255315 _��,;. ;
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� COUNCIL FILE N0. ~ °�-�'��
In the Matter of ------ �--- -
'�r��� . _. ..�_..-.j_.__ � � --.._........__ ..�. ... . . . ....... ._ .._. .. -....... ... . .. . ..... . .......... �. . •
Condemn and take an �asement i.n the� lnn<1 necessary for Che slopee, cut• and fills� �
ineluding x'ight o� removal of latc:rt+l at,pporr. fr.om Rub�ect land 4r rem�inder Chereof� occa- ,
s tt�ereof or constr�ict ioY� of �lopee in the gradinp� and �urfACin� on I
sioncsd by excavation � ,
Che follawing streets and alleys:
Pr e l iin.
Order Approved Fi.le No. be4crt tion
II�; 254026 M�y 13, 1971 L��04S �?Ne�r:�oon AVENUE fraa Vlctoria Str.eet to 116 fee.0
� 1;�sr. of the East line of VictoriA St.reet.
254025 May 13, 1971 V�06S AVON STREET fram Minnehaha Av�snue to Pierce Bu[ler
• Nout�.
' u+015 AI.LEY IN BLOCK 2� Winter"s A�ddition from Avon Street II
?.54066 May 18, 1971 ,
to �rotto Street.
' l�I..I.I^.Y IN BLOCK 8 Elf.elt, Aer.nheimer Rnd Arnold'A P
254068 J May 18, 1971 I1+02S = !
Addition from Vi.rYinia Street to 1?arrin�,ton Street.
Chnnge the Krade of the ulley to conform to the g�racte as ahawn on thQ profile on file
in the DepartmenC of Public Works. Aisc+ condemn end trike an easement in the land necessary
For the slopes, cuta and f.ills, including r. j.�,}►C.-6f removal of lateral Rupport from a��b je.ct Ir�n<I '
, or remainder thereof, accasioned by excavr�tionR thereof, or construction of slopea in the
, � p,rading and aurf.c�cing_with bitumi.nous ntaterir�l the following alley:
.._ _ , ,_,...�,,,-
. . .. .._ ........ - . TY:•_:.. , ,�.. ..::tiv ��.�....:. ....:.:...-......_., f
' 254368 and June 3. 197'1 L403S ALLLY IN, RT.,(�K 1, Winter's Addition` fram Av�n Stre�r ''
254213 `�� May 28, 1971 to Grotto Street.
i '
' All under Public Works File No. G-1.979
, 254066 May 18, 1971 U+O15 AL1,�iY I.N HLOCK T_, Winter`R A�cidition from Avon Strcrt
to (:rotto itrePt. '
?.54068 May 18, •,.1971., ��0?_S AI,T.I;Y IN IiLO�K H, k:Ife�lt. Hernheimer and Arno�d'� ,
, ,�., �.,« , .,;�.:�/tii�r�����r�°£t�+�m��1�:��?�;L�s�� &��r.e�:C Co, �'nrr,iai};tUn SCreet. I
. . ., .. ,, � ... . , Aa{ ..
Cl�an�e the �rade �f the alley to conf�or►n to the �,r.ncle as ahawn on the pr.ofi lr� '�c�n I f.i].e '
� in the I�pertment of Yublic Workg. A7�o condc�mn anc� take ttn easemc�nt i.n the lnnci necer�r�f+ry
� for the slopea, cuts and Fills, includi.n�; rj.y;ht of remov.�I of laterAl support from gubjcct lr+tarf
�� or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavntLons thereof., or �onstruction of s1op�H in th�� '
g;radin�; and surfc�cing with bitumi.noue materi.r�l tl�e foll�wi.n� nll.ey:
254368 and June 3, 1.971 L4035 A1..I.I�Y TN IiI,OCK 1, Wi.nter'e Acldition from Avon Strer�c.
; 254213 May 28, 1971 to Grotto Street.
All under Public WorkA File No. G-1979 �
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x;l YUliL15E-i�ll "��,�.;. �" \.