02-833Return copy to: O�� G j� ?� �
Real Estate Division � �
140 City Hall
Presented By
�rc.cv�.�s - Sep�. «,
Council File # na _ Sa3
Green Sheet # 204003
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ReferredTo My v, � / Committee: Date � A�GC�'�ea
RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the proper City officials to execute a
lease/purchase ageement, copy attached, with Ramsey County for the Benz Building at the northeast corner of
Olive Street and Grove Street.
FURTHER RESOLVED, requesting Ramsey County to issue revenue bonds in an amount sufficie
to yield $12,000,000 cash to cover the construction build out and fixture furniture for
the Benz Buildina. Saint Panl Pnlice Head'm�arterc_
Departmentlo�ce/council: Date Initiated Green Sheet No .204003
Mayor's Office da - �"�
CoMad Person 8 Phone: � Initiaudate iniriaUdate
Peter White 6-8853 _�an,,,�t ar. 3 CityCouncil
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date) �5�9n 1 Ciry Attomey _City Clerk
Number Financial5erv Dir. Financial Serv/acct
For 2 Mayor (Or Asrt.) _ Civil Service Commission
ToWI # of Signature Pages 1 (Clip All Lowtions for Signature)
Action Requested:
Resolution allows City officials to enter into negotiations with Ramsey County to lease the Benz Building, at the
new Ramsey County Law Enforcement site, for the City Police operations.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Perso�al Service Contracts Must Mswer ihe Following Questions:
1. Has this person/Brtn ever worked under a conVact for this department?
Planning Commission Yes No
CIB Committee 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city
employee? Yes No
_ Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
Ramsey County is building a new Law Enforcement Center neaz University and Lafayette. The Benz Building is
located on the site and could house the Police operations which are currently housed in the Public Safety Building
and the Public Safety Annex.
Advantages If Approved:
Collocating the police operations with the sherifPs operations will result in efficiencies in operations and better
service for the residents of Saint Paul and Ramsey County.
DisadvanWges If Approved:
Disadvantages It Not Approved:
Opportunity to collocate law enforcement operations will be lost.
Total Amount of Transaction: $8,250,000 CosURevenue Budgeted:
Funding Source: Activity Number:
Financiat Information: (Explain)
ba- F�33
interdepartmental Memorandum
TO: Council President Dan Bostrom
FROM: Chief ��Iilliarn Finney
PoTice Department
SUBJ: City,`County Collaboration - Benz Building
DATE: Septzmber 9, 2002
Very soon, you and the City Cour.cil will be asked by the Mayor's Office to supgort efforts to
move the pclice department into the Benz buildin�, which is d;rectly adj acent to the new Ramsey
County Law� Enforcement Center (RCLEC). I wish to hi;hlight the iact that by moving your
police department next-door to the RCLEC, we will be given the opportunity to initiate sor.ie
si�nificant collaborations an3 efficiencies with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office.
Efficiencies of Co-Location:
When Saint Paul oolice officers are housed in the Benz building, they will merely need to
cross a skyway to speak to suspects anested for crimes in Saint Paul.
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be housed in the Benz building, which
allows leaders from City and County agencies to assemble ai one location in a"statz-of-
the-art" facility durina emergency situations.
Commur.ity leaders and visitors will be able to stop at one location to contact members of
either agency.
Shared Resources:
Target Range.• One benefit of co-location is a merged target range sTaff. The t�,vo
organizations will merge tazgzt range staffs to crzate one unit to oversee all fireanr.s
training for both organiza?ions and oversee contract ran�e services for other law
enforcement a�encies. This co! laboration will ailow this department to retum two poiice
officers to patrol duties.
oa� �33
• Crime Lab: The RCSO has offered to assi� one criminalist to the SPPD lab. It has not
been determined how this arrangement will be made operational in the respective
• Training Unit: Both a�encies have an ongoing need for high quality, cost effective
training for both sworn and civilian employees. Again, si�ificant savin�s could occur if
we were to share this function.
• SPPD Station Commander: The police departmenYs station commander will be housed
in the RCLEC to provide administrative oversight, review arrests, meet with the judicizry
and media, as a command, control and communications link for both agencies.
• Cafeterias and Break Rooms: Employees will have access to a sin�ular cafeteria and
break room creaied to serve bcth facilities.
Future Collaborations:
Sheriff Robert Fletcher and I have agreed to explore the prospect of combining units of similar
functions into shared units or offices:
Emergency Communications Center (ECC): The police departmenYs ECC would be a
state-of-the-art facility with the latest technology and equipment.
Investigative Units: Both agencies have investigative units where some nahual overlap
occurs. The potential exits for increased investi�ative efficiency and eff ctiveness shouid
a mer�er occur in this azea.
The future move of the Saint Paul Police Department to the Benz building will allow this
department to continue to provide the best possible public safety services to the citizens and
visitors of Saint Paul.
cc: Mayor Randy Kelly
Deputy Mayor Dennis Flaherty
SheriffRobert Fletcher
SPPD Administrative Team
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Saiirt Paul Police Department Bem Building Spaea Needs Summary
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CAROL MORPHEW/65i 2662763/266.2264FAX
Benz Buifding
Renovation Project
�ate: September 6, 2002
To: Benz Building Project Team Members
Re: Renovaiior. Project Work Letter
o p��
The purpose of this Work Letter is to describe the parameters of this buildiny renovation
project and to outline the process by which the design and constructlon wil! proceed.
Several groups wiil pa!t:cipate in this buiiding prcject:
A. OWNER: City of Saint Paul represen±ed by their Technology and Management
Services (TMS) Group, Rea! Estate Division/ Peter Wnite and Dave Neison
B. USER AGENCY: Saint Paul Police Department represented by Deputy Chief
Richard Gardell and Senior Commander Timoihy Lesiie
C. DEVELOPER: Ramsey County represented by their Prope��y Management
Department/ Jolly Mangine, Caro! Morphew, and Fred Shank
D. DESlGN CONSULTANTS: Wold Architects and Engineers represented by their
Principal, Mike Cox
E. DESIGN-BUILD CONTRACTOR: McGough Construction Inc. represented by
their LEC Project Manager, Mark Miller and their Design Liaison, Dennis Mulvey
These representatives will form the Benz Building Project Team and wiil be, as a group,
responsible for the pianning and design of the Benz Buiiding. It is the responsibility of
each Team member to report back to their respective organiza:ion on the status of the
Ber.z Building Design Project. The Project Team wili have the coliectiva authority to
fashion the Final Project Design within the Schedule and Gross Maxirnum Price (GUP)
stipulated in McGough's Design-Buiid Amendment with Ramsey Courty. During
construction, McGough will present building process and technology matters as they
arise to Property Managemer; for direction.
oa- �''S�
On August 6, 2002, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners approved a Benz
Building Project Budget of �8,250,000 to include demolition, reconstruction, new
fumishings, professional fees, and miscellaneous project expenses. This total is
comprised of McGough's Build-faSuit Proposal of $7,250,000 plus $1,000,000 to cover
fixtu, es, fumiture and equipment (FF&E).
At the Count�s request, McGough Construction prepared a Build-to-Suit Proposal for fhe
Benz Building in April 2002, prior to the County`s decision to negotiate with the City of
Saint Paui for the relocation of the City's Police Department. This design-build proposal
calis for the complete demolition of the buiiding's interior inciuding mechanical, electrical
and plumbing systems. It provides for refurbishment of the masonry exterior and
replacement of all win�ow openings with new window -assemblies. The proposaf aiso
includes a new roof. The proposal estimates a square foot cost to build-oui the six floors
as typical office space, assuming a combination of open office area, private offices, and
conference rooms. It is important to note that this proposai was developed in la!e March
without benefit of a specific build-out design and without an identified tenant. Construction
costs were developed by McGough based on their 2002/2003 construction schedule at
the adjacent Law Enforcement Center (LEC) site. The Benz Building construction
estimate assumes efficient pricing based on simultaneaus construction work at the LEC.
Subcontractor costs were prepared relying on the duai buiiding systems and interior
finishing v✓ork anticipated in the coming year. Assuming 100,OG0 square feet in the
building wouid be redeveloped along with the addi;ion of a skyway link to the Law
Enforcement Center, McGough estimated a renovation cost of about $72.50 per square
The Ramsey County Department of Budgeiing and Accounting developed two financing
scenarios to fund this renovation project. With consultation from the County's bond
counsel, Springsted, Inc., the County Board reviswed the two scenarios a: their 6 August
2002 Policy Meeting and indicated their preference �or the Lease Revenue Bond
trar,saction. This type of transaction turns on the City's intention to make lease payments
to the County over a multi-year period after occuparcy in order tc repay the building
development costs. The total amount of the bond issue and the repayment schedule are
yet to be det�rmined and will depend on the approved budget .
a Page 2
On July 25, 2002, a meeting was conducted at the Senz Building with representaiives
from the Giry, fhe County,"and McCough Construction in attendance. It was agreed that in
order fior the design-build scenario to be successful, exterior construction and interior
demolition must begin before the tenant design can be completed. McGough proposed to
retain Wold Architects and Engineers, (the LEC designers), for consultation on the Benz
Buifding project. McGough's Projeci Schedule caiis for Programm;ng and Schematic
Design to 6e completed within a 30-day period. The group discussed merging the
subsequent Design Devefopment Phase and the production of Construction Documents
'snto a 12-week period that concludes with construction documents 6eing submitted for
building perrrzits in December. Developmeni ofi the project design on this scheduie wilf
demand continuous participation by tne Project Team which 'sncludes: the C+ty's Reai
Estate Division; the Wold consultant team; the ivlcGough Benz Buiiding team; Police
Department project representatives and; the County's Property Management project
representatives. With this design process, two major design review points occur at: a) the
end of Schematic Design, about one month into project pianning; and b) in December
with comp4etion of the Fina( Design and the Construction Documents.
The Prr�ject Schedule assumes that negoiiations beriveen the Counry and the Ciry �vill oe
successfui and resuit in a signed Lease-Purchase Agreement by mid-September 2002.
MeGough Gonstruction has developed an integrated design and construction schedule
that calis for programming work to begin as soon as Yne Project is authorized. Vvhile the
design is being developed this fall, interior demolition wiil commence. The 6uiiding's
exterior wili be cleaned and tuckpointed before winter se±s in. l'he existing roof will also
be repf2ce� beginning {ate summer. By Jan:�ary 2003 construction documents will be
comalete and i�terior recor.struction will commence. The reconstruction wiil be
substantialiy complete by October 2003. �urnishings wiii beoin arriving on-site in 4ate
September for instai4ation. Building start-up and operational staff training will begin at
Substantial Completion. At this time it is anticipated that the Saint Paui Police Departmeni
will move into the Benz Bui4ding in December and be operationa! by January 2�OS.
This Work Letter descsibes the composition o; the Project Team, their co�lective
responsibility for planning and design, the scope of the projeci, the construction cnd
overali project budget, the preferred financing method for the proyect, the work schedu(e,
and the design process to be foilowed. !t is agreed that each entity involved in the Benz
Building Project wiil provide the resources necessary for the project to be completed on
schedule and within budget.
• Page 3
6512986821 P.02
McGough — Ramsey Cou_ntv
Law Enforcement Center
425 Grove Street
St. Paui, Ivlinnesot� 55101
Phone (651) 298-6822 Fax (651 } 298-fi821
September 6, 2002
Ramsey County Property Management
Mr. Jolly Mangine
660 Government Center �Vest
50 bVest Kellogg Boulevard
St. Faul, Minnesota 55 i02-16�7
8e: Benz Suildina RenovaUon
Build to suit proposal
Dear Iolly:
Five Generations
Building Confidence
At[ached please find our Build-to-Suit proposal fo: che Benz Building a[ 367 Grove Street. �Ve
have ir.cluded our estimate for demolition and renovation per you: preliminary information. Our
progosed office plan can adequa[ely support any one of your intended tenants. Wold Architec:s
has a�reed co work within our p:oposed design fee.
McGough Const Lction
Mazk Miiler
Pro}ec[ I�Sanager
cc: JimFrisell-N1cGoughComp2nies fiie:
6512986821 P.03
Ramsey County
Benz Building Renovation
� � 367 Grove Street
Buiid-to-suit Proposed Speci£cations
General Items
Exterio: Refurbishment
rloor Plate Area
Floot Design
Planning Module
Core Dimensions
Struccural System
Loading Docks
Finished Ceiling Heights
Parking Pacilities
Storage Space
Trash Compaccor
Main Floor Lobby
Building Standard Door Height
Building Security
Building Standard Ceiiing System
Elevator Sys[em
Elevator Speed
HVAC System
Zones per floor
Energy Management System
After hour HVAC zvailability
Chilled water and Heat System
Fire Pro[ection System
- Complete exterior brick & stone refurbishment
- 16,836 to 18,095 gross square feet avai:able
- 80 psf live load capacity
- 4' or 5' module available
- approx. 20' x 20' bays
- Cast in place cor.crete
- Three dock doors available
- 8' available, exposed siructure at basement
- Parking available at RLEC next door
- 20,Q00 GSF available in basement
- Available at dock
Ynterior Amenities
- Secure entrance from RLEC site
- 7' -0
- 24 hour security entrance available
- 2' x 2' tegula* edge lay-in ceiling
- Two refurbished existing elevators
- 500 ` per minute
Mecha�ical Systems
- 2 AHU's per P�oor serving a VAV syscem
- 1,500 SF inaximum
- Utllize RLBC DDC building confrol system
- Available via programming of control system
- Dis[rict Energy to suppiy buiiding
- Quick response sprinkier system
6512986821 P.04
O ��i��3
E[ecEricat Systems
System Distribution
Design Capacity
Emergency Generator
Fire & Life Safety Alarr,i System
Lighting Sys:ems ar.d Control
Telephone and Data Distribution Sys[em
- Use existing 2,000 amp 277/480 vol[ service
- Supports 6 wacts per rentable square foot
- New 300 kW diesel generator for life safety
- Minimum coverage for fully sprinklered buildino
- Lay-in parabolic fixtures with accent down liahts
- Cor.duic and raceway system rough-in only
Buiiding Care and Shell
Exterior wall
- Replace all exterior windows
- Tuck point and repair all exterior brick
- Clean all exterior brick and stone
- Rated walls sheet rocked ready for finish
Elevator lobby - Concrete floors teady far carpeting
- Ceilings exposed ready for lay-ia ceiling
Toitet Rooms
- Ceramic Tile floors and wet walls only
- Vinyl wall covering accenis
- Handicapped accessible
- Two electric water coolers per floor
- One telephone / electrical room per floor
- One custodian closet per floor
Typical Tenant Floor
- Sealed concre[e ready to receive finisi�
- Design capacity_ 80 psf live load, 20 psf partitions
- Perimeter/core sheetrocked ready for finish
- 2' x 2' exposed "T" suspended grid system
- Tegular edged ceilina tile stocked in buitdin�
- NRC rating .55 -.65, STC rating 35-40
- VAV system, two air handling units per floor
- 1,500 SF per zone maximum
- Perimeter zones installed w/VAV box, duct,
- Interior zones inst�lled w/VAV box stub only
- Perimeter fan powered boxes; interior pinch down
SEP-e6-20�2 11�2e MCG�UGH C�NSTRUCTI�N 6512986821 P.05
Light Fix[nres
Doors, Fixtures & HardGVare
Window Coverinos
- 2' x 4' parabolic fixtures, 36 cell, 4" deep louver
- Etectronic ballas[s with T8lamps
- Allowance of 1 fixcure per 80 SF
- Can down lights at lobby and toilet rooms
- Doors are 7' x 3' solid core wood doors
- Holiow Metal frames with lever hardware
- 1" horizoncal I,evelot blinds at al1 ext. windows
6512986821 P.06
Page 1 of 2
Raansey County - Benz Building Renovatio�
- G�VIP Estimate
Archiiect: McGough Companies
Location: St.Pant, l�iinnesota
Es2imate prepared by: McGough
Estimate number: GVIP Estimate n 4
Building Square Footage: 100,000
Estimate date: 09(06/02
era( Conditions (most services from RLF
tolicio ( basemert and b!dg interior, roo
ironmen[al Demolition
Utili;ies (min re-connections and sts
sior Cor.crete Flatwork (patch and repaii
crete Cu: an Gutter (patch and repair
minous Paving (patch and repair only)
crere Restoration (as needed at columns
Meta( allowance
;llaneous Metal Erection
Finished Carpentry/!�
Millwork Ins!alla:ion
seam r ooting over
&Sealants (Allo�
�) $4.17 � 416,604
towerabandoned) 54.51 5 451,000
� BY Ramsey County
t up of existing) 50.10 5 10,000
�nly) SO.IO $ ]0,000
nly) $0.0� $ 5,000
stabs) $015 S 25,000
$0.03 5 2,SOQ
----�-- SU_03 -- S -- 2,500
�O.IS 5 15.000
Wood Doors
---- --- -- -- - � --- ... . . . - -
Finished Hardware
Install Doors Frames and Hardwa�e
-------------------- -._..-
Access Panels �- "- - .. .- - --� �- � -
Aluminum Windows / Glazing
G�y sum Drywall, -- -� - - _ _ -
Acoustic Ceiling
-- - ------ - ._..
- - --------- ----- --- - .... -
Pair.ting & Wallcovering
----._._. . __...---- - ------ - -- -
Toilet Partitions
Lo�vers -- --- - - - -
ID Devices
eire Extinguishers
Ins[allation of SQecialties
Toile[ Accessories
-- - - -- -- _ __
Skyway Link Benz to RLEC
$024 $ 23,660
$0.15 S 1�,000
incl uded in Misc Metals
$0.18 S 18,200
$0.75 $ 75,000
$0.25 5 25,000
$L54 S 153.972
50.15 _ $ I5,000
-- $0.25 - — 5 25,000
included in HM line item
inciuded in HM line item
�o.[o -- s io,000
� -- - - - -- ------_.
50.03 S 2,500
-- ---- - --- - - - ----
$2.99 $ 298,730
- $3.00 --- ----- -� --- - 300.000
$0.30 5 30,000
$1.09 ---- ----- - 5 ---- -- - I09,4t0
$L41 - ----------�-----------
-- ------- --- ----. ._..--.. . .
31.18 5 138,Q00
S 5,500
- - � _------- q.000
--- ---- -------
5 3�000
$ 2,000
5 7,500
5 5,500
$ 25Q.000
McGough Construction Co., Inc. 2737 Fairview Avenue Nortn, Si. Paul, Minnesota 55113
SEP-06-2002 11�21 MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION 6512985821 P.H7
Page 2 of 2
McGough Construction Co., fna 2737 Fairview Avenue North, St. Pauf, Minnesota 55513
interdepartmental Memorandum
To: Denny Flaherty
Mayors Office
390 City Hall
From: Peter White
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
September 9, 2002
Benz I3uilding
The following are costs of various items not included in the oiiginal renovation estimate and
which will reqaire additional bonding authority.
Secure elevator
Buildout for the 9ll center, EOC, IS computer cenCer
Fitness Center w/locker rooms
Voice, data, video cabling
1V�etwork connections
Buiidout garden level for offices
$ 150,000
$ 842,055
� 572,000
$ 375,000
� 50,000
S 1.143,270
� 617,675
This would brin� the total amount to $12,000,000 (�8.25M plus �3.75M).
cc: Ron Kline
WHEREAS, the County is the Owner of real property and improvements legally described
on "Exhibit A" (the "Property); and
�VHEREAS, the Coun*y intends to develop the Property for law enforcement purposes; and
WHEREAS, the County Law Enforcement Center located on the property contains facili�ies
that are necassary for the City to use for law enforcement purposzs; and ;:°-- >,- -:�
',' �, - .-
GVHEREAS, the City wi11 putchase the real gropeFty legally'described�on."Exhibit B",
known as the Benz BLiiiding, for Public Safety Offices azid reiafed purQoses; and <;;,. ;�'
.; -,
WH�REAS, The County will sell bonds in the amounti of S$,250,Q00 to finance the buildout
a�d the fixtures, fumishings, and equipment for the Benz Building; an3 ;..,,
_ �-- ��x,�r�-. ;°
WHEREAS, in order to exeate and preserve�the haimonious�8evelopment of the Property foc
]a�� enforcement purposes and for the benefit of the`real property described in Exhibit B, the County
hereb}� grants to the City a right of use of the Property under the terms and conditions stated herein;
NO�V THEREFORE, in consideration of Yhe mutual promise and covenants herein, the
paRies agree as follows:
L ��. The County wili build out tfie spaca in the Benz Building in accordance with the
_;t ''scope of work document attached as Exhibit C;
JI. `.;` The County tivill a�Iow'the City Police Department personnel to use facilities in the
La�v: Enforeement Center, such as, the firing ran�e and the ]uneh roomfcafeteria. The
Cirywill coordinate its nse with the Larv Enforcement Center building management
staff. ` � ''�� ��
The Law Enfozcement Center will have 24 hour staffed enirance. This entrance will
be the aftei hours entrance for the Benz Buildin�;
The Codnty a;rees to provide the operations and maintenance for the Benz Building
and the City agrees to pay its pro rata share of the cost. In the alternative, the City
may elect to provide its o�vn operations and maintenance for the Benz Buildin�.
MODIFIED REDLINED DRAFT (8/28/02) � _ �� �
A�.��d - s��• ��,
THIS LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter, to�ether with any supplements, amendme�� y g
or exhibits hereto, "The LEASE") is made as of
a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota (the County} and the City of St. PauI,
Minnesota, a home rule charter city and a municipal corporation under the.laws of the State of
Minnesota (the City).
RECITALS � ry� : �-�
� .___ .. -�
WHEREAS, the County owns real property and
particularly described in Exhibit A which is attached
WHEREAS, the City desires to lease
desires to Lease the Property to the City
WHEREAS, the parties
related purposes; and
W S, th
and ��
4 �_3
WH�����-.s�� e
and reriiodel the buildin r'ms
�;a �:.;�
� :
" WHEREAS, th�€ount�
�� �€�
�� �
__ ,_ `�above pumoseS; and
between the County of Ramsey,
�pro_v:e�nts (the PROPERTY) more
o an =�ncorpo��ted herein; and
�tom the , and the County
� �
onditions stated herein; and
roperty for Public Safety offices and
is vacant and unready for office use;
parties that the County undertake to repair, renovate,
a Pubtic Safety office facitity by the City; and
is willing and abie to repair, renovate, and remodel the building
the County is willing and able to finance the repair, renovation and
remodeling of the building through the use of the proceeds of the sale of Revenue Bonds (the
$onds) in the year 2002; and
WHEREAS, the City is willing and able to reimburse the County for the expense the
County incurs for issuance and repayment of the Bonds through the rents it will pay to the
County in this Lease of the Property,
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promise and covenants'herein, the
parties agree as follows:
In consideration of the Obligation of the City
consideration of the other terms and provisions of this
City, and the City hereby takes from the County, the
easements, and appurtenances belonging to
The Term of this lease
terminate on December 31, :
� �
Term). ���`� �
���- �
Not��� the
Date of the �v~_ � ;�_
compl��d, or by reason,`" `�n_^
C " _ty, the County sha�=us�
� �
�°�ons, repair_a�emode
b�- 8'� 3
� , _
r !, N � Y
oay�Rent� (as defined m�iCle3) aiid in
�'��:;,=`�.:'> ��---�-".'
; County hereby leases to the
all rights, privileges,
(Commencement Date) and
term of two hundred forty months (the
Propertp shall, on the scheduled Commencement
by the City because construction has not yet been
operations, repair or xemodeling to be done by the
good faith efforts to complete such conshuction, Building
and to deliver possession of the Property to the City. The
good faith efforts, shall not in any way be liable for failure to obtain
possession of the Property for the City or to timely complete such construction, Building
operations, repair ar remodeling, but the Rent payable by the City under this Lease sha21 abate
until the date the County is able to tender possession of the Property to the City, which date shall
be deemed the "Commencement Date; ' and the Term sha11 be automatically extended so as to
include the full number of months of the Term, except that if the Commencement Date is other
oa- �33
than the first day of a calendar month, such Term shall also be extended for the remainder of the
calendar month in which possession is tendered.
� Base Rent. The City
The taking of possession by the City shall be deemed_conclusi�elyta establish that the
Properiy has (a) been remodeled, renovated and repaire& in-accordance��ivrt� tlie ��o�isions of th
x ::'"a r "
[Work AgreementJ which is attached hereto as Exhibrt E B and s�ade in part hereaf,�and (li') are
in good and satisfactory condition as of the date when
defined herein, in advance, w�
at the rate stated in the �i ^�',�c
herein as Exhibit C. �e such
�i i�as taken.
,y to the��"�iity Base Rent, as
� � �.
r set off, for the entire Term,
tached hereto and incorporated
shall be due and payable without
on �``�'�e first d����ao'h calendaz month succeeding the
Term. The Payment for the month of January 2004
under the
of money equal to one twelfth { 1112) the annual debt service,
interest, capitalized interest, and other charges payable by the
of the Bond indenture.
during the term of this Lease, the County, in its discretion, is able to redeem
the Bonds and reissue Bonds at a lower interest rate {the Reissue Bonds) the County shall
recalculate the Base Rent to reflect the lower debt service. All provisions of this Lease which
a9o2o 3
apply to the Bonds shall then apply to the Reissue Bonds. Provided, however, that the County
shall not extend the redemption date for any such Reissue Bonds beyond the term hereof.
If the City elects to assume management of the Property pursuant to Article 5 hereof, there
shall be added to the Base Rent a Base Rent Override in the amount of two hundred thousand
dollars ($200,000.00) per year, which Base Rent Override shall be paid in equal monthly
installments of sixteen thousand six hundred sixty-seven dollars ($16,6Fr7 OQ) fo� fhe term hereof
;' _� - �
remaining after the City assumes buildingmanagementes�onsib�lity. ��=� ����
�mx�=-:=�-°� `�.µ��,��
b� Operatin�Casts. As Additional
as defined herein.
As used in this Lease, the term
and disbursements of any kind and
the managemettt, maintenance, opc
or become obligated to pay m r�
were mc ��� =,perati � � _���
x ���
repairs, an� -'� nts to t����
�_ �
systems, roo����� ,er't}' r
-. ���-�'"��
payab����mployees o�������t
i�n and t� of
.-' _
of a ���c1az Y�
shall pay Operating Costs
all expenses, costs
County in connection with
which the County shall pay
of when such Operating Costs
the costs of maintenance,
including, downspouts, gutters, painting, sprinkler
fees, salaries, fringe benefits and related costs
whose duties are connected with the Property; insurance
all heating and air
, sewer and water and other utility costs not separately metered to
maintenance, trash and snow removal. Operating Costs shall not include the
following: (i) costs of curing conshucrion defects to the Building; (ii) depreciation; (iii) any cost
ar expenditure (or portion thereo fl for which the County is reimbursed, whether by insurance
proceeds or otherwise; and (iv� an�repairs or replacements to tenant imnrovements which are
NtoD�r�D �pL�rr�D Dt�T �ar2s�oz�
paid for from funds in the Capital Reserve for Replacements Fund established in Article 3(fl.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, any shuctural repairs or replacements
to the Building, or of any capital improvements made after the Commencement Date which are
intended to reduce Operafing Costs or of any capital improvements which are require'd under any
govemmental laws, regulations, or ordinances which were not applicabie to the Property at the
time it was constructed, including, without limitatian, the�nericans,With Disabilities Act ��~
�� � � � '� �.
(ADA), shall be included in Operating Costs. �� �_ �'
(c) Estimated O�eratin2 Costs. The parties g �a�for the period commencing on
the Commencement Date and ending December 31,
_(Base Year Operating
Not later than May 31, 2004,
practicable, the County shall give
under Article 3(b) for the
followin_= "" � ar year�
to the Coun ID ' ¢ne� - _
year it appe� ,.
estima��y more than f�
� �
esE��ate for such year, a„�
estimated to be
as soon thereafter as is
estimates of the amounts payable
the first day of January of said
of each month thereafter, the City shall pay
amounts. If at any time during such calendar
payable under Article 3(U) will vary from its
(5%), the County may, be written notice to the City, revise its
subsequent payments by the City for such year shall be based upon
(90) days after the end of such full calendar year of the term or as soon
thereafter as practicable, the County shall deliver to the City a summary of the total Operating
Costs for the previous calendar year. If such summary shows an amount due from the City that is
less than the estimated payments previously paid by the City (the Excess Amount), the County
shall credit the Excess Amount against Operating Costs next following due hereunder until the
Excess Amount is exhausted; provided, however, that if the summary shows an Excess Amount
for the year in which this Lease expires or is not appropriated or is cancelled pursuant to Article
o�.-a-� s
14, the suinmary shall be accompanied by a refund of the Excess Amount to the City. If such
summary shows an amount due from the Ciry that is more than the estimated payments
previously paid by the City, the City shall pay the deficiency to the Couxtty as�Adc�iti,onai Rent ;'�
within thirty (30) days after delivery of the suntmary.
cancels this Lease pursuant to Article 19 hereof, the City
after it vacates the premises, any such obligarion.
(d) RiQht to Audit. The City or
County's books and records of C
days following the furnishing of
exception to any item within thi�
� §
(which rt�F�ll be pa���€��
�' .
by The City%`� � re „ ��
(e) .-�r�e���.:`�bux
the fir��Rent payment
re�d fees which the
� �
ized in the B ff
; within thirty (30) days of
right to examine the
hours within twenty (20)
City.�nless the City takes written
furnishing of tt�e summary to the City
shail be considered as final and accepted
As additional Rent, the City shall, on or before the date
the County ali bond counsel, financial consultant, and
incurs by reason of issuance of the Bonds and which are not
The County shall provide the City with a statement of such Preterm
thirty (30) days of issuance of the Bonds.
In addition, if the County is required by law to maintain a debt service reserve surplus in
order to avoid levying a tax of any kind, the City shall pay a Base Rent Reserve in the amount
required by law each year. The Base Rent Reserve payment shall be due in full with the payment
due on the first day of January each calendar year during the term. Provided that, if the City pays
the County in a timely manner all of the Rent payments required by this Lease, the County shall
give a credit or retum to the City a sum equal to the previous yeaz's Base Rent Reserve on
February 1 of each calendar year.
Article 4, the �arties shall iointiv aQree on expenditures from this account; provided that if an
emergencv arises which affects the stnzctural inte�rity of the Building or otherwise re uc� ires
imDrovements to the buildinQ. So long as the County is mana in the�ropert�pursuant to
immediate expenditure of funds, the Count�mav. in its discretion, make such chan�es without
consulting with the Citv.
oZ. f ?3
If the Citv elects to assume management of the Property as provided in Article 5, on the
date it so assumes manaQement the Countv will transfer to the Citv the balance of'anv funds
remaining in Replacement Reserve Account, after all unpaid obli�ations have_�een paid. Durintr
Replacements, as Additional Rent, shall be sus en nded.
(a) Pronertv ManaQement.
(Property Management) as
which the City was obligat
Buildin�� all neE''�
�����`� �.
structural oY`��4���tnral
enhies, mte�i���������
systems�,`�-plumbing wor�c�
� �
ari=:�rovide janitorial a�
operate the Property
and tear and any casualty against
County shall maintain all parts of the
whether ordinary or extraordinary,
not limited to windows, glass and plate glass, doors,
and floor coverings, heating and air conditioning
pest extermination, regular remaval of irash and debris,
other maintenance/service program for servicing all hot water, hearing
and equipment servicing the premises. The County shall contract
heat, electricity and sewer and water, and excluding
(b) Bond Issuance. In the calendar year 2Q02, the County will issue Revenue bonds
in an amount sufficient to yield �miilion cash far the repair, conshuction and renovation of
the buildin�, and other expenses of the City to fiunish and equip the building for its purposes and
move its Public Safety functions into the buildin�.
:. . . . : .. . . . . : .:.
II�I�UIY��I�J�r��l���l�Ul�l�Dl�l�l �hl�ltpN����P1R�JP�� �!'ii��I1R�1 wll�l�K1�l���l��Y'lp���t�\�1�11��BiA�
> • • '_ 7
. i
• � � � � ��
to the Countv.
The City must give the
assume Property Management.
the City's obligation to pay
and the City's Rent Obligation shall be Base Rent
U�on such assum�tion, the County's
the County's agents and representatives shall have the right to enter and
at any reasonable time for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of the
permitted to be made by the County under the terms of this Lease.
Building or in order to make such repairs and perform such actions as may be requixed or
The City may not assi�, sublet or otherwise permit occupancy of the Building or any
portion thereof by third parties without the County's prior written consent, which may be
withheld in the discretion of the County, and such restriction sha11 be binding on any assignee or
subtenant to which the County has consented. Notwithstanding any perniitfed assignment or
subletting, the City shall at all times remain direcfly, primar[ly and full}�respotisi�i�e,and liable -
:v� w��
for the payment of the Rent and for compliance with alko��ts otlzer obligahonsi5ii��fie-teims
��_ , �.
� :: .. '�� .
of this Lease. Upon occurrence of an Event of Default,
then assigned or sublet, the County, in addition to any
provided by law, may, at its option, collect
due and becoming due to the City under
against any sums due to the
construed to constitute a no
.�: e
obligat�a���, � � _ nder. "
�� . _ `�=;
transfer pro`' � � ��-this f
,��,.°��" ��=-�
Count�r breach of this�
x' ��
� �
� � If the City assi�tl
or any part thereof are
provided or
a11 amounts
apply such amounts
and no such collection shall be
the further performance of its
rent following any assignment or other
be deemed a consent by the County to such
same be deemed a waiver of any right or remedy of the
Lease or sublets all or any portion of the Building witbout first
the Coun� consent as required by this Article, said assigiunent or Lease shall be null
force or effect. The County's consent to an assignment, Lease or other
transfer of any interest of the City in this Lease or the building shall not be deemed to be a
consent to any subsequent assignment, transfer, use or occupation.
a9ozo 10
(a) Notice of Casualtv. If the Buildin� should be damaged or destroyed by fire,
tornado or other casualty, the City shall give immediate oral and written notice thereof to the
(b) Continuation of Lease. Norivithstanding the destruction of tke Building by fire,
flood, tomado, riot, civil disturbance, act of terrorism, or-from any other cause", this Lease shatI.'
remain in full force and effect and the City's obligation fo Base Rent shall carittn�ire�or any
��w ` r. _, -
remaining term of this Lease.
(c) Renair of Propertv. If the Building
the City, at its option, may rebuild or repair
repair and reoccupation of the Building
Building and the City shall pay
the date of re-occupancy. If the
the Cow�i��s�.not be re�
z ��
(d) ��: Remaval of PeF;
�� _ _
��:v_ .
Property by-- �"___ - _ � 1 ,
of su __ amaee and at its' _-. '
by any cause,
of such rebuilding or
resume management of the
Operating Costs, as determined on
In the event of any damage to the Building or the
Article, the City shall, promptly after the occurrence
and expense, remove from the Property any personal property
to any of the City, its agents, employees, contractors, licensees or
indemnifies, holds hannless and agrees to defend the County from any
judgment, cost or expense, including attorneys' fees through all appellate
levels arising out of any claim of damage or injury by any of the City, its agents, employees,
contractors, licensees or invitees as to itself or themselves or their respective properties arising as
a result of the removal or failure to remove such personal properry. The County and the City
49020 11
MoD��D �DL�D D�T �s�zs�o2� ba- �33
agree that the County shall have no obligation to secure the Building or the Property in the event
of a casualty and that the risk of loss, by destruction, theft or otherwise, to the personal property
of the City, its agents, employees, contractors, licensees or invitees shall be bome, as between the
County and the City, entirely by the City.
: .
(a) No Liabilitv. The County shall not be liabtg�for and th��ity �Itruidemnify and:��
hold the County harmless from any loss, liability, claims, suits, �osts and expenses, 7nck`ii�ig
�-c,� �
�� �, .
attorneys' fees, arising our of any claim of injury or
any cause whatsoever other than the County's gross
County shall not be liable to the City or the
invitees for any damage to persons or
County's gross negligence or
such persons or property.
any pro erson c�
-��. �=� x
strike insun � �rar,
other matter "� f
__ .
_.�'" -�
may a�se through repai�
fra�anv cause whatsoe�
ama�aii�a�about the Properiy arising from
�� �� _� �.>
iegligence o�~���misconduct. The
�;�. _
w ���
� loyees ��`tractors, Iicensees or
��:_��. �
; � ~ _ - .''e whatsoever except the
the C� assumes all risks of damage to
���or responsible for any loss or damage to
; majeure, pubiic enemy, injunction, riot,
isition or order of governmental body or authority, or
the Y nty, or for any injury or damage or inconvenience which
of any part of the Building, or failure to make repairs, or
except the County's willful acts or gross negligence.
Except as provided below, each of the County and the City
upon its own properiy insurance with respect to any damage, loss or injury
to �ts property.
Each of the County and the City hereby releases the other and the other party's directors,
officers, employees, agents and others acting on the other party's behalf (collectively, the
490?0 12
`Yeleased parties") from all claims and ali liability or responsibility to the releasing party and to
any person claiming throu�h or under the releasing party, by way of subrogation or otherwise, for
any loss or damage to the releasing pariy's business or property caused by fire or other peril, even
if such fire or other peril was caused in whole or in part by the negligence or other act or
omission of one or more of the released parties. Notwithstanding the Poregouig, the release from
liability and waiver or subrogation provided for shall (i) �a�ty be effective Yo tize ea�ent that the ���
_ � -� � �
loss or damage to the releasing party's business Qr prope�}� is aatually covered b��" `zusucarace; and
�_ ��°=� ,�'
(ii} not apply to the extent of any deducUble (or deductabT`e������_�g under such insurance.
rather than "claims made" basis, with a total combined policv limit of at least
$2,000,000.00. The Policy shall include, but not be limited to, covera eg s for
Bodilv Injurv, ProperiyDamaee. Personal Iniurv, and Contractual Liabilitv
a9azo 13
MODIFIED REDLINED D12AFT (8/28/02) b� • r�s
�olvingto this Lease) or an equivalent formlor formsl affordine coveraee at
least as broad. The County shall be named as an Additional Insured under the
�d,2 The CitLhall be xes�onsible for the payment of anv deductibles and co-insurance
penalties under the Policy or �olicies. -.
� The amounts and types of coverayaze at least ec�ual to the amounts and
types that would be required by this Lease; and
a9ozo 14
� The certificate states the amounts of insurance and types of coveraee;
�3,2 The �olicies comnlv with the other requirements of this Lease.
(a) Total Taking. If the whole or any substantial part of the Building is taken for any
public or quasi-public use under govemmental law, ordinance or regulation, or by �ight of
eminent domain, or by private purchase in lieu thereof and ttte taking would or materially
interfere with the use of the Property or the Building for thepurpose for.which the� being._
used, this Lease shall terminate and the Base Rent and f)perating Gosts shall be'abate�c�tr�ing the
-. `:>='
unexpired portion of this Lease effective when the
(b) Partial Taking. If part of the Properry
use under any governmental law, ordinance
private purchase in lieu thereof, and
above, this Lease shall not
unexpired portion of this L
under al circums�
� �, �
--. ,:
�.. _ .
_ ��._
(c) ° #' In
County and_���C�. � �.-_ �
�' i �.
of lu "sum awards as`��
p� �dings, provided tt��
nis ase is n
6 . the O "�a
be rec��t�d to
Property shall occur.
or quasi-public
domain, or by
in the subpazagraph
payable hereunder during the
as may be fair and reasonable
such taking or private purchase in lieu thereof, the
receive and retain such sepazate awards and/or portion
to their respective interest in any condemnation
the City shall not be entitled to receive any award for its loss of its
property which would have become the property of the County upon
Lease; the right to such award being hereby assigned to the County. The City
shall be entitled to any awazd it receives for relocation pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section
117.50 and related Federal Statutes and Regulations.
a9ozo IS
The County represents and warrants that it has or will acquixe full right and authority to
enter into this Lease and that the City, upon paying the Rent and performing its other covenants
and agreements under this Lease, shall peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the Property,
subject to the terms and provisions of this Lease.
Each of the following events shall be deemed to be an Event ofDefault by the City under
_ ,
this Lease: '� �� � �-��;>
� <.
_- � � �:.,- . �. �
�.:.=��,:-� =, —
The City shall fail to pay any installment
due, and such failure shall continue for a period
such payment was due;
The Gity sha11 vacate or
provided however, t�`'s
default hereunde�less,
_�led to �th its
����� �-�--�
� �.. M
�x� � � .�
(c) �� ,� �i��l�ail to i
� with Artt���Y,`=��
of Rent herein when
from the date
of the Property;
shall not constitute a
estimation, the CiYy has
maintain the Property as required under this
and provide evidence of such insurance in accordance
(d) The Cit}�hall fail to comply with any term, provision or covenant of this Lease
the foregoing in this Article 13), and sha11 not cure such failure within
(20) days after written notice thereof from the County to the City.
a�ozo 16
(including the right to relet the Property as part of the larger area and the right to
change the character or the use made of the Properry), and the County shall not be
required to accept any tenant offered by the City or to observe any instructions
b ven by the City about such reletting. In any such case, the County may make
zepairs, alterations and additions in or to the Property, and redecorate the same to
the extent the Counry deems necessary ot.@esirable m.it� sole d�sc.�etion. All Rent
`' �
�, �
and other sums received by the Coanty f`ro�,anys�`ch reletting shall�e�pj�Tied as
vu-� � '� =_
follows: first, to the payment of any in�
from the City to the County; second, to'
`= �'�
such alterations and repairs; th� , •
_ _---.:,�
reletting, including, witha���limitati��,
��� �
fees and Lease indu�nents, suc�as m
=¢ �
allowances; fo o the p. t of
� Y_ �
�esidue. i s'�a"4.1 be hel oL
than Rent due hereunder
and expenses of
expenses of
reasonable attorney
leasehold improvement
due and unpaid hereunder; and the
and applied in payment of future Rent
and payable hereunder. If such Rent and other sums
during any month be less than the Rent to be paid
the City hereunder, the City shall pay such deficiency to the
County.�Such deficiency shall be calculated and paid monthly. Notwithstanding
any��c"h re-entry by the County, the County may at any time hereafter elect to
�rminate this Lease for such previous breach.
The City acknowledges that the damages the County would incur in terminating
this Lease following a default by the City would be difficult to estimate or
asozo lg
Therefore, the City a�ees that in the event the County elects to terminate this
Da, . P33
Lease, the County may, in addition to other remedies available at law or in equity,
declare all unpaid Rent payable under this Lease immediately due and payable, as
liquidated damages, and not a penalty, and in addition, recover from.tfie City
further liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, an amotuifiequal to the sum of
the following: (i) all unpaid Rent that is pxyable by the Citg hereunder and that .%'
�.. �
�; � � m=-
accrues throu„uh the effective date of ter�zi=tation, Base Reii�Po��he:term of
: ;�, r.
v� -_
the Lease accruing from the date
Lease and which is necessary for the
County will do at the eazliest
(e) Any and all property whic
pursuant to the autl��t�
entitled, may be a�idled,
�,, ,� �
�--_,�. ��nty at
=inay be�m�
the I-��a�e or
an ex iration of the term of this
�:,:, .= -`
to' ed�`�Z������Bonds, wh3ch the
` �; �; ._� .,.
zder the t s of any Bond indeniure.
�_ �-
��Properiy by the County
w, to which the City is or may be
l, as the case may be, by or at the
and expense of tAe City, and the County
for the value, preservation or safekeeping thereof.
County, upon demand, any and all expenses incurred in
storage charges against such property so long as the same
County's possession or under the County's control. Any such
of the Ciry not retaken by the City from storage within thirty (30) days
removal from the Property shall, at the County's option, be deemed
conveyed by the City to the County under this Lease as by a bill of sale without
further payment or credit by the County to the City.
shall be
49020 19
Pursuit of any of the foregoing remedies sha11 not preclude pursuit of any of the
other remedies herein provided or any other remedies provided by law, nor shall
pursuit of any remedy herein provided constitute a forfeiture or waiver of any
Rent due to the County hereunder or of any damages accruing to the,County by
reason of the violation of any of the terms, provisions and cavenants herein
contained. No act or thing done by the Cotmry or its agesrts du�ng �he Term shaYl
�.-�= r
be deemed a termination of this Lease o an acce tance of the sunendero��he
y��,�- �
° �;���
�: :�,�
Property, and no agreement to terminate tT��asems accept a surrender of said
Property shall be valid unless in writi
County of any violation or
herein contained shall be
violation ar breach
No waiver by the
and covenants
a waiver of any other
and covenants herein
payment of Rent or other payments
of Default shall not be construed as a
the County so notifies the City in writing.
to enforce one or more of the remedies herein
of Default shall not be deemed or construed to constitute
a waiver�"o� such default or of the County's right to enforce such remedies with
such default or any subsequent default.
a9azo Zp
MoD�rED �DZ,�� n�T �s12s�o2>
The County may, in its discretion, recover any sums due to it under the provisions of
Article 14 hereof by withhoiding from any property tax dishibution due from the County to the
City under the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 276.
Any notices or communications required or desired to be given hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be deemed effective and received upon.personal deli�er}�or^fv�{SJ days aftef�
,w=���' ; � : -�.
the deposit in the United States mail, certified, postage pr�paid, retum recetpt reg�t�et� �a<�he
County or the City at the following addresses:
Paul Kirkwold
Ramsey County Manager
250 Courthouse
St. Paul, MN 55102
With a copy to:
David F. MacMillan
Assistant Ramsey County
50 West Ke�,gg Blvd.
St. Paul, `�� "`�� � 02 -�
_ LL ��
The ���
-- `"�°
ordina�e�and regulatii�
(L�� y oii, petroleum p�a
� wastes o�bst
with all applicable local, state and federal laws,
to Hazardous Substances. "Hazardous Substances" means
flammable substances, explosives, radioactive materials,
toxic wastes or substances, infectious wastes or substances or
materiais or pollutants that (A) pose a hazard to the Property or Building or to
persons on or about the Property or Building or (B) cause the Property or Building to be in
violation of any hazardous materials laws; (2) asbestos in any form, urea-formaldehyde foam
insulation, transformers or other equipment that contains dielectric fluid containing
a9ozo Z 1
polychlorinated biphenyl, or radon �as; (3) any chemical, materials or substance defined as or
included in the definition of "hazardous substances," "hazardous wastes," "hazardous materials,"
"extremely hazazdous waste," "restricted haZardous waste," "infectious waste," or "toxic
substances," or words of similaz import under any applicable local, state or federaT law or under
the regulations adopted or publications promulgated pursuanti thereto, including, but not limited
to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compeusation and Liabi�tx Act;of 1980, as �_� �
�., , " - �,
z ,� - :;* � - , �� ,
amended, 42 U.S.C. §§9641, et se�c ..; the Hazazdous Materials T�aii�sportahan Ac�as„�meii�ed,
=���:>�_� °=�"-.
42 U.S.C. §§6901, et se .; the Federal Water Pollution C'�r�
§§ 1251, et se�c .; (4) any other chemical, material or su�ance,
limited or regulated by any governmental
and safety of the occupants of the
property adjacent to or surroundiz
Property or adjacent property; a�
could po A. d to tl�
the storage�'��� �: .� :�, us Sutis �
` - �
et£}.���Y�>>.. zcYa
City's ordin���� _ "Pe�
condu��in accordanc
� �
Br��ing or Property as�landfill
amended, 33 U.S.C.
is prohibited,
could p�s� a hazard to the health
and/or occupants of
person or entify coming upon the
material or substance that may or
not: (i) use the Buiiding or Property for
far such activities that are part of the course of the
Activities"); provided, such Permitted Activities are
laws, orders, regulations and ardinances; (ii) use the
or dump; or (iii) install any underground tanks of any type at
shall at its own expense maintain in effect any and all permits, licenses or
approvals, if any, required for the City's use of the Property and require the
same of any subtenants. The City sha11 make and cause any subtenant to make all disclosures
required of the City by any laws, and shall comply and cause any subtenant to comply with all
orders concerning the City's use of the Property issued by any governmental authority having
a9ozo ZZ
jurisdiction over the Property and take all action required by such govemmental authorities to
bring the City's activities on the Properiy into compliance with ail environmental and other laws,
rules, regulations and ordinances affecting the Property. If at any time the City shall become
aware, or have reasonable cause to believe, that any Hazardous Substance has been released or
has otherwise come to be located on or beneath the properiy, t$e City shall give written notice of
that condition to the County immediately after the City becomes so aware The Gity shall be .,_-=
�_, -.1� .�
^ y
responsible for, and shall indemnify, defend and hold tha�ounty� tF�umless fro�>a�c# a�ar�ist all
_>._, _ . �.
-�;-,�.r:=� �- �„
environmental claims, demands, damages and liabilities,
costs and reasonable attomey fees, if any, arising out
storage, disposal or other presence of any
Building or Property during the Term or
provided by this Articlel7 shall
,� .•_
Prov� � a the Ci "
rv������ �
contained in't ���� at the
term here�����
the su�of one million
� or before S�
iqeluc�tig;w ithout limitation, court
�t �'��� �, ,
or �n ca�€,���ith, the generation,
� K, �: w� ���°�
� �
�'ance m on p�r" bout the Property,
,�,, �
M � � itted. The indemnification
>f�iis Lease.
il terms, conditions, or covenants
of this oprion to purchase, at the end of the
Ciry shall have the option to purchase the Properry for
thousand dollars ($1,SQQ,Q00.00)(the Option Purchase
2002, the City shall pay to the County the sum of one million
dollars ($1,500,000.00) as Option Earnest Money. The Option Earnest
Money shall be held by the County, without interest, as earnest money in connection with the
City's option to purchase the Premises pursuant to its exercise of this option, (and not as any
a9ozo 23
payment of Rent or additional rent under the Lease), and the principal amount thereof shall be
credited against the Option Purchase Price payable by the City on the Option Closing Date.
The Ciry shall exercise the opuon to purchase that is contemplated in this Article 18 by
delivering written notice to that effect to the County (the Exercise Notice). The Exercise Notice
shall designate the date the City desires to close upon the purchase contemplated thereby (the
Option Closing Date). The Option Closing Date shall not occur �
sixth calendar month after the month in which the
agreed to by the parties.
In the event of the timely delivery of the Exercise
proceed to a closing on the purchase and sale
following terms:
(a) The closing date
succeeding busin
(b) .�.,The balanc�� �
_ _ - imme �
{c) - ntys�
o� ��tions, c
�� laim
� :_
� any occu ��
of the.�
the parties shall
with the
�te of C�sing") s�1 be the Option Closang Date, or the
if su��lay is no„Y� business daY>
Option Earnest Money shall be payable
G itle to the Subject Properiy by Quit Claim deed, subject
easements and restrictions of record without effective
;rmitted Encwnbrances, this Lease, the right of all who
all levied and pending special assessments, the right of
and zoning laws and other ordinances;
(d) Except �� any filing fees associated with the satisfaction of any mortgages or
other I�s created by the County, which shall be paid by the County, the City
shal�y all fees aud taxes due in connection with the recording of the deed and
conveyance documents;
The City shall be solely responsible for the payment of all costs incurred in
providing a title insurance commitment or other evidence of title for the Subject
Properiy that the � C� desires to obtain, and the City shall be solely
responsible for any closer's fee, title insurance premiums, survey, engineering,
environmental and other due diligence costs;
49020 Z4
The City shall have paid to the County all amounts due under the Lease through
the Date of Closin�;
(�) Upon the occurrence of the Date of Closing, this Lease shall be terminated and of
no further force and effect.
If the City elects to terminate this Lease by non-appropriation, pursuant to Article 19
hereof, this option shall expire, lapse, and be of no further force. Upon such termination by non-
appropriation, the County shall, within six months of the date this Lease tersninafes to She
, �; " � '
� '_
City the Oprion Earuest MQney, without interest � - � :�"
-� ���„ ,
The City's obligations under this lease are
and the City has the right to terminate this lease b;
Rent and any Additional Rent, including operat�
later than September 1 of its decision not t�a�
agreement for the following year.
Such notification and non
default, as defined in Article 13, a
effect on December 31 of the yea
the parties obligations hereunde�
(The Terminat�ion Date). F �== `'��
ation by the City,
ds for the Base
the County not
s under this
a��ity shall not be an event of
; and be of no further force and
and non appropriation is made, and
�Ity at 12:00 p.m. on December 31
P 2.00 p: '�Termina� _'� �`e, the City shall peaceably and quietly leave,
yield up _s ��der the the County in good repair and serviceable condition. For
purposes he __ „� ' ithout _., . generality of the foregoing, the Property shall be
surrendered on��1��`f��n at
�a) � � �f
(b m mat � �
� hereto; a����
with all state and local building and fire codes applicable
(c) all licen� and permits of any govemmental authority applicable to operation and
use of �e Property shall be transfened to the County to the extent transferable.
shali leave the Property broom clean and free of occupants. The City shali
the Property on or before the Termination Date all personal property situated
thereon which was not purchased with proceeds of the Bonds, pursuant to Article 4(b)(3), and
which is not otherwise owned by the Eity Coun , or sub}ect to the lien of any mortgage, and at
to an a�in
,ng to apF
�'�e City
49020 25
MODIFIED REDLINED DRAFT (8/28/02) C.l- -� 33
its sole cost and expense shall, on or prior to such Termination Date, repair any damage caused
by such removal. Property not so removed shall become the properry of the County, which may
thereafter cause such property to be removed from the Properiy and disposed of, but the cost of
such removal and disposai as weli as the cost of repairing any damage caused by such removal
shall be bome by the City.
The provisions of this Article 19 are intended to an¢ shall be
the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Secrion 465.71
The City shall not make any alterations, additi
(including but not limited to roof and wall penetrations)
County. The City may, without consent of the County,�
good worlrnianlike manner erect such shelves, bins, mac
advisable, without altering the basic character of tl�� "�i'
�-._~ ,
damaging such Building, and in each case co� ,�c�
ordinances, rea lations and other req�
additions or improvements Ciry shall
limitarion, waivers of lien, surety con
guaranties of persons of subst
thereof and to protect County
liens. All alterataons, additio�
includmg �s3hout limitah�C��
be and re��a�e nrone��
and partiti�
restore the
of termina'
withouY t�i
i�terpFefedfa:comply wath"
, Xr
w �� w
ments to the �P%epeity
�rior written consent of the
�ost and expense and in a
�xtures as it may deem
����iverloading or
overnmental laws,
s�.' Prio "' enci��any such alterations,
such �sur nty, including, without
rfo� a ' ent bonds andlor personal
;�s �ounty�all requi�to assure payment of the costs
° any lo�om mec�ics', laborers', materialmen's or other
�stallatzo .�, C�n roy��nts and partitions erected by the City,
elephon- mmunications cabling ("Cabling"), shall
�ounty ~-' e Term and the City shall, unless ihe County
Y�;�move all alterations, additions, installations, improvements
�on, the Cabling, erected or installed by the City and
���n by the earliest of (a) the Expiration Data, (b) the date
to`��Expiration Date or (c) the vacating of the Property
(said earliest date may be refened to as the "Restoration
'the County so elects, in writing, prior to the Restoration Date,
;rations, additio� f�allations, improvements, partitions and Cabling (other than ttade
and personal pr �erty of the City) shall become the property of the County as of the
ion Date and _;all be delivered to the County with the Property. All shelves, bins,
:ry and trade'�ctures installed by the City shall be removed by the City by the Restoration
eq��c��[he County, and upon any such removal the City shall restore the Property to
�� e� ition. All such removals and restoration shall be accomplished in a good and
1iYike manner and shall not damage the primary structural qualities of the Building.
49Q20 26
MoD��D �DLmr�D D�T �si2sio2� O � -�
(a) Gender: etc. Words of any gender used in this Lease shall be held and construed
to include any other gender, and word in the singular number shall be held to
include the plural, unless the context otherwise required. ,
� Bindin� Effect. The terms, provisions and covenants and-conditions contained in
this Lease shall apply to, inure to the benefif of, and be.hinding.tipon, the partie&--
.% � �. =_="
hereto and upon their respective legal representat�es, successors aackpenntf�ed
��;�:: � =�-��;,,
assigns, except as othenvise herein
The City agrees to furnish
promptly upon demand, a corporate
documentarion evidencing
to enterinto this
Lease. Nothing herein
enforceable rights
in the Building any
the City as a result of the covenants
Lease aze for convenience only and in no
describe the scope or intent of this Lease, or any
way affect the interpretation of this Lease.
may not be altered, changed or amended except by an
in writing signed by both parties hereto.
All obligations of the City hereunder not fully performed
of the expiration or earlier termination of the Term shall survive the expiration
or eulier terminarion of the Term, including without Innitafion, all payment
obligations with respect to Operating Costs and all obligations concerning the
condition of the Property. Upon the expiration or earlier termination of the Term,
a9ozo Z�
the City shall pay to the County the amount as estimated by the County, necessary
(i) to repair and restore the Property as provided herein; and (ii) to discharge the
City's obligation for Operating Costs or other amounts due the County. All such
amounts shall be used and held by the County for payment of such obligations of
the City, with the City being liable fox any addirional casts upon demand by the
County, or with any excess to be returnedtg fhe City after ali sucl�`obligations -_,=
" � U; -� �
have been deterniined and satisfied. �� �- �`"�
,��;�,"+�-�-�" '� :�;� �
Severabilitv. If any clause or provision
unenfarceable under present or future
that event, it is the intention
shall not be affected
that in lieu of such
i�;'and it is alsi
� �
or pra�sion of
illegal, invalid or
Term, then and in
of this Lease
of the parties to this Lease
Lease that is illegal, invalid or
Lease a ciause or provision as
or unenforceable clause or provision as
valid and enforceabie.
�►\���;i[�:�C�Z:Q:iG_ 1 J: i : �_ � 1��)�i
RELAT�G TO THIS LEASE. This Lease shall be enforced in the District Court,
Sec.on� Judiciai District, State of Minnesota.
�_� 7
� �'
�omplete Agreement. This Lease contains a11 of the a�eements and
understandings relating to the leasing of the Property and the obligations of the
County and the City in connection with such leasing. The County has not made,
and the City is not relying upon, any warranties or representations, promises or
a9ozo Zg
statements made by the County or any agent of the County, except as expressly
stated herein. This L,ease supersedes any and all prior agreements and
understandings between the County and the City and alone expresses the
agreement of the parties.
in the
� Governine Law. This Lease, the rights of the parties hereunde� and the
interpretarion hereof shall be govemed by, and construed inaecordance with, tYre~'�
;r , � v%
- �
internal laws of the State of Minnesota, w�thout gti.�ing effect to'co�ictWoffaws
principles thereof.
(k) Construction. The parties agree that counsel for both
Accordingly, neither party shall deemed to have �
construed against wither party by virtue of the�
Exhibits A, B, and C
i this Agreement.
�it shall not be
of a dispute.
by reference.
this agreement.
49020 Z9
7im McDonough, Chair
Boazd of Commissioners
Assistant County Attorney
Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk
Boazd of Commissioners
�- �. �
�- � w�:.
��p:x�� '"�;��'
Office ofFinancial Services
Approved as to form:
Its City Cierk
asozo 30
oa -�
S�Mt. ��,a-oea�
WHEREAS, the County is the Owner of real property and improvements legally described
on "Exhibit A" (the "Property); and
WHEREAS, the County intends to develop the Property for law enforcement purposes; and
WHEREAS, the County Law finforcement Center located on the�pmpetty contains facilities
that are necessary for the City to use for law enforcement purposes; and.
w U � � �
r �; � �
_ �
WHEREAS, the City will purchase the real proge�ty legallyrdescnbed oi��``E�ctubtT.B",
known as the Benz Building, for Public Safety Offices atr�r"ela�ed pwposes; and °° -x�"
WAEREAS, The County will sell bonds in the
and the fixtures, fiunishings, and equipment for the Be
. �,
WHEREAS, in order to create and pres ." .. �
law enforcement purposes and for the bene "-�fie �
hereby grants to the City a right of use of��Prop���
NOW THEREFORE, in co�s�d�atio���� e n
parties agree as follows: ��
� �
I. The County��l ��ld out "
� �ooe of �t��ment a . � x
to finance the buildout
"pment of the Property for
�ed in Exhibit B, the County
and conditions stated herein;
and covenants herein, the
Benz Building in accordance with the
�it C;
II`�� � unty .. z e City Police Deparhnent personnel to use facilities in the
�� �� ceme "` ��""" ch as, the firing range and the lunch roomlcafeteria. The
-, rdinat se with the Law Enforcement Center buildin$ management
The Law
be the afi
Center will have 24 hour staffed entrance. This entrance will
entrance for the Benz Building;
TV. The (�inty agrees to provide the operations and maintenance far the Benz Building
e City agrees to pay its pro rata share of the cost. In the alternative, the City
��,��ay elect to provide its own operations and maintenance for the Benz Buiiding.
� ���
I � �''d�s ur-��(�"�
F'URTHER RESOLVED, requesting Ramsey County to bond $12,000,000 to cover the
construction build out, fixhire fu.mihxre, for the Benz Building, Saint Paul Police Headquarters.
�`e-p�..�-�-� t�.�-- g�.�-� �- ��-
- .-� ��
�� \ �. � � � 0 � � o F–o-��. — — —