255484 r' JG+��� OR161NAL TO CITY CLBRK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �LENCi� NO ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE ATF WI�REAS� The Committee on La.nds, composed ot' th� N1s:yor� the Purcha.sin� A�ent,. the Co�►issioner of Finance, and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings of the City of Saint Pa.ul, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain property describ�d as follaws: Commencing at the Southeast�rly corner of a piece of land in the Northeast 1��+ of Northeast 1�4 of Section 36, Town- ship 29, Range 23, conveyed by Ben�amin LaFond and wife to Daniel La.vallee by Deed reeorded in "0" Deeds 567 of the land records of Rams�yCounty; thenee.x^�nning West 50 feet to the Southeast corner of the land �o be described; thence runnin� North 100 feet; thence runn�.ng West 50 fee$; thence running South 100 feet; thence running East 50 feet to be- ginni.ng; excep�ing the South 33 feet. WHEREAS, The property described therein is necessary for the Scheffer Recreation Center Sit�, Open Space Land Pro�ect N1i.nn. OSA-114 (DI,)� a,nd the price at which the property may be purchased is at the total amount oP $1�+,500.00� a fair and reasonable pric� according to the appraisal obtained by the Co�ittee on Lands; and � WI�REAS, Said Coimnittee has reeo�ended the purchase of said property �, � at the price stated above, as evidenced by the lett�r of said Coimnittee sub- mitted herewith; now, therefore, be it o � RESOLVED, Tha.t pursuant to Section 303 of the Cha.rter of the City of � � Saint Paul� and Ordinance No. 14882� Council File No. 255098, approved August - m 12, 1971, the Council of the City of Saint Pau7. does hereby authoriz� the � p purahase of the land described as: N Commenc3n� at the Southeasterly corner of a piece of land `—° in the Northeast 1��+ of Northeast 1�4 of Section 36, Town- ship 29, Range 23, conveyed by Ben�amin La.fond and wife to COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Naye Butler ,��_ ' Approve� 19— Levine n Favor Meredith Sprafka Mayor Tedesco � A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty �� � � 25�484 ORI�INAL TO CITY CLRRK CITY OF ST. PAUL �°N�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAiF -2- Daniel La.vallee by Deed recorded in "0" Deeds 567 of the land records of Ramsey County; thenee xunning West 50 f�et to the Southeast corner of the land �o be described; thenc� running North 100 feet; thence runnir�g West 50 feet; thence runnirig South 100 feet; thence runriing East 50 feet to beginning; excepti.x� the South 33 feet. RESOLVED FURTHER, 3'hat the proper City Officiala are hereby author3.zed and d.irected_to pay to Frank M. and Violet A. S-trohmayer� record. fee �wners� the sum of $1�+�500.00, said sum to be pa,id to the aforesaid vendors fram PIR F`und Cod.e 6000� to be reimbursed from Fund gT70-�+60-005� upon their furnishing evidence of good. marketable title in the aforesaid v�ndors� and the total payment to be made upon terxl�r by said parties of appropriate deeds corYVeying title to said property to the City of Saint Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci u G Z? 19� 19— Yeas xays AU6 �? i9�1 Butler �� � p 19— Levine Tn Favor � Meredith Sprafka �' Maqor Tedesco Against Mr. President, McCarty $EP 41971 �L�ST� �� . � J. WiLLIAM DONOVAN 223-5317 �/aluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ��,,Y"'.���A 286 Cifiy Hall ���� Sein4 Paul, Minneso4a 55102 `��'0 August 23, 1971 City Council City of Saint Pa.ul Gentlemen and Mad.am: The City of Saint Pa,ul, aeting through its Valuation En�ineer, has negotiated to purchase certain property described as follaws: Commencing at the Southeasterly corner of a pieae of land in the Northeast 1��+ of Northeast 1�4 of Section 36, Town- ship 29, Range 23� conveyed by Benjamin Lafond a,nd wife to Daniel Lavallee by Deed recorded in "0" Deed.s 567 of the land records of Ramsey County; thence x�unning West 50 feet to the Southeast corner of the land to be described; thence running North 100 feet; thence runnin� West 50 feet; thence running South 100 feet; thence running East 50 feet to be- ginning; exceptin� the South 33 feet. The owners of the above described land, Frank M. and Violet A. Strohmayer, have accepted an offer tendered them by the City in the amount of $1�+,500.00 as compensation for the sale of the land to the City. This property, including land and buildings, is needed by the City of Saint Pa.ul for the Scheffer Recreation Center. In view of the reasonable price for which it can be purchased, �aid price bei.ng the appraised. fair and r�asonable maxket value therefore, we, the Committee on I,ands� do recommend to the Coun�il of the City of Saint Paul that it authorize the purchase of said land in lieu of condemnation proceedings at the price of $14,500.00, as negotiated with the owner. Ver � M Purch ing ent Co issioner arks, Recrea ion and lic Bui1 gs Commissloner o Finance Parcel No. 5 File No. 17506 � � �,"�DMiii L. ; r--: tA�p�1ltJOL bf �st O- !a- :�c heTe- p 1i11 1�� �fo ,� � H}aie 4� tiie'' �Ey Cha�'' 1'SO � d,o 1,. � 3� (� � 9.� . ,�8� ���;�. :!' � -� � �� � .. @X�� . .1 . �... $e�:.� ���. ti,�' �. . subi {r:, dvin � �: condi � 1• eet to � �� � � � GK.Sec= * y 1 � ..".'tM• � � 4 Wl�. A '.� �, �e' .1;, 4 jFl, �B i •:the se on.: �:. ,�e �� r� �� r� . t�t� , .ca�� h _ 6.Tbat . �nt,di,t�, tfie�Cl�fT' Eh � �� �� -I; ��i�'���'��u ���� _ 4 M , ,, �i . .xs' RL Y .�� .. �' �'::.M . .