255283 OR161NAL TO CITY CL6RK � C)� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � `; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ` COUNCIL RESO UTIO ENERAL FORM PR�ENTED BY Bo er Conwa August 9, 1971 COMMISSIONE . TF Whereas; A defective section of City sidewalk has developed at the location listed below that is detrimental to the public safety. Specif- ically, this section has settled creating a two inch vertical edge exposure. Whereas; This sidewalk was constructed under Contract No. 64-M-303 in 1964 and is less than 15 years old, therefore be it RESOLVED; That the Commissioner of Public Worlcs be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary replacement of said de- fective sidewalk by the Arrigoni Bros. Cement Co. under their Annual Sidewalk Contract for District No. 4, knowu as Comptrollers Contract L-7383 at an estimated cost of $177.68 based on unit prices bid, plus Engineeriag and Inspection in the amount of $31.98 for a total cost of $209.66 which . cost is to be charged to the P. I. R. FUND CODE 6000 and this same fund to be reimbursed from 0920-461 (1971) . Location: St. Paul Proper Addition Block 19, Lot 10 Rellogg Blvd. side, propertq knowa as Womens Citq Club 305 St. Peter Street � ,EOBM P v`p �S • p ati i Counsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��s 1 � ���� 19— Yeas Nays Butler Couway �� rove� A U G 1 � 19 7 i 19_ '� _S�.�In Favor Meredith Sprafka v Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, McCarty 1 4 19�i� PUBLISHED�1 I� � OlIPLICAT�TO lRIN7�R r CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNC�� Np�_��i�� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM v�r�rEa�r �,oger Connra�► Aut�tut 9 COMMISSIONEQ DAT� � 1971 1Lrt� nf Aehl�n Linrlr� Nher�sa; A da�ective aection oi Citp sidsMalk lu� dsvelopsd at tha locatioa 11�tad bela► thst is dats��aatal to the pnblic safat�. Sp�cii- icallj, this stction has sattled cxaatiag a tw inch �ssCtaal adgs aspoaura. Wh�rsaa; This sidevalk Was coaatructed under Contraet No. 64 M-303 in 1964 and ia le�s than 15 �@ars old, therefors bs it RBSOLYSD; ?hat the C�o�isaionar o! Public Worka be aad he is heraby authoriaed aad diractad to cawe the necessary replacament of aaid de- feetiv� eidavslk by the Arrigoni Bros. Cemeat Co. uader eheir Annual Sideaalk Contrut for District No. 4, kaara aa Caaptrollers Cantract Tr-7383 at an esti�ated cost of $177.68 based on uait prices bid, plus Bnginaering aad Inspaction in the amouat of $31.98 for a total cost of $209.66 rhich coat is to ba chargar! to the P. I. R. FI1l�D GbDS 6000 aad thia sw �md to be rsi�buzaed fros 0920-461 (1971). Location: St. Paul Proper Addition Block 19, Lot 10 T.�llog� Blvd. side, propert� kaoMa as Wo�ena Cit� Clnb 305 St. Peter Strest Aus 11 �g�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Butier AUS 11 197� �ay � Approved 19� �c-- Tn Favor Meredith ��� Sprafka �� A g►aiIIBt Tedesco Mr. President, McCarty ��