252206 ORIOINAI.TO CITY CL6RK �522�� � - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ''" ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��E NO. r . OUNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � � COMMISSIONE DATF aESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, that the Housing and 8edevelopment Authority of the Citq of Saint Paul, Minnesota, having determined that it is aecessary and desirable to carry on Neighborhood Development Prograun redevelopment activities, ineluding the acquisition of certain real property in the Central Core Area Minn. A-1=5, and having presented to the Council a Neighborhood Develop�ent Program Application for the year 1971-1972, together with a relocation plan and a financial plan, and having presented for Council consideration a modified Development Plan for the Central Gara Area Minn. A-1-5, all of which documents are on file in the office of the City Clerk and the offices of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, subject to the inspection, during regular busineas hours, by any interested persons; that pursuant to Section 462.521 of Minneaota Statutes, the Council hereby determines and provides that it ahall hold a public hearing on said modified 8edevelopment Plan and the redevelopment project activities therein proposed for the Central Core Area, and the land acquisition and other activitiea thereby pr�posed, which hearing shall be held before this Council, in the Council Chambers of the Court Houae in the City of Saint P$ul, Minnesota, on the 12th day of Februarq, 1971; that upon �aid public hearing, thia Council shall consider whether aaid modified Bedevelopaent Plan and the redevelopment project activities thereby pr�posed shall be approved, and among other things, determine rrhether or not this Council's resolution at said hearing to be considersd shall be adopted approving said enodified 8edevelopment Plan and aaid project activities, permitting the fl�using and Sedevelopment Auth�rity of the City •f 3aint Paul, Minnes�ta, to undertake 8aid project activities under the authority of State and local law with Federal financial assistance provided under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, and the Minnesota Municipal Houaing and Sedevelopment Act, Chapter 487, Laws 1947, as amended; to acquire land in said project area identified in said plan and in Bxhibit "Af' hereto attached; to deaaolish or remove buildings atnd impravements; to in�tall, construct or reconstruct streets, utilities, parke, and other project improveements, to make land available for redevelopment by private enterprise or public or non-profit agencies as authorized by law, and among other things, in counection With the consideration of said �tesolution, th� Council wi.11 detex�ine and make fiudings accordingly upon the questions o€ whether or not (1) the financial aid to be p�ovided a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson '� Approved 19— Levine _�n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty � �� � llsst. Corpor n aur�s..� � OR161NAL TO CITY GL6RK 25���� � . CITY OF ST. PAUL �OE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. in the Federal funding agreement is neceesary to enable the project to be undert�ken in accordance with the hereinbefore described modified Redevelopment Plan; (2) the modified 8edevelopment Plan w 11 afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a wh le, for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the ATeighborhood Development urba renewal area by private enterprise; (3) that the afore- said modified Redevelopment P an conforms to the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole; (4) the land in the aforesaid NDP project area would not be made available without the financial assistance and governmental undertakings to be provided; and (5) the aforesaid modified Sedevelopment Plan gives due consideration to the provision of adequate park and recreational areas and facilities as may be desirable for neighborhhod improvement and co�nunity development, with special con- sideration for the health, safety, and welfare of children and the public as a whole, residing in the general vicinity of the sites of the pro3ect areas and the cc�aaaunity as a whole cwered by the aforesaid Plan, and be it FURTHER $ESOLVED That not les� than ten (10) days prior to the date of said public hearing, the City Clerk shall cause published notice a�f the same to be given in a newspaper of general circulation in said City of Saint Paul at least once and not less than ten (10) days prior to the date •f said hearing. ' JAN ?+8191� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � �9 ��ri Butler � � Carlson rove 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor A gainat Te�e�e4 Mr. President, McCarty FE8 6197� PUBLISHED O . 6 � ;��.,�„�,��,� 2522�6 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��+p� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .�s�a�,r COMMISSION� DA� , � � tw �11�a�1 �_ !w Clt�r �t �i�t l4�Il�� 1!l�ta� q�` t�! t�11rl,�� +ui �M�nr�l�tt �at'�rit� �! tiN Cit� �! Nt�t la�l, 1l�p�ts. tiw�i�t �f�M t1�at it i� � a�i ipitsbl� t� oars: � Nisltt�slw�i f�nr�lr� lr�;ta� s'�1�Nrt asti�►iEi�r� lMlrii� tiw ae��t�a v! labetslt swl rr�att: i� t1M Ca�ttal Cre� �tM 1ti�u. �-1�5, /q�i iiari�i �tM t� !�a O�atl s �t�t�lMN �Sis��t M�saia y�lisatio� !�e !'� �nr 1l�1•1f72. t�t �rl�ti� i r�L�e�liw �la� rM • li�s�ei,sl �l�n� aod Ywi� � �,rie Ca�il ewsii�l+�t� a� riitiM � 1�l�wwt ri� � tiM 4w�ca1 ire� �t+r Ig�a. A•1•S, all � rbiM �ra� +� � lil� i� �t�e �ttia +�t dr Cit�► Cl�ck aM 1� el�iea e� tM i�wi� aM �N�r�rL�t �rtir�e�t�► a� tlwr f�tt� �t �al�t lwl, Miw�ta, aib�et �o dN its�esl,M, it�art� i raplau i�.r►l�.N� l�rn►, h s4 i�.�.st�w Mara�.�; d�ac �et a iNrti�.l�i � �t l�ta •�tert�r. 1r� �oil lwar�r Mt�nL�a oi �e�wi�s d�at !t aMatl M3�i � � t�1i� Mr�ri� w �a,id +�NiliM t �Lw � tM s�MMr�1�Awt ��st aatititiM tl�srela ��i !�r tw C�tsnl C� �i�, a�i 1� laN �o�dsitiM aai �t'war �stirritl�r t� �y. M�isr iw�ri� �iall a iwli � dris Crrsil, ' t� dM Q�wsil i�■�ea i�� tiM �et iww i� tlr� Cl,ty � �aist �ao�l. �a, w ' er. ua� a�► � *.r�.�►, i��i; ar.e �. ..� ,��o r..�s.s, aw�. c�ii .�ai ewsa.z .r.e�r ..� ..�u� a.�.�..�t.�.�.e r� .r �. r.�..�.=.�.rc �►� .ssi.iei.. eh*�.bs rs•�•N.� .Msli 1. a�..�t� ,r .,,.,� ,�l,�t tYi,�.� �.�.�. �Y�rs �e rt tYis O�r�il i r s�►lrti� at sai� t�satri� ta M rowi�r�t �i w M��L rq�ria� �sii riiti�i �iwrl�t tla a�t �al+i �n��sR' aottaiEi�r. M�ltti� ti+� �si� 4t �ia►�1� �rtl�tits �! tYo �it� �! fai�t lrwl, 1K�pwwMta. t� � �ai�i fNe+�jMt �stiiiti� ..ire ttr. a.elMeiqr � �taa ar1 L�1 iw vieh •M�s'�1 H��alYsl rwi�taaM }eirv�iiM t�r lit1� I �f tlN �ari� Mt �t 1!4!� a� ar�iM� �i ti�o 1tia��!'ya 1lri4i/al Awsitas awi R�iwnal�lwit �et, �Myt�ar 4i7� t�es ifi�, �s a�M�i i 1� � l�si i� Ni�t �rea3�et ma i�titiM ir �risii �1q aii is l�d�i►it "�'� lwrsar sl�la�l; t+� irrlisY � r�r� 1ril,iit�a �t l��; t� 1a�tall� aiMttrMt � l�rtswt �ttMts� �t#,1itiN,, l�ia� a�M �r �s'o�st �+�R�, � rlos la�l aw►ilaLl� !'�r sNw�3�l�t ti9 �rivost� aat�'le�N +�r !d1►lio �e �rw-�lit a��al�s a� a�rt�tisri i�► la�r, att �t �l�r R►lys� in �stioa vi1� trr ��sstira �f asi� t�slrti�t. tlM �sil niii �re�ndt�t a�i rk� !l�isp �i�1� � tM questi�uns of whethrr or not (1) the financial sid to be pravided ' CpUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Co��ci� 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19, Levine _ln Favor Meredit.h Sp�a �9� A g'airiSt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty � � ��� � DYfLtCATB TO rRtN7�R 252��� . � CITY OF ST. PAUL �ur,c�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ���.� COMMISSIONER DA� ��� Z s if t1� !�!'al t�rilf� ;asr��r�t !� a�0itaal'� !� nstil� tYll'�n��'t rr � �s'tak�a i� �� �l,ti� tM� larti�btl�rt ia�sib�t setitiN �M�r►�l�rt� lla�z (t) t1� �MitiM Wa�r�]��t Ma �rill +�f�N � o�pp�it�►, sarii►tat ritU tlwi �a� �wi� �! tha �,�oa#�it�r �t a �ol�, laar da r�alilit�ti� ari rM�'1�� �t tla �i��rrUeN O�rrtL��rR urb� r�ra�a�i aty ti7' pel,vata �atu�ri�a; (�) tir�t t1N at�s�- ssil aNiti�i Mis�r�le�sot llan aoete:'�r t� tl�t �c�l �la l�er tir� �rsl��rnt �►f da l�eaisty air t �Yoist �4) ti� lni s• tirs �irusii 11� ���c� ar�ws �1� rt � �M� s�ail�►1� nidart t� tiaucial �istaea� aei �t�al +�rWEir�► b b� !�'�tiMi ast �3� da. al�e�sa�i1 wi1�3Mt �d�n1�t Mu :t�ra dw �I���ratlu� a tY� �co�ristN �! M�uat: Prst �sd t�r�ats�ual u�as a� ta�oilitia �r rgr �e i�siratils. twr �ei�Y►�riiiurd iys��►�aE rmi a�■�it�► �lo�wt. wl.t6 �}�e�t3,a1 cor si�s�ti�e liar tlw lwith, sat�, aM wltars �! al�ilds�n iuM eM �lt� a� a vlrei�. rat� i• c1�s �i rrri�i�ic� K dt+� •it�s K eiWe �j�se +it� aM e� oer�mit7 �s a Mrl� m�rtr�d bp tlwr a��caai� Mo. � b� it !� s�Ot.RD Tiirat a�t l�a�r ti� ta (10� is� M�ior t� tt� �ats rf aai� �blia lr�,�q� tlts Cityr Cl�rk �Aall aaws �wblisl�i rtiet e! ti� � t� b� si�a i� ♦ ow�t}ane e! �sal Qiranlatiea in Mid Ci�r at fai�t ltYi at �ut o� �d o.t l.a 1�. cs� (l0) aapn rri.� a eh. �at• .t .ai�t r.�riw�. �N�S 1911 COUNCII.MEN Adopted by the Co�mcil 19_ Y� xa�a .IAN 2 9197�1 But�� � ' Caxlson Approv�l 19— Levine i*+ Favor Meredith � sp� w`yor �, A gain8t Mr. President, McCarty �� � . �5�,�;�`�� . - PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIP.ED CENTRAL CORE � BLOCK PAItCEL ADDRESS OF PROPER7.'Y dWNER SQUARE FEET - 36 3 414 Jackson Street Hillcrest Development 2,750 36 4 412 Jackson Street Louis W. Schapira/Fee . 2,750 � United Surplus Stores 36 5 410 Jackson Street John Blomquist/Fee 2,750 ' Petrus Persson 36 6 402-408 Jackson Street Louis Himmelstein et al 12,980 171 East Sixth Street /Fee Himmelstein and -- Miller ' 36 7 185 East Sixth StreeC Midway Comet Mercury 7,500 36 8 187 East Sixth Sereet Abe Sechter et al 7,500 • 36 9 191 East Sixth Street Archie L. Ginp,,old 2,500 36 10 397 Sibley Street Walter H. Duebrener et al/ 5,000 Fee Norther Furniture Co. 36 11 401-409 Sibley Street Merrill Chapman Co. 15,000 40 1 391 Sibley Street Patrick Michael et al/Fee 17,000 . Dunphy's Service �EXHIBIT ��An NI� 501 M�nn_ 0�1�5 � � ���,��� . � PROPERTIES TO BE ACQUIF.ED CEl@TRAL CORE BLOCK PAFtCEL ADDRESS OF PRQPERTY OWNER SQUARE FEET - 36 3 414 Jackson Street Hillcrest Development 2,750 36 4 412 Jackson Street Louis W. Schapira/Fee 2,750 United Surplus Stores 36 S 410 Jackson Street John Blomquist/Fee 2,750 � Petrus Persson 36 6 402-408 Jackson Street Louis Himmelstein et al 12,980 171 East Sixth Street /Fee Himmelstein and -- Miller ' 36 7 185 East Sfxth StreeC Midway Comet Mercury 7,500 36 8 T$7 East Sixth Street Abe Sechter et al 7,500 • 36 9 191 East Sixth Street Archie L. Gin�,old 2,500 36 10 397 Sibley Street Walter H. Duebrener et al/ 5,000 Fee Norther Furniture Co. 36 11 401-409 Sibley Street Merrill Chapman Co. 15,000 40 1 391 Sibley Street Patrick. Michael et al/Fee 17,000 . Dunphy's Service � _ EXHIBIT ��An NI� SO1 Mtnn_ 0�1�5 'i. �. FY � 'j 'S�'3�hAN�*�A 14�# Y .'��' wc y 6�it h 7� . {, . ,g�s y, d ��r< �' �.i '"` d� � �h ��°`" k .�� a,s..,�` "; e� �� �. "��,��'yX�' �S .��; A� imy � C�r.� „a�y��$�+ t� .� �`p�'y8 �t:,§ ~. '➢^ ,��, '„ � P � � �a�p�. t a�. ,� � ,..�,� .,:�,i�?�'�, �"'� �.., �t ai.a � � - � , � i�' � ��rr'� �. �. 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