02-845Council File # O o't — �� . Green Sheet # �p 553 RESOLUTION SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA \a ��. � . Presented by_ Referred To Committee Date RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING OCTOBER 2002 AS "LET'S TALK" MONTH VJIIEREAS, LeYs Talk Month is a month-long celebration during October each yeaz to encourage family dialogue on a variety of sexuality issues. The goal is to reach parents, other caring adults, family-serving professionals and the community as a whole to help provide young people with the information and support they need to become sexuaily heaithy adults; and 5 WHEREAS, healthy attitudes about sexuality are essential to raising responsible, self-reliant children; and 6 WHEREAS, parents aze the primary sources of sexuality education for their children; and 7 WHEREAS, pazents need support from family, friends, neighbors, schools, community organizations and S institutions to instill and reinfoxce healthy attitudes towazd sexuality; and 9 Wf IEREAS, "LeYs Talk Month" is a national and statewide initiative that underscores the importance of a 10 strong partnership between families and their community to help young people foster responsible and positive 11 attitudes toward their sexuality; and 12 WHEREAS, working together, parents and their communities can provide the information and support 13 necessary to prepare today's young people for their responsibiliries as adults and pazents of tomorrow; now, 14 therefore, be it 15 RESOLVED, the Saint Paul City Council hereby proclaims October 2002 as "LET'S TALK MONTH" and 16 commends this observance to the citizens of Saint Paul. �j o�.- �s�s Requested by Department of: � Fornt Approved by Ciry Attomey � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B a- . Approved by M, o. Date ��� ' � By: �'+ AdoptedbyCouncil: Date��,���_ �_� e}(\p2� city council Councilmember Blakey 6-8610 9-18-02 9-11-02 � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET o�. _ky,S No 200553 u �r�rtno�ro.�ccrae � anca.w� _ ❑ arcwnon�r ❑ arvacwt ❑ n+.MCUU.s�eucFtou� ❑ wwr��aFwvrsLero ❑ wYaR1���Mfl ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution proclaiming October 2002 as "Let's Talk" month. PLANNiNG COMMISSIDN CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION TRANSACT40!! Fias this personffi�m ever wnrked under a conf2ct fa Mis departmeM? YES NO tias this Pa��rm ever been a cilY emubvee? YES NO Dces this persorvhrm possess a sldll not normaltypoesessetl by airy curteM city empbyee? VES NO Is ihis peisor✓(rm a tarpeted ventloR YES NO fASTlItEVQIUE BUDGETFD (CIRCLE ONEJ YES NO SOURCE ACTRIITY NUMBER