255455 ' 255455 ORIG'�AL TO CITY CL6RK � ,;�►� �- CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NCa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED olf COMMISSIONE A� WHEREAS, the State Legislature in the 1957 Session did pass an Act described as Laws of Minnesota for 1957 , Chapter 812, which law ereated new powers and duties in addition to those duties already possessed by the Port Authority of the City of �aint Paul, said powers and duties consisting of the creation and development of industrial development districts within the City of Saint Paul by such Port Authority in line with the newly added duties and responsibilities referred to , and specifically granting authority to said Port Authority to make a budget for it s operati ons in the indus trial deve 1 op- ment field under said new Act, aa�.d granting the power to said Port Authority to request the City Council to levy such taxes for such purposes ; and WHEREAS, the Port Auth ori ty of the City of Saint Pau 1 has inf ormed the .Council that it has prepared and made its budget for industrial devel opment operations in 1972 under and pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of the State of Minn�sota for 1957 � Chapter 812, and that said budget for industrial devel op- ment is in the am ount of �130, 000; and WHEREAS, the said Port Authority has filed with this .� Council a certified copy of the resolution passed by said � o Port Authority requesting that under said law the City Council � z levy as taxes for the benefit of an.d expenditure for industrial o development by said Port Authority of said amount, and that � � there be imposed upon the proper ty legally taxable in the o � City a levy sufficient to produce the amount of �130, 000; �', O now, therefore , be it o < � m o � RESOLVED� That under and pursuant to said law referred = to,Laws of Minnesota for 1957 , Chapter 812, and for the purpose � of making available said sum of �130,000 for the support of the industrial development program of said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, and subject to the maximum legal tax � levy provided in. said law, there be and is hereby levied for the_ support of said Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Approv� 19— Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka , Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty �� + 2554�5 OR16�►IKL TN CITY CLtRK r �:;:�,,. -� r- CITY OF ST. PAUL �°NC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY COMMISSIONEQ nATE Page 2. on all property taxable therefor in said City, a tax for the year 19?1, collectible in 1972� sufficient to produ ce the amount of �130,000 as set forth in the budget of the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul and duly made of record in the minutes of the meeting of said Port Authority of the City of Sa�nt Paul; and be it FURTI�ER RESOLVED� That said amount is to be levied subject to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 458 . �.99 authoriz- ing 35�100 of one mill upon the dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property in said Gity (excluding money and credits ) , together with adjustment for untaxed personal property as author- ized by Minneso ta Statutes , Section 272 .64, adjustmen t for homestead exemptions on real property as authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 273. 13 (7a) , and adjustment for sales tax re- placements as authorized by the Tax Reform �__R�lie�_Ae�-o•� -- ------ - "�' 1967, Laws- 2g67 Fatra Session, Chapter 32, and particularly provided for in Articles XV and XVI of said Act;--_ar�-d be it --- FINA.LLY RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is directed to certify a copy of the tax levy as aforesaid for the year 1971, colleetible in the year 1972, to the County Auditor of Ramsey County, immediately upon adoption and approval of this Resolution. auc 2 5 �s71 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yea� Naya Butler �►us a 5 tig71 �.�g--� _ � rove� 19— Levine ( Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �y�r U Against Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty PUBLISHED AU6 2 8197i �� � -0����,��,� 255455 � w - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNC�� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CL�RK �+� NO � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--6ENERAL FORM ��� COMMISSIONEt DATF T�BSR�AB, the State I,�si��atnre in the 19�7 Se��ioa did pa�� an Aot dssorib�d a� LaMS o! Mia�u�ota tor i9s7, Cbspt�s BiQ, rhioh laM oreatsd n�M porer� and dntie• in addition to tho�e dntiss already po��e�sed by tl�s Po�t Au�hori�� o! ths City oi �aint Pewl, �aid pow�r� and dntis• ooa�i�tin� oi th� as�atioa ead de��lop�ent o! indar�ri�i dsvelop�est dirtriot� �rithin tLe City ot Saint Paul by �n� Port Aq�hor3ty in lin� Nitb th� serly sdd�d datie� wnd r�apon�ibilftie� r�t�rred #o� 4nd rpr�oiiioally graatfn�g snthority to •aid Port An#�►or�� to ■alu a �A�st io� !ta vp�rstion� ia th� i�dnstrial d�r�ala�w- aent iield under •aid n��r Act, ae�d �rafting th� poxsr to said Port Autbority to r�quest �the City Counoil t�o levy �uoh ta#e� ior �uoh posp oses; and ��A3i the Port Anthority o= the Cit�► oi 8aint Paal haa inio�ed the Connoil that it daa pr+�parsd amd �ule it� bad��t �or indn�trisl develop�snt op�ratioas i�► 197$ nnd�r anQ p�tr�uaat � tc� the proM si oa� oi th� Ls�rs o! �h� Ststs oi l�t:limr�ata !or i9s?• Chapter 8itt, and that •aid bnd�et for indu�triai ��w1 op— •en� #• in the �onnt oi �130,040; aa�d 1�t�SBA9, tb• �aid Port Anth o�� has ti ls d Ni th fh 1� Counoil s oertitisd oapr oi the rerolntion ps��od Dy •s!d Paart Anthor�lty requesting that �ader s�d la� the City Coanoil ls�r s�r tua� !or th• benelit oi a�d e:peadit�r� !or 1aAwrtrial d�s�lop�ust bi► said Port Author�,L� ot �aid �ranat, aad t�t ther� b� i�po��d apan the prop�rty l��ally tsubi� ia t�s City a le�►�r ru�iloieat to prodnoe �Ls a�onnt oi �i;O,Ot�►# aoM� #•h•reiose, be it - W SBSOLYED, Tb�st �nder and pnr�uant to •�id lsx reiex�red to,Lars ot Mians�qts ior i9S7, Ch�tpt�r BiSt, aad far the pnrpo�s oi taict� s�si2able �aid sua ot �i30,000 tor th� �tpport ot th� iadu�triai der•lop�eat pro�ra� o! �sid Po�rt Anthority oi the City oi fiaiat Panl, s�d •ab��ot to the �asi�u� le�+sl tsz levy pro�id�d in �aid laM, ther�r bs aad is �sreby l�ri�d !or the aipport �i •aid Port Autbority oi �h� City ai Saiat Paul COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co��a31 19_ Yeas Nays Butler Carlson Appm� 19_ ; Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka �r Ag"A3116t. Tedegco Mr. Preaident, McCarty �� . u��►n To�eunsR � �.. . - CITY OF ST. PAUL oouNCC�� 54� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w� NO. � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM n��w�c�r COMMISSION� DA*G Ps�e $. os all property tazabl• there�or in �aid City: a taz ior ths y�u i97i, oollaotible ia 397g� �nitioient to pro�Iuos tbe eaonnt oi �i�0,00Q aur set forth in ths bad�et ot the Port Anthoritq oi th� Citg oi 3sint Paul and dnly �sd� oi reoord ia t� riant�• of the sestin� oi esid Port Authori t�► o! the City oi Saint Psal; aad be it 1''f18T�� �'SOLYED, Th�t •aid a�touat in to b�r lsvied �ub�eot to the provi�ton� o� Miaaeso�a . 3tatnt�� 4S8.i99 auLhoris- ia� 3g/100 0! ons aill upon ths dollar ot tha a��s��ed oalustion oi ell tauble prop�rty in taid City (�zolndias �o�T aad or�d#t�r), to�ether Mith ad�n�t��nt ior unta�ced sr�ogal property a� author- �sed by Minnesots �tatut•e! 3eotion St�!li.64, sd�nrt��nt !or hoae�tead eze■ptions oa real property ar sathori sed by M#,n��sota 8tatute�, �otian Q'73.i� (?s)� and ad,�wrt�eat !or aale� tas re- pZsQe,�atr �o authorised by the Taz Seiox� ead R�11e! Aot oi �9�9= Lsrs 1967 Estra Ses.l,oa, Chapt�r 3$, aad psrtionlsrly provid�d !or ia Artiolea YV �nd XVI oi •siQ Aoti and bs it FINALLY TtE30LVSD, That th� Citq Glark i� dir�a��d to oertity a oopy ot ths ta= l�vy e� s=o�saaid iar tbe ysar 1g�i� oolieolibls in tbe ye ar iq78� to tbe County Audito r ot B�sy , Qonaty, i�ediat�ly �pon adoption and approval oi this 8esoiutioa. �►U6 251'9T1 COUNCIL�dEN Adopted bg the Co�an� 19— Yeas Nays Bu�� AU6 8 5191� �} � Appro� 19_ �°�e T*+ Favor Meredit.h - Spraflca �� t ' Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty �� I AlA:�• �-'�y �-�71 �.-:1, G�C�'' I �:'.:. �'i,a:"1: ::.'.. �.., .tf�.t,�" ;'-,UC?7.'�'.:7;^ v::%?1_'.`"�: ',;CLl:Sf.'. ',.i�,.._. ':',.:�', ---„_ • . �. , . _ v,,. �.i.�,.; ,�_�.�y �,,ts�t.�k �.a7.a. ,�.1 _C?fi:'«,�..ci :�1£�' v0 �E.X1�:A ,;�:�11 1.1.�. ��,'t.:'�;c�,t.,CTE3�z , .,. .. _ ;:ei �,.��.:�t�:i co�� o.' a resolution, Ca�un.cil :t�'�:��, tuo. �'S,���`�5s , - � - .�u�r�t�.,. -uc�c7��,,rg �.,��° ° _` . ' �L �",d.: !_�'Vs 1:)i �:T� �1Lr'�.:i:' � '`!`�y C:i1.1.e'[ t:i1�1;. i�� �;i� c:�z.� � ;?7�' i:ia �tl��; ara��aa,uit ;.��' `;:1:��?�t)G(" �o:;, -1,?id �°c��°"i, !?,U't;,kU�°:L:� ,.n ,, .':i"3 �:l'�,j �Ji t:'.'LC T. :P.:.li..�. 7�:��;>� :;-r a�;T �;:.,.:r.;� � i;;u'�:�' ,sIF��:t'ii ��:�