255286 � `�,,(` ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ����U CITY OF ST. PAUL FI�E NC�� NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE R er M. riOF1W8 qTF APPROVAL OF PLANS In the matter of grading, surfacing, and constructing conc�ete curb and gutter on VAN DYKE ST. from 01d Hudson Rd, to E. Third �t. Also construct sewer service connecti'ons and water service connections (G-16096) under Prel[minary Order No. 246556, approved December 3, 196g and Final Order No. 255206, approved August 5, 1971 . RESOLVED, that the plans and spec�fications as submitted for the above improvements be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, tf►at the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to obtain b�ds for the imp�ovements as per plans and specifications and be it FURTHfR RESOLVED, that the Purchasing Agent is hereby directed to adve�~tise for bids for the improvements. �; U C � ' O Q V �,� r �..� \ .,,,� ,�.� ri i._ �:;_ i) Q :� � �, y� : �:� ,i/ �� ' i_ AU61 I �971 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butier AU 6 1 1 19 71 �a�aen C�'r-r� t�-� roved 19— —�L'� Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka yor A gainst Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty AUG 1 4 �97'� PUBLISHED • �� o�,wTS,�.�,� �5�2�6 ; ;! , CITY OF ST. PAUL FGOE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM�ISS ON�n Roaer M• CORIKiy eAte APPROYAL OF PlANS In the a�attsr of grading, surtacing, and construetin9 concntr eurb and 9utt�r on YAN DYKE ST. froia Old th�dsvn R�d. to E. Tht rd St. Also �onstn+ct sa�sr 's�rvics conn�ctfons and wst�r s�rvioe oonnections �8-1609e) unde� Pr�lin�inary O�d�r No. Z465y6, approvad Dseanbs� 3, 1969 and Final Ordar No. ZSSZO6, +�pProwd Auqu:t 5. 1971. RESW.VED, tNat ths plans and :p�cffications as subwitt�d for tha sbo�w ieiprow�ents b� and ttN sa�e are hanby apprawd, and bs tt FURTNER R�SOLVED, that ths Purchasing ll�snt b� aad fs h�nb�► di��ct�d to obtain bids for th� i�prowrnts aa psr plans and spectticattons and !r� It _ FUIITHER RESOLIIED, thst ths Purehasiag A�snt is h�rsbr dincted to advsttis� for bids tor th� iwprov��ts. , -� - ==�'-� .. « _. �t ;�, �� . � ��� M _ � -. A�s 111g11 COtTNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19.—. Y� xa� AU6 i l 1971 Butler � � � Approved 19� �r Favor Meredith � Spr�fka �y�r A auj�t Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��