252231 � � 252��� ` � INTERMEDIAR�' ORDER �OUNCIL FILE NO. By k'ile No. �l17� In the Niatter of' r�¢oaatrtiatiug th� aidevalk oa �he s���` aid� of zlliott llace frs� sates Avesne �• l[e�s� S�reet ani by �t�ina all �ti�t� i►erk vtiick is iec�ssar� aa� . inciiextal te aoal►lste said i��rea�aat, ;_ . � , . _ under Preliminary Order 251b83 aPProve� ne�e�Ler is, 197Q The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Gommissioner of`Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report� hereb� re�olves: � � 1. That the said report and the s�me is hereby approved and�adopted, and the s�fd improvement -is hereby ord+ered to be proceeded with. 2: Th�t the nature of th� improvement which t�e Council`�recommends is tir rsttosst�xat'the sidsv►alk oa t1�e so�i�h si�e of ExZf.st� Plaae fro� Bates �i►eine �• Il�i 3tr#et aad ti� doi�� a11 other Mork w3�ieh is ��aressrri�r aad iaa�i��ts1 �o ° - . ---- --_.._T�_-�= ___---- _,:-_4 :�_:: --- -- ._ __...�. __;_ _ . ., ._ _ _�� ___ . .�... �. - . • . a�►�s�a sai� inpro�veaasxt, �xa�lt �ars sNd aad.ss��i ai���r�sd sii�ralka �w •zi�r1�� . ' .,- with no�alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $ 4.4� �er lis ft Ys� �' •ide walk $ 5.30 per li�t ft !er 6' Mide xalk � " Resolved-Further, That a pablic hearing be had on said im�rovement on the Z$d day of lLarch, 1l73. , �t the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Cauncil Chamber o£ the Court ` House and City Hall B�.iiding in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the:Chaxter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ��.�„� �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council� f Yeas Nays" ` BUT��R CARLSON Approve � � � �87� LEVINE - �,� � � �� �n Favor 5��4 yor �`� r� � Aga��t FEB 6 �� Me'sn��ce�s' er�1Meredith 1'UBLISHED . _