252217 ORIGIN�L TO CITY CL6RK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. 252�1� ,,,+ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WHEREAS, the people of the City of Saint Paul are greatly saddened by the tragic and untimely death of Ramsey County Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant Roger Rosengren, on January 28, 1971, in the service of the people of Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, his death has occasioned a great loss to his wife, Donna Rosengren, his children, and his relatives, friends and acquaintances throughout the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on its own behalf and on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul, hereby takes cognizance of the heroic sacrifice of Roger Rosengren and hereby extends sympathy and condolence to his wife, Donna Roser�gren, and to the members of his family. �, ,, :p�� APPROVE� �� �-�-1�°`-� -- i...;','ci'GRATION COUNSEl3 JAN 2 9 1911 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays �Butler �Aw Z 9 �g71 `Carlson A 19� �Levine �n Favor �Meredith �`Sprafka � A gainst �Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty Cp �� ��11, � ;,F 1r�t � ; �..a� }�LISHED — � ������ qUAD�UrLICAT6 TO D6TARTMRNT CITY OF ST. PAUL FCOE NCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRBENTED BT COMMISSIONEQ �ATG �. ttn. p�l. .i tti. aitr .: �a�s.t �ri .s�r �tit �Miw�t l� 1�ir tsa�ia a�ri '�atitri� i�al1 et �r ��' 0�1►1� �M�s'�tl, Ms+�p1� �s ��i+�lt. a� rta�asr +�. l!?l, iw 1� �ri�r e! �► �r�►l+t ot � t�str� a�t �. 1li,s Mra#� ]�a�► a�a�aal�i s �at L�s� t�► 1�,a► rr1l�1, �t1�a ��s+N. Iti� a�til�s+�e, �t '�ts �ls#�twat, �cirwt� ao�t a�u�sl�rs IG�r�et +�r �fi� o! �ai�At l�r� sw 1cl�r �t�► •!' i�wM�►► �►� l�i�ilY�►r �s i! �i�. t1w�t t�r �ii e� t1Mr �it� ot �a�ta►t �iit�l. � i!s +� i�alt aM �t 1�t1� 4! tl�r �ittsai� i!' ia� 1�at�,. � t�o�,s �►is� �! � �wr�[rriir r�urs#�lia� o! � M�t �wt � � y�st�► +�EI �s�►laMe�e !ro l�ti+s r►!.!'v,� �t� �r�a��t. �� � '�� � �� 1�►� !�+'�.�y'�'w �aN 281� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butl� �A N 2 91911 � Carlson Approvecl 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka a Mayor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��