255467 x � „r��� OR161NAL TO CITY CLlRK � � CITY OF ST. PAUL HOE NCIL NO. LIC�`1SE CON�'IITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 26� 1977. COMMISSIONE � ATF Wf�REASc.:: Dorothy H. Connolly surrendered license Zdo. C 8303 for Restaur�nt, and Chestnut Cig��xette Licenses, ex,�iring October 13, 1971, at 263 Se�.ee��.-Street, as she was forced to discontinue said business as oi June 11, 1;71, becduse the H. R. A. has acquired the property and she requests refund of the fees posted covering the unused portion of the license� therefore, be it T��SOLVED: That the proper city officers be a.nd they are hereby authorized to refund to Dorotl�y Ii. Connolly the pro--rated fee of � 23.75, deduc�ing � 33.25 from the origin�i,l fee of $ 57.00 posted an� this will cancel said license issued to her. CANCELLATIGN (Licen.se� (Paxtial Refun�� (LIC�3VSE ATTACHED TO CITY CL�KtS CO�-Y OF RESOLUTION� NIAILING ADDRESS: Dorothy H. Connolly Rte. #1� Box #516. Gr�,ntsburg� Wisc. 5484� Item Posted Oper. 7 Mos. Reftlnd 5 Mos. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10_1�-�0_to 6-11_71 _ _ 6-11_71 tp_10-13_71 Rest. $ 45.00 � 26,25 � 18.75 Ci�. - - - - 1?.00 - - - - - - - - - -7.00 - - - - - - - - 5-�� - - - - Totals $ 57,00 $ 33.25 � 23.75 AUG 2 6197� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_ Y� xa�s AUG 2 619T1 Butler � �,^ � �rov 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � � Tedesco A Sainat Mr. President, McCarty AUG 2 8197� �LISHED ' ��