02-842Council File # O, — � � Green Sheet # lb � �,$�� RESOLUTION Presented Referred To OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Bob Ryan has dedicated 37 years of teaching and coaching at Humboldt High School; and 2 WHEREAS, during his coaching cazeer, Bob Ryan's wrestling teams won 14 city titles, including five consecutive 3 titles, four Twin City titles, five district titles, one region title and four region runner ups; and 4 WHEREAS, for his teams efforts and accomplishments, Bob Ryan was selected Minnesota Wrestling Coach of 5 the Year for the 1987-1988 season and was inducted into the Minnesota State Wrestling Coaches Ha11 of Fame; and 6 WHEREAS, Bob Ryan also coached football for 33 yeazs, winning the city title in 1974; and 7 WHEREAS, in his 37 years, Bob Ryan has cultivated many life-long relationships with students, athletes and their 8 families, and always promoted good sportsmanship, a positive attitude and citizenship; and 9 WH�REAS, the West Side and Humboldt community wishes to honor Bob Ryan for all of his positive 10 contributions and fond memories he bestowed upon so many folks by naming the athletic fields The Bob Ryan 11 Athletic Complex. 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council congratulates Bob Ryan on 13 celebrating 37 years of teaching and successful coaching at Humboldt High School and by honoring him by 14 naming the athletic fields on the West Side as The Bob Ryan Athletic Complex. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � App� � Adopted by Council: Date �� .\� � a O p� o�-�ya crrY courrca; Co�mcilmember Kathy Lantry 6-8670 September 11, 2062 MUN80tFOR ROIIf01G OROER TOTAt # OF SIGNATURE PAGES ` GREEN SHEET on�RIIBIf owRia�t N�� osi s9 arvcanc� ❑ fJIYAiT01tlEY ❑ UT'CI.iRK _ ❑RiYCMLi6RNCFiOR ❑HNNtlY.iFRY/ACCT6 ❑ WVOIIi�AWiM11) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAFURE) Approval of Resolution congratulating Bob Ryan on celebrating 37 years of teaching and coaching az Humboldt Hi� School and the naming of the athleric fields on the West Side in his honor as The Bob Ryan Athleric Complex. PLANNING COMMISSION GB COMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED t HectnieaeBOruTimeverworkeaunaerewnaaettormicdepartmerm VE$ NO 2. Has this pe�son7firm ever been a dty empwyee7 � . yES rio 3. Doec this persoruTim poeeess a sltlll rqt npmallyposeesaed by any curteM City employee7 WES NO 4. b tttis persoMNm a farpetetl ventlo�'! , YE3 NO OF TRANSACTION f COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (qRCLE ONE) VES NO ACTIVITY NtAABER