255333 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLmtK - ��3�
RESOLVED, That the Council hereby ratifies and approves
the action of the Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review for
� the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining
to the following listed properties and as shown by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated July 28, 1971, a copy
of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a
part hereof by reference:
Case No. Property Appellant
40-71-B 840 Beech St. John M. Fida
48-71-B 689 So. Snelling Ave. Eichinger Properties
T.F. Eichinger
44-71-H 2493 Territorial Rd. Wallace D. Eklund
49-71-B 433 So. Cleveland Ave. Sharon Boecker
Ralph Boecker
50-71-B 871-873 Payne Ave. Steven Lien
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AUG 1 ? 19�i1
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— �
Yeas Nays �s � •l �97�
�-�' yu_��� A rov 19—
Levine n Favor
Meredith /S
Sprafka V
Tedesco A8'ainat
Mr. President, McCarty
. • �����T�
Meeting No. 56
Wednesday, July 28, 197.1
Room 210 , I3ureau of Health, 555 Cedar St. - 1: 30 p.m.
Members present: Arthur Tieso, Vice Chairman
Raymond Grove
Mitchell Kamin
Estyr Peake
Norma Sommerdorf
Members absent: James Voigt
Donald Wozniak
Agencies present: Bureau of Health - Frank Staffenson
Building Department - Glenn Erickson
Housing Authority - Donald Wagner
- Ken Gauthier
Phalen Area Neighbor-
hood Improvement - Fred Wellmann
Program -Jack Mell
Others present: Thomas Anderson, John Fida, Anthony Danna,
T. F. Eichinger, Wallace Eklund, Ralph Backe, Steven Lien,
stephen Katainen, Denis Dailey, William Kampf.
The minutes of the July 14, 1971 meeting were approved as mailed.
42-71-P 607 Edmund Ave. Mary T. WebskY
Donald Wagner
Thomas-Dale Housing
PRIO R HEARING: July 14, 1971
SUBJECT: Inspection report o£ the Thomas-Dale Housing Authority dated
January 20 , 1971, concerning the single family dwelling at 607
Edmund Ave.
APPEARANCES: Donald Wagner.
- 1 -
�teetiny �vo. a:
�� .
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Wagner explained that Mrs. Websky's homeowner
insurance policy had been cancelled. Fie was infarmed by the in-
surance company that the policy would be renewed if the exterior
of the building is rehabilitated as proposed. They propose to add
rock shakes to the exterior. They wish to correct the spill-line
as originally proposed.
ACTION: Motion by Tieso that the code deficiencies be reviewed by
the Building Department in order to determine what items can and
should be corrected for the $3,500 grant. Further moved that all
other code deficiencies be waived until such time as the property
is sold or any other right, title or interest is transferred at
which time said waiver be nullified.
Seconded by Peake.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes:
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
40-71-B 840 Beech St. John M. Fida
PRIOR HEARING: July 14, 1971
SUBJECT : Letter of June 10 , 1971 from the City Architect to Mr.
Fida advising him of code deficiencies in the basement apartment
at 840 Beech St.
APPEARANC�S : John M. Fida, Anthony Danna.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Danna stated the sprinkler heads would be in-
stalled shortly as had been requested. There are four vents and
four windows in the basement apartment. There are a total of
five apartments in the building. The building was purchased in
1962 and was vacant at that time. The basement unit was used
as a real estate office for one year. There is one exit from
the basement unit which goes to the hallway on the first floor
and then out the front. Mr. Erickson said two building permits
were issued in 1962, one for a fence and one for adding partitions
to a four-plex. . . . Taxes on the property are $1,500 per
ACTION: Motion by Kamin 'to waive Sections 34 .01. 8, 54 .07 and
54. 13 (4) of the St. Paul Legislative Code that no space in any
cellar be used for sleeping purposes . Further moved to waive
Section 34.01. 1 of the St. Paul Legislative Code which requires
a minimum ceiling height of 7' 6" in ha?3itable rooms. Such waivers,
- 2 -
` ' Meeting No. 56
to permit continued occupancy of the basement apartment are to be
granted on condition that within ninety days, the two bedroom win-
dows be enlarged and converted into window wells in accordance
with the St. Paul Housing and Building Codes in order to provide
a second means of egress from said basement apartment.
Seconded by Peake.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes:
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
48-71-B 689 South Snelling Ave. Eichinger Properties
T. F. Eichinger
SUBJECT : Sections 13.02.607 and 13.02. 7 of the St. Paul Legis-
lative Code which require a one-hour fire resistive enclosure
of stairways in heretofore erected buildings.
APPEARANCES : T. F. Eichinger.
PROCEEDINGS: Eichinger Properties owns four identical buildings.
Three were built under the 1938 Building Code and are therefore
in compliance. The fourth was built in 1959 under the newer
1953 Building Code and is therefore in non-compliance with stair
enclosure requirements. Mr. Eichinger said that three of the
four apartment buildings are certified for occupancy. . . . Mr.
Erickson said there are many two-story buildings in the city with
no stairway enclosures.
ACTION: Motion by Tieso to waive Sections 13.02.6 and 13.02. 7 of
the St. Paul Legislative Code which require a one-hour fire re-
sistive enclosure of stairways in heretofore erected dwellings
for the apartment building at 689 South Snelling Ave.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
44-71-H 2493 Territorial Road Wallace D. Eklund
SUBJECT: Housing Code Survey dated January 15, 1971 concerning
2493 Territorial Road.
APPEARANCES : Wallace D. Eklund.
- 3 -
., _ .d ..
, Meeting No. 56
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Staffenson said it is important for safety and
health reasons to remove the illegal wiring, repair the plumbing
and properly fuse the sockets. . . . The Housing and Redevelop-
ment Authority has expressed its intention to acquire the property
in approximately one year. Mr. Eklund purchased the home in 1966 .
There is one family living upstairs and one family downstairs. The
assessed valuation of the home is $14,500; however, a realtor
offered him approximately $9 ,000 for the house.
ACTION: Motion by Tieso that the Building Department conduct a
safety inspection of the property; that all items determined to
be safety hazards by the Building Department be corrected within
sixty days from the date of its findings and that all other Code
deficiencies itemized in the Bureau of Health survey of January 15 ,
1971, be waived. Further moved that the matter be reheard in one '
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE: Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes:
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
49-71-B 433 South Cleveland Ave. Sharon Boecker
Ralph Boecker
SUBJECT : Section 33.04. 3 of the St. Paul Legi.slative Code which
requires a four foot side-yard for hereafter erected dwellings
of one or two stories in height.
APPEAR.ANCES : Ralph Boecker.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Boecker explained that they intend to build an
addition to the north end of the building. The east side of the
building presently abuts the side lot line at the sidewalk. The
proposed 24 ' x 36 ' addition would also. The size of the lot is
40 ' x 126 ' .
ACTION: Motion by Grove to waive Section 33. 04. 3 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code which requires a four foot side-yard for here-
after erected dwellings of one or two stories in height. Such
waiver is granted to permit construction of a 24 ' x 36 ' addition
to the existing dwelling as proposed and in accordance with the
plan as submitted.
Seconded by Tieso.
- 4 -
�: . Meeting No. 56
THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes:
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to zero (0) .
50-71-B 871-873 Payne Ave. Steven Lien &
Stephen Katainen
SUBJECT: Chapter 12-1331.c of the Life Safety Code which requires
basements of inercantile properties which exceed 2,500 square feet
in area to be sprinklered.
APPEARANCES: Steven Lien, Stephen Katainen.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Lien and Mr. Katainen purchased the building for
$21,500 . They have an inventory of $14 ,000 which was enough to
get the building. A bid for sprinklering ran $5,000-6 , 000 . The
basement is 3, 200 square feet in area. The building has a masonry
exterior and a bar joist roof.
ACTION: Motion by Peake to waive Chapter 12-1333..c of the Life
Safety Code, adopted by the City of St. Paul, which requires
basements of inercantile properties which exceed 2,500 square feet
in area to be sprinklered.
Seconded by Sommerdorf.
THE VOTE : Ayes : Tieso, Grove, Kamin, Peake, Sommerdorf. Nayes :
none. Abstentions : none. Motion carried five (5) to �zero (0) .
39-71-B Southwest Intersection of Denis C. Dailey
Battle Creek Road and
Lower Afton Road
PRIOR HEARING: June 23, 1971.
SUBJECT : Notice dated May 28, 1971, from Ruben Aguirre, Bureau of
Public Buildings , to Denis C. Dailey, 1540 Branston, indicating
that the proposed construction of two duplexes on the southwest
intersection of Battle Creek Road and Lower Afton Road is in
violation of Section 33. 04 (3) of the St. Paul Legislative Code.
APPEARANCES : Denis C. Dailey, William Kampf.
PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Dailey' s letter of July 26 , 1971, requesting
a rehearing was read.
- 5 -
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ACTION: Unanimously agreed to continue the matter to the August 11
meeting in order that the legal opinion mentioned in his request
may be obtained. Mr. Anderson was asked to verify certain state-
ments in the letter.
� Meeting adjourned at 3 :40 p.m.
-�'' �,� ��,,.�.�,...,.
Thomas W. Anderson
Executive � Secretary
- 6 -
RESOLVED, That the Counail hereby ratifies a�nd appsovas
the action of the Saint Paul Bosrd of Appeals and Revigw for
the iiousing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes pertaining
to the folla�wing listed properties and as shoam by the official
minutes of said Board of Appeals dated July 28, 1971, a copy
of which, marked EXHIBIT "A" is attached hereto and made a
part hereof by referenc�s
Case No. Pro r Appellant
40-71-B 840 Beech St. John M. Fida
48-71-B 689 So. Snelling Av�. Eichinger Properties
T.F. Eichinger .
44-71-H 2493 Territorial Rd. Wallace D. Eklund
49-71-B 433 So. Cleveland Ave. Sharon Boecker
Ralph Boecker
50-71-B 871-873 Payne Ave. Steven Lien
& Stephen Katainen
AU61? 1971
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co���� 19..._
Yeas Nays AUS 1 � 197�
�, �,,z.�,_. Appmv�rl 19._
��e Favor
Sp�� � A poninrat ��r
Mr. President, McCarty