255302 • Ori�lnal to City Cletk � ORDINANCE � � ' COUNCIL FILE NO ������ V� . �' PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �-----�--_.. An ordinance approving the pro�ect of acquiring real estate in the City of Sa.int Pa.ul to open� widen, and expar�d t�ie irrter�ection of East � Maxyland Avenue at Jack�on Str�et� publie Works Pro�ect P-0526R _----- TF3E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: -----.____ Seetion 1. That the Com¢nissioner of Public Work,,s� hav3.rig reported. to the Couneil that the r�a1 estate described as: A�C of I,ot 3 and that part of Lot 8, DeY�mer's Subd.ivision of Lots 1 and 2 of Bloek ], of St. Pattl. North Out Lots lying Northeasterly of the following des�ribed line: Beginnin� at a point on the east line of said Lot 8, a distance of $.4 feet south of the Northeast corner of said Lot 8, thenee Northwesterly on a �tra3ght line to a point on the north line of said Lot 8 a distan�Z of 26.�+ feet west of the Northeast corner of �aid Lot 8 and there termina.ting. Also, a.n eastment in the land necessary for the slop�a� cuts and fi11s� including righ-t of removal of lateral support f'�om subj¢ct land or re- maind�r thereof� occasianed by exca.vations thereof or eonstruction of slopes as shown on dpening Drawing No. 2129� Drawer �+ on file in the Depa.rtment of Public Works� and also, a temporary easement for eonstruction purposes on the south 22.5 feet of Lot 28� Block i, Ransam's Addition to St. Pa.ul� is required. for the opening� widenin� and expanding tht inters�ction of East Maryland Avenu� at Jackson Street; that the estimated cost of the acquisition of said real estate is $19,600.00, and that the Comptroll�r ha.s s�rtified to the Council the manner in whi�h th� f�Znds ma,y be made available; that the Council her�by approves the pro�ect �or the aequis�tion of' the said real estatc for the a�ore�aid purpose_ �nd.d�.rects that the same be acquired. for sucb, p�xr- � pose by the Camanittee c�n I,ands �onsistirng of the_ Mayor, the Purcha.sing Agent, Commissioner ot'Ri'6�'�c��7orksi``an�'`t1ie��Co�nissioner of Finanee, i�' the same ca.n be acquired by purchase at a reasonable price� and it sha.l.l so report to the Council the cost th�reof� provid�d� hawever� that in case the Connnittee on Lands �annot procure ar�y or all, of said land at a reasonable priee, th�n it shall so report to th� Council, and in that ev�nt� the Council hereby orders and directs that condemnation proceedings be instituted. under the pro- visions of the City Charter to secvre said real estate. ,T.^--------_ Se�tion 2. Tha.t this ord.inance shall take effect and be in foree thixty (3�) days f`rom and af'ter its passa�ea approval and publication ��..__� Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council AU6 31 1971 But�-�-s-,-�-t �.�" �?��v��e � Tn Favor � Meredith � Sprafka � Against Tedeaco � r. President (McCarty) � U G 31 197� Atte Ci Clerk ayor Form approved CorporatioM Cou�el By PUBLISHED S E P 4 �g/� �ISY p ad P� 4 yi ■ �.1 O ��� ?` �-v� ,'7 mm �� ... RICHARD A. SCHNARR C I T Y O F S /"1 I N T P A U L GARY R. NORSTREM Chief Engineer DepuTy Commissioner Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ,.� 234 Ci4y Hall & Couri Houas 55102 ��;��� .,, ���� ROGER M. CONWAY Commissioner August 12, 1971 TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL: Re: Acquisition of real estate and easements for (City Project P-0526R) Maryland Ave.-Abell St.- I .s. 35E For the purpose of opening, widening, and expanding the intersection of East Maryland Avenue at Jackson St. , City Project P-0526R, the Department of Public Works require the acquisition of the properties described as follows: Al1 of Lot 3 and that part of Lot 8, Dehmer's Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 1 of St. Paul North Out Lots lying Northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of said Lot 8, a dis- tance of 8.4 feet south of the Northeast corne� of said Lot 8, thence North- westerly on a straight line to a point on the north line of said Lot 8 a distance of 26.4 feet west of the Northeast corner of said Lot 8 and there terminating. Also, an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removai of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes as shown on Opening Drawing No. 2129, Drawer 4 on file in the Depart- ment of Public Works, and also, a temporary easement for construction purposes on the south 22.5 feet of Lot 28, Block l , Ransom's Addition to St. Paul . Funds for the above acquisition were approved in the County Aid for 1971 in the amount of $19,600. It is requested that the Council take the necessary action to authorize the acquisition and easement of above said lands for said improvements at the intersection of East Maryland Avenue at Jackson Street. Very trul yours, R er M. Conway �G� Commissioner of Public Works Financing: RMC/RJH/RWE/111 PIR Fund to be reimbursed by 1971 County Aid �.,�,� 7;��r cc Richard Hawkins City Comptr r O � 3` � � ��ti� �._...� � ��,�. z4, � � � r 1 st � 3 � ' 2nd � � Laid over +o 3rd and app�-�� ' ( —Adopted � Yeas Nays X as Nays Butler �Bu+ler -�\ . Carlson _' E�-��---�%-� Levine ��;rre � �' '��tl .� Meredith ����:- �\� Meredith � Sprafka prafka Tedesco �edesco Mr. President McCarty r. President McCarly O