02-826ORfG1NAL Council File # O� — 811� Green Sheet # 200086 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAl1L, MfNNESOTA Presented by. Referred To Committee Date �, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Fi7RTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shail take effect and be in force on the first pay 13 period following its passage and approval. Requested by Department of. Benanav BosUOm Coleman Harris Lantry Adopted by Council: Adoption Certified b B Approved by y . By: An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification titled Heavy Equipment Opetator-Sewer Utility RESOLVED, that Grade ON be established in the Coilective Bazgaining Unit 75, Heavy Equipment Operator Local #49 Salary Schedule, and that the hourly rate of Grade ON therein be as follows: (1) 22.40 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for ciassification ofHeavy Equipment Operator-Sewer Utility be established at the rate set forth in Grade 07U, of the Collective Bargaining Unit 75, Heavy Equipment Operators Local #49, Salary Schedule in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it ✓ Date �,�� . �C 2��� Office of Human Resources / ' i �:� ,.- i i,s�i. � c i / �jfj "�/, � / Form Ap roved by Ciry Attorney gy; �)��`� � �� IG''l_ r � -r °-� �J! DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NO: ZOOOSG Human Resources 8/26/�2 � �a' -� �S CONTACI PERSON & PHONE: IN�'1LDaTE INiTT�INA7E Sheila Williams, 266-6520 1OWAR"IMEN[DOL <crncouxcu. MazkRobertson, 266 ,��� ZcrrrA.rro�Y � cm���aK NUMBEltFOR - MUSf BE ON CO1P,�CII. AGEhDA BY (DATE) �� � F¢„WCw, y�evnm taantacv+�. gxviaccic t%Ol� "'" �� � 3MAYOR(ORASSf.) TOTAL # OF S[GtiATLRE PAGES 1 (CIdP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) S� ncr�ox xEQL�srEn: Approval of the attached resolution establiskung the rete of pay for the newly created FIeavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility classification in Grade ON of Bazgaining Unit 75, Heavy Equipment Operators Salary Schedule. RECObIIdENDATiONS: Approve(A)orReject(A) YERSONALSERVICECOIi91tACISMT3b'IANSWERSHEPOISAWINGQUESITONS: I. HaatBispawdfumeverwmkedimderacontreclfartL�sdepvmient? PLANNINGCOMI.�IISSION Yo No �CIBCOMI.�fI1TEE ' 2 Flasthixperson/fvmeverbemadH�P�%�? CIVII,SERVICECOMI.fi[SSION � Y� � 3. Doestlilspasodfirmpossessaskillnotnartnaltypossessedbyanyau�rntnryemployee? Yes Na 4. Is ttis persorvY� a ta�geted vendofl Yes No — �um.uy�.�RO��.�.0 sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, LSSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, W6y): Tlus new classification is the result of a job study prompted hy the Public Works I?epartment administration to recognize the need for addressing responsibilities required to be performed in the Sewer Utility division. The immediate supervisor, Civil Engineer IV, identified significant responsibilities that must be performed routinely to support the ongoing efforts of the Sewer Utility. Creation of this classification allows Sewers to operate more efficiently by recognizing tasks that are assigned repeatedly to department staff and wtrich cannot be performed by other titles in the division. Heavy Equipment Operators from other divisions will no.longer be routinely reassigned to work in the Sewer Utility. � nnvnNZncES iF nrraoven: Approval of this resolution will a11ow for compensation for this newly created classification of positions. This position will perform specialized Heavy Equipment Operator duties routinely in the Sewer Utility and aliow for incumbent continuity. visauvarrrACES iF arrxovEn: None. There will be no change in the level of compensation. nrsnnva�vxncES cF xox arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be established for a position wluch was designed to ensure effective, efficient equipment operation. There may be a loss of productivity and loss of income, if not approved. REGEIVED . AUG 3.:a 2002 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $22.40 hOUi15' OI ��,$92 }'E3i�}' COB7'/RE�Th[JE BUDGETED: YES FUNDING SOURCE: AGTIVITY NUMBER: � � � � � � FINANCIAL WFORMATION: (EXPLAI� AUG 2 � 2�d2 �:vsharemct��ac[.nss�co�tram•w�w�uvcn�ta�s ci� wo,�cv�easew�[n�rtso-s�,�r uu��ry.�r�nsn�.wpa �� oa _�'a � CLE4SS STUDIED: INCUMBENT: L.`711 : • DATE STUDIED: CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Proposed Heavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility Vacant Mictiael F. Foley Sept. 4, 2001 PERSONS CONTACTED: Karl Johnson, Sewer Utiliry Bob Horrisberger, Public Works Personnel Liaison APPROVAL OF AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: � BackEround The Sewer Utility (part of the Department of Public Works) has a requirement for a heavy equipment operator. This position operates speciai types of heavy equipment (the jebvactor) and does operate near sewers and with sewer crews which creates a special set of working conditions. The Depariment believes that a new title is warranted. (It is proposed that the title "Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator" (Occ Code 046A) be abolished. In the future these duties will be performed by the proposed class which wi11 also have the flexibility of being a Heavy Equipment Operator and operate a greater variety of equipment. Studv Components Interview with supervisor Comparison to class specifications Comparison to other positions QES evaluation and analysis Recommendation Job Description General: The position in question operates a variety of heavy equipment in support of sewer cleaning, repair, and maintenance operations under normal conditions and in emergencies. 6�•ra� Specific responsibilities include: 1. Operates a variety of heavy equipment such as jeUvactor sewer cleaner, truck cranes, traxcavators, power shovels, clam shovels, backhoes, front end loaders, etc. 2. Observes all appropriate safety operations to ensure that sewer workers and other crew members will not be hazmed by the operation of the equipment. 3. Reads gauges and other operational indicators on heavy equipment including water pumps and hydraulic and vacuum equipment on the jet/vactor sewer cleaner. 4. Places or directs the placement of water pipes, water hoses, and vacuum hoses. 5. Dumps collected debris in accordance with proper procedures. 6. Fills water tanks as appropriate. 7. Maintains awareness of operating azea and responds appropriately to any changes or variations. 8. Performs routine operator maintenance of equipment. 9. Prepazes reports on work assignments, work completed, vehicle forms, and any information required by the supervisor. Comnarisons Sewer Services Worker The position in question does work closely with the sewer crews but the primary responsibilities involve the operation of heavy eqnipment in support of a sewer crew rather than having primary responsibility for actual sewer work. This is also true of the positions assigned to this class. As such the responsibilities of the position aze not properly described by the Sewer Services Worker class spec although the levels of responsibility aze compazable. Jet Sewer Cleaner Onerator This class spec does describe the responsibilities of a Jet Sewer Cleaner Operator but the incumbents in this titie aze restricted from perfornung a full range of heavy equipment operations that are required by the Sewer Utility. Abolishing this ritle will facilitate the use of the proposed position in the future. Heaw Equi�ment O ep rator This ciass spec describes responsibility for heavy equipment operations in general but does not describe responsibilities for participating in sewer operations. This is also true of the responsibilities of the posifions actually assigned to this class. This class spec does not OS-���. accurately describe the responsibilities of the position in question although the levels of responsibility are comparable. Heavy Equipment Operator - Asphalt Plant Tlus class spec describes responsibflity for heavy equipment operations azound the City's asphalt plant specifically and does not describe responsibilities for participating in sewer operations. This class spec does not accurately describe the responsibilities of the position in question aithough the levels of responsibility are compazable. Heav�Eauinment Operator - Water Utilitv (Re�'onal Water 5ervicesl This class spec describes responsibility for heavy equipment operations in the Regional Water Services specifically and does not describe responsibilities for participating in sewer operarions. This class spec does not accurately describe the responsibilities of the position in question although the levels of responsibility are compazable. Heau�E ui ment Operator - Sewer LTtility (Proposedl The position in question has the responsibilities of a Aeavy Equipment Operator but also wozks specifically in support of the Sewer Utility. As such it operates specialized heavy equipment used only in 5ewer and works in a somewhat unusual environment. Those responsibilities are described appropriately in the proposed class spec (a draft is attached). OES Analvsis and Evaluation The QES analysis indicates that compensation at grade 07U In the Heauy Equipment Operators (Local 49) unit is appropriate. It is proposed that grade ON be compensated at the following hourly rate: A Temp � ��) 22.40 22.88 Recommendation It is recommended that the proposed new class titled Heavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility be created. It is also recommended that the Jet Sewer Operator class be abolished as that work will be included in the proposed new class. The City of Saint Paul Class Specification Proposed Title of Class: HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR - SEWER iTfILITY OF WORK oa-�a � CODE: 217B BU: 75 Effective: General Statement of Dufies: , Performs sldlled operation aud routine maintenance of heavy power equipment used in the repair, construction, and cleaniug of City sewers, including �cavating, bacl�illing, moving materials, and cleaning sewers with a Irigh pressure water jet cleaner and jet cleaner-vacuum unit; and performs related work as assigned. S�u ervision Received: Works under the general technical and adnunistrative supervision of a Sewer Supervisor. Supervision Eaercised: Exercises within a unit direct technical supervision over workers as assigned. TYPICAL DiT'I'IES The listed e,Yamples may nrn include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Operates non-revolving power shovels, clams, tnack cranes, traxcavators and front-end loaders with over one yard of capacity. Opexates farm tractAr with attachments including mowers, &ont-end loaders, or backhces. Drives jet/vactor sewer cleaner or other vehicles. Reads gauges and operates water pumps, hydraulic equipment and vacuum equipment associated with jet/vactor sewer cleaning equipment. Places, or directs the placement of, support pipes and water and vacuum hoses. Fills water tauks and duznps collected debris. D'uects the operation of all equipment assceiated with jedvactor sewer cleaning equipment in accordance with relevant safety procedures. Prepares reports for work assignmenis, work completed and any pertinent information as required by the Sewer Supervisor. Performs routine maintenance of equipment. Must maintain a regular work schedule. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES, AND COMPETENCIES Considerabie Irnowledge of the standard materials, equipment and safe work practices related to heavy equipment operation and routine maintenance. Working skill in operating heavy equipment in and alongside excavations and traffic. Knowiedge of the safe and efficient use of jeUvactor sewer cleaning equipment. Knowledge of the routine maintenance practices necessary to obtain maximum use of jet/vactor sewer cleaning equipment. Knowledge of the procedures for the proper and safe repair, maiutenance and cleaning of sewers. HEAVl' EOUIPMENT OPERATOR - SEWER UTILITY Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: HEAVY EOUIPMENT OPERATOR - SEWER UTILITY o �.. ��, CODE: 217B BU: 75 Effective: Working skill in the maurtenance, repair and operation of ]ugh pressure water pumps and vacuum pipe equipment. Abilitv to understand and follow complex orat and written instiucrions. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Forty hours of officially recognized trainiug or siac months of experience operating heavy equipment. (Experience on the job will not count for training.) Four years of experience as a Sewer Services Worker or two years eaperience as a Sewer Crew Leader. Musc possess a valid Class B Commercial Drivers License (CDL) including air brakes, tanker and hazardous endorsements. Must possess a Class S-D Wastewater Treatrnent Facility Operator Certifrcate issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to appointrnent. HEAVI' EOiIPMENT OPERATOR - SEWER UITLTI'Y Page 2 OFFICE OF HL'\i.4\ RESOURCES A/arkRobertson. /ntenmDuectar CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy Kell}•, bfayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Robert Sandquist, Director Public Works Department Sheila Williams, HR Specialist Office of Human Resources Au�ust 1, 2002 Twenty Day Notice JGG Gry•HallAnnex JS li'est Fw�rth Street SaintPord.A4innetom .i5JOb1631 oa--�a� Telephone: 651-2666500 Jo6lme: 651-266-6502 Fasc�mile: 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of Saint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following chan�e is bein� made to the Heavy Ec�uipment Operator job series: Creation of a new HEO, titled Heavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility with code 217B in Operators bar�ainin� unit 74. (Same salary -$22.40/hr.) Please refer to the attached job specification that is proposed for this title. cc: Robert Horrisberger I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty- Day Public Notice. Name Date An �rmative Action Equal Opportunip� ADA Emplo}'er OFFICE OF H[JMAN RESOURCES MarkRobertson, Interim Director CITY OF SAINT PAUL RandyKelly, Mayor E1llgI1St l� Z�OZ Darrel Hazaldson, Business Representative Operating Engineers Local #49 2829 Anthony Lane South Minneapolis, NIN 55418 Re: Twenty Day Notice Dear Mr. Haraldson: 400CiryHallAnn� 25 WestFaurth Street SaintPaul,Minnesota 55102-1631 o�.-ras. Telephane: 651-2666500 Jobline: 651-2666502 Fascimrle: 651-292-7656 Pursuant to City of 5aint Paul, Civil Service Rule 3. (C) this memorandum is to inform you that the following change is being made to the Heavy Equipment Operator job series: Creation of a new HEO, titled Heavy Equipment Operator - Sewer Utility with code 217B in Operators bargaining unit 74. (Same salary -$22.40/hr.) Please refer to the attached job specification that is proposed for this title. Please contact me if you have any remaining questions at 651/266-6520. Sincerely, HR Specialist Human Resources I have received this memorandum and wish to waive the time remaining on this Twenty- Day Public Notice. Name Date An Affirntative Action Equal Oppor[uniry AllA Employer