252258 , � � 252��� OR131NAt TO CITY CLlRK � � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL �oE Nca NO. , , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' C U _R ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF Tn the Matter o� haza.rdous butl,dtngs betng that s:tngle fam'�ty dwett�ng and detached garage knvwn an� described as 274 Thoa�as in tlte Ctty of Saint PauT and situated upon those premise� 1egaliy described as the west or�e-hatf of Lot 8, B�vck 5, Robertson and Itan Et�en`s Additfion to t�e City of Saint Paut, according to the plat on ftTe and of record 4n • the of�tce of the kegtster of Deeds in and for �. t�ie Co�tnty of R�mseq, 5tat� cf Minnesota. v o N �T r+ � ItHEREAS, Pursuant to resolution, C. F. P�o. ��, �g�� , approved Dec er 2. 19TQ , a publ i c heari ng was duly I��'eTcf o'n - �, 1970 o � , before the Council of the City af Saint Pau , �. sa� hearing nertain�ng to the condition af the structures located at 0 274 Tho�as , Saint Paul , �-linnesota; and � WNEREAS, Upor� the facts .r.,resented at th� said hear�inn c:onsistinq � of photo�ranhs, insn�ction reports and the reco^�!iendations of t�e Citv ` ' � � — Architect, it is found and determined ��� the Cit•r Cauncil that accordin�r to the records and files in the �ffice of the Renister of Dee�s, the la�t recard �y►�/o;aners of the ab�ve-d�scribed aro�erty �,�/are � Leanard and Rowena Jam�r a� Mtdwest �'ederal Sarings and Laan Assoctation of Minneapolis has a nbrtgagee �nterest; �dHEREFiS, It is further deterninQd that the above-described �1 ,at�dgarage constitutes hazardous buiidinc�s �-aithin the defi- n�ti�n o i°tinnesota Statutes Section 463.15 for the fallo�•�inc� reasons: COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � Butler Carlson APProved 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty �� . ` f c-� �- ���;� , �m��;<� Page 2. a. The dwelling and garage are stand�ng vacant, abandoned and are sub�ect to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterjor condition of the dwellinq is deteriorated, the windows have been broken out, the roof is badly worn, rain gutters need replacing, the cedar wall is badly damaged, and the doors are deteriorated. The garage is in a very deteriorated condition; c. The dwelling and garage are beyond reasonable repair; d. The dwelling is unfit for human habitation in its present conditton and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Cade of the City of Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. The dwelling and garage constitute a nuisance and a hazard ta the public health, safety and welfare becaase of their physical damage, dilapidation and tnadequate matntenance; ' '' ' ,... ORI6INAL TO CITY CLBRK � � � CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL � � couNC�� �O - �����t�� . , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pdC�e 3. COMMISSIONER DATF noF,1, tl�erefore, be i t � P.ESULVED, That in accordance t��ith Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.1� thratagh 463.26, and based upon the foreqoin7 findin�s of the City Council , the Council of the Cit,y nf Saint Paul does hcrehy r�ake • the follo��rin� (7r�er: ORDER 1 . The qfJ�p�¢�/'/o�;�ners of the abovc-described cf����inq anc( gar�4e shall maf;e the same safe and not detrimental t� t;� nu �i''c �eace, health, safety and welfare by havinq the said d�'�j{�q���a_ rized and the material s therefrom rer�oved fror� t,i�e �rer.ii ses ��fit�i� thirt_y (30) da�is frotn the date of the service of tnis Order; 2. Unl ess such correcti ve acti on i s taE:en to camnl,y i�vi ti� thi s Order or an ans���er served unon �he City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Cl erk of the Di stri ct Caurt of Ramsev Countv, '�1i nnesota, v,�i thi n t��venty (20) days from the datc of the service of this Order, a ;lotior. f�r Su�T�narv Enforcement of this Order to raze and remove th� said wetl;nQ and �� v�i 11 be r�ade to t!�e Rams�y Caunty Di stri ct Court; 3. In tl�e event that tl�� and � are to be raz�d by the Git�� �f Saint f'�t�l nu.r,�aart to ju �mvr.t—��h�.e' .�.`�'strict C��;r�, :,11 � nerson�l r.r�7ert�� or fixtures arhich may unreasonabl�� interf�re ilith the razinq and removal �f this dweiltn and a_g rage sl�all be re�aoved +dithin ten (1J) days fron tl�e entr}� of ,iu gr.�ent; an i` ►iot sa rer�oved, the Citv of Saint �aul shall re�ove and disnose oi' such n�rson�l nron�rtv an� fixtu�^es as provided l�y la�v; 4. If the Ci t�� of Sai nt Paul i s compel?ed to talce am� correcti v� action herein, all necessar,y costs �xpended i��� th� Git�� will be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; an� be it FU:TNCl; RESOLULD, That a certi f i ed co�y of t;�i s resol uti on and incorparated Order herein be served uqon the last record �t��t^/o��mers of the above-described pror,ert,y in the r�anner nrovided b�� la��!. �E� a 197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couneil 19— Yea� Nays Butler ���j � 1971' Caxlson Approve 19� Levine �� Favor �� � � �- � ��tin,$ Mayor Tedesco ASainst P�LISHED F EB 6 �971 Mr_ Vice President Merpr��+�: � �� Area Code 612 ��Tl. � THOM/15 J.STEARNS ' 223-512I ,�ti� �'q ARTHUR M. NELSON ,� ',: JEROME J.SE6Al • ' ° •'e •�'"°° .' THOMAS M. MOONEY � ��G�� —' KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK �°' ^ PAUL F. McCLOSKEY,JR. JOSEPH E.CARTWRI6HT CITY OF SAINT PAUL R.SCO1T DAVIES PIERRE N. REGNIER PAUL J.KELLY DANIEL L. FICKER FirstAssistant LEGAL DEPARTMENT KENNETHA.SKRIEN 316 City Hall, St. Paui, Mtnnesota 55102 DANIEL A. KLAS �' Corporafion Counsel �,:���'��'� �;�"�i�.,�+� February 1, 1971 Mr. Albert B. Qlson Council Recorder City Clerk's Offi:ce Buildtng Re: File No. 2077 274 Thomas Dear Mr. Olson: Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the above hazardous bu4lding. Upon passage of the same by the City Council ptease forward six 6 certtf�ed copies to me. Your� ve 1y, J R E . GAL S ia Assistant Corporatton Counsel JJS/klm Enc. , �/ � ���. �, , Ny, l �. '1 �� � �;L,'�' ��,° ,fi -� �` '' � - �,,. � ; ,l�` '�'� ,'�1 � "�"` O ' 252�58 � DYr61GA7�TO lRIN7=1! . . . . . . . , , CITY OF ST. PAUL �u�� N� ' O�FICE OF THE CITY CLERK . . COUNCIL_RESOLUTIC3N-GENERAL FORM -.� ►���� COMMISSIONER �ATF In the Matter of h�=erdous buildinga being _ that single family dwelling and detachmd garage knowA and described as 274.Tho�qts in ' the C1ty of S�.int Paul and situetad upon ' those prania�s lagally descrtbed aa Lhe �est ; one•half of Lot 8, Btock 5, Robertson and � � Van Ett.�n's Additton to the C1ty of Satnt Paul, � accordfng t4 the plat on f11e an� ot record in ' � the offtce of the Register of Deeds 1�n and �'or - the County of Ramsey, State of F1inn�sota. I I , , . ! 41HEREAS, Pursuant to resolutivn, C. F. �to. ��_____, approved � D�ember 2,, 1970 , a public hearing was duly�ieT o , �,�0 �n� ,� , before the Council of the Cit,y of Sa�nt au , sai3-heari�per�t�g to the condition af the structures located at ' �274 tho�nas _________, Saint Paul , t�tinnesota; and ; WHEREAS, Upon the facts nresented at the said hearing cottsisting of photogranhs, inspection reparts and the recortimendations of the Citv Architect, it is found and determined 5y thP Citv Cauncil that accordinq to the records and files in the office of the Register of Deeds, the last record �yrr�r/oti�rners of the above-described �ropert,y�ys/are Leonard and Rowena Ja�bor and Midwest Federal Savings and Lo�n Association of Mi�naapo]is has a mortg�gee interest; �dNEREAS, It is further determined that the abov�-described d�11����p t�. constitutes hazardous buildinc�s t�ithin the defi- n t�ian of Ivtinne� s�ota�Statutes Section 463.15 for the fallot�ring reasons: COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Cotmc3� 19_: Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Appro� 19— Levine Tn Favor � Meredith Sprafka �r , A g81n8t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty � �8 ���.+�t�� Page 2. a. The dwelling and garage are standing vacant, abandoned and are sub3ect to being entered by unauthorized persons; b. The exterior condition of the dwelling is deteriorated, the windows have been broken out, the roof is badly worn, rain gutters need replacing, the cedar wall is badly damaged, and the doors are deteriorated. The garage is in a very deteriorated condition; c. The dwelling and garage are beyond reasonable repair; � d. The dwelling is un�it for human habitation in its present condit�on and the above corrections must be made in compliance with the Building Code and the Housing Code of the City af Saint Paul in order to make the same habitable; e. The dwelling and garage constitute a nuisance and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because of their physical damage, dilapidatjon and tnadequate maintenance; y� . � 2����� . . DU*LICi1Tt TO lRIN7�t . . �. . . . . . . • • CITY OF ST. PAUL H uNCa NO , ,'� OfF�CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�c*TEO�r � Page 3. COMMISSIONEQ DATE now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections 463.15 through 463.26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the C�tv Council , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the follo�•ainq Order: ORDER � l . The a�FrJ�/otvners of the a5ove-descri bed dwel l in tnd ar+� age ' shall make the same safe and not detrimental to ttF-e pu 7c peace, health, safety and welfare by having the said dr�111n and ira e razed and the materials therefrom r�oved fror� ,t e pre;�ises w t zn thirty (30) days from the date of the service of this Order; 2. Unless such corrective action is taken to com�ly t�vith this 4rder or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, '�linnPSOta, within twentv (20) days from the date of the service af this Order, a Plotion for Sumr.�ar,y Enforcement of this Order to raze a�d remove the said dwtllinu and aaraa� wi11 be made to the Rar�sey County District Court; 3. In the event that the � ��i�s� ��r��� are to be razed b,y the Citv of Saint Paul �ursuant to 7�ent o�the District £�urt, all personal oro�erty ar fixtures wrhich may unreasanablv interfere vtith the razing and removal of this drrel'{i�and_ _rage sha11 be removed ±•rithin ten (10) days from the entrv o�;iu Q—Tnent;an i nat so rer�oved, the Ci tv of Saint Paul shall rer�ove and �isp�se o�f such personal t�ropertv and fixtures as, provided by la���; 4. If the Cit�► of Saint Pau1 is campelled to take any correctivQ action herein, all necessary costs expended bv the City wi.11 be assessed against the above-described real estate and collected as other taxes; and be it FU27kEP, RESQLVED, That a certified cop�� of �tiis resolution and incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record�tyt�h/owners of the a5ove-described property in the �anner orovided bv law. COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Connc�� FE� ar ,9�9_ Yeas Nays , Butlern Approve�d FEB ai 1�7.� 19� Carlso Levine: , r� Favor ' . �� � ���r AroAl118t , ce resi n ere � _ �� ; _� �y�a t �` i r Y a F s�►� � r �au �. .. ,� �.� �,�'����� � � �� � .- :' �, .,, Capitel of Minnesota '-0 �� ,v�` �� € � � � ��� �,�.,,.�__.—. �� �'` �� �� �� � �� ,4 � � �*` �� ,� '-Fi m�s�„��a 'f7�' �`re�.5��, �'" �I �� r� � ',� t��_ , �,;�;�„�� ; ,, � �, � BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi4ect 445 City Hall, 55102 223-4212 January 15, 1971 Hon. Charles McCarty and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: Re: 274 Thomas Ave. A recheck of the owner of the subject property on January 14 reveals that the record owner is unchanged since the last public hearing on this matter. Our inspector states that the cond.ition of the property remains secure and no repairs are apparent. ry rul o , Robert L. A es City Architect RLA/mfs � . ti s , Y°, � I-)�_ 7 - ) � � y � ,$d� �. 11'Y C�►� �A� N T � A L � ��� �:� #� � � � - � n�� � � ����� � � � � yy r �apif�a) of Mrnnesc�#a ��� �� � ,,a� ,��{ �� t '�� +��� F `c` ''��� �ix ���.�"��°�'��y4��`' �- � , � � � �i e. � << x:� � �# � � �: �� �- r a" a °�.,� �.��` �'"r�a'. t����_ ,�° � ��+��"r� BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L AMES, City Architec+ 445 Cify Hall, 55102 223-4212 December 15, 1970 Honorable Charles McCarty, Mayor and Members of the City Counci.l Re: File No. 2077--274 Thomas Street Gentlemen: The Building Department is hereby submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the above location. The owner of record. is Leonard, Jambor and the legal description of the property is the west one-half of Lot 8, Block 5, Robertson and Van Etten's Addition. A recent inspection ind,icates the following: Building Classification: Single family dwelling and detatched. garage. ' Exterior: The exterior is very shabby in appearance. The windows have been broken out and the window openings have been boarded up from inside. The roof is bad.ly worn, especially on the south sid.e. The rain gutters need replacing. Several places on the ced,ar wall are bad,ly damaged. The doors are d,eteriorated and lacking hard.ware. Interior: Unable to gain entry. � Accessory Buildings: An 18' x 16' frame garage at the rear is in a very d.eteriorated. condition. The subject property was boarded. up by the owner on May 13, 1970. The building has been vacant since before February, 1970, and. the owner has not made any attempt to make the building habitable. Inasmuch as these conditions constitute a public hazard., it is the recommendation of this bureau that this matter be referred. to the City Attorney's office for r g and removal through District Court proceedings. Q� / /� `, V e uly y o , � --j i r R L A/mfs Robert L. es, City Architect o��,�,n,��,� 25,���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa ND � w � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM�IS�SIONEQ �t pA � � � -December 2. 1970 Vio or J. To�l c � WHEREAS the City Architect has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the following described buildings, said structures `having been reported to constitute a public hazard: Address Legal Description Type of 5tructure W. 1/2 of Lot 8, Block 5� Z74 Thomas Robertson & Ysn Etten's Adda. Single fa►mily dwslling snd garage. WHEREAS. it appears that the last known record owners of said buildings are as follows: Leonard snd Roweaa Jambor THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED, that a public heari.ng be held by and before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court HOUSe in said city at 10:�0 2.. TTl. OTl �1eQ�]��� an�w�l� r 15� 1��0 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction or wrecking and removal of said structures on the above described property inasmuch as said structures are reported to constitute a hazard to public health, safety and welfare; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in question at the last known address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. ��G 2 1�� COUNCILMEN ,,� Adopted by the Counct� 19_.. Yeas Naya �"� But�er D�C 21�J70 Carlson . � ' Approv� 19� Levine Tr Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A g&iI18t . Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� Aec. 15a 1970 Mr. Robert L. Ames City Architect Building Dear Sir: Th� City Council today laid over to January l�� 1y71� the matter of the condemnation of th� build3.ra.g at 274 Thamas. Very tru�y yours, City Clerk n� Ja,n. 15,19?7�. I�ir. Daniel A. Klas Cor;poration Counscl Buildit�; Dea..Y' Six': The City Couza�ci�. tac3.ay x�gue��ed 1;hat you prepare a resolut:ion. ord�x3n� the correc�3on or wreckitag and reznov�l af the lir�.z�,rdouta sir�.�le-f�.ily d�rel�.in� tt�d g�rag� t�t 27�+ '.�'home�s live. Very truly ;roure, 4`.l.�y �lerk nB