D001110White — City Clerk Pink — Finance Dept. Canazy — Dept. Accounting Blue — Eogineec Green — Contractor • No. o�O 1 I 10 Date I � L> — 1 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEN3ENT N0. Z ADMINLSTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions wfueh proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as ventilation of patient rooms and sta££ areas at the Public Health Center known as Contract L�- 15205 , City Project No. 9446. 00 , Environmen.tal Systematics , Inc. Contracta, is composed of the following: 1. Add L.E.D, indicator lights (£or readout of status of smoke dampers inside ducts) to ductwork system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 501.00 2. Additional demolition and rerouting of electrical services in various areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 675 . 00 $ 1,176,00 �J ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, tluough its Maya, approves the focegoing additions made in ac- cordance with the speeifieations in the sum of � 1,176,00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- sideration named in the eontract, known as contract�.- 7 5205 , and which amount is to be financed from: C95-3TC26-0892-OOOQO Siunmary: Original Contract . . . . . . . $139,306.00 Previous Chan.ge Ordex . . . . . $ 1,194.00 This Change Order . . . . . . . $ 1,176.00 Revised Contract . . . . . . . $141,670.00 • �19 �� �� 19� f� 2 19�; � 3v 19 �� YLC-���i��-�-�-- D'uector of Public Health LIEP - Design H. L. :Iolzschuh 266-9091 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES nre iNmnrEO w171 1� i V 3 4-9 61 11/19/96 �REEN SHEET _ _ _ . _ DEPARRAENT DIRECTOH � A � CiTY COUNCiI �NmAUDATE �5.+1'� �§H`/ASTOANEY �CISYCLERK iUYBFA FOH O BUDGET DIFECTOfl m FIN. & MGC $ERVIGES DIR. iOUTIX6 �� � r.,aroa roR Assisrudn � 12 h Alt LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Signatures reQuired for C1�ange Order #2 for the Ventilation of patient rooms and staff areas at the Public Health Center. a _ PLANNiNG CAMMISSION _ C q8 COMMITfEE _ _ A STAFF _ _ , DISTRICTCAUpT _' SUPPORTS WNICN COUNCiI O&IECTIVE� 1 2 1 PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has ihis perso�rm ever worked untler a conhaci for Mis tlepartment? � YES NO 2. Ha5 Mis perso�rm ever been a city emQloyee? YES NO 3. Does this perso�rm passess a skill not normalty possessed 6y any curzent ciry employee? YES NO Explai� all yas anawers o� ieparate aheat a�tl ettach to grean sheat No indication for status of fire dampers hidden above ceilings in ducts. Unforeseen inter£erence of ducts with building electrical systems. Status of fixe �lampers and smoke detectors inside ducts will be observable. 2. Duct ventilation system can be installed. ADVANTAGES IFAPPflOVED: None ' R�CEl�ED JAN 81997 �d7Y CLERK 1 2 iGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Status of dampers and detectors will be unlaiown. Reauired ventilation cannot be installed. A670UNT OF TNANSACTION S i 1� 6, �fl R�C��V�� CiTY A1T�RNEY COST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIHCLE ONE) � YES � NO , FUNDIt3GSOURCE C • P • I " ACTiVITYNUMBER �95-3TOZ6-0892-00000 FINANCIALINFORMATION:(EX7LAIN) d�