255440 ,Osisin!�te Cib Qert � � � ORD NANCE ' � COUNCIL FILE NO "�� `"�� �., q PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO- f / �� l�ln administrativ� ordiA�aca authcrizing a�ne� dir�atir�g the �uscha�ing 2►yent of th� Cit� of �sint Paul to sell cmrtaia ce$etery grav�m own�d b�r the City and located 3n �aklmnd Q�et�ry. 1+1�REA8, th� City of Saint Panl acq�tir�d c�rtair� cte�terp gran�a in �skland Cemetery arid s�id gr�nes are� exces� t� th� a��ds cf tl�e publi� and the City of �sint Panls and ��5, tl�� l�rehasing l�ge�t reco�mend� that the City :ell :uch qravs: for �nn amoumt not la:s than that ree��nded by the City �ialus�ion �n�ina�r sad aot exeeeding th� priee which the �aklana� Cem�t��y �ffiociation wenld charqe fcr the a�� gravess and �R�AS, thm Valuation ��s�ineer d0�s recc�end that the sum of �25..�0 f�r eaah grava would con�titutm � r��son�bl� eompsns�tion for the �ity' s iaterest, mnd t13� D�kl�d C�et�zy l�a�e>ciation sta�t�s that it wo�ald ��11 cc�atpar�bl� gravea for an amo�ant of not �aere th�n $7'5.pp fos e�aYi gra�r�f nc>w, tls�refore, TA8 GOUNCIL OF TH� �I3'Y �F �AL�1T PAUL DOES ORT�J�IN: S��tion l. The P�rch�sina� Agent b� a�d �e is l�er�l� ��thorized a�d directed to offer for sal� auzd to s�ll t2�� fallo�iag d��eribed grav�s l�amted in Dakland Cem�t�ry in �aint Paul,' �iisn�,�0ta, fo= � :um of $40.�� for �aah grava, arid the Msyor, City Cl�rk, sad C�trmll�r are h�reb�i a�th�rized a�nd a�ir�cted ta �xecut� proper dseds �f convay�nQe to the pmrch�sers mf s�id qrav�a, in a for� approved by tl�� amrporatimn Co�n:el: Aa�}cland Cam�te� �lock 6 �,ot 11 grave: A-B-C-D-B-P'-�-8 I�t 12 f�raeea �-B-C-1�-I�-F-Q-H Lc�t 13 �raves B-C-D-�-F-�-H Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � �� Levine ' n Favor Meredith � Sprafka �-� Against Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corpor,��ion Counsel By o�s�caa ci� � � � ORDINANCE 2554%�0 COUNCIL FILE NO -- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � `� � ��— 2 Lot 14 Grav�s a-�-P'-Q-H Lot 1S �rave H Lat 16 arav�s B�C–]'�–E–F–� Bl�k 11 Lc�t 12 Qravea A–B–C–D–�–F'-6–H Lot 13 c�rmves A–B–C–�–�–P'–ca–H Lc�t 16 �rmv�s A–II–C–D–&–F–f� 3ection 2. Z'hat tlae Pt�rc�ha�ing Ae,�e�t is h�reby a�thorized to provid� whstev�r stat�t�n�s and iafor�aation are req�ired t� th� �akland Ce�aet�ry ���oQiation, sad t�e f�ands rec�iv�d from the s�le of tht �ve-d�scrib�d cex�t�ry grawes al�all be d�poasited to the 6en�ral Fund, Miscellaaeons �vent��. Sectioa 3. That this ordi�ance =hall t�ke eff�ct a�►d b� in fare� 30 days fro� aad after ita �assag�, approv�l, and �nblic�tion. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� SEP 9 19� ButGa�il�seu.C`-' C Tn Favor Levine � Meredith Sprafka � � Against T���° S � 1971 Mr. President McCarty) Approved• � t• ty Cler May �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED����9 7� ' J. WILLIAM DONOVAN � 223-5317 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, ��. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ci+y Hell �����o $aint Paul, Minnesofe 55102 - � ss August 20, 1971 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Re: Sale of City Owned Graves in Oakland Cemetaxy Dear Sirs and Madam: The Land Committee has eonsidered the possibility of disposing of said cemetery lots and wishes to report the follawing: The City of St. Pa.ul originally acquired subject graves for indigent burial, a f`unetion now administered by Ramsey County. The Land Committee therefore deems the graves to be surplus to the needs of the City of St. Pa�ul and recomtnends they be disposed of in a manner preseribed by �he City Council as being in the best interes�s of the City of St. Pa.ul. Very truly yours, � �� -� ��_. __ , �J. William Donovan � Secretary� Land Committee JWD:RJR:dm , � � OFFICERS o • � -� A.W.Clapp,President Oaklaa�d �emetery Associati��n A�bert W.Lindeke,Jr..Vice-President � Cole Oehler.7reasurer James W.Moore Secretary and Generel Manager ��U�U�O�O�t)�QiO��t1iO�Uit)iO�t>�UlOwR�la� TRUSTEES � Roger B.Shepard,Jr. Richard Ordway 75 E. SYCAMORE • ST. PAUL, MINN. 55117 • TEL. 224-2366 Mrs.FrederickWeyerhaeuser � R.D.Clark Mrs.Arthur M.Dodge Walter Whitney Boardman,Jr. June l0, 1970 �� �f�,�y� �� Mr. Terrance Patrick Michael Sullivan Department of Finance City of St, Paul 113 Court House St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Re: TJnused Grave Spaces in Lots 12� 13, 16 of Block 11 and Lots 11 to 22 in Block 6 D ear Mr. Sullivan; Replying to your letter of June Sth, we do not have any unsold granes in the immediate vicinity of the above space, but we do have graves for sale in a comparable section which we are currently selling for �75.00 per grave. 6s we explained to you we are not interested in repurchasing these unused graves at this price. It is, however, our practice to repurchase space at oux original net selling price. Basecl on the original selling price we can offer you �110.00 for the unused grave sp�ces. If we can be of ftiirther assistance to you let us hear from you. yau�s tru.ly, � �f_ � .. E�I � � ., +':��7 ���...- � James W. Moore Secretary & General Me.riager J�1M:bb . � I sf � � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � —�4dopted � Yeas Nays eas Nays Butler �utler Carlson �Iset+- • �.. Levine �evine Meredith 25�4,� �,,,eredith S rafka � rafka P p i LJ Tedesco �desco � . Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O