255359 ' 25�359 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL HLE NCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SOLUTIO — ENERAL FORM � COMMISSIONE Victor J. Tedesco August 12, 1971 WHEREA5, the Osman Clown Club has applied for permission to hang a banner from the American Legion Building across 5eventh Street to the building across the street to the northwest from September 7, 1971 to September 12, 1971, said banner to be limited to conform to size requirements in Section 22. 08(2) of the Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the City Architect approves said request and so recommends to the City Cou.ncil; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council does hereby approve the application of the Osman Clown Club and, does hereby •authorize the hanging of said banner subject to all terms of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. a� � N C � y O Y � O 4 `;� L. - O - $ U avs 1 a �9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Butler App� AU6 19 1g7� ls- ��sea--C°�u z,�� Levine n Favor � �4e�h— � Sprafka � yor Tedeaco ABainat pU6 211971 Mr. dice President Meredith ��A�JLLS� �� , ����9 . ou�ucwa to�a�NTS�e � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNa� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��u o E� Victor J. T�deeco ��,� August 12. 1971 WH]�R�A3, th� Osnun Clown Club has sppli�d for p�rmi��ion to han� s bann�r from the American Legion Building acro�s Seventh Street to the building uro�• the •tzeet to the northw�st trom 5�ptember 7. 19T1 to Segtssaber 12, 1911. said banner to be limited to conform to size requiremente in Section 22.Q8(2) of th• Le�islativ� Code; �sad WHEREAS. the City Architact spproves said roqueat snd so r�co�cuna�d� to the City Council; now, therefore, be it RESOLYED. thst the Council doem hereby spprove the applfcation oi the O�msn Clowa Club snd does hereby lauthoriso the hanginQ ot �tid baan�r �ub3�et to all terms of the Saiat Paul Legislative Code. �61� �`��� COUNCILMEN A�iopted by the Co�m�1 19 Yeas Naye • B„�a� AUG 19 .18� �� Approv� -' 19.— Levine ,� Tn Favor �,ere�- � r.5pr&�[A v Aoos�;nat Tedesco Mr. Vice President Meredith ��9