02-848couNCiL r�Le n: 0 a• B L! � GREEN SHEET #: 203302 � Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ?g 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 � WHEREAS two capital project acrivities were set up in 1991 to account for Citywide Tree Plantina; and WHEREAS, one capital ptoject acrivity was set up in 1998 to account for Citywide TLee Planting; and WHEREAS, revenues were Teceived in excess of those budgeted in the 1991 & 1998 Citywide Tree Planting activities; and WHEREAS, expenses were incucred in said 1991 aetiviries which relate to revenues that wexe ieceived in Paiks and Recrearion Special Services fund 325; and WHEREAS, in an effort to balance 1991 and 1998 Cityv✓ide Tree Planting codes a variet9 of budgetary changes need to be made; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon Uie recommendarion of the Mayor, that $216,361.53 is available for appropriation in the 1991 and 1998 capital improvement budgets and the 2002 Special Services budget, and said budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, are hereby further amended as follows: FINANCING PLAN: C91 - 1991 Capital Projects 3T014 - GStywide TTee Planting 1991 6905-35100 - Conrtibutions and Outside Donations 6905-35107 - Conhibutions and Outside Donations 6905-35110 - Contnbutions and Outside Donarions 6905-3511 I- Conhiburions and Outside Donarions 6905-35113 - Contributions and Outside Donarions 6905-35115 - Contributions and Outside Donations 6905-35116 - Conhibutions and Outside Donarions 3T015 - Citywide Tree Planting 1991 7302-00000 - Transfer from Bnterprise Fund 3699-00000 - Othei Misa Grants 6999-35092 - Other Misc. Revenue 4301-33093 - Normal Activity Services 3099-63391 - Othei Federal Grants 6905-63391 - Contributions and Outside Donarions 6999-63391 - Other Misc. Revenue N.O.C. G98 - 1448 Capital Pzojects 3T068 - Cirywide Tree Planhng 1991 7305-35077 - Transfer from Special Rev. Fund 325 - Special Serviees 23104 - Foreshy Support 9910-00000 - Unreserved Retained Earnings CIJRRENT BUDGET Committee Date: 37,160.00 0.00 2,170.00 88i.00 1,810.00 205.00 705.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 O.QQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 11 CHANGES 19,106_00 100.00 510.00 580.00 550.00 1,470.00 235.00 34,355.93 (3,Q00.00) 75.00 25,163.93 12,250.00 500.0� 88,719J4 1,390.00 `S AD�fENDED BUDGET 56,266.00 100.00 2,680.00 1,465.00 2,360.00 1,675.00 940.00 34,355.93 0.00 75.00 25,163.93 12,250.00 SOQ.QQ 88,719.74 1,390.00 0.00 34,355.93 34,355,93 45,935.00 216,361.53 262,296.53 G 4FM1QT1JW31Resolubons, AOs, Gteen SheefslCitywide iree Resolu6on.xls Page� 1 of 2 � Presented Sy: Referred to: RESOLU7TON CITY OF SAINT' PAUL, MINNESOTA COUNCIL FILE #: GREEN SHEET #: Committee Date: °�.-8'YY 203302 43 SPENDLNGPLAN: 44 C91 - 1991 Capital Projects 45 3T014 - Cit}nvide Tree Planting 1991 46 OT8-3i077-TreePlanting/Removal 260,000.00 22,551.00 282,551.00 47 3T01 �- Cirywide Tree Planting 1991 48 0738-35077 - Tree PlantingBemoval 0.00 158,064.60 158,064.60 49 C48 - 1998 Capital Piojects 50 3T068 - Citywide Txee Planting 1991 51 07;8-;5077 - Tree Planting/Removai 0.00 1,390.00 1,390.00 52 325 - Special Services 5_ 23104 - Foiestry Support 54 0565-33000 - Transfer to Capital Project Fund 0.00 34,355.93 34,355.93 55 260,000.00 216,361.53 476,361.53 56 Requested by: � � Adopted by Council: Date: �,� Adophon Ceihfied by Council Secretary Drvision of Parks and Recreation , By: ���.'�-�"W// ' V/��� Approval Recommended by Fi ancial Seroices Director: BY �.�o�i.. Form Approved by Ciry Attomey G:IFMIQTIJW31Reso�utions, AOS, Green SheefslCitywide Tree Resolution xls Page: 2 of 2 ���� � 1 _.Trlf Y OEPAR7MENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIA'TED GREEN S�EET NUMBER: 203302 r ' Parks and Recreation sla6t2o02 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE �_ �' I��TI A�T lNIT1Al1�ATE ASSIGN � 1 �EPARTMENTDIRECTOR ��(J `n� 5 pNCOUNCIL NUMBER Jason Wirka 266-6417 FORROfRING/ 3 �� �T CINCI.ERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DA7E): ORDER 2 FlNANCIALSEftVICESDIR. � 6 O.F.S.-ACCWNTVN6 / 4 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT� 7 OTHER: Parks and Recreation 914l2002 TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNAlURE PAGES: CLW ALL LOCATIOIJS FOR SIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of attached resolut[on to balance the 1991 and 1998 Gtyxride Tree Planting codes. RECOMMENDATONS (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOAAMISSION qVILSERVICEGOMMISSION 'I. HasthepersonlfirtneverwoticedundercontractforMisdepartment� CIB COMMITTEE OTHER: _ ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has ihe personffirtn ever been a ciry employee� DISTRICT COUNCIL OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No 3. �oes�hepersoNfirmpos5essaskiiinotoortnalPOS5E5SEDbyaauttentcityemployee� ❑ Yes ❑ No E<plain all es answets on se a�ate shee[ and attach to green sheet. INITIATIN6 PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, WM1ap When, Where. 1. Revenues received in the 1991 E. 1998 Citywide Tree Planting codes were greater then those that were 6udgeted. 2_ Costs incurred in the 1991 Citywide Tree Planting codes relate to revenues the were received in Parks and Recreation SpeciaFServices fund 325. - " €°, ;�`s AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED� CppC,g� The 1991 and �998 Citywitle Tree Planting codes will be balanced. , r � �� �� �,��"" �������� �� � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROV � � ,.✓ -" None. g � p � y � y ��� � ' �-- -` - � �1� 9 t'S��S"�E��� �.���^. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' The 1991 and 1998 Citywide Tree Planting will remain out of balance. TOTALAMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $216 ,361.53 COSTBEVENU@ BU�GEiEO (Check One) ❑ Yes Q No FUNOING SOURCE: Vatious ACTNIiY NUMBER: C91-3T014, C91-3T015, G983T068, 325-23104 FlNANCIAL MFORMATION' (D(PLAIN) GIFMIQNW31Resalutions, A0.s, Green SheetrlCityw�de t2e Geen Sheetxls Page 1 of 1