255462 'COUNCIL FIL U.___.__�__ `� ° �,,,�� ' BY , �G�3t.J 7 ti' �G ��� In the mattsr ot ��denn+i na a�d taki na an ease�nt i n ,��., 1 and n�eess�rv _far the s 1 oaes, cuts and fills, inaludPng right of renwval of lateral support from sub,ject land or remainder thereof, accas�o�ed br excavattons thereof or construction of slopes in the g�ading and surfactng with bituminaus material the alley in Black 20, West St. Pa�ul Proper frdn Clinton Avenue to Greenwood Street to a width of 16 feet, as shown ln Slope Drawing No. 2157 in �rawer 2, a part of CONCpRD TERRACE - 1971 City Project P-0518. under Preliminarq Order 2�.42�2 , appmved Ma;28., 1 r�1 � Intermediary Order 254941 , approved ��lY 1�+, L9Z� , A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard a11 pereone, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto,.and havimg fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it i'� RF�OLVED, By the Council of the G�ty of 8aint Psul th t � � provement to be me►de by the eaid City ie Condertmm i ng an tak i ng an easement i n th 1 and necessary the slopes, cuts and fills, includtng right of oval cf lateral suppo fre� subject tan remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations there construction o lopes in the gra d sucfaci� with bituminous material the alley in B 0, West St. Proper f�cm Ciinton Avenue to ee�wood Street to a width of 16 feet, as in Slope Orawin No. 2157 in Drawer a art of CONCORD TERRACE - 1971 City Project P-0518. 9 A�orders in the abnve matfer be and are hereby cancelJed ana3u� � �'di �escin ed and II c , ��a aad Couneil hereby ordere eaid �mprov e�� ����d�?�d matter be disconti nued. RES VED FURTHER, that the follo ' land, lande or essemente thereia b aad the eame are herebq ord to be f,alcea, sppropriated and oo demned for the purpoee of making eaid ' provemente, vis.: Condaaning �d taking an easenient in t e land necessary for the slope , cuts and fills, including ri ht of reiwval of lateral s ppo�t fran subject land or re inder ther+eof, occasioned by xcavations thereof or c truction of slopes in the gra ing and su'rfacing with bituminou aiaterial the alley in B1 k 20, West St. Paul Proper f om C11Aton Avenue to Greenwood St t to a width of 16 feet, as showa 1n Slope Drawing N . 2157 in Drawer 2, a part of CON RD TERRACE �* 1971 Cit�r oject P-0518. RESOLVED FUR HEB, That the Commiesioner f Public Worka be and ie hereby tructed and directed to pnpare plau and epeoificatione fdr esid impr vement, and the proper city offioi are hereby ,; suthoriaed and directed prooeed with the making of aaa improvement in accordance there 'th. Adopted by the CounciL��.�.1�_.. ' , . �_ /6� App�•►� AUG 2 6 197�9 city aerk. /� � May , . U� Councilmen. � ZQ�f'�'3A � � o_,�:��, ; (� AUG 2 8 1971 � �� � r PUBLISHED Meredith . 1 �,./ Tedesco -;� Mr. Pres ident� g�.._ �y(� � �� , � • , :_►- • r " ' _ � � �' . OEFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORK5 ' ���� �.,� REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ' ,.. ���� . ' � �e 14, i q 71 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works. having had under c.onsideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council Eile No. 25�2� approved May 28, 19 71, relati ve to �Pro� CONCORD � - 1g71 (City Pro3ect P-0518) - slopes � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein. hereby reports: � . - r 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• - ��' �� 2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. �� 3. Initiated by the Commiss�oner of Public Works X 4, tmprovement is asked fo� upon petition � �`. ' Commissioner o Pu lic orks , . �����i. � � � I � � � � �� ��nls ��.als z � � �,a y� --. � '�NO� I _e-$--�-�- � I � '3l�`d �OOMN33�� � '► Q _ _ _ — _ '` 1 a I � I � I �- � � - � � I ;� ��, � � - y (~»�� .11� � � j I ' b1S Z/1-I O � N I r� I a �o �- w � �- a � 0 0 ° '' ` IIl � Y U � �� N 9 � � . O •o i � �: � Q r �n � d ^ a J �� a� V � N � �t� O O- . � QI �- z�� I W . � � �� �. �m � 0 � ' L'O II � � r _ �� o �� � �, �n w � � N � - � W � � ai U U� � �� i�S9, b O- �"o� I U � Z 2 t� Y O OS �aS v ':- b O .OS .OS - w.9 H St� . W,9 — — HdS�f 'J�`10J w � ' 3 /�`d _� c��..N��� a O N � � O a � W J o � Q a � N � � � �- � ; o � � p � � � Z � o � �. � ; N �,�� � ue� � p Q � o o� �� o � a � � � � Y �,,��,Q.� � � � N � . m Q U �` � � � � � a H1 O " � �; � �, o . c� :. � b � � �' � ; u ,o ° r, o ' c p W o .., .-. W � 17 c C+ o J J O � C �G a �:, � " ,a � d L � ►+ y ,� G Q O �" J M �, �' G ^ y� M�` (� � III �( Z "+" ` u �, o F. k7 > � � / J Dil1 � �7 °� :e � N � Q7