255409 ow�wu+w�To wrr a�.pe� ���^/�
c�nr oF sr. PAUL �u�� N , ���
�MM�� Victor J Tedesco �� Au�ust 23, 1971
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WHERE , e Council of e City of Sai�nt Paul is informed by
, the City Architect that the vacant and open buildings located at:
2375 Territorial Road
-in the City of Saint Pau]. are a proYimate hazard to the public health,
welfare and s afety; and
WHEREAS� the ],ast known record owners of s aid property are:
Kenneth & Irma Chase; Everett C. Anderson
-and said owners have fai�ed to secure the �ame against entry by unauthorized
pereons in violation of Sectian 192. 18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and
eaid vacant and open buildings have been found and determined by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul to constitute a menace to the public health, welfare
and eafety and a public nuisance which must be imrnediately abated to prevent
losa of lifo or property; now, therefore be it
RE50LVED, that the City Architect'is��'�,uthorized and directed to
immediately secure eaid buildings by the use of contract labor undex� Contract
No. T3.9�`pending proceedings under the Hazardous Buildings Act; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such buildings be
paid from Fund No. 0979-269, Summary Abatement, and that the Corporation
Counael be directed to take agpropriate action to reimburse said fund by
action against the owner of said property. (Estimated cost: $105. 75)
COUNCII.�N Adopted.by the Coimc�� AU6 �4 �9i1
Yeas Naye
. 8utaer AU6 2 4 1971
6�rla�r�_C`' � • A �1 _19�
Levtne . -- � Tn Favor
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Bpraika ayor
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. �ed�
Mr. �Preeident, Mcc;arty AUG 2 8 1971