D001108• C 1 J CIT1' OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR BUDGET REVISION ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER No.: �� �O oate: I -B-Q� GS #: 32202 ADMINISTREITIVE �RDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the requ�est of the Director of the DepartmeM of Pubtic Works toamendthel9 y budgatofthe Capital Projects fund,theDirecmroftheDepartmeM of Finance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: FINANCING PLAN C93-2T671 Inflow{Infiltration RemlCorr-93 Sewer Service Fund Water Utility U S WEST PIA 93 Sewer Repair Fund Assessments SPENDING PLAN C93-2T671 Int{ow/lnfiltration RemlCorr-93 Construction Plan Construction FINANCING PLAN C94-2T672 Inflowllnfiltration RemlCorr-94 �ot � � 751,592.85 1,800.08 753,392.93 15, 957.11 15, 957.11 11,024.86 1 l ,024.86 36,535.00 36,535.Q0 264,677.37 3,673.59 268,350.96 31,640.00 (3,673.59) 27,966.41 1,111,427.19 1,800.08 1,113,227.27 124,810.30 124,810.30 986,616.89 1,800.08 988,416.97 1,111,427.19 1,800.08 1,113,227.27 SewerServiceFund 909,088.50 (1,800.08) 907,288.42 909,OS8.50 (i,800.08) 907,288.42 SPENDING PLAN C94-2T672 Inffowlinfiltration RemlCorr-94 Construction Plan Construction 187,000.00 187,000.00 �22,oas.5o ��,soo.os) �2o,2sa.a2 sos,osa.so �i,aoo.os) so�,zas.a2 �� :��-�-- � � � roo�� ar ro / !�� � �ro i�/1/� i t 11 � DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �UL� �' CJIq Public Works jp �^ 12/20/96 GREEN SHEET No. s22o2 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAVO TE INITIAUDATE EPARSMENT DIRECTOR � C1TY CpUNCfL Michael J. Eggum 266-6143 N MBEH FOR ❑ QTY ATTORNEY � CITY CLERK MUSTBEONCOUNCILAGENDABY(DAiE) ROUTIN6 ❑5 BU�GETOFFlCE Qj FlNANCE-ACCOUNT7N OPUFR �MAVOFiIORASSISTAN ❑1 M�keEggum/fN � AL # OF SiGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATOIiS FOP SIGtiAlURE) ❑2 ���� _�3} �EPARiMENT AGCOUM a L ACTONREQUESTED Approval of adminis�auve order amending the 1993 & 1994 Capiial Impzovement Progam by transferrin� 1994 Inflow/Tnfiltration funding and reducing Assessment funding to the 1993 Inflow/Infil�ation project. RECArM.AENDAl70NSApprove (A) rn cie�ea (R) pERSONAL SERVICE COMRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION 7, Has this persoNfirtn everworketl under a coniract forthis department? CB CoMMITfEE _ YES NO STAFF 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ otSTRIGr CAUNGL � 3. Does ihis personffirm possess a sltili not nortnatly possessed by arry curteM crty employee? SUPPOR7SWHICHCOUNqLOBJECTNE? YES NO Expiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPDRTUNITV (WHO. WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): Assessments on this project came in lower than anticipated necessitating a transfer of Sewer Service Fund financing from the 1994 Inflow/Infiluation Program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED e 1993 Inflow/InfilRation Program project can be closed out. RECEI1fED JAN 71997 a;fTY CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVE�' The 1993 Inflow/Infiltrauon Program project will remain on the books unUl spending and financing equal budget. L AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Npt $0 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FuNDMGSOURCE 1994 Inflow/Infil[ration Projec[ ACTIVffYNUMBER C93-2T671 & C94-2T672 FINANCIAL INFOFiMATION. (EXPLAIN) Reductions - (3,673.59) Transfers - $1,800.08 � - 1j��