252220 � , � ` � c� C� ..A COUNCIL FILE N0. �'G��� INTERMEDIARY ORDER , _ By File No. 17gS1 In the Matter of i�proviaa FTFTH �TRE�T fr� �ad�ray to John S�ree�'and JE� S'TREET ire� Fenrth �treet to Fifth Street (�it� Prmjsat �o. P-OS44) as fmll��; 1�IPTl[ STREIE�' fres srmad�ray te John Straet - Nidea, ffirad� 'and pare; ao�stract agrb; c�strxct street, alle3 aad driveway retnrns; :c�ast�cuat a i�it�uiinaas overlaq; aoeatrnct ator� water drafaaaa faciliti�s; cen�tr�ct seper atid sas se�ic� �ounec�ions; canstrgct c�aer�te walt oa the aerth aide; aa� �m all other w�rh �rhich is mecesaary�asd inci�aatal �o ao�plate said i�rev�aent. JC�It 8?��T frea Fo�rth Str�et ta Fifth Street - wid�m, grad� anll p�v�; ac�wtract emrb, � aoastruat street, a11e� aad driveway retnras; coAStract' sl�srs Mater draiaa�s faerilitiss; co�straet sa�►er sai gas serviee coaneati�s; coastrnat �oaaret� �a11� oa the east aide; a�d ds all o�ber w�rk which is nacessary ;and iaci�e�tal t. �ao�plete saii i�rovaxent. u�►der Preliminary Order 251541 approved Dase�er 16, 1�7� � , The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance - ' ` � upon t�►e above improvement, and having considered said report, hereb� resolves: ' �. That the sa,id report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby Qrdered to be proceeded with. � 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council<recommends is to ispr�►� FIP'1'lE _?��? fsv� sroadv:y. t• Joi�m 8tre�t snd J�D StR�ET iron�1��rt�. �tre� t� Fifth Stxeet (�itJ Pro j ect llm. P-�S4�►) as iolle+rs s � ' �,, ` �• # ,; ,..� �i!'�H f2tSET fro�a Ssosd9ra�r :to Jmhx 8tre�t - �iden, ara�� and lai+e; c�straar_a�rb.; -- .. - ' � constr�at� str�et, alle� aad dri�eMa� retnrns; ��astrnat a"liit�ias :���rl�� ,aonst�t��- st�ir� Ma�.r +lraiaa�e laailities; c�nstruct sever agd =as sar�riae d��a�ti�ss; �ewstsuct eta�ar�t� walt oa thE ��rth side; aad d• all ather work vhia� is ��o�sssar� asi i�iiaxtsl te a�plete said i�prove�ent. _ J�1 �?�BT fr�rn �m�rt� Street to i�i�tt► Street - wi�ea, �rade am� lave; c��s�ra�� sx�b; ' Q�ws�rnat s�r�et, a11ey an� driveway retnrns; co�struct stora mter �raiAase facilities; coxstruet se�re�� Sas serrrice a�amacti�us; aesstraat coacr�te p!alk oa titt sast sids;' an� i� iZl �th�r work �ich is�eceaaary and iaciiental �o c�-lat� safi �.�rsve�sat. ° with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereaf is $ s�,.40m_m� R,esolved Further, That a public hearing be had on eaid improvement on the 2gd day`of t�iarch, 1971 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., in the Council Chaxnber of the Court . � House`and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner of Fina.nce give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of . `hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. _ �EB a �9Ta COUNCILA�EN Adopted by the`Council , Yeas BUTLER Nays CARLSON Approv F�� 21971 LEVINE _ s�rn�� _ � �^ � �f�" �—In Favor /� .�Ki � TEt��SCa _. � _, :gCtitl� Mayor Ag��gt FE8 61971 �es�i�e ��eredith PUBLISHED _ l