255348 OR161NAL TQ CITY CLCRK ��1�
R�S�L�. ��iat the Mmymr, City el�rk, asd Cmaptr�ller
are hereb�y at�th0rizee� a�d d3rected t0 exe��te, on behalf �f
th� �ity �f Saint Panl, �rant l�gre�eat betweea t�� �itp a�d
the IIait�d �tatea Department of Labor, said �rant Aigre�m�nt
pertmiaiag to the �rant fmr �AM�S Maapower �laaai�g �taff �f the
�[syor of �aiat Panl for the p�riod of l�guet 1, 1971, th�mu�h
Jnly 31, 1972.
Rs t. at; Co nsel
Auc 17 t97a
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19—
Yeas Naya
Butler � �S �l"� ���
�— L��.,�L�--�<. APP 19�
Levine n Favor
Meredith �
Sprafka qor
- A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
P��� AU G 21 1971
Y �� � .
, � ��/ `J �
. - •
: :, '
. u. s. i�i�;P'AI��r�•s�:rr�� ol� �.r,i�o;i
cii��;�r rro. � -��-o�,_?,:_7;__.______�...
i�tl'i'i i:i; Ut' C;it?tii�'1' .A,I:'i,i�D: ll��cl�,�� :�u L1�c�ri.i.�� c,f lhe i��:tilOOWC1' I)CVC1o��mc�iL a�zci 7'r:�:��i.r�� %,c t
of i9G?, ��s t�r,:cndeci (/�1. U.S.C. 1.��11)
((�r�,�it'--i~��ti:,i�:Ls c�[ (l. ) �;uticc uf. f:r:inl /1�anrrl;�(2) 5��c�cili.t�r+l.i.ci��s lc,r. r.:f�;•ii'S Sccrct.i��;.:
(;X:llll i�l'ti�ln'::1r. � ��� ���('t'(il.`� �IR(� (.012(1}.�.]Ull:i'�.�i�l�;i iCC2'CL.`1T):IL �T�tlilSj ��1} ��]'�1t1Z.CC � ;i (>'i0`
l�o�i1 ; :���:1 (`,} ��ti��»�1„�cnts. 1'lic F,rant is in su�I�ort of thc Gr�nte�n ' s �;r.���c>:.r�I z�:;iich
i.;; inct�r��oral�:d �s ,1CC�cl�ricnt 3, tlicreto, <v�d is inadc subjcct Lo t:iic Ct,n�izti.�,n� j .-�(�,
Sc�t: fc�rl.fi in /'�t:Cnch:;�cnL 3. )
CO�:'1'.it:1'['IV1.; ARLA r,.��r'0�•JEtt PLlti�iv'Ti�G SXST1;;t (C�t�iPS� GR/1NT TU G(i�'i::i;iv�)ft :/�/ ii/�'.rC:t �_
C;f�I,��"l--i' �i?,7�7�1�'i�0�- ;� ,(�;;;t, 1 1Q7j `I'IIl�OUGfI Julv 3�.�„ 1972 � �._.._...._..______._..
1'I:OI'OS1�L TITJ.T;: GranL for. Clu•iPS ,fanpo�aer Plannin� Staff�,�2���yor ot S�. �'au=l, :•�iT:l�<:�s��-!.�:
GRAN'fl'.ti: City 'o� St. Paul, Piuinesota .• PROGRA2•i llIRECTOR: Larl li, l�damson
C}�eck sl;oulcl��hc made payable as indicated belo�a• r,nd senL to the fojJ_a��;ir,;; aduress:� �
City oi� St. Paul ' t � ��`'
Cit�� Hall - Roo� 918
�t. Paul, A�ir�nesota . � •
__� ,� _ __._._.._..�._..._.....,_.__�__..._._.�..
Accau��ti.�i� .:�i��. Appro�,riatzo� llatu:
,.,, .
PAY�`1l�:�<'�' ��i;i:;)l�i,i:. ---..°�--�.—_._.r.�......_.�_.._..._.._....�.�..�_.___.____._...
1111.1_liil. �>.�'i�ii_'llt �Ol1C^�:1111U OI. LOt�l c�i�"l(?UT1L O� �;Zc1Cit� � . • • � flff1011lit:: .° .�j���:�_� '
�',7.c1 i'n�•,,:c:nt (a)uc ls'� clay of 3d i:�on�h) Datc: October 1� 1971 Amot�n�: �';; i;,it?;_
�',3c1 i':�;�;:.c:nt (1)uc� l�t; dr�y of Gth �nont-}�) 1)atc: Januar�r 1�_197?_ I17ilOUlll:: ;;� �"'_��1_�.'�.. .
. %<<�ti�� i'c,��;:��ent (l)uc 1sL da�� of. 9th r�onti3) llate. l>nr_i1 1 , 1972 �timo;._.._ . � ""_t; �_ __,_._.
�'�}�'inal. P�y�„c�lt: (due lst day of � ..-._....__._.__.�.��----
. 12th morith) Date: Ju1,�' 1�. 1� AmounL:' �',$ ___. 3s��%_.�_._
(%�'1'1�esc ti.:ill be four equal PayrtenGs Lotallii�� tt�:o-thi.rds of `
thc t.o��,l �r��iz�. ) -
'iQ7'i�i�./'u���)i;;�`l' Ol? Tli15 Gil/1�:'1' . . . � . . . . . . � . . � . � . . . . . , • � ._..���5�_'1-,`��=---
� �'� ut;��<�..:, t(���iu� t t.o lt�: t;ttl,tui i.l c,��- .{.���i: Culllll lf oi1 J.f j.,..,_.._.__..<. .._.._....�.._.,......._., . ..._.._ ._.__.__._.., �,_ - —
i.. I:nd of Gth rnonth, i)at.c due: Januarv '1 1�7?3. lJ�on co;�l��l.etion uat_e, ��.hcn �rar,;
�„ � ?. l;ncl af lll}i �:;ui�th. �7,iCe c�uc: �.. � �.�.�,_32 is c>:tc�zdecl past C};c i�"LC11 rnoi�:t;�.
:��,..�,.��? -------- --_____ ___�_�.�_ --._ _�.______.__._---
:,;�!'`"`���;.� Gra�itcc accc{��s this Gi-:nt a�ld tf�:, U. S. Dc�l�urir,�ent oa: Lah�,;
r,��f,,:� .��
;,4�` ��.� COiI(�..t.lUIl� Of ).LS ili)I))'OViI�.. ,
c����,�p T3Y: � }3Y: � ! / �j..���`!���_.
c �A,:� �� _,..__._.�.__.�_ �_..�___._...e.� . � (;Y�s t�.t. O1�:�i c�r�.�__.._� _....�_...
�,� :� �, �i��.•l�r,�:. rY.� � � , ,-,�.; , �
��or t'I.T1,1: P,c •i�>n:i)�"?�1:��� ;� !'�cl;•.i�n: , ;1 :+ �
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!�(1{�i 1.1'!' I�l)it
I'ftO1`U:�I:I) I�i)11!:I;'I'
(:1��•il':; :;I•:l;itl�.'!'�;itl/'�i' !:!t/��v'�':; '1'O (;OVI':lzt�OIZ`c; ANU ?�iAYUI;S e
S'!'�1i'J�:;(:I'i"l 0.� ___ St: Faiil l Minn�sota
'(Alt 1c1� rlr.l�; li�cl ;chrclul.cs as nccdcd Co sul,.;L���ita.ntc Cl�c esLi.m:leccl costn. )
�1• 1�('i',`:f1i1:1�._�`(`! \'1C('S� . � � • � . • • . • • • • • • s • • • < • � 10�.111i $ �; jlj" .
S�1.r�,-ic:; t�ncl z:�,�f;es cli_�-cr,�ly ,�ttri.buC��b1c
tr� t.l�� f;r:��iC. �,{si_ �,r>; it: ic��i:; :,ci�;�r;�L�l.y .
l;Y .5�31� 1 i ll r� , y;t:�cic•, nn�! :.:�).:�ry. I�1cn-
• t.! (y j,nrt- t.linr� c�r t.c�n���i��:�ry t�Cn�L. $ 0 0 0--
l�rfn�;c lfr.ucf.J.ls ;�t. Chc i�rovisi.onal rntc
o� 8 "1. , (7izclticics c��vcr.��c: f.or. 6 , � � $ 3,20�-
�t7CX. 1'i�:�vc1.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . Toi:ul: S ..._._.��..�...
. r,c�c�l. t►�id oul-o�-stalc �ravcl dircctl,y
nClri.but-.r�bl.e �o the �rr���l- (�lot- to excecd $ _�.Q�j�
. slT�nc���rd Govcrr�r,�ent ).S.tni.tal-i.ons). `ihcse �
funds 1re }�ot to be usrcl for thc purchASe
v� ��tiL•o�!�oL�ilcs.
• • )1fJ_�J_• !r.o-i�•�L �,::C.�.�. ).t,J�:� . . • . . e • � • e • � • • r • � • • et r���t.T.l�e . ^ �1�/�
. •---.._,t_V..-.�.T_--'-'--..__.—.�_ ,' 7 a 1 �J—.
Of f zcc ex��c.ildc:b?c si�pi�l i.es .$ �..�.�.Y.
0.`�i.cc equi�;r.,ent and �urnitui-e. (Tf
r�c,t avai).<�h1c �hro,�n,ti C:cncr,zJ. Scr>>i.ces
l;cimi ni r.�r:��-i�,;:� L'}1C11 c�� 1>c� lc,.::cd o�:
���ir<:h:��,ccl, s��i� iccC Lc> >ri��;� �•�riCten
n��j�r�c�vnl of. �hc G;-:nt�. (�iLic:c.�- (1)UL). ) $ � .
� ltct��, a�icl.�.cliiit; al.l. �ricili.l•i.cs
. uLi.l.i;cd i�1 i.hc pc�-f.ori,tni,ce cf t.lic
�;l'L�:1L. ' �J.ilC) UC)C (�C1'ti)_� CU1lCC:1'i1111C� .
, pr.c� rat�� sh�rc•, t�ra]Cil a���i�opri.aCc. ) $
Ui.i.lzta.es, ��.��i.�Z::�`1-tt111CC, :i11CI cusCod�.nl
:crvic�;:�. S �
(���t�nn�iit J c:r�L i u�t, i t�r,! �ic!S nf; (�o:�tnj;c , f.cic���l�t)n�t
:�lltl lclC'r;YC�,)1� Clt;ir;;ctic. S ' r'1_
. .
,';7V. �)tlicr i)i_�ccl. (;c,st :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulc�l: $ ��. .
(c.(;. � 1'��;;7•c�c.�t<�i.:ic�+: t:c�:;�.:�y i�i;c. � ~� .
'iO1'/�1. �i1•i0iii;'1' (il� '!'lil; C;i�lti'i' 1 ��~�� y, ���;,'(`_:..��.�..
1:►li�.l�.�:.ti�-�•t�: :;c:l�!:titi 1 c�:; I t�t' 'f, T 1 � ).1 I � :i:i<1 )V .+
;:{;:'r�iit<�r �,�:i�� s�ut. vnr'y i�: lii.�: <�::,�i•;�cliti>>�c�c. ui;>i�t� [lz;��: 1OJ oI ll�c�
cr�t ��,�,<ri'� .uli- tut:�I ;:.i.! D„�ul. (�:'Jt;a' ;���(�:.'C���;�1. i>I 1 i;.. (�t���1t. t)Lf�.C<:i'.
A`1'Tl�CIC��i�:'ll' 1 'f0
P�OTICI; Q`r Gt�l11iT Al•11�1tI)
' �
S Y�cificnt•�on^for. th�� Cl�tSF'; S�crc�tarilt Ca•ant I'rono��l � •
� - -�_,.�.._ �.`._ �J�._
. Th� .1mo,�ilt o!' !'unds (id�n{,i.i'i.r:d on tlie �;�'I'J:CT; Or' CR/i}IT �;�IA1ZU as "TOTttL
t�,iOL`;v'P Or' '1'111�5 Git,t;;i'") i:; lr,inf; pzovicied �;h:3 Granf;eo ;�abject to tho
�O]��O'1�11� �1 i�C CUi1Ci].�:1O11S: .
�,. 1^h� �ran�;er� sh��.l7. us� th� fund:� f.� ernplo�• cez�f.�in n�c��sr:ary, �
c�ualif�.eci �.^a�^orn��]_ <�a�d t}lo cos� af a:3soc�.tnd mat�z�i_al a�7d sez•trice:� �n
� ' con;J�iiic�:lon 1�it}i t?�^ e�nnlo���,:�t;t, o�' }rrso:�.;^1 for Lh3 osta►alish�rr3nt and
op3r.�ztioti of .� (C�til'S) r�an��o�rex• ��,lr�nnin�; st<zfF. . •
' � 2. An;,* fund� �i�vcn tc tl;� �;rant;ac� lincier t}ir, trr;,�s of this Gx�ant �
�r,uct bfl ret,tiz�i�od �;o i;ho Govern:r,-�nt in. tho o�ont; t;h��:
(a) Sucli 1Lnds are useci for purpos�s o�h�r t;han �hos� soL oufi,
�.13 �. A.UG\rl'.y UX` • . •
- (b) Such �l.inds �Zxo ].oft over. af��r. �ho ac'r.���ty �.n � abot� h�s
� baen achi_�t-ed.
- . 3. "�'hc� o�rorall ob,jec�ive of' ttii� pro,-}�c� i��_th3.n t}�e (Ct�i•i�'S) n�-�.n�
. � , ., • , , �r �^ ,
� }�o;�.qr ��].nr;:�ii�; :.ta1'a � rnt�t; pi•o,,i�.�:a :i. � Lo ol��,ni�,�iro t•}�o (C�l,il ,) r.�i�t�ot,rc,r
• ���.��i��i.n� :�t.1i'�i' to 1't���c:tioi� unr'�r �'r,}�c �iir�ct;io:t oi' t},c >t.z�;e or loc;�l
chic:C ef_::cuf.ivc� �o a:� to enabl� hiai to ex��rr.i:e effecti.�-� e�:^cui;i_ve
7.c�ctr�l�s�ii�� :�n co:npr��ti.�n�>i��e S'G1"i,G' ar locr�l ��^npc,:;nr 7�lannin;. l•;o.a
. s}Y:cific��ll;t•, �:h�� Ma�ioz� ob;jecti���e og'; t.hi.; pl•o��Ci:, ls to p��o��iCS direc-
�i1QI1 3.1"1C� �.C,':;i7.^,2'.^��llJ� �;O �2"l�iJ.I'� '4!)3� c�:3�:�(.' �xl"1C� 1.4.^.�1Z �C`iiliil���} :��tlli)O:•;('.1
. , plans efi�CCL:LV�l}-: �d�,ntifv and linl: i.o�c..;},�r all i�cci-�ral, S:,af�� , �3nd
�OC<1�. ln�ili�0���?1' T'C.�OlaT'Ci`.:>y' ica^ntif'�j 1:!:.^.Cj3 .fUl' 1713]170:•<<JT' .`�G1°V10E:3 j �lii(:�
Qe��i.l a cou�°sc of <ic��on zc�co�r,^��ccci �,c �?r� J�S;�r.�?o:;��r l�d�ii�istra',,�r
' ur�d othei• 11�nciin� �:�;encies bv t.hc; Gover�:or:� oa.� loc�.1. c?�ief e�:ecu�irc��
� }�� T�1 �rop�r�.n�; tl�,e ,�p}�l.a.c°:��l.ion for a C1�2iT�� Seci}��c�ir�.at �i•��i�t �ho� .
Cra»t�c�o »a.7_1 i�;>uiti Lh:�t {;i��� sch-�dii1� of ,aur}c to b� }�::z�for;n^d und::r thc�
Cz•r��it ;;}F-:c�.t'iczl].v �t1a c�r�ci:�cl�� ci:c��,��i�:;:����� th�: 1'ui�ct,io:� 01' �;h.^. Cor7-
�7lttc�.. ar,d th�:.o z�•en; dc�lin��,�ircl in %hc3 foJ.lo:�in�; ��1rn�ra}�hs (a)
t•h�'ouE;h (c) .
fn � t� � ., . ,.� ,.
� (r�) .>t��.,,i�t�cj r,�r.,17__C.<<`,1 � C��ra�1���f_Znr� C�m:_iftf,c�:�_or i.h,,i�
I:�ui��nl��ni.. C.:int,c�: ;;li':11, �.n::�r,� th;i;.�t,�:,� Cc;����if,t���:+ �i:. �;�r�<�i•;�J ]_�� co•�- .
� �1I'7:���(j U1� �>'l•;lj.? OI' .i.O,^.':�. i�l.1.1.].\'t?'.'C1'.� O�� )1"�i)��il��:1l' 1)1'U��1�:1:11.`� � 1'i,'��I"If.itl:l{.:11:j.\'�3.`.�
of ��:cn� ( ir��;J.»c31.n;; cl:ic�ll,) j:z•i�a��:; , .it?<.l 4.h�� }�.il,l.�.c:; ;��ici !'�>>;ct.ian:� r�s r�tt
�:;t•il,�.:�::lrr�ci �c1vt:,o�r l�o;i�� c>» >;;,�:�,,;,;�;�sr r�1.:��>>�,; r�,; to t.hc� l;c�ti���i•i�or ar lc.�c:il
clitc:f ��x��c�i1,�.�•�3 , ri:i r;�;.+c�_f'i.�c3 :Lr� �tiT•i•��iit (;;1:;l� clii•�zc(•i.ti���:�. `
(1�c�1�a;�oci 3J'j1.}
� � �
`�'h1:� C�r.,��i,t��o :�h:il:l. enr.��avor to cor�:��].j.dnto oxj.:��;i.»� :��ivi:,oi-,y Cr. �n�p:.
ti.hS.ch ll�«��.� 1!11i1))Q•,;cz• nnclfor �ti_�l:ii,:�cl in��;r�;��Lr;. It t,ltc���.ld: ).) �;ro��.d��
i,li^. Gort�rnor or loc::�l. c111.�f exc:cu�,i•rn caz.t,li r�n r►uLliorit��l;ivo :,wrcn of
1:iu��rinclf;,; ;n;d ncivictiZ on m,�i�r�cr:r�r i�ilf.t�r:�, 2) cir;v��].c�}� f'or th�� ��>�,ru�r.il
oS' �.h�� C����c�rnoi• or ]ec:�l. �l�tef c�xccul,i.�•�: n co,���r.o)�^.r�::i.vr� m��nr�c,;��:i• 1>l:,nj
3� Pr«�•i�1�� f c,t• t,l,�� �oni•ci I t��i'..i�>» ��f° ;n��nr���•.�ri�r �>>•or;i•:�m�, , :�r,c.l 1�� �;r��v f�Jrz
�'<�r t1i�� t�;�r��i•n�,r u�• lc,cr►! cl����f r.:<��ciit.iv�� :� :;c»>rr,r� oC co�iLitn� f.n�; r��v1��w
rtncf t�:jr�,:;:�rrn.�nt, af i,li�� olY�rrit;tar::� .�n:l oi'fi��t.i�•c:n�;:c� of �n:�rix�c,ti���r or r.��:l:Zt,�tt
pro��•:u;�,. .
(U) �t:�tr� rtnd l',oc;il Coo.~di.nnt.�d 1�nnn�,��^,r P].zrni.n� Sv�+t�:m.
----- -- -- ---- - --- ---- - '--�.� __
Grrznt„e :�1�,�7.1_ c;��.�:to;� ���:�ns f'or ir.:;�rovii;� th�� .;,tatn ai�ci%or 7.cc�1 co�prc--
hr.n�i•.�� �z:�ntzo�;or plan.��_n,; s��st^;n �rh:_ch o}���r�t�� throu;;h t}:� St�te <ind
Ax-ea C��;1'S Cox.�i�:i;�e�, f.o provic'e for the zncl_u;,ion o:C all af;^ncie;� that
hat*� ir.i}�zct on r��npo��:er prorrri�;; or pro,jects i_�i tl�o St�i�^ �'�nd locr:]. are<�s,
inc�udi.n� ��lclf-�rc, Vocf�tional ::ducata.on, Voc�tional 13ehabiliL-ai;ion, and
�;m�lo�mrr.:nt Secur�.i;;�T.
' (r.) An�a; �y�d 7,oczli_ti�s. Gr��n'cee shall dnvelap ntutuall;�
suif;able �arx�an�;crr.�nt;s �ritn rep�-�;�ent�tiles of �-tat^ Zrld ']_oc�.l �;oVe:n-
. � rr�3nts �o :in^u:,: th��t an ec,.zlt.-�b:te di.�tril�.�tion af th3 �ot��l ;�anposaYr
� � rc3sources �.�non�; �1Z'C'.1s and loc,Ala_tie� is provic:��d !'or in plan�, and i;o
c�IJJU.Z�� �ha�� t2:e n^ec3s of all CP.i��c'S Co.;�mitt^,�;s �'or Socx�^�ariat or �ch-
I1�.Cu� G7JJ.l��:�1:C� ��1C t�.dn�u<^..''V:�.V 7"C'.L.
, . (d} S�,at� ;md I,oc�l Pl.a��^. Grant.�� �ha7_1 assuiti the pn�p<:tia-
. i:ion an � �i,�:��lv r,�a;:;7•�i� oz co�m:-e:;�^si�� �nai�i�o'anr pl�iTZS that: a�.��:�s
- rii�d :ic�e.If,.i_�'ti� the �:eccis far and pr�;.ent a•c�a:i)_abilit;�� of :�aiZpo��;�r sc.°�rices
. � ' �.11 Lh:: .5'G=:4G OT' �T'G':tj :�'�:�1;'i.G 'l".11'.�. �Z'iorit-��:,�� �i?�:0:7�; t.,l'Ti�S O� SnT'V1Cc�,S l.0 ti:9
' n2'O1�C�.)C�j �t,^.+:i!'�S f.�l� R`T::l��i�l�_j_i:;l' O� J'O�.)S u1:C1 �;CcaY` trl� �3.'OVLSIOiI OF
�ez~vi_ces o: i:ac�.litr�i,;,� t?:� ,�:o��::r;��nt of p�o,��e �_n�,o th�m; and i•ec��.r,:end
pA a�ram �lLr7da.n� �tiat tai7_1 'i.��.ple:n�nt i.he p1a�i.
' (a) Sco,>.^. . Grantce :1��1).. i��cluc:�� 1r9.�,hi.n i�,)z^ �co}r of r�r,tzv.t-
�;i.c�s urciez• th�.:> �r:�n{; .�11 pre;r��:.�s �r eifort> , re��i�U�CJJ of flulci�i�f;
, :iO11T'C('.� O� i1 �n;i}'l;�O��C'.?' OI' 2'C�.�1t.i:C� )l�t:t1T'c:. r.l'}11..� til��l. 11�C.�Llu� pro�,l��i1"i3
di_x•cc�V:c� t.o.rai•a n?ri.i.culai• po1r�lat,ion �:oun:>, p.�r�Licular.l_�r ,yot�t;li i.r,:,o-
. {�:11` Il:i �ti.^..\r C��}�;1-:;�].�.<.' C:i:i'."�.l.G'•1:1;311f'.� T���TlpOiit?T' Ll"�tJ.1111�vt CCil2C3t'.10;� 1C�.A�:E3C�
, �;o emplo�„��n�, or e cnzr�l o}�l�ortw�itv. •
5. xn ��:�ai�ion t.o �•}:� critc�ri� :e� forLh above, �rhich is �;o b�„
�r�^l.t;c�d :i.n rsi�-a e,��:c,-,�-►�.�:d b;r Lh�� .�ai;e.,���ni, of ;�ror}c b;• -cho �rrini.c3 , �h�
'll.;li�,� <:i1G COl1G1�1C;'.�:i Oi <:i�; £;1:.`.11� �7�11C}1 1�'ll' 1Y::1L1'�`. A�7'0�1 'Q'.1�C (;I'Iil1�L'C �S
pz•opo:���. ��r� i��clu�?od <<� ls�4t.zcl�r:snt 2 �o r;�`1':[:C?; OI' G.:!'t?ti`l` A��;A�Zll�
(11''I'lONA1, .il)I1 ltl•;'1'I:�J'1'ic)?d (.:T,AII;1; '
� (:;r�� A�,���•���I:�E;r il, I�.ncic,;ur<� �, /1lin��liu��•�il 7. tc� I��S)
G. Job RcC�iitirnl. GranCec sl�al]. talcc suc}l slc�s ��s arc ilecc:s�.�ry
Co as:urc~tha� �)CTSOIliICJ. �chose CA�11.'S posi.tions wcrc previ.ousl.y funded
throui;li the Statc I;�n��loymeilt Sccur�ity A�,ency ���i11. iloC bc made jobLcss
ox lose �.heir ��reseiit State mer.it or civil service sLai:us, lienefits,
etc. , as a �:esult: ot consolidaLing t;ie ftmdin� of such posiCions with
thc f.undin� 01� C.�i�iPS positions authoxizcd previously for thc. Grantc�e.
� �
. . �
, � ` ..
. • ' _ ' ,
. .. .. _ . . . . •
� �
� .
• . . .
� • '
• �• - .
_ �,:-,''� " '
�. � .. � .
Ot'I'T()'I'lT, F,1 i?`.(',:?;l'Fi .
��______f..____._.___._._ - �
7'h� fu1lo.�r�n;: a,:�i•��;r:+r�h i.s for G�°nt�i;; to Govr.i•noi•rf , anl��, J'oz' (:OTI:;�liclZ-
. ticm �f f'��nrl i n;; �f.' CP.;4l:� ;�:c1'ot'iri;�'� }�a�it i on,, provi ou:;).;� ll�t:c'�;�1 i.l�i•o�ir;li
t,1�� 1�:�:,1,i�;;�:����L ::ocuri.l,,� ,1�;��nc1c�; r��1d L}�t•ouf;li �;r:int:; 1;0 �l,c Go�•ornor�.
jl?J���n �IJI^.Il I10�. :;l'•1)� 1C:�2���;•
._�__. �_ _..___...._�_._.__— •
G. Jnh 1?�{.�;t�t,ioT�. Gr1nt�c :h;�l.l t.zk.c .:�v.ch :,i,f:r,:. an ��m tr.cc:��.11'��
to �►^;,ure ^th�t �c�i•;�u,�;�r7. �:iio:�e C;,�`1 5 po:a.Lion:� ti�t�rc prev�.oi;�l,j �UI:G�d
thz•ot�l;ti t•hr, �t;�i.e i;r,.n1.o��r:�nt, :nCllT'1.L}� 1��;ci;c1� j�iJ.l »oL t��� maa� ;jc�b].c�s or
lo:�c �,}���ir pre:.ent 5f.�i,e r;r,rit or civil ��erv:ic� :st�tu;, t�rr:fits , etc. ,
� t�s n rc�iil.t of, cc,iso].idai.in,; �.1ic �'ur,da.t�� of �u.cli Pa�ition� syi.i.tl Lh3
flincl�_ii� of CA2;I'S po�itlons auttiorized ��z~ev�.o��ly ior fi�ho �;rantee. .
O � • -
. . . . � , .
, ' n
. . • . ` + .
1 .
i• .
, • i
j �
. ,
� .
. A�t<�chmcn� 2 Lo 170'1'1C.F, OI�
' . � GItAti'i' AlJ/�1ZD
• �
tl. S. 1)1:1'/�it'!'�11•:i:'C Ol� t,nL'Uil
. ' t�f:�i�����w��r l+�lni i�t i :c Crn C 1 c�t� . ..
' 41r�s1ii.n�;Con, 1).C. 20?_l.0 ' ' '
� • � Darc:
. , TL•'i:ASS 111vD C0.7DI'170t�5 - CAS�SI'S SI:CP�I�rL��iZIl�T GRt�;�'CS , :
1. D1?i'ItiIT70'�:5. 11s �used in this �rant thc foll.o�.�i.ng terrns shall have
.' tlie mca:�in� sct tortli beLo�a: � . • '
'a./ "Gr��ntee" means tlic or�anizaLion or A�ency named in t-.1�3,s grnnt
as thc recipxenL- of tlle �rant award. • ' . '
b. "Gr.�nt O;fficer" means the Pcrson' execut_in; L-l�i.s �r�,nt on Uehalf
of the Governrncnl:, and uny other perso� who is pr.opexly desi.�natcd con-
� tr.actin� ofiicer. The L-erm includes, except as other.wise provicied i.n t}lc
�rant,_ Lhe authori•r.ed representa�.ives of the �1��nL. of£zcer acti.n� within
- tl,c li�ni.ts of liis authori_ty.
2� Sl?I;CO`:T:',C1I?;G. T}�c �rantce rnay �•JJUC purchase ordcrs, enCer into
• con�rnct:; or suacontracts to provide services, Sl17hIlCS O)' CC]Ul.[�TTlCT1L' tn�cler
:` • t11C �',l�lli. �lOVI.(jC� � t�1�;�. �SC}l S11C�1 �U1C�185G OTC�C1, contr��ct:, OL' SUU"(;1811L'
wliich e�:ceecls ;500, OU. has Ueen approt�ed i.n tariL"an� by ttie �;x��11L- o�f:icer
, � •pri_or . t:o i_ssuancc or �z�.•arcl. � • _
3. L7`tI'IATTU� �� C�STS. .
' �a. Thc t:oL-al cosL to thc Gover�nr,�ent for t1�e ��er.forrnance of thc �rant
, , �;�i_1.1. noL exceed the amount set fo�Ch i.n the Nc�tict> of GranL A�•.1rc1 or ��ny '�
ap�rap�'iaCe �noda.�1C�iI:l011 Lhereto. If at any timc the �r,�ntce has r.eason
� tu belicvc thc total. cost- to Che Gover�la�cnL- foi- the perfarmancc of Lhe
�ran4 wi.11 l�c' �rcatcr or less than cst.iinitcd, Lhc �rai�tec s}»ll iioti.fy the
. �;rant officer in �ari_�in� t:o Lhat ciicct and subrait- a revised esLf.maLe of
the to�tal cost ivr L-he �CYfOYfT�a»ce oi such �aork. �
}�, l�7}��.11 ancl to tl�c cxt�.ent Ll�:�t: the es�in��,ztcd cosc sct foxth i.n thc
F,�-.�nt t�:,s beeil increased, ar�)' cosC zt�citr.recl 1>y the �;rrinCcc'. 1T1 e>:cess of
thc c�sCimac.ccl cost ��ri.or to Chc ii�cr.ca:;c will Uc nllos.�.lb).c t�o t1�� sarne
t�>:Letlt r�s if such costs had bcen ir�curred �if ler sucl� i�lci-e��::e h.icl been
• nccoi,�;>li.slicd. -
� , �„ ,�„�,,, � i „ • i ,��;1� pc, �u�cti�ts unc)cr 'tl�c �;rnnt �:i ).l l�c rnacic �nitii�l 1).
�,. 1 !,�rti.��� ., ( �.Ili,lt I'i(,' (�l� . )
anct •:;trl�:;r.yu��z�tl )' in accor�l:�ncc ��i.Cl� Ctic� scht�<lul�: set forClt on ll�c coveL stit�rt. ,
\oticc c�f Gr��till. nar.ar�l. . �•
• � • . �
� z �
�i. T'I����i;,1'I'1;�;�; �n;'I';. ��,:;Ls whic:li arc ,il.local►l.c onl_y in ParL Cr� Lhi � r,r.ant
;hnl.1. l�c ��rorc►lcd on a r�.:��,c�nr�blc .�nd co:�:;isc.c�nl hasis to cstabli:,h Lhe
nmc�un� nj,j�ropri.lteJ.y .►ll ��c:�t,l.c and ,�11o���al,lc u��cicr Chc �r.�nL-.
C,. )'i:i: A`if) 1'�;"1' C:R,',?;T (:(1:;'i�. Costs wl�i.ch .ir.c incurrcd �ri.or to ll�c dnlc
of tl�c� t��.r�rcl of Lii�.: F;rrinC or cosLs which arc incurr.ecl Sl]I):;C�UCiIC Co thc
cor,�i�l.clion daL-c of Cl�c grant arc not allocal�l.c to or A11owa1�).c ui�dcr the
7. 11\�i+i.)r�'�'i'I;l) .1'l��:l)S. I'unds wliic}i have not l�eeti co»�n�i.tCed or ob).i�,atcd
aL tl�c c��cl of a �rr,►lt period cannoC be transfcrrcd to anoCl�cr �;ranL ��nd
shaL� Ue r.eturned to' lhe nepartrlent with the zequi�ed closeout documer.ts
tirhich rc�ort costs under thc �rant. .
g, 'f1Z1,Vi:L 1;XF'F.\SF.S. Wl�en the �rantee is a public a�ency, ex�enses char&ed
for travel shr►11 noL exceed tliose allowab�e unuer. the established prac�a.ces
� o£ the Fr.antee. •
9. ACCOJ\`1):\G F:.: ^;;�:"'rTl', Upon compl.eti.on of Lhe �rant , the �;rantee
� tail). ��,al:e a report to ttle �rant oifir.er iLcrnxlin� all nonconsumable pro-
per.Cy ��ur.chased ��rith �rant: :unds. The granL- officer at that Lime wiZl
' ' determine and cJi.zect t}�e disi�osition L-o be tnade of such property.
• 10. T1?]Z`;•i7;�.�1'I(1\ A\ll R�VC�C��.TIO\.
_. ' a. The grant� may be terninated or r.evolced in •��ho)_e or in part when'
e��cr thc �ra�zt offi.cer. deter.mines that thcre has bcen inef.fecti.ve or
• a.c��proper C):[�L'I1C�)_t11ZC of funds ur;der tne �;r.:��t or tlze Gr.antee fai?_s to
com�>ly �aiLli t;he terms or condiLions of Che �r�nt.
b. Terminatxon or revocaL-ion oi the �ran� shal.l Ue effectiv� upon
t1�e cl��l-� of recei.i�t oL such noCifi.cation by the �r��ntee, Financial oblx-
� � �;aLions i.ncurred by thc �rantee prior ro the etfective date ��f the tcrmi-
� naLS.o�, ox rcvocati.o�1 wi_11 be allo�•:�+ble to thc catenL Lllat� Lhe�� �aouJ.d }iavc
been a�lotiaai�le costs had thc �rant not been terr�inat.ed ar r.evoiced.
. . c. ^thc �ranLCe a�rces to furna.sh the �,r�nt offi.cer wi.thi.sy 90 d�ys
• of thc eff.c�.ckivc d,�tc: of tcr.��li.nation or ievoctil-.ion t,n ilen�i�ed �1CCOUllllll�',
of. .�J.). fiiiicls ex(�ct�ueci, ot>l.if;aCed , ca.�u.�it:ted nilc] remc�ininr, under t1�e F;ra»�.
'I.'hc �rr��lCcc furth��r ai;rc•cs to �'c��niC t;o Ci�c Gc�vcrnnl��i1C, ��iCl�i» 30 clays ��
rc�cca}�t- of a writtcti xcqucs� froi�l �hc �,Y�111L' oiLiccr Ciie r�mouilt oL ttincls
. f.ound cluc.
ll.. 7;<'I'i'.i;i:�'.' i�:l.';;:l:l) �`y 1'I:l�i?R;�t._ l`li`�;175. l�ny intcre�L crsrned on F�cicr��l �;rt��1t.
tu»c1�Y;i�.�l.l Ue re��or�ed in ei�r� rr,uirc<1 closeo��C clocui�ieiiL-s for �he �r:iitt
��7d :;l�.�l�l. hc i�et�!riicd i�y chccic �,:�y.�l�2c: �o Chc U. S. '!'�_cr,su�:y.
i •
_..-��,•' ` • •
3 �
�7.. 1'I�n':lil:;� R1:1'�i;'f" !��':11 I?;`�(`!:�'I'T�;•iS. Cr:inl.cc� wi.1.l suh�ni.t: f ivc c<>��ics
of .� (��'c,Z;rc:,:; rc��c�rC�.i� lltc cn<1 oC'll�r. Gll� �nc1 L1.11t tn�>i��lis f.c�l.l�,;•�i��;; Lhc
,�t�:i<<1 oC t.hc ;,r:�nt :�n�l �ai1). arr.au;;c f.��r. on :;i.f.c in:�>ccLic�ns bf lli•. Grant
Uf.f. i.ccr, lli� Pi.�n��o�•:c��' Aclini�ii.::lrt�t�,r, o�' oCl�cr uutli�ri.xccl G��vc.r.ni,�cn(.
cm�►1c,y�cs. '1'i�c rc��orts wi1l. covc:r �ro�;res� towarcl tuccCinj; thc j;�>r�).s set
f or Cli �n Lhc� �>r�}�o:;:,l :�nci wz 11 i.nc lii<i�t r.rcoin�ucncl.11 i.ons rc:;ti).t i nj; (r.c,in
c:>;��cri.�ncc uncicr tliis �;rant. 7f Ll�c s,rant is exCencicd f.or rnr�rc th;in.. ).2
nx�nt.h�;, t.hc f;ra�itcc tivill suLrni4 ., fi.n:�l rc��c,r. t: at Lhe co;���l.cti.c�n of. tl�c
. Fr.nnt; upclaCin�; tl�c L���o prcvious reports. '1'i�c Govcr»mcnL inr.ay duj>l. i.cnte,
use, and cli.sclose i.t1 �3n}� mat�ner. ancl for any puzPose tal�iCsoever•, c,nd have
oLhcrs so do, all �aCa i.�i repor. L-s deliverecl under tlzi.s �;r��nt. ' .
13. Rl':�ORn`� A��I) I�CCOiJN']'S. Grantcc shaJ.l mais�.tain such records and
nccounts, includin�; propexty, per.�onnel, and fi.nancial records, as are
decmcd necessary to assurc a pro,��:r. acco�ntin� for all grant funds.
.Thesc reco�-ds wi.l.)_ be mr,de availaUle for aucJit purposes l-o tl�e 1•fanpuwer
� AclmznistraLoT- or the Ca;;,ptr.ollc�r Ge�eral of the UnS.ted Stcites or any
auCho�:ized Gover.nmenL xepxesenL.�tive, �nd will be reta�.necl for a period
. ot three years a�tcr thc final payment under thc Srant.
1.��. rSUI�IC7P,17, 0?Z S'J'il'f'1: ;ii;RT.T OZ CI��7L S��J�VIC��, Sl'S't'i;`i. Gcatttee SI1�1�.L
SC'�.CCL �.i1i`ij�5 SCCTCl1]:iFit �)C:TSU:7T]C.'L �i11"UUVii �Ili'. T'iL1i11C1(���. (�1 StA�:C iilC7'i�
� or civi.l. :scrvi.ce sysler�, It is unclerst�oct e:h�iL- the �,ranLee tna1� sel.ect
. the 1�ead of ttie �,�anpo�•%cr Plai1ni.�it; (CAI�4PS Secretr►ra.at•) st��� outsi.c3e of
' • the merzL- or ci.vil servzce system.
�5. COVf:\,,.'T AGP�I��S't CO,�TT\Gi;ti'I' I'E]•:S. `The �rantce warr��nls t•haL no per.son
� or. sell.in�; ai;eiicy or otlrc�- orba��i:ati.on has becn employecl or retai.ned to
. � soliczt: or sectire t}ii_s �rant upon an a�reei,��i1t or undcr.standin�; for a
co�ru�li.ssi_on, percen�a�e, brokera�e, or contir„ent fee. I�or Ureach or
vi�oJation of thi.s �aarrrsnt tne Gover�mc�'�� sha11 }lave the ri�ht to ani�ul thzs
�ranL- iaiChouL 1S.abil.ity or, in its cliscreL-ion, to deduct irom Llic a��:ard ,
or ot:l�erwi.se reco��er, the f�ill. �ir��unt� of suc11 cona�iission, percenta�e,
brol:era�;e or COIli111�Cilt Ice. � ' � �'
, I 1G. l)7.SCR7?•SI��\7'�CO`+ Pl?O:i.TI}7�,};�. �r}��S �r�nL- is �ubjcc� t:o Title V7 of thc
Ci.vi.1 liii;hts AcC tuid �lie �:CV1l�.c1l:1011S iss��eci t.i�ereuncier �ahich are f.ound aL
� 29 C1�R 31. .Grant:ce assures �hat �ZO ,�er�;on sh•jl.l , on �l�e �;�:����nds of rr,ce,
col.or, or 11;1L10111I. ,ori.�;in, Ue excluded frcn�l parr.icil�citi.��n in, Ne clet�ied
the proceeds of: , or be subject i.o discrir��inlCi.on uncler tl�e project
. . sul���or. Cc.cl by t}�is �;ra»C i_n a»y of thc �.�ays seL forLh i.il Scction 3). . 3 0£
ll�e RrF;u1aL�.ons rcfcrzccl to abovc. 3�or brc:�ch or V10�.:iC7_011 oC tt��.s
assurr,ncc , tl�,c Govcrniri�nt. sh:iLl linvc t1�e ra�ht to �Cl'Ii11111LC t.l��> �;r:�iZt,
� or, tal:e ��pl;r�;p;�iatc judS.cial acCion for it.s enforcecnent. 'I'l�e �r���itee
��1i11 �urnish SliCll compl.i:�nce 111�01'Til��L7.OI1 ai�d ot.l�er. re�orts n� ma}' be
xc�quire:d by tlie Govi:r.iunent. ' . ,
• �
4. . . , .
� �����' � .
.� r°`.- P
� �' , .
. ' 9l
11 . (�1'111''� �:(�1'i'i(T:�{I��;'1' 1�11�i1�::. 'f'l�r, i:tniil���� r����rc�rcc�i�ln llirtt. i�r� Tt�n�l�� crlli�tt'
; t linn 1 li��:.�• .���:�� �li•�I ui��lc�i• t�l�i :; r,r:in l linvc 1>r.cn rc�r.c� i.vr<1 L rc,ui t.1i�� Pcrl��r:i 1.
(�c��•c•�'ti;n�:nL i» ti�;�}'i,u�ii� 1 c�t r�ny oC tlic :icl.i.vi Lic:: a�liicli ar'c �1 ��:►r� vf. t.h1.:�
Frc�nl. 7.f �uy sucl� f.��ncls arc� l�crc.�ftc�r. rccci.vccJ , Chc �ranlcc arrecs �o
. dSscic��;r. th� fr+ct ancl return t:l�c�n to Lhr Govcrnmet�t.
18. 1)]�;i'1.:1T��1!�1� �1' T.Ti�11TT,1'I'Y. '1'hc �;rr�ntce sh��l). ho).cl and savc tl�c Govert�-
ti;ci�t., : t.:; otLicci:�, at;cnC:; , ancl c��nt�l.oyces, hnr►n1c>s fr.om li.;�l�iliCy oL �v�y
n:iturr or kii�c� , incl.u<?in; co:;LS ancl ex��enses , fur c�r on r�cc���mC of nny or
n).l. :;ui l:; oi� cl.�rinj;cs of nny ci�:�r,�ct_cr �ahr�Csocvcr r.csul.L-i.n;; f.rum injurics
� c�r dr,in,��,c:: su::c:iinrci i,�� an� ��cr:;c,n;; or ��ro��crCy rc:.til.lin; iii ti��liol.e ur in
�,:i�'t , I r�,m i li�� �iri;l. f y;��n t ��r.r;'n��ncit�cc� c�Y u�n i :;:;i c�ii c�f .:�ny c��u��l r:yr•�,, ���;rii t.
Ol' 1'r�►�'i':;i�nl;�l.S1'tt c►j l Il(! !�1'tiitl��t'.� ,
' 19. ^ ll;:�'t'7��`<AIRi: r,l'I'ROVhL. T.£ the �r.anLee is to secure daC<z throu�,h Chc
� usc ot a �lan or rci�ort :Eorm thc �rantce shall obtain tlie granL officcr' s
� � npproval of such Lorrt� prior L-o the grantce' s use of suc11 form in collecti���
� i.nformiiL-i.otl concerni_n� identical data from ten (10) or'more persons otlier
• �than Gover.nmen� crnployces.
20. 1'T;P,I'0'.t�,�?�:Ci: GUIi?1;T,7.iri;S, Tt;e grantee, in Lhe performance of Lhis grant,
s1�a11 co��1,�1y tait�;� ali appl.ica��le lat.s and re�ula�ions. To L-he maximum
practical exte�it, t.he �;rantee sha11 sLay abreast of current C�P�;PS policy
�und be �uided in the perforrnance of the grant acti��i.tzes by suc}i policies.
• � 2I. I,F,AS1;-PIJRCE-'s�SF �;Gi;T;i,`;i;tiT. The &raneee shalJ. not, while usin� rcder.al
-• � ' funcls in thc Pc�.forr;11I1CC oi this �rant, le�se either �-ea1 or personal
• property uncler ter.ms pro��idin�,, c�mon� othe�: t.ni.n�s, for the ol�tion to
apPl.y renL in tahu).e or in Part to�aard the purchase of L-he pra�ierty bcin&
. le.lsed tai.Cliout pra.o-r. ;��r� LL-eil conse�1t o£ tlle �rant office�'. A].L accuraulated
"credi.ts" of ren�: towaxd purchr,se uniier such af;ree��ents sh�zll bc in and
for �l�c account of. ti�c Fedcral GovcrnmcnL. ;;arcover, the &Tc1li�ec a�rees
' • Lo have t.he �substcZllCC oi i:his clausc inscrtcd i.n any subcont-rac� or _
equi��a).enC ii�sCr.un;cn� enterecl i.nto in pez�ori7�nce of t;l�e �rant, Til•le to
• ,nlJ. eqt�i.pr7ent ti:Thich may be auttior�zed for acctiisiCioil by tlie grai�tee wi1L
rcma iri zi� thc Govc�:nt�cn L-. .
. 22. POT,I:'1'7.C�,1., •I�Ci'�\'7'i'1'. No funds proviciccl hcicunder shall be tised f.or r�ny
' part:i.:aii po'.: tical� act:ivity or to furC}��cr �hc elccti.on or deCcaL of r�n}� '
condi.i�_��c Ic�r ��ul>l.ic office, ancl no parL- of Che acimini.sL-r�ztion oL lhe pro-
e,r.am .�utho�izc�d by thi.s i;r.cult- sh�l.1 be i.�tf:cl;��ii��led ��ith o�' cl.oseLy
affil.intcd taith any l�arti:;an p��litical .�ctivi.Ly. ln aci<liCa.on, i.0 shoulci
. U� ��o�:�a ct���� ��,,�>>_�y���� �,: ��L�t�i�.G i��a�.�:> ��„a ����.,»>>�z�e�� <z�ti����� �►����1����s
tnny bc subject to 1ii��it,zt.i.ons on t:hcir l�o).i.tical �cLiviLics ufidci thc
U<<tch t�ct (5 U.S.C. 15O2(a) , 1£ U. S.G. 5�5). ' .
� � �
• .
' .,
' 23. (�;�i�l'1? (ll' 1`Iti',C1�,1�����(;I;. Tn lhc c��c:»t of r�r�y conf.l.i.cC hcC�•�ccn Ll�c� ,���cci-
fic�l.io;��: for C�,�1i',� Sr�crc�C:ir�aL Gr�z�t }'ropo:;r�l.s :ind t.lic f;rantcc,' s ��ro�,��:�a�.
i�tcor��c�r:itecl h�rr.ci.n tlic :��ccific;itions l:o�- C��iI�S SccreCr�rir�C Gr:int !'ro-
�io::�l sli:i l l f;ovc�'n. In i hc evcn t of �1ny co�li l i c t: bc t�acr:n lhc �;cnc r��J. j�ro- ,
�•i.,ic�n:; :�nci tlic '1'rr.m:; r�nc] Condat.i.otis - Cllt�ii'S Sc�crc.tari�l' GrrarrLs titc 'I'crrns
� t►nd Ca�icli Li.ons - Cil:•�['; SccrcC;�riat Gr:�nts :liall �avcrn. '
24, /,CCi�,I''1'�\P,11.7'I'1' (};' Tlli' n7�tFCT(1?Z. Grantce ���,rces thaL thc ProjecC dir.ector
wi.l.l^ l,c rc:;�,c�n:;ii>lc�L�,r I�rovi<lin;; ovcr.rrll. F��iclance ��ncl dirccLion for. the
�•lori: tc� l�c: ��crfor�nr;cl uncicr �l�is s;i:int. 't'l�r. f;r.nnlce wil.l l�rc�vicic lhc i�tnn-
��o��:cr. ���liuini;;t.rator t�s c�rl.y as E�r��clict�l t��i.�l� thc natnc aild �j�t:�J.ifi.cciti.o�1s .
of t)ic ��crson Co bc a��oi.nCecl as �iiojcct dirccto�'. 'Chc 1•lanpo�•;cr �clrni.ili.sCrr�-
tor resc�vcs tl�c ri�;ht to ���ithhald ��p��roval of a►iy �erson as projecl di.rec�
lor wi�o:;c ar>poi.nc;nent- would bc a.ncot�sisCent: �ai.th tlic ol�jecti.ves of: Chc
' �,�:o,Jrcl ur �aoul.cl l.in�i t i�crform:,nce uncicr thi.s �rru1C, l�i tl�c cvetie ll�at
. thc• PSan��c>;.cr /lclmi.ni.r;t_r���:or. �•�ishes to Eli,r�I���i'ovc Clic Al)PC)111Li�1CilC oC t�ny per- .
son Lhc rianpowcr AciminisL-ratar wiJ.l notify l;�c �;rantcc of his objcctio�.
� The F,i-antcc si�a�.l_ insure the full-ti.nc availal�ili.Ly for �rant acti.vi_�ies .
of thc scr.vices of thc perso�i nr�mcd in thc noL-icc of �;rant as "i)i_rector. "
, Grar►tce a�,recs Lo iniorin the Govc�-�����cnt i.mmediatcly t•:l�ene��er iL appears
. i.tnPossible for Lhe direcLor to cont�nue to t�torl: full-L-ime on Che project
as ��lanned. Undcr such circur�st<1�1ces the �rant may Ue termin��ed unless
t� sub:;tit»te is appr.o��ed by tlle gr�'lll� officer'.
25, l)7�i'L"fl;S, An�� dispute concerninh a qt�est-i_on of f.acti arisii�� un�er the
�rant ��*ill be decided by the grant o�ficer S.n i:he for�� of a ��:rii:Len deci� .
�• � si.on �;�hicli ��ill be ;urni.shed to t}ie �raizL-ce. Ttie deci.sion of the �;r�:nL-
• offi_cer shall be final .and cot�cl.t�sive.
2G. C}il+�GF�. The terms and condiL-ivns oi Lhis �rant m•1y be cttian�ed at any
. Li.me hy r:iutual aE;reemen�. Iz any such c}:an�e causes an increase or de-
� crcasc S.n the cost of, or the Lzme recjui.reci for �erfor.mance of, or o�}�er-
� � t��i.se affecLs ��lly L'er.�ns or conc]i.L-ions of L}�zs �rnnt, an equitable acljus�-
nxa�L �nny be i»actc i.i� thc cost. and i.n such othcr Ccrms .or condi_L-i.ons of thxs
. grr�nL ��s may bc aff.ccCcci. 'ihe �ranL sha11 t;ilci� bc modificd c►ccordin�;l.y in
� wzi.t:i.n� by Che �r.a�zt otSiccr. � • .
� . �
. . , q • ,
. ' � •
� . i
�i -
. �
I'T'o��sal fcn- ):efundin�; C;/i?;PS rrant.
, for lhc Ci_ty of Saint Paul
I��' I972
T. l'.e�vie« of Act:zvi�ies fi1' 1971
T7. Pro j ec t:ed Plans `
YIl. Tsucl�el: i eqt�ire�ne��ts TI' 1972
" . , �� -1- .
, �s
I. P.);V l:}:l•d OP /�C7'I1?I'.I'l T;S ]�)' ].9 7 l.
� __._ __�. -_--_�_— -
In Junc•, 197�►, thc l:cf;ioi�aZ i�f�npo��er. Aclmi.nisL-rati_on, I)��>arCmcnt: of
Labor, aPproved a proi��:;11 submi.LLc�d by TSayc>r Cli�rles P. T�icCarty, Sai_i�t Paul,
1•linnc•sota, and allocated funds in Llie �maunt oi $�+£3, 750 for C�o>>er.r,tivc I�rea
Nlanpow�r Pl_anning Syst e:n (CAP�PS) Gr.ant A�aard l�o. 27-5-U3-r1.
Space ���as locatc�d i.n the Ci_ty of_ SainL Paul Court Iieuse building, stafl'
� was hired and f-ul1 time operation began Augusti 16, 1�70. It �-�as deci_ded to
name the progr.am, "rfayox's Program for I�Sanl�ot•rer Planni_�zg" ior the City of
Sai.nt Paul.
As lot�� as no �ui_delines ��ere availahle for i:h� op�ration it �,�as decidect
Uy thc sCaff that tlie Ioll.o•;:ing steps sliould be tal;en:
1 . llete�-mi.nc �aliat ��encies �-.=ere i.nvolved ii1 activit:ies as it
�'elatc:s to 113T1})Oi�'C'Y.
� 2, ri�et= �,�i.th f.he h��ads of various a�encics, lc:ar.n t:l�eir prograi��s;
' .
beconie f�mi_liar t,�i_th Lhc�ir probl.ems .
3. i�1:�l:c a pliys�cal. i.i�vent:c�ry c�f :i1�. thc af;ci�c:ics, both in publ ic
�nd pri.v:�tc> :;ecLr,r, taorl;in�; �>>_Lli mat���o�,7er pzoLlen�s.
Aft ��i• a carc�ful ��>>,�1��<;i.s �t t:l�c ,ibu��c� tln•c��� n:l�nccl prc>j��cts, i.0 ��.�s cic•tr�-i;,i.�i,�<'
t:li:.11 t.1�i� �ic�xt :;t.r)� taut�lci bc ic� n����,�int �i i�l;i}'c;r 's /'+r)vi.:.;��'�� Cc,iu:n.itl��c i�o s��rv�� i.n tli��
. . �..___ .
�' ' -)
� �i.eld of ntZ»��t•:cr plaunin�;. lt �cas fc�) t- Chat t_l�is comni.CLcc �,�ould lu,vc lo
covcr tlie c�r�Y.ire s�,ect:r�nn of t.t�c Ci.L-�� af S.�int P��uJ. as it rclatcs to�manpowc�'
planning, It �•�as furt.hcr d;t�.rmined th�at tiic i_nctivi_duals cliosen for Lhi.s
ad��isory e.ommitt�e, sliould be �-�crso»> from gover.rnnenl a�;encirs, city g6vcrnulcnL,
labor, business, �ninorir.y, educat-i.on, ' hospit:al and vct:exans organizations . In
addition, Che pco��le chosen would be those �aho were not: only tamiliar with their
own ope�-aLi.ons, but �,�ere in a position o� clec�.si.on maki.ng capabili.ti.es . This
req�lirc3 real selectivit>> i��i choosin� t.he r�ember.s oi tlie comn�iLtee.
Early in the pregram tlic I;ayur had assi�tzed certain por�ions ai the
Yot�th OPPortt�nity Probram t-a the T1an��o�ac�r Plarmint 1'r.ogram sc>crc�tariat . This
has pro�ressed to the Point that now al�proxi.>>>at-el�• eight�� p,r cent: of the
supcivision of th� ��o�t�, oj�r���-tU„i.t-y Pro�rani is tlx� rc�sponsibili.ty o� the
secxet-ar. i.aC. Plans zr� bci_n�; tor,nu]_ated to liave thc entire loutli Opporl-uui.ty
Pro£;r.3m under i°�:�e )Sayor 's 1'ro�rr.rn far t•ian��o��c�r Pl�.nnin; for thc next fiscal ycar,
il ���ill bc� :;ho�;�ii 11l the atLache�l prol�o:.ecl l,��c1�;e�t .
A TS�i>>ur 's \�c�lrr.u�:� 7;t:;k P�,rcr h:is hren ce.t.:�l�l i.siii��l :incl i:; ►�ot� i_n ful 1
ul�c�r:itiuzi . 1�Sc�inl�����:; c�l I_l�.i:; ruu�uiit t:c��� �n-e 1�;isS.c�il ].>> >nc�u�b��r:: c�I tl�c� 1�l:iyi�r':;
Aiitn��������i Pl:illi1111}; f�<(vi:;��i'�� C�inunill.c,c� . '1'li�� �;��:�1 <�I llii:, cui�iinitl.���� i_s Lc�
. . ^3�
l, st.imt:l.ati� t�l�c cm��lc���cr:, c�f Uotli public ancl priv�tt�
sect_c,r in liiri_iz„ Vic�t.nain-crz vet�rans (returnees) , and
2 . coordinritc ChiS witli al.l agencics involvcd, espccially
Y_he I�iinnesot�� Department of r1�nPower Servi.ces, �aho taill
Ue doin� Llze i_ut-ervi.ewin�, counselin�„ ��ncl refcrral_ tac�r?c
, necessary i�o this pr.ogr�cm. This a.s an on-goiii�; pro�ram.
IT. 7?ROJ]?CT1;D I'LAI�S •
. The new Ilner�ency Empl.oyment Act (Public Service Careers Probra�n) will be
the responsil�ility oi thc riayor's Pro�ram for T•lanpo�aer Planni_n�.
Strps haz*e alrcady been ta'cen taith tl�c Ci4y C:ivil Service DeparLruent: anc?
R8111SC.�� Coui�ty Civil. Sei-17ice A�pai-tment to set up Llle C1GCIlE1111C8� pr.oceciures t.o
specd up Lhe liiri�ig c�i people when Lhe "slots" become availaUlc ai7d inlorn,ai:ion
is for.thcon�i.�7 as to fhc necessary procectures .
IL is anticir:zted Chat: all new f:cderal progr�cros c1e3J_i:��; CJi1:1] maz�pa�•.�.r
planni.n� ns �ur as the Ci_ty of 5ai.nL Paul. is concerned, unless othe�-wise
desi-f,naCcd, �ai.].1 bc� funncl��d Ll�rc>u�;li tl�e 1•it�yor�s Prot;ram for Tiai���o��:c�" Yl:�nnin�;
1)C']1�11�t:1i1C11L .
, . ` _�►- '
.�_ �.,....--....., .
. .�
In addition to Ciic at,ovcr, Ll�c Advi.sory Con�mit:tec� oi t:he I�fa��or 's 1'ro�r��m
ior A1anPowcr Planni.ng wi]_1 he conti.nually �oorki.ng on plans dcalin�; 4�ith
manpo��cr. planni.n� iz� the ficlds of emPloyer rcyuircments, trai_ni_n�;, assisting
cmPloycrs �;nci advisi.ng i:hem as to available ]�TO�;I'£i1115 ; c�orl:ing �ai_Ch the Tfinncsota
Depaxtment �f Planpot•�cr Sc�rvi.ces regarding the avaa.labiJ.iL-y ot the unemployecl;
wort:ing wiLh tl►e �lel fare Department as Co the emploS�ability of �aelfare recipi.enLs,
� examini_ng the possibility of estaUlishinb rnor.e llay-Care CenCers to assist worki.np
mothers and fatl�ers witli child care problems, and t-.o malcc availab]_e the necessar.y
research and stat=i.sti.cs to s.�pport. tlie ��ari.ous manpot•�er. pregra��..s that tlle Ad�visor}�
Committee r�ay esLaUli,sh. 7n A(�C21�1C)Il to thi.s tl�ere will bc complet.e coor.cli.naCion
with thc: T"I1tI1lCSOL3 A.�parl'ment of 1�1an}�o��;er Serviccs, the T7eLropoli_tan Council and
the Governor 's CAI�Il?S Coir�nittee.
I'urtl�er, inasrnucll as tlie Count:�� of Rarnsey i.s �eo�raphic��lly tlle su�aJ_lcrst
Coi�nty in Che St.ale and 'the Ci.ty of: Sai.�IL Pa�J. i_:: l�y far Chc ma.jor Ci.ty i.i� tlic�
Count:y and Che ma jor ��ereenCaf;� of inciustry i.s ].�c.^.t:ed in the Ci.t�� of Sait�t i'aul ,
flic Dlayor of Cl�e (:i.cy of Sui»l Paul ancl t.lic /'�ctvi.::c�r�� Ccnnu�iLYuc� �•:ou] <l Jc,olc favc,r.�hl �.
ti��c�n fhc• 1•l�i���,�� 's l'ro�;��;��:i fc>r I�l:�u�>o�:1c>r Plai�nin}; cluin��, .�1.7. tl��� ��'l�iuiiint; a:: i.l i�cl;�ic�r:
� • _ �`
; ..
• .;
(, fo maupo����r for Cl�c CounCy af lz,iinsc�y,
Pr�m a polilical st<rnd��oint, it sl�ould hc� n�tcd t.hat rincic�r tl�c c�r.islin�;
statut:cs, the rfayor oi Chc Czty of Saint 1'aul. is also Che Chai�7r,an of t he
P.amscy County Po�rcl c�f Comn:issioners .
. �
F � . n /'
�: • ., �11' .
k •
� �>>;�l�c�s�:i� rri:nc�,~�� rx ���2 �
Pers�n^1 Sc�rvic�s
Pro j ec t D'ir ec t.or 17, OUO �
Assistaj�t Di_rector 14,600 •
l.esr.arch Analyst: . 1.1,5U0
- Youth Caorciinator • 9,OOU
SecreL�n-y �3,450
Tota]. Sal.aries 60,550 `��'�y v
Per.sonnc�l lienefir.s at the � ��,,�-
provi.sional. rate of £�% 4�$4/+ "
Tota J. Person��l Serv ices casLs � 65z394 ' . � '
Non•�er:>onal Srr.vi.ccs
w_�_____---_. .— _
�'//^ ^J
`.I�T3VP_1, 6�],OO �
.. �� ,�
Oif i_ce SupPl ies 1,800
Oificc Ec�uipinent £ti
1'urni.ture 1,80U ��y
COl?Ti11Ul11Cilt 1011S 1,5U0- � - -
Reprr.c?uction Cost:s 200 '- `� -
Totai P�onpe:soilal
' Scrvices Costs 11��;90 � �
ToC��l l�inount of tlic'Grant %6,884 '� �� '
.�-M.,,--_ ..
� �. �
. GITY OI�' �AI1��1' PAUL
� OF1''IGE OF THF: �1�1YOI�
'� ', .
� ��� ��
Gaaa�s P. �IaCaarY / i
AuguSt 17, 1971
I�ir. William B. Lewis
Regiona.l P��a.npower Administrator
United States Department of I,a.bor
Ma.npawer Administration
219 So. Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Dear N`s. I,ewis:
Enclosed you will find seven copies of Saint Paul's grant application
under the Emergency r`�nployment Act.
7.'he city's application is for a six-month pro�ram of $198,270. We
rea.ched this fi�ure in the fo7lowing manner: �11+�+,535 in sala.ries for
the unemployed, $19,513 in emplayee benefits, $12,283 for the hiring
of sta�'f to �dm�.nister this progr.ara, $1,609 in s�aff be�efits, a.nd �,
local match of $20,330. This match was achieved by taking a percenta,ge
of salaries of presently emuloyed city officials who are to devote a
�reat deal of their time to this program.
This application has been prepared subject to instructions received at
a workshop spansored by your agency on August 12 and 13. In establisning
job classifications and the needs of the city, all governmenta.l depart-
ment heads were contacted.
Enclosed, also, you will find a City Council resnlution supporting this
application. If you nave any further questions, please contact Mr. Earle
Ada.msan at 918 City Hall or telephone 612-223-�+9�•
TY:ank you very much for your consideration in this matter.
a. ely yours,
�� .,,�
C��l1iZL�S P. I�icCA�; � .
Ma.yor of the Cit o ai t Pau1
RESOLVED, tha.t the Pda,yor, on behalf of the City of Saint Faul,
is bereby authorized and directed to make application to the United
States Department of 7�e.bor for the sum of $177,940, pursuant to the
Emergency Employment Act of 1971, a copy of said application being
attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. �
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Carlson Approved 19—
Levine _�n Favor
Sprafka Mayor
A gainst
Mr. President, McCarty
} _ _ —Zw----�`Y�_ il,ti, I►1:1'��t'I'\1i:t:'i' C.?F I.n1iC�l? � \trn�xnvrr/��tmini::�ntion .
, • (�12/1N'I' 1�G1�1:1•;111:N.I,
. (imi•[;,rnr�' h:in�.l,,�•n�rtrt /1ci�of 1`.�71
1. �;r.�til \t�inh��r I�flcclivr (l�lr - P�i�linr (x�ic
..____. _ ----- ---
_ _._ . _.. ._.. _...
t:.�in,, . .
?. G1t�1K'I'i l
City of Saint Pa.ul
___ _ , _.. _ _ _ -- ---- ---- -
. _.. .. --- -...___ __.. _._.....- -- -.. _
:�,�.�':•`: 347 city Ha11
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .
I.i:ii,on.I;c}�r.cc:;t.�;i�•c irr Gr.u�tcc Am: Cocic an�t Tc]cphcn:c i:;�mhcr
Earle Ada.mson • 612-223-�+9� �
----- -- _--- . . _.--------- --------_. -----------.- -------- .
3, U.S. DI•:YARTM(:\'I' O�� LAPOR
�fA i.iai:cm :tcy�;•�s:ntatit•c Arca Codc and 7'cic�i:�onc I�urnLcr
.}, i\UT110:l'('1 i.^.?Z GRAti't', Cr.�ntac's Oi�li;,atcd
tJ�[)f R F, i.. '>2-:�4 Total Cos[ Cm���bvtion Fcdcral Cost
�«<l�n: 9�a)(1) � • � $1.98,270.00 $20,330.00 $177�9�+0.00
Public Law 92-5�+ . ,
•roTn� s i98,270,00 s 20,330.00 �177,9�+0.00
S, 'I7ii, GR>>\T AGiti:P.'�tf:P7'f caisisis of U�r cntirc fir.�nt a�iplication� uicluilinfi all attach�ncnLS, cxliibitc�
cncic��ims, and U�c Conditions Go��cmin,ti Cr.�nts, �
--- - - — ----------- G. GRATv'TEL ACCFPTANCE
, � :� >.��c • Ty}�c Namc and Titic �
����., August 16, 1971 Mayor Charles P. McCarty
�, crzn�TOti r�t�ruovnt
Si;,natl�;c ef G:u�t Oificcr and Qi .• • Typc t�ame a�id Titic
_I�iA C>-42
Au�. 1 S�7]
, � ,
' U.S. U?'F'!►1:'1'1�:EN 1 Or 1.ABOR + h�fa�ip��.•�r Adrnini��tion
. `
Emc�e�icy L�iiploy�ncnt Act of 1971
- _ - -- - --- ---- ----- — - --------•------=
NAtif� OI' Ai'YL1CAtvT �4 �
App?i:.ati�: is hez�by n�adc fo:finanr_ia2 assist3ncc undcr thc L•iner;ency rmPlaymc�it Act of 1971 (P, I., 92-54)� to
p:a�-id�. unemplo,cd �:,�d �dcre.mp!uyC.Ct j��iSQhs �vitiy �,�an,itie:��1 e�nr�Gj�l:]C^t in needed �xablic se��vices. Puncv re-
cez��ed t::idcr t'r.is aJ�,p?i;a:ian will be uscd to pl�� a p;v�3m �shi�'i is cor�is�ezit with tlie �ra:}x>scs and }nUVisiac�s of
P,J., 5�2-54; auc?to e�;iplcr��an initia] campiement o: pai�ici�»ts i� r,.�blic ser��ice jo'�s �viLii.i�the area desci�bed
bel u��v. • '.
71�c am�ar.t �f fu_xc'�.-, requcsted ;n Yhi, applicatis� does ii�: excecd J S p-:�.�nt of rJic appli�aiit':: to�l appoi�tianme�it
of fimd.uuc:er Se�ioa �l�a) (I) of F',L.' 9?.-5� as publis�:ed in the Pec1e,:�I P.e�;ister. T3ot less than SS r�rec�nt of Uie
im���; receivc�3 uuc'_t L�:s initial aprIicat-ion vri11 be used for�:�a�es an3 en:�loymeaii•benefiYs for imempieyed and
tmdcr�mplayed�-h.i=ons �:•iti�in Uie ar:a cotret,ed by L�e applicatim, Th� nur.�i�cr of jobs requested in t3i:s application
cFo2s noY exc�ed 'GS ;��:�_a;� of irlie Z-�a:mec!tcr�a:r.urnu��r et jobs ;Q Ue .};v�iceu w�ci�r il�c ict.12 allocstian of fimds.
T13c balas�cc ef tne i�*-��^. sial! be used fcr FI8�11li:g 4nd aclmini-:e:infi ti;e p:oGra�n. A s��nmary of the flmc�> requcst-
ed� hoti:t�ey�•rill Lc dicE7:buted znd the i.itial job�to be established, is at�c},ed. '
�e aPpli^��.nt agrees to pl:ai and canc�::ct iTs }.<��m in acerndaa�ce witi iie regulations promt�gated by i'ie Secre-
ta�� ai' Labc:(2° CI'it �S) far the L•mc,�en��* EmploZ�rr_enY prob^ains un;;�r P.L, 92-54, Ln pasticular� tlie applicant
. hcrcb���:.?l:es U�c a_�tirances as requir-=d by Secti.c� 55.6 of tlic re�lilatic:�s.
Tuc an:cLmt oi f�d; rr.qiFested c!�es:�ct excced 30 p�ir:f'I]Y Of YIIC tOL3I. CC�SL' Of Ca]Ty]IlV out thc ��oL�xam pra}�sed iiz
ti�e app:ic�t7a;� :iZd t�:e a�,licant a�,.�es to i�rovide il�e remanziz�g 10 p::rcent in accordance�vid: Sectiwi 55.i6 of ti�e
The applic.w2 a�r�.es to r�ibmit an ap,�licaticrn fcr t�se ren�ainder of Q�e funds ap�xr.�tioned Snr his arca w�dcr Sectioa� 9
. (a) (1} oi fi�e /�ct vr:�?�'vi 3;} �ays after L�e a�,�:mo��l o:t'sis ini:ial ar;�lic.ation, T9ie zpplicaticn tivill be 1<er,arcd and
rk>r�'stYed i�i accoscl�nce �vi:3� 3.nsti:iM'ic.�.e In•ovided by ti�e Sec��.L3ry of lzbor. .
Tlie app?ic:�ut cer�ifi^_s Lhat hc has atrtlxo:ity to irceive, exp:x�d, distriUiil-e, and�•ant fw-�ds far d�e pis}�ses con-
lained iu f?;e af(�c�:c•d �ogia�n Su;nma;y�.
'T`1ie app2ic2tt w�;�;�zu?s tii�t he has fl�e authorit��by_;.izLutC� ar. tvill Ji:tve auaiority U}�afime2nent, to reqitire thc siib-
. 1�ez�ts ar,cl e���r�2ryin�; a;eneies receivin� f�.nids, to ac�e*_�e Lo ec�dit'act.s asi<i requuements establisl�e.d for tne use of
tnr_ ltnlcl: �anYcd tmc:er P.L 92-SA.
• ' .
E+Rrl? CC)V�TciU 13Y APi•L1CAtti*T ��� F MA USL J �
. ' DATE 1��CEI�•'�D � �
Gli/'.NT NUT�f�3}�R
�� � �� - ----
" +•i"-"�: ::�:� �li'I'!�` ,',i"L'c M ' .'!'ED OI'F iAl. 'f1TI1 O;' OF7�)C]!�?. ~ UA'1'F..
_ Mayor of Saint Pa.ul
� w \ � 1�4A G-`C, .
� A�g. ]971
t:.S. DEPI.F��t.lEtvT t)F LAEiCR - I.tanpo�•ror Adminiatrotion 1. TYPE Of �?PLICl,TIOt•;
t�r"� "• � �. 1. P! 7 nX Inlilp�
_ �"I'��rflr�-.�'.`; ..��ia�1!'ll�-�{ �Y
� Emcrycncy Er;i���cyr..ent Act ot 13'll Q Full Funding
...,. ,,.._,r._.
. Cl I�odifica�ion
2. t':?e?Gfiie�: lii.;+,i?:'1" 3. lPi'U:;.iI�lOP1 GAT�L• �! � �,
4. 7Yi E OF U��17
City of Saint Pau1 August 17� 1971 � Fodrrc�l
Cl Stato
`5. ��!l�f,i�� U� Ft�;i'�'~.'R7 ELEC1"i�D O�FILI<.l. 5b. �dciross C7 County
Chaxles F. McCarty �l City
5a. 7�t�s +T �.� Tr,bal Cou�cil
Ma.yor C1 Other (Spociiy)
5c. Teftrp'��ono • G EI:�P;.OYEF2 I.D. h0.
ra..�.,..�r..�..xa_�:�.�,..�.�,��, .o.-, .. .r.. . , . . �.,,.. .an� _�-s;,�._s�sw.w�aoeac_�ees:'.
7. S7/'�":E 1.U. l:0. £t. �lGi-:ili�<I;;i uF:il•:G ,:�GE:i'.GY °i. L1i;ISrJ:'V OFFICL':L
Office of Ma.npower Planning � � Earle Adamson
_ . _ ....�..,«_...�y.._„�.�..,, �.�.._..�..r-.---- .
1�. TO fk'���i::1Gsc+{c:i ' IOO. rCC2fU) llilOCJ1i0i1 IUU. LGGaI S�CtfO �a.7itlo
F y 72 Director of*Ma.ripower Planning
$873,100.00 $97,011.00
,_� 9c. Addr�sa �
II. ItalilbL F'Ui•:i�l�:C llu. Fpceral Shc,r6 IIb.LCCaI SL'crC 918 Clty H&1.1
..._...s�13$,�.�Z�,��___� . St. Paul, Miruzesota 55102
i�. �;���r,,,�c�_ f:�c�u::s�-��7 $177,9�.00 $20,33o.ob 9b.Tc+lophonc
$29�655.00 612-223-4906
_____=___.�--- ------ ----- ---- __-.__.__..___._-�__
-' `1
o�srs;�r.ur�or•; a� .�o�s �r�o Fur;a;
13. Fro;ra�� !•.��,�;i/Sub-+t�,ortt I�r. Typo at Unit t5. Arec Sarvcd IG I�o.of Jabs 17. Funds
City of Saint Pa.ul City Government Corporate Limits � 37 $164,0�+8.40
. City of Saint Pa.ul
. 3 �Staff 13,892.00
(F"or addiiion:;i ��:�r� ;!L�o ConlinuGtioi; �hcc!)
__-�' -_.''__� --_' =1-_ .
� '- ----I 8. 1'G T!'�L j�,� --'1}0 $177,940.00
IJ. F'uri.:�c; C���;;�•e�G Ly Prrg.rc;m 190. Pfanncd � �'an Fcb lN.,or Apr lGS�y^ � Jun
Sun;rr�ary �ivaroq� nSo�r;Iily I I
Fi Months. �rnptoprr,�r�f Jul Aup 1}� 54p Oet h'ov Dec.
___�.�__.-�--------�--- ---- zo.M�uc��r ESTI���/:i�F sur;r�,�r:=�Y-= ---� v_�_ - -- -
V Co;.t Cu1�;,ory Totnt Locel Shere F�daral Shcro
Noriicipans ►'logcs 1�+,535.00 � 1�+�,535•00
Porticipant �c,n�frts 19�513•00 `_ ' _ 19 1 .00
Emalcprnent 5erv�ccs
Adu;"t�i,trotio;i�--�--- � 3�+�222.00 ?_0��34.00 13�892.00
-__._._�.�. ------ --i ai a` r�. '�--- .^_�198'270.oo _�-� _�i-�20,330.oo A --- - �o -
. ._ _..__.,.._.__. Z� .
a;n �-�t7
.,.._ ,�-„
1!.S, DlP/�R'i�;,'�:?:T Oi� I./1ti�OF P,OGRl,1., /.G('t:T hPpl.iCATION OATE
Ai:npower Acii:ii^istraLio:� ,
(Co:;tinuztion) �
Tmcrrency Fm;;oyment Act of 1471
----- -- ---__• ..�---------.� __._z��,.�.�.-.�.�..��..�� . �
oisrniGU�-io;a oF ,to:rs �;ao �u�:vs
13. Pro�rom l.�:,�t/�ub-Aq�n4 la. 7y�o ef Untt I5. Art�o Sorvcd 16. tJo.of Jobb 17. Funds
. �
. , .
�-^-->�.__.._ _-------__`-�_�._`__—_ --_---,_._� �._,�_` - ��------- -- -- - ---------------
•Y � IG. 1071iL .
~�. A1A G-47n
� U,S, BiPAit fJ..��NT OF IJIF,OR � Man�x>wcr Aci�nuii�tr.�tion
. �uncLT rs'IIAnA1��c ,
}'auc.ocncy Cmplopmcnt Act of 1971
_-- - --_
U.5, bi:PAR7'Ati1JT OF LN;OR # I�L•�r.pe�vcr Ad�niai:ir�ition
llI�1'AII_I:1J COS'1, P1tLA1CDOlV1�� I�Ol�, ADIl7II�1IS1'R�1TIV1, STAFT' E�;PENS��
Fmcr�e�icy E�nrloymc»t Act of I971
1. Staf.f Sa]:ri^s fc•�� Pro:ra�n Ad:nittis�ati.un
Salary Pcrccnt NiLnb4r y
J��. �s pera�k, of Timc �'�7::0 or Ta�I Cost Gr1ntec's Fcdcral Cost
Pct.iti�r,,s Pa.:itics� 'I'itic � or�-'s.- ta I'roj. }ioi�-s Cantribution
1 Administrative Asst. III 9 5 100 40 5 610 5 610
1 Accounting Clerk II 613 100 40 3 678' 3 678
1 Clerk-Steno II 499 100 40 2 994 2 994
1 Federal Coordinator Z104 25 10 3 311 3 311
1 Federal Coordinator 1625 25 10 4 875 4 875
1 Federal Co rd ' a r 2 2
1 Clerk-Steno 559 50 20 3 354 54
1 Asst. Director of Personnel 1699 25 IO 5 089 5 089
(See dciend m B f r in-kind m tch explanat on)
T07'AL- Stsfi Salaries 32 612 20 330 12 282
2, Fri»;e Iienef;ts fo* Staf.
FIC/� �- � S See Adden m A
Wo:lauc��'s Co:npen�ation �°� x$
OtJ►�r(s�city)__ �'otal Renefits 13.5% 4, 354 2,745 1,609
TO'TA1 - ]:mp?cycr's cost of frs�Le bcr.efitc for staf! — /+ 35L�, �2��/�5 1 60�_,,,,,
3, St��ff "1'r.��•el Exr�nses
miles }rir���cek (�J F?,.r mile x weeks for use oi
to transport staff inembe�s az I�rojcet hasiaiess
cL•�ys ��cr dicm x S per cL•ry, iu licu of actual ccut�� whilc
oi�t�3dc thc Y*ri:jcct arca c:i o`ficial b,�t�icss •
7'OT�+1. - St.�ft Tra�•cl k:>:I,:>>scs
TO'1'/�I. - Ac?minisl�:�titi-c Costs- Scctic�-i C
G�znh� •rornL� s�cua� n+:;,c 36,966 23,075 13,891
�1� ����>o,:
Aug. �971 •
Because of the difference n f�inge benefits for the
�obs listed, it is irnpossible t get a campletely correct
breakdown. Therefore, we have omputed fringe benefits on
a basis of 13.5°� which is the n rmal average of benefits of
city employees.
+...r. �r,
~ cnz ►-� � � y � zc� roc� � ro *v � I �I � :� n � � �. .- c
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Saint Pa.ul, like every other major large city, has many needs
that they are unable to fulfill because of a lack of money. 2�wo
of these goals are increased employment and formation of new pro�rams
to benefit the entire community. The bner�ency Employment A.ct,
through its f�.nding, will give the City of Saint Pa.ul the opp�rtunity
both to hire the unemployed and also start and staff new a.nd flature
With the funding f`rom this application, we will start new and
innovative programs in the areas of public safety, public health,
pollution control, recreation, valuation assessment, and government
reorganization. Several of these new programs, I believe, are worth
l. Under this act, the Police Department will employ five female
technicians to work in the comana.nication center, replacing sworn personnel
who then will be able to get back on the street where the action is.
2. The Fire Department will hire five Firs Service Aids who will
actually be recruits from minority groups to train to become f5.remen and
also assist new existing personnel.
3. The Public Utiliti.es Department will hire two technicians for
the purpose of testing the lakes and rivers in our area so we may be
forewaxned of any pollution problem.
4. The Pa.rks Department will employee five tree trimmers to work in
the axea of dutch elm disease control. This depax�ment will also hire
addi.�a.onal recreation leaders to assist in an vnder-man recreation program.
5. The Public Works and Finance departments will employ people and
aids to form a r�ew system of valuation which �rill assure every citizen of
a fairer assessment of his real property.
6. The Camptroller's Office and Civi1 Service Bureau will hire
employees to Vrork on government reorganization, which will again benefit
our entire community.
These are just a few examples of the programs z,rhich we intend to have
�.inctioning wi�Lh fl�nds received f`rom the Department of Labor. These pro�rains
will not only be beneficial ta the entire City of Saint Paul, but it will
also give us tr.e opportunity to hire those who are unemployed and underemployed.
.. ����
The lacal ma.tch for funding will be drawn by taking a
percenta,�e of the time of five city employees.
Three of these employees, Mr. William Q. Patton,
Mr. Al1an Edelston, and Mr. George McMahon, who work in the
city's federal coordinator's office will devote 25°�0 of
their time to tl�is progra.m. They will work in the areas
of funding, training, and administration. An additional
person, Mr. Thnma,s Gleason, the assistant civil service dir-
ec�ar, wi11 also devo�e 25�fo of his time in the area of
pa3rro11 a�d recruitment. A fifth employee, Kathleen Ma,y,
wi.11 devote 5�0 of her time to the program in the a.rea of
office work.
� All. of the above-mentioned personnel have alreac�y spent
corsiderable tzme on this proposal and owing to their
experience and knowled�e of the program wi11 be directl,y
invo�•red in s� w°ide vari�ety of FFA activities during its first