255375 ORIGIN/SL TO CITY CLERK 2553'75 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO . OFFICE THE CIN CLERK O UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE O �' M W8 ATF WH�EAS, In the matter of Comptroller's Contract L-7328 for �lidenir►g and Resurfac- ing HAI�II.INS AVENIIE from Bdgcu�be Road to Randolph Avenue, City Project No. 70-P-0482A, Armor-Coat Companq, Inc., Contractor, the specified date of completion is November 15, 1970, and WHBREAS, The Contractor did not complete the oontract by said date o� completion, tberefore be it RBSOLVED, That the proper City Officials b� and they are hereby auttu�rized and directed to exec�te an amend�ent to said contract extending the time of oompletion to August 16, 1971, provided however, that this resolution shall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractos's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it FURTI�R R&SOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby waives all claim for liqu3dated damages and that no engineering and inspection o�sts on this project will be chsrged to the Contractor for such extended period. �OBM - PR Asst. o p io Co!s �f=• AU618197:1 - AUG 18197�1 �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays � �9 ��� Butler �E;a�}se�-�=�•�.-�-�-��. PP � 19� Levine � � Tn Favor ��r /i� Sprafka v Mayor A gainst Tedesco � ��� Aus a 1 �971 Mr. Vice President Meredith � o��,�,�,��,� 2553"15 CITY OF ST. PAUL �unca NO. t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEMERAL FORM PR�6NTED EY COMMi5510NER lto�r M. COII�Y p,,� 1�tRB�S, �u t,h� �att�r � Cr+�ptsoll�r's Contriat L-7ltA !oz t�tid�nia� +�d R�wstaa- tus A�lII� AVlU�E lso� Bd�cu�ba ltoad to R�adolph Awau�, City Ps+o�ct llo. ?Ml+•046ZA. ��l7oat tb�paeq►� Iuc.� Contrsctor, tla spse�i�d dat� o� ao�pl�ti�t ia llo�riwb�s 1S, kl7M� asd i�iRE�S, Tb� Coa�at�or did twt e�orpl� th�e cantsaat by said dat� o! oo�pl�ti�on• t1t�t�os� b� it u80LVm, T'h�t tl� pto�r City Otfiaialr bs aod ttw� a�+a 6rrrs+�by �wttl�ozl�d and d3�rsal�d ba� �rsant� aa �t to �aid aantaraat �ac�ndi� � titMt oi m�pi+�t3�on �o �a�rt 16, 1971, pa�a►i�dsd bo�w�r. ttiat Chi� rrwlntiQa �rhall haw ao fosa� os �!l�at u�tl�aa � wr�ti� on t�a Contia�os�s bond c��at th�rsr�o and fil� aach aoas�st in mcitl.n� rith tly City Co�pL�roll�s. �nd br it _ !UA'1'8R� RE�OLV�D, ?bat ti�++� Cit�r of Saiut Paul h�s�by vs,tw� all ala�s !or liqnidadrd da�a and Chat ta �pn�t�s�itt� �nd insp�cts�► o�ata o�n t6is psa j�at viii b� ct�as��d to tht Contsaator foa aich �d�d p�riod. A�6 l 81�T1 COtJNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19_.. Yeas Nays Butler C,� Approved AU6 1 9 1971 18� Levine Favor � Mayor Sprafka � Against Tedesco Mr, Vice President Meredith ��