upon th� City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Cl erk of the Di stri ct Court of `;anlsey Countv, '�i nnesota, wi thi n twenty (20) da,ys from the date of the service of this Order, a k1otion for Su;nmarv Enforce�nent of this �rder to raze ahd rerncve the said �il{na a�d Qa�,qg� vai11 be made to the ftamsey Count_y Jistrict Court; 3. In th� event that the ��it� at►d aaraae �r� to be razed h�i the Citv of Saint Paul �ursi�ant to judr,r�^n=or t,�;�istric� Cr,i�rt, all � pprsonal nronert�t ar fixtures 4lhich maY unreasonabl�.� interfPre ��ith the razinq and re�noval of this _ c���lit�g �c�d garas.�. shall �e re�oveci ��!it�in ten (1�) davs fro� the entr�% of iu gment; a 3 i f not sa rer�oved, the Ci t�� of Saint �aul shall re�ove and d�sposc� of such ners�n�l nronef°tv. and fixtures as provided b�� la��r; 4. : If the Cit�� of Saint Paul is compelled to take anv correctiv� action herein, all necnssary costs expended b« the Cit,y �{ri.11 b� assessed against the zbove-described real estate and collected as other taxe�; an� �e it FU27HEP. RESOLV�D, That a cLrtified cop�i of t!�is resolution and incorpora�ed Order lierein be served upon the last record owner/�tp� of the a�ove-described pronertv in the �anner orovided bv lati�. ��8 � �_97.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays ���- � ��7� Butler Carlson Approve� 19� Levine �_In Favor ,�t ��� - �����'–'� ith �l�`-C �'!2' �r��_ s��. � . F 8 619 71 �-�ting ��or Tedesco Against PUBLISH�ll E �:�,� PUBLISHED -B 1319 1 r. Vice pY . . - ;�._.;�,,� FEB 1 U 197� r .� ,,± � �� -..,,,,� PUB1.Y�r�� PUBLISHF.D FEB 2 7 t9?1 � � Area Code 612 THOMAS J,STEARNS TY Gl Op ' 223-5121 �t�4• r ARTHUR M. NELSON ' ;. JEROME J.SE6AL ° �:n�""°: .'' THOM/1S M. MOONEY L 1�'�;'"��°° .5 KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK w'`" ^c PAUL F. MeCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E.CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SC077 DAVIES PIERRE N. RE6NIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER Firsf Assistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETH A.SKRIEN 316 City Nall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS `t�;a-�: -�,, . Corporation Counsel /�r,.(�,� >`�s 'd,:.:, ti.� February 1, 1971 Mr. Albert B, Olsor� CounciZ Recorder C�ty Cterk's Office Building Re: File No. 2001 844 Carroll Dear Mr. Olson: Attached hereta �s resolut4on/order pertaining to the above hazardous bu�lding. Upon passage of the same by the City Council , please forward foux � certified capies to me. Yours ery t ly, JE J. SE Spec al As ' tant Corporation Counsel JJS/klm , Enc. � � � p.s. Pl ease at so publ t'sh for four (4) � � ,,,�` consecut�t've weeks� � �,�,} jV �;�/ %ti,� �� �='v,��^���� �� ;� � , �,� � �5 * o,��,n,��,�R - �252��� . CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�uNCi� NO ' ', OFHCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOlV—GENERAL.FORM r�es�„r�c.r COMMISStONER nA'�'� In tt�e Mq�tt�r of haaardoa� bnllQte�s b�eing that oMe shd on+�-h�lf �tory, �tingle fa�tly ` - tra�e dNellin� and ga�r�g� kao�r► a�d � d�:crtb�d �s �44 Carrol] Ave�we tn the � _ City of S�tnt Pa�l atb :itwtt� �n t�o:e preAt:� i�ttly descrlbed a: lot 6, + : Block 3, D�tn'� �bdivi�ion ot �Part of S�it.h � tott's Eh�tivts, �acve�ll�g !o th� plat on fi]• aad of wcord in t�r otftcf � . . . . �.� ,�i3 Rr:. of t� R�gf��eir ot DKds in and tor t�e Cows'�jr o!' Ramsey„ State Qt M1nne�o�a. . � } .. � `. ,. ,+ , :. 4lHEREAS, Pursuant ta resolution, C. E. No, $5t1108 , approved . M��tst 18, 1970 , a aubl i c heari ng was dui'y�ieT3' on ` , ; ,. . _,,_��____�_r . , before the Councii of the City of Sa�nt au , sa�3�iearin� �ertain�ng to the condition af the structures located at ' �• 844 Car�ro11 Avequ! , Saint Paul , f�tinnesota; and ;� �,� � : � � � WHEREAS, Upon the facts r�resented at the said hearing consisting i,`� of photogra�hs, inspection reparts and the recornnendations of the City , ,.;. Architect, it is found and determined ,5y thP Cit,y Council tfiat according ;4'� to the records and files in the office of the Register of Dceds, the � � last record ovmcr/�yb�4�,�� of the above-described pro�erty is/� - x� ; Mrs. L. J. Kaox� � . ;�; �v� 6JE�EREAS, It i s further determi neci that the above-descri bed ` r�y'' � � ;;�,� dMe1Nt1� �nd �ua� constitutes hazardous buildings ��ithin the defi- �s x n t�on o innesot� Statutes Section 463.15 for the fallo�vinc� reasons: � � '�� � � � � � � . . . � � � � � . ..fi;?' � . - . � � � � � . .. . . .. .. . � � . � . . . . � . . .. , � .yt� . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . � - i;� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�mr,31 i9— : ,�: Y� Nay� ;: Butler � : Carlson Approved 18.� ., Levine 7n Favor ` Meredith Spraflta �� 4 A o�nlIISqt Tedeaco Mr. President, McC�rty ��� � , . . . � ��f1/I�`./� Page 2. a. The dvielling and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are subject to being entered by unauthorized �ersons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the exterior is deteriorating due to lack of paint on the siding, cornice, window trim, porches and screening; c. The interior condition of the dwelling is as follows: the three rooms on the first floor are vandalized and the floars, walls, and ceiling need repair due to exposure; the three rooms and both on the second floor are vandalized and in need of repair duE to exposure; the plumbing, heating and electrical systems are inadequate, partially vandalized and missing; and the hot water heating system has frozen; � d. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its �resent condition and the above corrections must be made in com�liance with the Quilding Code and the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. The dwelling constitutes a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of its physical damage, dilapidation and inadequate maintenance; f. There is a 12 x 18 foot frame qarage which is dilapidated; the structural materiats are rotted, causing the garage to lean and sag; ; . 252��0 . . DtlrLIQAT[TO lRIN7'tit � . CITY OF ST. PAUL �NCa ND � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r���r Page 3. COMMISSIONEQ DATE na�rr, therefore, be it RESOLUED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foreqoinc� findings of the City Council, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the folloti•ring Order: ORDER 1 . The owner/��f�/ of the above-descri bed d�l�l! �n_d g�t�ag! shall make the same safe and not detrimental to th�e'pu-6-`t eace, health, safety and welFare by having the said _��tttna aed ��� - razed and the: materials therefrom rer;�oved fror� t— ��mi"ses�with�n'-i thirty (30} days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to com�ly tvith this arder or an ans�rer served upon the City of Saint Paul and �iled in the`Office of the C1erk of the District Court of Ramsey County, 'Rinnesota, vrithin twenty (20) days from the datP of the service of this Order, a P�1otion _far ` Summary Enforcement of this Order to 'raze and remove thP said d� a�gara� vrill be made to the Ramsey County District Court; 3. In the event that the d�„ie�'��q�_�qd +�ar�Q� are to be razed b,y the Citv of Saint Paul pursuant to �u gment o t e`�istrict Court, all personal propert�� or fixtures which may unreasonabl�� interfere ti�cith the razing and removal of this dr�tliing �nd �ltrtit9e shall be r�noved ��►ithin ten (i 0) days fror� the entry o�'iu qr!ient; an i'�not so rer�oved, the Ci tv of Saint E'aul shall rernove and dis�os� of such nersonal �ro�erty and fixtures as provided by laa�; 4. If the' Cit�! of Saint Paul is compelled to take any corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended b,y the City will be assessed against the a�aove-described real estate and collected as other taxes, and be i t FUltTNER RESOLVEU, That a certified copy of this resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record owner/�yf�t�r� of the above-described propertv in the manner �rovided b,y law. �EB a � . � COUNCII.bIEN Adopted by the Connc;� 19_ Yeas ` xays � �E8 a 197� Butler Carlson � App�v� 18� Levine Tr FavOr �� �'�8 �y� A�in8t Tedesco Mr. ltice President Meredith �� � � . � ITY OF SAINT PAU � �����,��� � �, ti, Capital of Minnesota �y ,� � , , �� . �� ,��� � � �� � v � �. , � . � f� F � �ruNne����������. � ��._ ��� k q��; �4Y I 9 �:. �,�. ; . :� . �. ., .. � �� € -' _- -'�:•- srr� ' �s� - ,,�c r � -i ..,, � � C � 0.- ,� +�i"`;'�'�;.y�fia°�c'�' � �'' `� � . r f � �' � '�. , '� � � ' s �5 t• � �rx�� ��.��; . , , r . ..,.� . � .. .,: � �. ,.�'yr;� .;�y.._�.' � W ����`' `G BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 5eptember 1, 1970 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: File No. 2001--844 Carroll Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the agove location. The owner of record is Mrs, L. J. Knox, 706 Tyler Avenue, Waco, Texas, and the legal description of the property is Lot 6, Block 3, Dean's 5ubd.ivis ion of Part of Smith & Lott's Outlots. A recent inspection indicates the following: Build.ing Classification: Single family dwelling. Exterior: Dilapid.ated appearance, d.eteriorating due to lack of paint on siding, cornice and window trim, porches and screening. Basement: Concrete block, full. First Floor: 3 rooms, vandalized. Floors, walls and. ceiling need. repair d.ue to exposure. Second. Floor: All rooms vandalized. Floors, walls and ceiling need repair due to exposure. Plumbing, heating and, electrical systems: Inadequate, vandalized or missing. Hot water heating system has frozen. Accessory Buildings: A 12`x18' frame garage. Very dilapidated. 5tructural materials rotted. out, structure leaning and. sagging. �t� � �� _� �'1.�,.��-�`�\ U ! ! � � ► • ` • . t Hon. Charles McCarty and Members of the City Council -2- September 1, 1970 The subject property has been boarded up by the city since August 24, 1970. This property has been vacant for over four years. It has been vandalized and apparently abandoned and has become an attractive nuisance. It is a blighting influence to the immediate environs. Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt to satisfactorily repair the damage despite our warnings, it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District Court proceedings. V y t ly ours obert L. Ames City Architect RLA/mfs cc: Mr. J. J. Segal Mr. D. Norrgran, Fire Marshall Mr. F. 5taffens on, Hea�th Bureau Mr. D. Person � WlL�TO lRIMRR�. �.. � . . _ . � . . r�. cmr oF sr. P�►u�. ���� 25Q1��8 '+ �� w� NO Of-FtCE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE�tAL FORM 'C,pR MM�S�SIpNr� ..��+�n�' .�� T��SC�' . nAT� ����� �?� WHEREAS t�e City Architect has requested the City Council to hold .a :,. public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wtecking and removal'�of the following described buildings, said structures having been reported to constitute a public hazard: . � Address Le al Descri• tion ' T e of Structure , ��, � �leck 3, +���s � .�a �,��u „��3i� 8�4'Car� Aw�. S�d. �eadE`�+'srt aI��l�► �s+i gs�ea�r. �d�:�.otti',�' CI��3++o�s. WHEREA5. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings. are as follows: , � Mrs. 1w J. Kn+�ac ol ��reo, T�acru THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court House in said city at 10:00 a. m. on $���p-�, �9'�d�('j�ti�j►) to consider the advisabilify and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking � and removal af said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. � . pUG l t� 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co»nc�� 19_ Yeaa Nays � �, � ���� �Btrti�` - Carlson Appro� 19.� Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka ��� �gainat Tedeaco . Mr. President, McCarty ' �� sept. , 197a � � � � � j ____..�_i � d�.d�.....�.."�'......ma.....,..t �.'y.� �� � /�/—�� \�% . l,r. Daniel A. iC1.as i Corp�ration C�uns�l 1 /� ��� Pta.:ild�in� , / � t�?�ar �?ir: `�,`�� ,%�f °'� // ��.� Cxty C�uncil today re�,u�s'�a taat you pr�pare a. � res�lution orclerin�; the ?ra�'r,T_�--'`t�and �,el�ov�' oi i:l�e ss.ngJ_e-fami�y d.we1_l:�.n" ana �;a.rar�� =������"�,e�r��.��Ave•`'�� j �}`@i;j' i,rtii��= ;y'�L1;t'S y J . ,,; _ , �,, � __ �: , i;,-._--:J ,.:;✓i ,.,i�5 c:Lerl� n�; �;,� I �,\ � `�....��`;✓