255324 Ortsin+�to Cib Clerk ,. ORD �IN� ANCE ��� COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY I ��� ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, per�aining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIAT: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64, inclusive, of the Saint paul Legislative Code, per�aining to Use Districts, Height Districts and Rezonin� of certain prop- erties in the City of Saint Paul, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following des- cribed property from "A" Residence District to "C" Residence District, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens; situate on property located on the southeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Van Dyke Street in the City of Saint Paul. Section 2. This ordinance shall tak e effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. SEP 1 1971 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Councit C'�°� `� Tn Favor Levine Meredith Q � Againat � Sprafka T���° �,1971 Presid�nt (McCarty) S Attes : C' erk �ayor �� Form a�proved Corpor Counsel By P�JBLISHED � 4 �9 71 aaifasa a Fs�r O1� D � N�ANCE � � COUNClt FILE NO PRES�IT� BY ORDINANCE NO����� �t a�s'd#�►a�e�► �diaq thr so�i� Q�r. t'�p►tora 50 t� 64. ira].�si�. of tha /*i�tt �iltol 3r�islali�n Ct�►r P���� ' �+ IIN �iatti�tta. lis3�ott 1�i�ts�iata �d � �r�iar� o� ca�rt�io� parv�ptsti�s i� t�a CitY o! saiair raal. as �d. TH! C4�Z6'' t�!' �i Cls'!' a!' f� ��. ilEt�i O�t s� 1. '�°hat t� � CoB�, C�a4p't�s i4 to i4„ inciasivre, ot t� saiat l�al. �isia�,in Cod�• F���4 �+ IIN Di,�►tr�ats, 8�►iqht Dislsriata a�d lMssoai� o� �r�in .pre�p- �-tiu ia tha Ci� of S�t lanl. s� a�a�d• b� a� 1� saM i� h�r�b� fortl�ac a�r�8�d �o as t�o srsoa� i� �ll+�e#�q d�s- ctrib�d pt�rtY ls+�.� •l1" �i� niatriat to "C" �s�tisa�a+� Di,atliet, t+o�/it: �+ots 7 a�! 8, >laol�c 6, 8�daos� �ad �s�d�sst sitatt� od ps�rt? loa�a� +� 1ch� sost�aat �ars o� Mi3.�► l�,r.s�. aa�dt va� �. sts�t ia th. cit� a! saiat �aal. i�a�a $. shis �s+dfaaa� sball t�lca �tl�a� and bs i� fas+a� thirtp �i�3�j �s �r�a� aad aftsr its �ssa�t. �n►al a�d pablia�►tion. SEP i t9?1 Yeas Councilmen Nays Paeaed by the Counci� �° 4 � Tr FavOr Levuie Meredith � ro�►inst 3prafka T�a�° SEP 21971 Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� �orm a��roveid Cor$or�fon Counset By � .. . ' � , BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 � ��� August 5, 1971 � Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Sir: This is written in response to the petition of State Supply Company to rezone from "A" Residence to "C" Residence property located on the southeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Van Dyke Street further described as: �o r� ."'i Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Gardens. � This matter was heard by the Board of Zoning at its July l, 1971 public hearing at which time the written staff report was read. The staff further pointed out two basic considerations in urban land use decisions: 1) the suitability of the site to serve its function for those who use it, and 2) the effect of the site's function on surrounding uses. In considering the site's functional suitability, the staff compared it to the Comprehensive Plan's recommendations for location of high-density development. In considering its effect on sur- rounding property, the staff compared the "C" Residential standards to "C-1" Residential standards and discussed how a "C-1" District provides a land use progression between single-family homes and "C" Residential density and creates fewer neighborhood problems. The staff concluded by enumeratirig both the factors favoring the proposal and those opposing it. In considering this matter, the Board noted its proximity to shopping and the adequacy of fire protection facilities in the area. A motion to recommend approval was heard and seconded. The motion passed by a vote of five to zero. Following the vote, Mr. Reilly, who represented the petitioner, asserted that at prior rezonings in this area, it was agreed that "C" Residence could be allowed south of Wilson Avenue with "C-1" Residential north of Wilson Avenue. Very truly yours, , /�/�> ' ) l G C�._C.'�[� ,..je ,�.2, � PETER J. � ETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:kk PLR z.F. �k�ls6 / � �y O Narry E.Mars�aU w�`T' �F•�, A16�rF e.Olso� City Clerk and ^°,�� =1. Counail Reaorder Commis8a,oner of Repistratio�t ' '��` " ,fl v���': OPFICE OP THE CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUREAU OF RECORDS s88 City Hall St.Paul,Minneaota 58108 June 15, 197�- Zoning Board Comanerce Bldg. St. Paul Gentlemen: for recommendation The City Council referred to you�the attached peti�ion for rezoning Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens, located at the southeast corner of Wilson Ave. and Van Dyke St.� to Class "C" Residence District. V ry truly yours� �__� City C k � ng � .._. .,.., .�... !� � � C� L� � d � D � JUN � � 1q,` CITY PLANNING BoaRD Saint Paul, MinnF.sota i ��: � ,� . : � ,, .,-- w _ , � � , . l. . . . . . . f � . . . ' • � , � { � • . ....... . � ,.'` _ - PETITIQN FOR, REZOrTIN� .� , �,, TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o The City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall G , _ �) ��r'� City of Saint Paul, _Minnesota �Q V � �" � _ �' � C �� � Pursuant to Section 64, 06 of the St. Paul Legielative Code, we, the � . 1 underaigned oro�ners of two-thirds of the several de&cripti�ons of real �� �` estate aituated within l00 feet of the real estate _affected, hereb}� _ ` 2 acquieeee; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be re- classified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the following deseribed 3 property: 4 Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens, ° Ramaey County, Mixinesota, according to the plat g thereof on file and of reco�d in the o�fice of the Register of Deeds in and for saiil County, 6 from an A-R.esidence District to a C - Residence District, :for the pur- � 7 pose of constructing multiple dwelling facilities on the subject property. �` 8 1�ECORD OWNER 5IGNATURE OT , BLO��f ADDITION 9 1) ✓Frank A. 5chneider � 6 Hudson Roa Helen A. 5chneider ff # . Gardena 10 � 2) . vJohn Sliva „ , 2 6 ,� �� ' .` 11 P 12 �3) ✓Paul Jaruis and 3;:and 4 ex.cept ' - 6 �� �� IrEne �I.' Jarvi� � �h�:<�. 80 feet ` _ 13 �r - �of said lots � ,, 14 (4') v'J'ohn G. Jarvis and ` . - : The W. 8A feet 6 �� �� June I. Jarvis � , . ' of Lote 3 & 4 15 . 16 {5) ✓Wallace M. Maila�id �� , r ._:,;,:, .� yp'. `lb9 feet 6 �� �� an�l Maxy Eilen . � ` �,ot � and : 17 l�iailand � X:,ot 6 . � � � 18 �6)r Gox�don I�. -Heidenreic�h ; , . ept the W. 6 `,: . �� �► r". : �.� fee�t of Lota ,m 19< and Violet J, � Heidenreich ��.�� . , � ... 20 � r, (7) Albert M. Hafner = ` ` Lot 6., except 3 �� �� :,; 21 and Genevieve Hafne:r "- ` V�' 125 feet of the J � ,.57. 3 .feet & . 22 � ��C�ept t1�e� W., 125 23 • feet of said lot (g) „- Paul bieinia ch and ,G���-vruv Alice M ' Heinisch �he W., -125 feet �� °�� �4 . �"' ' ; ' ` f Lot �S 3 �g (g) John Tancheff and' � Y� ✓ The W. 125 3 �� �� . . � Mary Tancheff _ 26 � feet af Lot 6 e�cept t�e �. 27 • 5y7, 3 feet 28 thereof y 29 �10} Stat� Supply Co. . Lots 7 and 8 6 a a By _____ . . 3 0 ' � /'�-ccatdx..� �: - : 31 32 ti� � R. WILLIAM-W[ILLY � . � . � � �;i� � . .. \ - ATTON/tf�AT LAM � . " - . � , . . . . . �MYL.MqtNitOTA N101 - . � . � - . .. . . . , • . _. � � }' " . .. . .. ^ .. ► .. • ' . _ . � � . . ' ' . ' � .� � �.A � � . . � . � . .� r_1 . - RECORD OWNER SiGNATURE OT. BLOC� .AD�}ITTflN /�v 10) �—���'�.=�: 'Llo�`r..��� & U' � 5 3 Hudson Roa , Sharon V. Doexfler r�,v��,� . Gardens ], 11) �-Robert E, Melville & The East 105 " " ` Marvel L, Melville ' feet of Lat 5 4 2 � �.:.R. . . ., :. : .".. � � � . 12)r David F, Houghton �,... ', � 140. 81 5 " " 3 & Dorothy M, -Houghton • t of Lot 1, ,� except the S. 2. 50 feet :. 5 . � thereof 8 13) `�John F. Babler and �• ����� �F �� S, 2, 50 feet $ Margare� Babler of the E, T40. 81 ? _ feet of Lot 1 . . ( , $ 14) '�3ohn F. Babler and : - r'���he N'1y bq�ei�t �� �� ` 9 Margaret Babler ��•the E. 1�0 5 feet of Lot 2 ZO 15) Kenneth N. Sinn �.nd ,��%y�� � The n'ly 1/2 5 i� �� 11 Irene G. Sinn � of Lo� 3 12 (�6) Arthur G'. Sinn The S. 1/2 of- " " 13 _ : Lot 3 5 14 ( . . ,L�t 2, exeept 5 �, �� I7) Arthur G. Sinn. + � , �� t�ie;:i�:.�ly 60 , lg _ fe�t of th.e E. 1��0:--f ee� 18 . '. STATE OF MINNE50TA} 17 � - . _ s s�, COUNTY OF RANtSEY ) ` s 18 - _ 15R Willaim Reilly and Ed Loney�' , bein�g f�rst_.�lu� sworn, deposes and � states that he is the per`som who circuiat�d the within petitio�, consisting 20 of two (2) pages; that the parties descxibed above are the awners ree- pectively of the lots glaced imnzediately fpl.l�vv�;ng each name; that this 21 petition was signed'by each of �aid ow�re���in t�.`e pree ence of �his affiant, 22 and that the �ignatures above are the true and correct sig-natures o£ ach and all of the parties so described. � � 23 � , .�-•,�. � 24 Subscribed a�d sw n to before me this ��ay o , Address:�� �` 25 . 19�p . � � � 28 . Telephone No. �-�-�— ���.3 27 . �... ". � ��"" ;� . -• 28 M�1°t�'N P�bl�, Ran:::.� ntY,MIn�,. Addre s s: / �O^� Exviros Nov. 16, 1971 ����� 29 • Telephone No. �, � � ��13�� 30 31 � 32 � _ R. W�u.uN Ru��r ' wYram�a�r uw ��T.��AVL.MINMpOTA MWI � . . � . . . . . � . . �- i � BOARD OF -201�ING RERORT_AND ACTION Ju1}� 1, 1971 ?>i;t ,q�k, ��42 Acting unde� Legislative Code Chapter 60 thxu 64 ----- —� paeaed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. �186 I 1 , ":�'. ,iC.A�1T''� t,��,'iC ; State Supply Company 2., '�?��,",SLf'ICA1'1!.i�d . � Amendment u Appeal ❑ Pei^mit � Other X-1067 � Rezone from "A" to "C" Residence for tha 3, ;'�it::';�SI. ° purpose of constructing an apartment building 4 , L,�C:�Ti.�P: ; Southeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Van Dyke Street 5. GE�>'1� DESCRI�'PIODI ; Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens 6 r P�LSI;N i' ?CNiNc,; "A" Residence "J . °U:� ,�A:ST 1'0 Icninp Code Chaptera 64 Soction: .06 F�aranra�h: � ; �TA:'F INVESTI�,ATION F, ��PORT; Date; 6/24/71 9ys PLR A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated June 9, 1971, the Commissioner of Finance declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 11 of a possible 15 (73%) tracts having signed. B. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. C. PROPOSED USE: The petition declares the proposed use to be multiple-dwelling facilities. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The parcel has a frontage of 297.31 feet along unimproved Wilson Avenue and 240 feet along improved Van Dyke Street, for an area of 69,914.40 square feet. E. AREA ZONII3G: One block west of the aubject eite, Commercial Districts exist at 3 of the corner parcels at White Bear Avenue and Old Hudson Road, with the fourth corner parcel having Commercial zoning pending. A Commercial zone exists at the northwest corner of Old Hudson Road and Hazel Street. A "C" Residential District adjoins this site on the south to Old Hudson Road and another exists across 01d Hudson Road to the east of that site. "C" Residence Districts exist on both sides of Luella Street about a block east of the subject site. "C-1" Districts exist across Wilson Avenue northeast of the subject site. The area more immediately north of this site across is "A" Residential as is most of the land west of this site. F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The Comprehensive Plan called for low density between 01d Hudson Road and East Conway Street. That recommendation included this site and the "C" and "C-1" Residence Districts on this block and the adjoining block to the north. G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is about 2 feet below the grade of Van Dyke Street. Covering most of the parcel is a pond inhabited by ducks, frogs, and rushes, and surrounded by Cottonwood trees. H. AREA CONDITIONS : _ Van Dyke Street is improved from Old Hudson Road to Conway Street with separate sanitary and storm sewers. Wilson Avenue is improved west of Van Dyke but east of Van Dyke it consists only of a 12" sanitary sewer producing a grade through the pond which continues on its north side. The'�C-1" Residence land north of Wilson, west of Hazel, is still vacant. The "C-1" Residence land north of Wilson, east of Hazel, is partially developed. Single-family homes are built on very large plats on both sides of Hazel and on the north side of Old Hudson Road. A new apartment building adjoins the sub�ject property on the south. There are new single-family homes and one duplex on large plats on the west side of Van Dyke acrosa from the aubject site. Both sides of Van Dyke north of the subject site are similarly developed. 9. B(3ARD ACTION: To Recommend Q Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Moved by . LeRoy Benshoof Y�ag Nays August 5, 1971 x Ames - Ch. Date of Seconded by: Patrick Curran Cochrane Hearing: McPartlin Secretary's remarks: x Maietta July 1, 1971 Mansur Council Action: x Curran x Benshoof Dooley Date: Prifrel MINUTES OF THE X�tTBLIC HEARING BEFORE THB BOARD OF ZaNII3G oA Thursday, July 1, 1971, et Z:00 P.Mc PRESENT: Messrs. Ames, Benshoof, Curran, and Maietta of the Bo�rd; and Messrs. Brown and Rosetter, Mrs. Frant�en, and Miss Perkins of the staff. STAT� SUPPLY COMPANY: A petition to rezone from "A" to "C" Resideuae for the purpose of consCructing an aparLnnent building. property located on the southeest corner of Wilsfln Avenue and Van Dyke Street. Mr. Rasetter suuanarized the staff repart, A part of the file. statiug that the �rarcel has a frontage of ?97.31 feet along unimproved Wilson Avenue end 940 feet along improved Van Dyke Stxeet, for an area of 69,914.40 square feet. Oae block west of the sub3ect si�e, Comnercial Districts exist at 3 of the 4 corner parcels at White Bear Avenue and Old Hudaon Road, with the fourth corner parcel having Coa�ercial zouing pending. A Cbmm�►ercial sone exist5 at the northwest corncr. of Old Hudaon Road and Aazel 3treet. A "C" Resideatisl District ad�oins this site on the south to Old Hudsan Road and another exists across Old Hudson Roac3 to the easC of that site. "C" Residence Districts exist on l�oth aides of Luells Street about a block east of the sub�ect aite. "C-1" DiaCricts exist scross Wilson Avenue north- east of the subject site. The aree more imanedietely north of thia site across Vaa Dyke Street is "A" Reaidential as is most of the land west o£ this site. The site is about ? feet below the grade of Van Dyke Street. Covering most of the paxceL is a pond inhabited by ducka, frogs, and ruahea, and surrounded by Cottonwood tre�s. Vaa Dyke Street is improved from Old Hudson Road to Conway Street with aeperate sanitary and storm sewers. Wilson Avenue is improved west of Van Dyke Street but east of Van Dyke Street it consists only of a 12" eanitary sewer produciag a grade through the pond which continues on its north side. The "C-1" Residence land north of Wilson, west of Haze1, i� still �racan�. The "C-1" Reaidence land north of Wilson, east of Hazel� is partially developed. Sin�le-family homes are bui1C on very large plats on both s�.des of Hazel ead on the nortb side of Old Hudson Rosd. A new 8parzment building adjoins the subject property on the south. There are new single-family homea end one duplex oa large plats on the west side af Van Dyke acxoss from the subject site. Both sides of Van Dyk.e Street north of the aubject site are similarly developed. Mr. Rosetter said that land-use decisions relating to apecific parcels in a City should conaider two basic factors: Ly the suitability of the site to serve its #unctiou for those who uae it; snd 2) the effect of the aite's function on surronnding uses. The first cansideration takes tnto accaunt those factors ontliued by the Co�nprehensive Plan re��erdiag proximity to open apace, major streets, public transit, and supporting comnercial facilities. Applying those criteria to this sire one can aee that; 1) open apace: Conway Heights playground exists 2� blocks east of this aite across busy R�th Stxeet. Thia means that, while this open space of eubstantisl sizt could be coneidered to be in the vicinity, the situation is far from ideal. First, it ia doubtful that this degree of proximity is within the limita of the Comprehensive Plaa`s idea of proximity. Second, playgrounds af this size �are generslly develaped . for the activitiea of school-age children--not for those of young adults and their pre-school children. The vacant land just nor�h of this site is not pnblic land, it i� zoned "C-1" Resfdence and� therefore, canno� be relied upoa _.��. � � . STATE SUPPLY COMPANY (7/}./71) (Continued�: to provide any of the amenities of apen space. Regardiag the coasideration of proximity to mejor atreets, 01d Hudsoa Road and I-94 are good east-west routes. This site is one block from White Bear Avenne which is a msjor north-south route. 2"he third conaideraCion, that of proximity to public transit, finds this site nearly as suitable in this regard ae the Arlingtoct site. Preaeat supporting Conmercial establishments for apartments in the area are limited; however, once Che land which is presently zoned for mnitiple-family uae is developed as such, the Co�mnercial Districts at Hazel and Old Hudaon Road and �C Ruth and OId Hudson Road may develop. The second basic consideration in Land-use decisio�es is the effect af the site's function on surrounding uses and properties. Applying this consideration to the present petition, one will note that the site ia bounded by verq subatantial single-family homea on Che west snd east sides. This xaises the question of the compatibility of these ad,jacent land uaea. Planners uauslly recoumend that incompatible uses either be aeparated by significant land-u�e bouadariea or be handled by meens of "land-use progreseion"o In this csse, aeparation is not possible, and since it seem� infeasible to prepare this site foz 1 or ?-family dwelFings, proper land-use progressioe� between Che "C" Residence and Commercisl land snd the "A" Residential land would be "C•1" Residence zaniag rather than the "C" Residence Diatrict requested by thia petiti4n. "C•1" zoning has real and practfcal effects cuhich can be felt by residenta of the development �nd of the srea in general. Tfte "C" Res�Ldence District is a groduct of a time whex� eg�rtment dwellers ased Crolleys to get �o work and walked to do their ahopp�ng. Many owned no cars. Taday, more apertment dwe�.lera have families and nearly all have cars; especially in ontlying areas such ae this. They generally F►sve more m�texial posseasions today including boats and enowmobiles. This means thaC apartment units muat be larger as well as ehe building coverage of the Iot. At the same time. the remainder of the lot is consiunecS by garsges �nd parking spaces. The preaecet "car culture" along with "Ct' Sesideace zoning hae intensified traffic on the neighborhood scale which seems to be the msin complaint of neighborhood opposition to apartment developmenC. "C-1t0 Res�.dence denaity means there is more land available per anit which allows la�cger units and �re on-site op�n apace. �'his �ustifies a more-expensive developm�nt with more room for land- scapiug and with better architectural treatment which makes it more compati.ble with surroundiag low-density propertiee. Wfth �he probability of fewer automobiles on the sitea neighborhood traffic should be less intense. Mr. Rosetter said that favoring the propassl are the folZawing factors: I) the site appeara to be infea�fble ta prepare for low density snd there �s no plan to mcquire the property for public open space; 2� it is an extenai�n of �and use and zoning; and 3) it seems to meet. to a limited degree, same of the criCeria for high-density development as listed in the Coanprehensive Plaa�. Oppoaing the proposal are the following f�ctors: 1) it adjoins a substantbal sfngYe-family neighborhood so "C-1" ResS.dence would represent a better lanci-use progreasion; Z) "C-1" Residence density is bett�r suited to modern apartme�st life styles and easoci�ated neighborhood problems; �nd 3) the "C-1" Resicience Districta to the north and east of this site h�ave not beer� developed. -6- ' . , . . STATE SUPM.Y (�IPAPIY � (7/1/71) (Continued�: Mr. Curran asked where a bus rauCe is in relation to the site. Mr. Rosetter replted there �is one on T4�ird StreeC. Mr. RoseCter stated that in the history o£ the rezoning of this srea, the "C" Residence District in this block was rezoned im 1966; this adjo�.ns frontage on Old Hudson Road to the freewsy, �nd there are CoYrmercial usea on the oChex aide of Old Audson Road. The next rezoning was first submitted as a proposal Co rezone to "C" Reaidence, but at the Zoning Board meetiag it was decided to ask for "C-I" Reaidence; evexy rezoniag stt�mpt thereafter, a total of aix on two blacks, was for a "C-1" Reaidence Dietrict. Mr. Roaetter noted the Zaning Board aad City Counc�I have iseen co�aitting them�elves to that medium-densitq coacepC in this particular area. He nated. however, that the land would not be proper for construction of aingle-family homES, but it could be said that it is up to the peCitioaer to prove that a "C-L" Reaidence Diatrict is noC a fair a1Cez�n,ative ta thie proposalo Under "C-1" Residence, this would allow 40 dwelling units. pe�-�err; Mr. Benshoof asked what Mr. Rosetter conaidera being "cloae" tcr � shopping center. Mr, Rosetter replied that his iaterpretat�oa of the Canprehenaive Pian's inte�tion is a reasonable walking distance. Mr, �Benshaof cosraneated thet the proposeal is within 3-4 blocka of the Sun-Rsy 3hopping Center. Mr. Rasetter stated that other coau�ercial Iand could also be devel4ped nearby in the future. Regardiag the fire sCation near Che su�ject site. Mr. Ge�rran ssked if it was laxge enough to service the area. Mr. Amea asaured him it is of aufficient eize for the aeeda of the coumunity. Mr. Benahoof moved for approval of the petition to rezone� stating that aa opposition is present at thia puhlic hearing. The motion was seconded by ?ir. Curran, and carried an�animously. Following the vote. Mr� R. Willi�n Reflly, representing the petitioner, said ' he wished to make a few commenta regarding the area being considered. He said he wanted to call to the ettantion o� the staff the fact thst what wae presented today aras totally incongistent with atstements made by members of the planning staff on other rezonin�;a in the area he has handled. Se noted the sub�ect parcel is on the a�nu�h sLde of Wilso� Avenue. At prior meetings the staff said the 1anc1 south af Wilson Avenue would be suitable for "C" Reaidential development, and Chat aorth of Wilson Avenue the land would be auitable for "C•1" Residentiel develoF�meatt. Mr. Re111y said the Zoning Board made its indicatian that "C-1" Residence would be acceptable and he previously changed the p�tition Ca t�ie "C-1" desig�.ation. B�ecause of the "C" Residence aoning already eacist�ng south of Wi18on Avenue. Mre Reilly said he thought the proper c2assification to reque�t at this time would be "C" Reaidential, Mr. Rosetter c�mmente3 that he was not on the zoning staff et the time ttce other rezonings wexe granted, but said it is his u�aderstanding. from reading the minutes, tha� at that time the steff said that alZ multiple- family districts shouLd be limited tm sauth of Wilson Avenue with single-fa��.ly r�orth of Wilson Avenue. -7- . , - � � • . STATS SUPPZ.Y Cf7MPANY ' (7/1/7i) (Continued): Mr. 7�iaietta ssid he feels it is not up ta the sCaff or the Zoning Board to dete�cmine whether shoppiYeg facilities are importane in deciding whet'her land should be rezoned to warrant construction o€ apartment buildings. Be said that iLf peogle want to live near co�ercial developmente, t4�at is up t� the individuals, Mr. ?�lsietta aaid h� is in favor of the rezoning siace it aeems to be a cont�nuation af use snd is not far from Old Hudeaa Road and "C-1" R,esidentisl. zoning. Submitted by: Paul L, �oa�tter 8obert Lo Ames, Ch�irman -8- City Clerk � . � . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , 113 Cour1 Man� 53104 July 23, 1971 File X1067, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in St. Paul, Minnesota at I0:00 a.m. on August S, 1971 on the petition of State Supply Company, Inc. to rezone from an "A" Residence District to a "C" Residence District the property described as followa: Lots 7 and 8, Block 6, Hudson Road Gardens. The property is located at the Southeast corner of Wilson Avenue and Vaa Dyke S treet. For further information, contact the Planning Board, Roota 1010 Coanuerce Building or telephone 223-4151. . To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recommended that you attend this public hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROSALIE L. BUTLER Commissioner of Finance ��� - ` . . � PS�iTIOAi TO B�ZOAiB A tit9att�� beeun,A�ll��* �S��L.�D�l�t�9�Or.iE Pau1 ti,�vpe Gade, ro.: dea�er�'L+ota'�'F sn� , . son Rd. GGn'd!�, luca�d,.ati�ke e�ay�t c0. b WiifDA Avl. eF1d �la tricte the�CoiiAC11 of� C! '�� Paut�4�a1 g�d'�e 8t1�► �oi At�rt:` 1Yg1,at tei�,o�'�v��min�ttt'e��u o S C��tY. and s# S�� � � p ��the Counc�t'will'heAr all Pgresftie an�ali abiectione ena' �qeommsnda= tiwu ralative toi eaid Pmpe�ed'�tnen�l_ mea�. LDBted itti3t t9.lY'fL v'-, HAIi1P,Y E. MAA�i"�i.,` CftY Clerk. •, �. 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