02-839ORIGINAL Council File # �� � ��� Green Sheet # L �� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA r Presented By Referred To a� Con¢nittee: Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has detenniued there is need to replace the existing I.eungton Branch Outreach Library with a new faciliry that will better meet the needs of the neighborhood, and WHEREAS, there are Cotnmunity Development Block Grant monies remawiug in the Rice Street Library project that can be transferred to the Lexington Branch Library project to start preliminary design work, and WI�REAS, upon review, staff have determiued that the Leungton Branch Librazy meets the eligibility and funding criteria of the CDBG program; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are funds of $300,000 available for appropriation in excess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and 'I'HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendarion of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $300,000 is for appropriation in the 2002 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fuzther amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the following particulars: C4�rrent SPENDING PLAN Community Development Block Grant 100-91005-0565-00906 Rice Street Library 100-910�-0565-Oa I.ezcington Branch Library Capital Improvement Budget CO1-3F052-0898-33017 CapitalImprovement CO2-3H050-0892-31050 Prelinunary Design Total Changes to SPENDING FINANCING PLAN Capital Improvement Budget CO1-3F052-7199-33017 CO2-3H050-7199-31050 Total Changes to Financing Amended Budget Changes Budget 3,560,000 (300,000) 3,260,000 -0- 300,000 300,000 2,060,000 -0- 2,110,000 -0- (300,000) 300,00 -0- (300,000) 300,000 -0- 1,760,000 300,000 1,810,000 300,000 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 a�._g� BE 1T RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2002 budget; and B�i I G I N q � FCTRTHER RES OLVED, that the Mayor or his designated representatives, PED Grants Management staff, aze further authorized to submit to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development any assurances, certifications, technical changes, or additional informarion That may be required by said Department to amend the Ciry's 2002 Submission for Federal Assistance. Approval Recommended: Financial Services Office Director Tl1e $t. � 11004' �9nige 1:2�xta: un�.:�vect:; ��ttBB I6C91Y�. ��318 C@Q�aC3l II.1 � �/�1vZ �r..�� ,�,c�� r€+�.�•a �.na�o�tii `� �� � _.�_�, `�...�.�. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date � a--- Adoption Certified by CounCil Secretary: sy: � E,��L����/L�_ Approved by Financial Services: gy; �r�� �d����Ll,%"_�� Form Approved by City Attomey: By: Approved Date � �� P. ?o _ � / �! � � �! '�i ��l�� � � i �1 � o��r,�,o�,��,�� DATEIMTTATFD e�. _�a� Libraries 8/3o�oz RE ET N�• 114 CONfARFERSON&PHUNE �j DEPAI[TMFNTD TUR O CttYWUNCIL �.Ce W1�la�IDS�n� �-708Q � (:ITY ATIURNET t.T a• pL C'� (:CfT ' MU5[BEONCA[INCQ.AGQiDABT(DA'!� O ����SFRVICFSDIR �j FlNAN(:LILSERVI(t$ACCT. 9/11/02 O "1AYORC�R�a+u-rnn� Q — TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Apprwe transfer of $300,000 in CDBG funds from Rice Street Library project for predesign of a proposed new Le�cington Library near Le�cingtou and University avenues. aFCOem�mv�nnons: n�pwe(n)o.a��a) PfiBSONAL SERVICE CON'RRACl'S MUSf ANSR'ER THE F01d-OR'ING QiJES1'IONS: _�.nc��c coea�assoN 1. Elas titis persodfvm ever wollced under a conhact forthis deparm�enCl q ���ng YES NO Crvn.sFxvseco�wmss[orv 2- Hu this persod£um everheeu a city employee? �,_sr,�' YES NO �.liues uua Peiwwissw p.iaxaa n awu uur.uununuY Waawsew oy azq ��sscem aiy evipiuyee+ YES NO 4. Is this puson / fum a targetrA vendor? YES NO (F.xplain ail yes answers on separate shee[ and attach to green sheel) IMTIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR1VMTY(W6o, What. When. Whuq Why): The cunent Leacington Library has experienced water damage from leaks and underground water inWSion, leading to structural damage and mold infestaflon. Repaus have no[ successfully conected the problems. Addirionally, the space is too small for the number of patrons. Design funds aze necessary now to determine if a new multi-use building is possible and to coordinate the design wi[h the Met CouncIl's [ransit study for the area. ADVANiAGESIFAPPROVFD The city can begin the process of designing a replacement for the Le�ngton Library, taking advantage of available CDBG funds not used in ffie Rice Street Library project. �- ' ��� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. � � � � F1'r� DISADVANTAG FS OF NOT APPRO�m- TOTALAMOUNTOFTMNSACf[ON COST/REVENUEB[NGETED(CRCLEON6j YES NO $ 300,000 FONDLYGSOURCE CDBG funds ncnvrexxcm�es 100-91005-0565-00906 FlNANCEN,INFORMfAT10N (➢8LlS� �� � � ��� AU6 3 �J 2002 �' •:�.