255415 ORNsINAL TO CITY CL6RK �5��� - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCII. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE AT� RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Award of the Minnesota Industrial Commission, dated August 13, 1g71, Dennis R. Flughes, employee o� the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm, be paid from the Workmen' s Compensation Account of the General Fund, the sum of �1'7,008.50, representing 283.475 weeks of compensation at the compensation rate of �60.00 per week, ��b�ect to the conditions set forth below; such sum being payable by reason of the permanent partial disability of said Dennis R. Hughes, who was injured on June 20, 1969, while employed by the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that out of the aforesaid compensation, �1,000 be deducted and paid directly to James R. Tschida, attorney for said Dennis R. Hughes, in full satisfaction of legal services rendered and the remaining balance of the aforesaid compensation, �16,008. 50, be paid directly to said Dennis R. Hughes in one lump sum without interest deduction, and further, that the sum of �340 17, representing two percent (2%) of the permanent partial disability of said Dennis R. Hughes, be paid to the Workmen' s Compensation Commission on behalf of the Special Compensation Fund. App E � � CoU�sei � �at�o� p,sst. CorP� Auc a 4 �97a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeaa Nays sut�er AU6 2 41971 �. ro 19� i Levine :; - � n Favor Meredith � Sprafka Mayor A gainst T,e�esee-- Mr. President, McCarty �usLrs�n �►�'� � 8 rgT 1 � � DbFLIQATt T'O MtIN7�R �I�������� � CITY OF ST. PAUL F�uNCa NO. — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - • , COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM r�es�rr COMMISSIONER DATF SE30LV8D, that pur.u�ttnt to the A�+ard oi the Minnesots Tndustrial Co�uiasion, dated An�ust 13, 19?1, Deanis A. 8n6has, •sploqse oi the Bureau ot Polioe and Fire Alar�, be paid iroo the worloten's Coapeasation Aeoount oi ths General IPnad, t2te �u� of �17,008.50, reprerentias 283.4�$ weaks oi oospea�ation at the eospsnsation rste ot� �60.00 per week, anb�eet to the oandition� o•t iorth bslowi euoh �u� b.ing payable by re�,�on oi the�:�penfsnent � partial di�abilitq o! �sid Denais ft. Aughes, Mho wua ia�nr�d on June 80, 1969, while e�ployed by the Huroan o� Po11ce and Fire Alar�; b� i t � .�� FURT�R I�ESOLVh'D, thst out oi the aloreraid oo�peasation, �1,000 be deducted and paid direotly to Ja�ee A. T�ehida, sttoraey ' tor eaid Dennis R. Hughes,in �ull tati�lse'ti�n ot leral aervieee rendered and the re0ainfng balano• ot the sior�ssid oo�p�nsation, �16,008.y0, be paid directly to said Dsnni• R. 8uahes in ane lump sum without intereet dednation, 8n8 iurth.r, tbst tbs su� o! #340 l7, repres�nting t�ro peraen� (2�r) oi the p•rsanent partial dieability of said Denni• R. Hughee, b• paid to the Worl�aen's Compensation Co�ission on behaii oi the Speoial Co�penution Ftutd. AUG 8 41�1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19. Yeas Naya But�� A�roo�t AU6 2 419?1 i9_. �-- Levine, ��n Favor �Vteredith Mayor Sprafka v A gairiSt Mr. President, McCarty ��