255465 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK 255465 CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCi� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,�Q CIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY V\/ � COMMISSIONE ATe WHEREAS, An Ordinance, C. F. No. ���� granting permission to the Housing and Redeveloprnent Author ty o the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, and its successors or assigns, to construct, operate, and maintain an overhead pedestrian passageway across Sixth Street between the inte�section therewith of Wabasha Street and Cedar Street has been prepared and i t o u to the Council of the City of St. Paul , and wilt be adopted on S E� � � �' to be effective eventually on 0 C T 1 8 19 7� ; now, therefore, be it � RESOL1�fD, That pending the said Ordinance becoming effective, the � � Cortmissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to issue � a permit to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, for the construction, operation, and roaintenance of said pedestrian passageway the same conditions and requirements as set out in Ordinance C. F. No. ��� pending before the Council of the City of St. Paul , informal approva�of the said construction, operation, and maintenance being hereby given in anticipation of the. final adoption and approvai of said Ordinance. ,'�=ORM � Asst. C r o at uns� AUG26 �91' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays But�er AU G 2 61971 ve 19— Levine n Favor Meredith ______ Sprafka yor ___�._Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty Au� 2 a �971 PUBLISHED - �� . + .' �DYlLICA'R TO rItIN7�1t �� � _ '���I`I�� . ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa '' �' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p� NO. CO�UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "���' Rogsr M. COMMISSIONER C'��y ^ATE �G��/V�� WHEREAS, M Ordinance, C. F. Ho. yra�ttng p�rwissioe� to ths Nous i ng and Redeve 1 opm�nt J1u thor—1 ty o"�`L�e �Tly of Sa i n t Pw 1� Mlnnssota, and its successors or assigns, to constr�at, operats� and aisintain a� ov�rhead pedestrisn passageway scross Sixth Streat batrreen th� interssction therasrith of Wabssha St��et and Ceder 5treet F�as bae� prspshd and tntr �i to the Council of the City of St. Paul , and will b� adopted on $EP 1 0� 1y�� to be affecttva eventuaily o� Q�T 18197� ; now, thera oro, t RESQtVED, That pending th� ssid Ordinanca bscawing eftective, the Co�issioner of Public Works is hsroby suthortz� and diretta! to issue s penaTt to the Hcws�ng and Redevetopmsnt Authoritr of the City of Sa1�t �aut� Mtemcsota, for the construction, ops�atio�� sad uyi�tsnance of said pedsstria� passagswry su sae� condttions and reqnireaMnts as s�t out in Ordinance C. F. t�. pending bsfore the Coyncil of t1� City of St. Paul � iafonpal approva o t • said constructia�. operstion. and msTntansnca bstng heraby glven i� anttcipation of the finat adoption and approval of said Ordi�snc.e. aus a s �97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc;� 19_ Y� xa� AUG 2 6 1971 Butler o Approv� 18_ Levine T*+ Favor Meredith � ��r �rj-�� _ roOAITli't . Tedeaco Mr. Presiden.t, McCarty �� R , Sept, 2�+� 1�7i ' ��oUS3�;; � .�tec�evelop�nea�t �uthorit�r of' the City o� �;aint Paul =5 �"���t �°i;'�;Y� >:zt:�eet :��.�ri; �'au:l, ��.::a;.;.�eo:;�ta ,_:��tA;.t�:���rz: �YS:t.�'. '�:1��1.�.7��"'.l`t�". l`'$ '�:��)f �.��' �v���e.�.�&�C:'L'� 1V�• ��T'����� �Y'����.n� yDu ��e�m:i.�sr.�rz 'ac, c:c�ra5�-�x°�e�, m�tin�c�,in �.rid p�e�°r��e �n over�hea,d �e�ci�s�criar� �,as�a��w��r acrc�ss :;i:tth St, ts�s-�;,;E.�;R ;^;�,�r��ha St. �,nci Ged�r a't., as as�ore fu�1y aesc.ri��a :��a �';�._� ,rdi.nance 9 alsa 1�i3.1 � the �o�t�l ��.a.m of a�Ci3.�j �>ti t:c�ti°;,�..� t..�� cost oF �axbl�eat�.ori of th�s orclina�acc �:ad �r:.�� ����c��.or:e�� �•z�o- 1ut:�.c�n p�r��,ir�ira� �c, �;�.e �ai;iE� :.`a�r;;4i•. t�;e call yaur spee�al a�-�ention to Paragr�ph4 a and o of S�ct�.o� ?_, �rhic� require the Pilin� of a bond �.n the amount �P�:cif�ed and the filing of an acceg;r�nc� of �he terms of thie ordiriance. The acceptance must 'be f'31ed in this office, Roorn 386� Ci�y Hall, within 2� days. i.€ s�ot so �-?1ed, the ordinance become>s�void. VE.`T'3r tMl�„V y0U2'$� City Clerk rtg