255288 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK , ` • C�TI( OF ST. PAUL CFOENCIL ND . �5���� OFFICE OF t HE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE - ATF BE IT RESOLVED� Th t `City Co cil Fi1e No. 254931 approved on July 14, 1971 is hereby resci d� and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Gommitte�: as follows: Furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary or inciderital to the GONSTRUCTION of a 20-FOOT WIDE, 2-I1tiTCH BITUMINOUS SURFA�E including necessary patching for approximats�y 2.8 miles on a pri- vate road owned by the Wate= Departm�nt in the '�icinity of Sucker and Vadn�.is Lakes, Saint Paul, Minnesota - l. Machine patching. 150 tons .. . . ....cost per ton 59.0� 2. Hand p atching. 100 tons . .. . . .. .cost per ton 14.00 3. Approximate 2�� bituminous surface ' 3800 tons ..... . . .co�t per ton 7.15 4. Bituminous material MC70 or MC250 2800 Gals ... .....cost per gal .30 for the Water Department to BUGK BLACKTOP, INCORPORATED for the �..�.�� ����...�...�...� contract price of .. .... .. . . .. .. .... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30� 760.00 in accordance with the specifications and drawing$ and"Formal Bid No. 4655 of said Buck Blacktop, Incorporated such bid being the lowest and said Bu�k Bla�lctop, Incorpora�ed being a responsible bidder and the �orporation Counsel be a�d hereby is directed to draft the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials h�r�:by are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the Gity of Saint Paul. F. B. #k4655 Req'n. #39911 - Code: 8000-000 APPROV • AS TO FORM ��GL APPROVED: THE CON T COA'Il�lITTEE l�l. � CO ON C�UNSE GONIMI I OF PUBL UT - .�_ � PURCHAS AG T TROLLER , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� aUS 11 19��9_ Yeas Nays Butler a�� 1 1 197� �� Conway rl 19— � �In Favor Meredith Sprafka ayor Tedesco U A8'ainst Mr. Pre,sident, McCarty • AUG 14197� PU$LigHED _---�_--= 8/2/71/mh/Smith �