252237 ' 252�37
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Res�olution Appmoving Assessment By—
and Figing Time of Hearing Thereon File No. 17224
In the matter of the assessment of beaeiits, cost aud expeases
____. ___.__.___.------ -- --
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to improve the following named streets:
�iOLLY AVENUE - from Victoria Street to Dale Street
a PORTLAND AVENUE - from Lexingt�n Avenue to Dale Street
LINCOLN AVENUE - from Miltc�n Street to Oakland Avenue
GOODRICH AVENUE - from Milton Street to Avon Street and
from St. Albans S�r.eet to alley, Block 6,
Terrace Park Addit:.ion .
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE AND DALE STREEI' - from St. Albans Stt'�et tu
Lincoln Avenue
OSCEOLA AVENUE - from Grotto Street to 200 feet West of Victoria
U Street' —,
VICTORIA STREET - from Osceola Avent,e to Dayton Avenue
U GROTTO STREET - from Linwood Avenue to Goodrich Avenue —�
FAIRMOUNT AVENUE - from Milton Street to St. Albans Street '
F AVON STREET - from Osceola AvenuP tc� Coodrich Avenue —•
_ .._ by removing the present wood block surfacing; by conatructing
t� asphaltic conerete surfacing; by reconstructing storm water drainage •, �e
facilities; by constructing curbing, sidewalks, driveways and water
a" service connections where necessary; and by doing all other work vhich
is necessary and incidental tv complete said improvement.
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da� of �arch; �!71 , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Ghamber of
,: the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give no�tice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
; hearing, the natur�nf the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is direeted.
Yeas BUTLER Nays _ - .
CARLSON Adopted by the Gouncil
S.p.�Af}f�C` Approve� � �
. TED�SCO � �
w� ` In Favor
Mr. Vice President Meredith � �G�tll1 . ayor
Fo� x-z z� io-sa s� Against pijgLISHED
F E8 61971