255396 Orisin�l to Cit�Clsrk i ORDINANCE 25� ��� COUNCIL FILE NO � . , PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO _____._. Ari ordinanca ameading S�atima 291.25, Subdivi�ioa 3, �f the Saint Paul Leqislatine Cvd� pertainiag to fc�d sstablis�m�nt� and permitting lea:�iea1 �ard dc�gs in certain ar�as of food establi�hmeat�. _�_ T)� C�U�CIL �F Tffi CITY OF S1�I�iT PAUL D�E� �RZ'�i.TIT: Secatioa 1. That ��ction 291.25, S�abdivi�ion 3, of th� SaiAt P�ml I�qislmtiv� Cod� is affiend�d t� read: "Nc� live birds o� sai�aals sball be all�ww�al in auAy ares where food i: ma�ufactu�rsd, pr�c•saed, preparad, stmred or �eerveds pronided, hawever, guard dc�g: or� l�ash �ecao�paayi�q pc>lice o£fic��s mnd speci�l poliee officar: w]aile in per�ormanee of thair duti�s and dc�gs aee�apanyiaq ]�lind per�s�a: say be pe=mitted iA f�d �stablisbmeat�. Sectia� 2. Z'laat thi: m�di�anae �hall tak� e�fect and be in forea tMirty days frc� and aft�r it� pa�sag�, approval �ad publiemtiaa. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councii SEp 31971 9�� �Y' � . Levine Tn Favor �� v � A gainst Sprafka Tedesco � � Approved: 197� At st: � . Yice Pr ' lith •---{— ty Cler Mayor �� Form approved Corpor��k,ion Coury��� � PSJ�i.ISI�ED � - - Arca Code ��ri �`.� TiiONAS J. STEARG'S �-'�� J ARTI-SllR M. Nf:L`;C)M 223-5221 . �S% E:�,,,, � �t� PAUL F. MC CLOSKFV�, JR. a��':� � 1�'-� � ,y�3 1 h. SCOTT DAVIES P!CF2{'<[: !�!. REGNIER �-"`��,� D:INIEL L. FICKER JOHN C. MC LAUGHI._IN ����� �� ������M ����� HOAERT C. HOCNL KENNETH J. FtTZPA7RICK ��` P.. KEITH HANZ'F"L First Assistart ROGER W. MEY�R Assistants JEROME J. SEGAL LEGAL DEPA�Ttt4�Rli' reRRV F. SULLIVAN Special Assistant Investigator 310 Citp Hali, S1. Paul, Mir+nesofia 55�02 DAfdIEL A. KLAS Corporation Counsel Augus� 23, 1971 Dr. Paul Cox Health Department City o.f Saint Pau1 Re: Permitting Watchdogs in Res,taurants Dear Dr. Cox: The City Council is presently consideril�g an amen�ment to the Le�islative Code so as to permit speci�.l police and Pulice Department personnel to ente�° food establishn�ents �ar.ile accompanied by �aatchdogs . Corr�nissioner Butler asked if it would be advisable to fU.rther pei-mit otimer_s of f.aod •estaUlishments to ma.intain and keep watchdogs on their premises dtiring the hours during which th.e e�tabli_shr��_zit is closed, the dog being there for the purpose of bur;]_ar protectione Commissioner Butler �aould like to have your advice concerning any possible dar�gers to h.ealth �_iE dogs were permitted to act as a burglar warriiiig-system ir foad establishments . � Would you �lease notify Commission���r Butler_ of your opi�ni.on, and I ��ould apprec�ate receiving a copy of your repiy. This ordinance is presentl.y before the City Council., an� your �_mmedi.ate consideration and reply are appreciatPd. , Very truly yours, JERGi�'IE J. SEGAL Special Assi_st�.nt Corporat�_on Couxise]_ JJS :ei: cc:Commiss:ioner R. Lutler Co�Unissi.oiier Dea.� 1�1c.rediL.h Ha.-�:-y L. N1�zrsl�ail_, C�:ity C�er.k� o,,b.,__;,>� Auguet 19, 1971 b�s. Daniel A. Klas i;orporati�n Counsel ':u3.lding :�ear �ir: Attentir�n: Mr. Jerome Segal __._�.� 't'he City Council indicated the �.e�ire that the attached aubmitted ordinance ineZude a provi�3on to ailow the presence of e. do� in a place af business �uch +�� a restauraut far wa�tch purpo�3es durin� clos3n� hours. Commisaior�r Meredith expre�s�d a desire that the ordinance be gmended a1�o #c> include the �mgrgency clause. The Council took no stanc� an Cor�mission�r Meredith's request. Yery truly yourrs, City Clerk MS�n g �� � � Ist ' 2nd h Laid over to 3rd and app � —Adopted ( � Yeas ays Yeas Nays Butler K'8tif! t�---" Carlson j'sen�es�— Levine { �Levine ����96 Meredith , / �`�— L.L Sprafka � '�� Sprafka l U Tedesco 'Tedesco Mr. President McCarty ���""`�'���a•,J. `�'_ �9r. Vice President MPreds�h