255374 OR16'MAL TO CITY CL6RK 25�J�� - . CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OE NCIL NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO S TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BT R er M. Conwa COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, tt is necessary to construct sewer revision on Cedar Street at Fourth Street to separate storm water a�d clearwater from the existing combined sewer, and WHEREAS, Said revision wiil t�elp reduce the amount of combined sewer over- f lows to the ri ver, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications known as CEDAR STREET AT FQURTF! STREET SEWER REVISIONS, 71-S-1214 and WHEREAS, The construction of the CEDAR STREET AT FOURTH STREET SEWER REVISIONS S-1214 ts to be charged to the P. t .R. fu�d 6000 and reimbursed by 1971 Local lmprovement Fund 0920, be it RESOLVED, that the plans and specifications for the CEDAR STREET AT FOURTH STREET SEWER REVIStONS S-1214, as subm�tted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this construction. K �v �URM AS o ra icn oun�°^ AU6 18 1971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �s � g 1�9�� Butler �a�se�r-�'�-�-��:�.-__ Ap ove 19� Levine �n Favor � �Ieredith-� � �.' NrayOr Sprafka A gainst Tedesco ��',., , ��n� � Mr. Vice Presi�ent Mere �tn AU6 811971 PUBLISHED � o�.��„�,��,� �53'�4 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa NO f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM P��NTED�' Ro�r M. Ca�way COMMISSIONER DA� WHEREAS. It Is n�a�ss�e�r to e�nstruct sw,�sr rwision on C�du ttn�t at Fowrth StrNt to �sparst� stone wat�r and cl�an+�ter 1'ra� the ucistirp ao�bin�d sa+v�r, a�d VHEREAS, S�1 d rsvi s t on wf 11 hbr 1 p �due� th� a�o�mt of oo�bi n�d sa�r ow�- flavs to the riwr, and MI�IER�A�, th� D�part�snt of Pu b 1 t c blorks has pr�pand �1 ans aad sp�e 1 f i cat i ons known as CEDAR STREET AT FQt1RT!�1 STREET SE�R REVISIOMS� 71-5-121k and MHEaEAS, The construetion of EIN CEDAR STREET AT RO!lRTM sTREET SEMER REYIEION3 S-1214 Is to bs char�sd to the P.I .R. f�nd 6000 aM nt�rs�d by 1971 loaal im�r+ow�snt Fund Og�O, b� Tt RESOLVED, that th� plans and sp�ciftcations for th� CEDAR STREET AT FOtlRTH STREET SEWER REVISi�lS S-121y, as snbwlttsd by the Coaatsstoc�r of Publlc �lorks aro hereby aap�aved; and be it further RESOLVED, That ths Purchastng Agent be and 1s hanby �racti�d to,�dvertis� for blds cn this construction. �� ; 1,.. . L"' � �� .- - _... _. .� ..:.:.... �+'I';7�.: :,3.. ^."�.^.. . . r,�� � ? r 7 :ti�� •a _ _.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Couacsl A�6 18 197� 19—. Yeaa Nays Bu�� AU6 19191� �.., � Approv� 19` Levine Tn Favor M�••uaca aiai-► Sprafka C� �y�r A gainat Tedesco �� Mr. Vice President Meredith ^�°�