252227 ' 252�2�7 y y � COUNCIL FILE N0. • �NTERIVIEDIARY ORDER - By File No. Sllie In the 1Vlatter of rec�aatrezctiffig [he sidewalt oa tiotL sid�s o� Cleia�ont Stre�t fre�n 1!�Ionnd Street to Btirss Aveume aa� bY' doin� all ethe�r wort wtiich ia t�ea�Mliir�tr� and , iacidental te cmaplete seid i�r�reaeat; �, under Preliminary Order 251479 approved �ec�er "15�� . , .:r ....�. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of I�nanee upon the abqve improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby orc�ered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recornmends ia � ta rea0natr�at ths siie�ralk ra both sidea m! Cler��t S�reet �rs�r��wR� �treet ta . . �uras Aregtie and by doii� all ether w�rk �ial� is �asaasy a�i.i�tsiis���, t�alr ;-' , ,_ ;, ; :. : � . >.,. ,. , .: - . . . . , _ , .:ti.. , , -_., � , , _ c�lste said i�r��eaa�t, :s�rtt wLsre aoed sxi ssf�iaieit ��rei �i�e�ralks aen► -_ - �ist, . . �vith .no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ �-�B �r li� ft gor 5' �ide valk � 3.30 per lis ft �or i' wide walk R,esolved Further, That a public heaxing be �ad on said improvement on the �ad day of �areh, 1971 „a�t the hour of 10;:dclock A.M., in the Cauncil Chaxr�ber of the Court , Hot�se and City Hall Building in t�City of St. Paui. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the`persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, sta.ting the time and place of heaxing, the nature of the imp��ivement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN ��g �i �9��.I Adapted by the Council Yeas BUTLER �a� CARLSON Approved ��R Z �� LEVINE �� ��n Favor - SR�R�,4 yor - TEDESC� �) �cting _ � Against ��.�sY�A.e F��t�e��dith PUBLISHED FEB 971