255314 . ���`���.4 � INTERMEDIARY ORDER �OUNCIL FILE N0. By �c In the Matter of ---- ____�_--- - -- _� Regrade and sur#ac� with bituminous meteri.al, conetXUCt conc�'etd curb and guttcr and , , cOnstruCt ox reconetXUCt concrete r�idewulk on tha follawt,ng sCri�ats I t ';�elim. Ordez A^pproved File N�. ne:�zcr�Cian -� 12540?_9 And ' �254030 / May 13, 1971� U+04G� � ��NCI.NWOOD AVENUE frrnn Vi.ctaria 5tr�et to Gro�to , Street. � , _ Reg�rade and surface with bitum{.n�us materir�l �nd conatruct eoncrete curb and g,u[tPr '�on the followin� atreet: �254028 �ltay 13, 1971 U+05 G[tiJt"CO S'�REET from Minnehaha Avenue to Pierce Butler �* 1 ►tout�, , Grade and aurface •w�itli"b��ura�,.,�►c�us marc:ri.a1, construct concre�e curb end �utter �nd Il s !� concrete �idewalk on the fol�"aw�n��,xc��'t-:s•�� ,.,,�� , � .,,.: - �t• ,,; '�� .,� , ""'�,„.. r.....,, ; . I � 254031 May` 13, 197I ' I�MQ6G AVON STt���:'��� from Mint�nshah�i,Avenue to Pieir�� �1ut1E��c � ,. � �._ ,. . �, . �� ; �", ,�+„�:�utt�� � , , ; ,,e; _ ; �,: . ' �` , � V I « " r;' � 250237 Aug. 27, 1970 L400 VI1tCINIA STR�F.T f�tmt the North prop�rty '1i�e�of Thom�i� ' � Avenue to the North property line of VAn nuren Aven�a��; . ,� Grade and aurfac� with bit.uminoua material the followinq alleye:` � � { i\� � A�.L�.Y IN B�LO� � � ��»-����,�. ,...,�_ :<-.�:,P,�.�- v�>..- ... _;e. ., . � CK 2 W�. � �2540b� ' �� � 2�i�y°18,, 1971 I�+O1G ._ � . nter's Addition from Avon 5t�ree� -', ` .. , to f;xotto Street. .,,._ �.., � � _ ,254067 May 18, 1971 L402C ALI.EY IN BLOCK 8� Elfelt,' �ernheimer and Arnold't� ; I \ Addition from Virgittia Street to FArrin};ton Street. - .. \250949 Oct. 27, 1970 U+07 ALI.�Y IN BLOCK 7� Wintar'a AddiCion and the Southeaat ', 1/4 of Section 26, Township 29, Range 23, from � ,- ?� Victoria Street to Avon Street. �', , �_� . _.� __:. .. N -, __ � _ Regrade and reaur£ace wiCh bituminous materia� the following a�ley: � 254052 May 14, 1971 I,�+03G ALLF.Y IN BLOCK 1, Wintex's Additi.on fr.om Avon Street ' to (�-otto Street. i A�` under Publi.c Worke. File No. G-19.79 • • : t.. � �a.. _. ___.'."_.._�..__. �.a_.,a�i�.a �.�a,- �vaa.v.�i.a�� . . .. .. . ' _.. u.a�:v�..v�-._r ... .. ' ?5/F065 Mr�.y 18, 1971. U+O1G ALLEY IN BIACK 2, Winter's Addition from Avon Street to Grotto Street. 254067 May 18, 1971. L,402G ALI,F.Y IN BLOCK 8, E1Eelt, 13�rnh�I.mer �nc� Arnold'r� Addition �r�m Vir�inia Street to Farrtny;tan 5treet, '�, 250949 Oct. 27, 1970 I.407 ALT.[:Y IN BI.00K 7, Winter's Addition anci the Southe��t 1/4 of Section 26� Town�thip 29, Ran�e 23, from Vi.ctoria Street ta Avon Stree[. KeRrade and reaurface with hi.tuminous mater.ial the followinR alley: :. 254052 May 14, 1971_ I/��3G ALT.EY IN BLOCK 1, Winter's Addition from Avon Strec�t to Grotto Street. A11 under Publi.c Works lilc No, G-197�