255250 o�.�c.,,�it,c�:k 1 • • � ORDINANCE �����p COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � �/ AN ORDINANCE 6RANTING PERMISSION TO GUADALUPE HEIGHTS, INC. 285 EAST CURTICE STREET, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55107, TO CONSTRUCT A PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER IN THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, BEGINNING AT THE EXISTING SEWER IN WOODBURY STREET, THENCE IN AN EASTERLY DIRECTtON CENTERED ON THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 1 , YANISH AND MARTIN'S SUB- DIVISION OF SOUTH 2 BLK. 50, BROWN AND JACKSON'5 ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, THENCE EASTERLY IN A 20 FOOT WIDE EASEMENT, BEING 10 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF A CENTER LINE DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCIN6 AT 11iE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY AND WESTERLY LINES OF LOT 1 , YANISH AND MARTIN'S SUBDIVIStON OF SOUTH # BLK. 50, BROMIN AND JACKSON'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL, THENCE EASTERLY OVER THE ENTIRE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOTS 1 AND 2, AND 1NENCE EASTERLY OVER THE WESTERLY 20 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 3, AND THERE TERMINATING, SAID PUBLIC SEWER TO SERVE ALL OF LOTS 1 , 2 AND 3 OF YANISH AND MARTIN'S SUBDIVISION OF SOUTH 2 OF BLK. 50, BROWN AND JACKSON'S ADDITION TO WEST ST. PAUL. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAtNT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. i'hat permission and authority are hereby granted to Guadalupe Heights, inc. , 285 East Curtice Street, St. Paul , Minnesota, 55107, to construct a public sanitary sewer in the City of St. Paul , beginning at the existing sewer in Woodbury Street, thence in a easterly direction centered on the northeriy line of Lot 1 , Yanish and Martin's SubBivision of South � Block. 50, Brown � Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul , thence easterly in a 20 foot wide easement, being 10 feet on each side of a center line described as follows: Commencing at the point of intersectio� of the northerly and westeriy lines of Lot 1 , Yanish and Martin's Subdivision of South � Blk. 50, Brown � Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul , thence easterly over the entire northerly line of Lots 1 and 2, and thence easterly over the westerly 20 feet of the northerly line of Lot 3, and there terminating, said public sewer to serve all of Lots i, 2 and 3 of Yanish and Martin's Subdivision of South � of Blk. 5�, BroMm � Jackson's Addition to West St. Paui . Section 2. That the Commissioner of Pubtic Works hereby is authorized to issue a permit to Guadalupe Heights, inc. for the construction of such public sanitery sewer, upon and subject to the following provisions, terms and conditions: a. That Guadalupe Heights, i�c. agrees to dedicate an easement, for sewer purposss, to the City of Saint Paul at no cost to the City, the fotlowing described lands: Extending over the northerly 10 feet of all of Lots 1 and 2 and extending over the northerly 10 feet of the westerly 20 feet of Lot 3 of Yanish � Martin's Subdivision of South � Blk. 50, Brown � Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul , over the westerly 97.17 feet of Lot A of Yanish � Martin's Subdivt�ion of South 2 Blk. 50, 8rown � Jackson's Addition to West St. Paul . said dedicafiion to be in a manner and form acceptable to the Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul and approved by a resolution of the City Council before engineering and constructioh corm�ence; b. That said permittee shall pay the cost of administration, engineering, and inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking; said costs are estimated as a sum of $g00.00 to be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. 5-1461 ; Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Tn Favor Levine Meredith Sprafka Againat Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved• Attest: � City Clerk ay �� Form approved Corpor&�ion Counsel By . OA�iad ta Cib Clerk � ORDINANCE . r�r� ��.�,��0 COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � -3- m. That said permittee shall not proceed to construct said sewer unless and u�til said permittee shall have fully complied with the pro- visions regarding insurance and indemnification contained in the City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Specifications for Street and Sewer Co�struction dated April l , 1959, Section numbered 1 .44 of said Specifi- cations, as amended, applicable to Contractors. For the purposes of this ordinance, the aforesaid section of said Specifications numbered 1.44, as amended, shall be read as though the word "permittee" were sub- stituted for the word "contractor" wherever the same appears in the aforesaid Section 1.44, as amended. Said Section 1 .44, as amended, of the Specifications for Street and Sewer Construction in the City of Saint Paul , is here�y incorporated herein by reference as fully and as com- pletely as if set forth herein verbatim. Proof of compliance with the provisions of the aforesaid section, as amended, shall be in such form as the Corporatio� Counsel of the City of Saint Paul may direct; n. That said permittee shall submit said bond and insu�ance docu- ments to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Wo�ks. The Office Engineer shall request approval of said documents by the Corporation Counsel and upon approval shall file said documents with the office of the Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul ; o. That the said permittee shall , within thirty (30) days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk; - Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty �30j days from and after its passage, approval and publication. aus a 5 �al, Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler � �� � '�-� Tn Favor Levine �' Meredith C �� �� Against � Sprafka T��� AUG a 5 1971 . President c ) Appro A t• , �" C' . lerk ayor �� �orm approved Corpor�AU�C2 8s19$� ( PUBLISHED n�e�a P.�.ar r . � � � ORDINANCE 5�i� . �5 , COUNCIL HLE NO- PRESENTED BY ORDtNANCE NO ���� � AN OItA 1NAI�E iwAMT ill� PERMtSt tON TO �1MU1PE i�,16M7"5, IMC, Z8S E�tT SORTlCE STR�'�E7, ST. M�i., KIl�1. 55a07. TO COMS�'M�T A �IiOL�C SAlfiT/IRy' SE11ER tM tNE C i'n OR S1'. l�WL, dE61N11 iNG AT THE EX iSt'iNfi S�R �N MOOD�Y STREET. 'MEMCE iN AN FJ1S'tERLY DtRECT1011 CENTERED �II TpE N0R'TMERLY LlII� OF l.OT 1, �NlSH AMO MARTlN'S StJ�- �tY1SlE�N OF SOUTN } QLlt. 50, dIt�IN AM� ,MCKSOM�S AD�1TfAI TO i�S7 ST. �., 7'MElICE fJ1S?ERLY 1N A 20 F'OOT YlOE E�SEMENT, SE#M6 10 fE,ET OM �tN t 10E t!F A CEMIER Lil� tfESCR it� �1S ROf.LWS: CpM�NC ING AT ?NE POiNT OR #NTERSECTt�I OF Tt� Nt�ZMERt,Y AMD WESTEtL.Y CtMES OF LOT 1, YANISH AN� lMRT IN'S Sftalf 1�IS i0M OF 5�1TN �} 6LK. 50, dlt0ilM It11D JACK3�l1'S ADtf 1TiQl1 TO i�ST St. P�Ai�t. `INEMCE EAS?E1lLY OyER t1� ENTiR� NORTIIEltLY LIlIE OF LtI�TTS 1 IUID 2, AI� �!lENCE EAStE�Y O�R �E I�t1E'RL.Y 20 FEET 8F 711E NOR'�NERLY tll� OF tOT �, � TiiEitE TERMIMATlM6, iA1� Pt�.IC SE1iER T9 SERrE AL.t. O� LO'1"5 1. 2 AN0 3 OF YAMt3q AM1� lNRTtM'S �!�IS IQN 8R SOIiTH �r � �.K. 54. QROMM � .MICIESON'S A001Ti0M TO MEST ST. MUL. tME COEINC iL OF T�lE C i'n 8F .:SA INT PMIUL DOES Ali�11111: Ssctioa i. ?hat peewissiaw �d autho►itp are hersby qrawtsd tu 6tnd�lupe Hal�tts, #�t.� ti� East dirtic� StRaat, �t. P�1. Nt�assQta. 55147. to oa�nstluat a patrlte saAita.ry swru' t� tl�t Ctty of St. Psui, begtaising at th� �ocisti�g ser+e� in tiio�ebury St�est. ihe�nce ia a eRSt�r1y �tinct t�w caA�«re� an cbe ao�caee�y t fne ag �ot 1. Ya���h a�! M»t{n�s St�ti�ri stoa>o�f �tM } Blo�k. S0, �rc�n s .lackson�s add�tion co vss� st. Pa�rl, tbence �sterty in a 20 #o�t w�+ie Mse�t. betag 10 f�et o� eac.h side of a center 1 in� described as l�arl lv�: Cow�saci�g at tlu poiM of iateos�ctlan of ttx north�•ty �d �e�teriy 1 tnes of �oc 1. 1�anish and 1�rtl��s S�idtvistca of Soath } B�k; 50, Br� i Jaci�sa�'s Additio� to Mest St. hwl, t1�e�ce srstsrir dw� tl�s �t f rs aortheri y 1 tps of i.ots 1 and;2. aad ti�nce easter l y +on►sf the +r�stecl y 20 f�et of tha aartfie�iy tinm of Lot 3. and tia�rs tsrwiaating. sa3d publte sewer to sarw a�1 vf Lpts 1. 2 a�e! 3 of Yauil� #�ad Mtrtis'� Stibdivtsiat a►f South # af Rik. 50, 8rowu t Jsdlt�o�'s A�{t1�n t� Wst St. Parl. S�etto� 2. ?i�st the �issio�er s# h�t it 1�b�ks hereby is suthorissd to tssw a p�rslt to t'wadsirpa He391�ts, l�. for the oaasteucticn �f !�h pubi ie sanitsry se�w�r, npon �d lwbJset to t�a foi laeiu� Pro�vtstoa�s, t�en�s s�ad ooMtitio�s: a. Tb�t 6wds1� MeigMts, InE. agrees to dsdtcste an eas�a�eet, for sewa� pu�ars�s. �s tlM City of Ssi�t PaM1 at ao eost to tbt City, the fottariaq des�tibid la�: E�ctMdiug ewsr� ths �ord�rly 10 fMt of a11 o�f t,�ts 1 a�rd 2 �d reta�rdtng o�a tbe �o�htrlY 10 feat of tIM wrstKlr YO fe�t of Lot ; of Yaaisb i Na�tt�'s 3rbdivisio� of SoatM � lik. S0. �r� i.Jaekso�'s 11�it.taa to �t St. Pa�i, owr th� v�ttert�t 97•17' fNt o� I.ot 11,of Yaatsb i M�t ta�s S�dtv!lta� � Sor� � at k. y0, ar+�w s JKksa�'s Adittta� to iNst St. hw1. sa i� ded lpt ton t� M tw a �r apd fo�w soc�tabi a to tt� Cor�orat iaw Cow�s�i �!f. the C i tyr o� St. PaWI and apprewd by a nsotutioa �of t� Cit�r Couactl bsfo� �g#Mert�g ard �st�ntt ian ta■�r�c�: b. TbaR said �Sitt�s sh�slt p�r th� oo�st of ad�tnistntion, �t�ring, and i�spsctiou 1nw�1 tlry tM� �srt�rnt of h�bilc Ibrks becars� of tbis �ki�; ssid oests �re eatiwted as � suw of 5900.00 t,� ms �wttsd f�or undef Dap�■�ent of ltibi ic tlrt�t�s Mo,j�c�t Ib. s-t461; Yeas Councilmen Nays Pas�ed by the Counc�— Butler Carleon ��e Tn Favor prafka A�inat Tedesco Mr. Pre�ident (McCarty) Appmved: � Attest: City Clerk May�or � �� �arm a�proved Corporl;tion Counsel By Dyae�p.a reLpr � .. * " ' � � OR �► IN ,ANCE �����: COUNCIL HLE NO PRESENTE�D BY ORDINANCE Np � -;- ■. Tbst �std parsitt« shstl aot proc� to eo�strwct ssid saw� witess a�d uwt 11 sa i d p�r�i tt�a sla t 1 � fat l r co�i tid Mt#a ths or�s- v i s f o�s ry,�rd 1 e� i nsarsact aad i�drai f iut io� c�tta t�ed i� ti�e C 1� of Sstat �wl @�part�eot of Pwblic Morks Speclfic.�tto�s fer St.t�sR a�i i�sr Cowstructton dat�d Ap��t l 1. 1959f �ttoa �arsd l.�i of ssld Sp�cifi- aatioas. as aw�adsd, appltubis Lo Coatractors. For t!� p��s of tbi s ord t niacrs, ths sfonrsa id s�ct ta� of ;aid Spsct f l�atlo�s n�wb�red 1.4�►, as aweaded, slali bs etiad as thayh ibs w�i "�ttt�" aarti snti- stit�ted for ths rord "costr�t�" +�rswr tbe sar a�rrs iw tl� afonsaid Sactto� 1.�4, as a�d. Satd S�ctioa 1.�, as a�ndal, df tl�s Spacifiutions 1`or Strwt asd Sa+sr CoostrMCtia� ta t�s Citr ef S�i�t �r l, i s hsci��r t acorporatsd b�r�tn by nfara�ts as f�I.ty �awl as co�- ptet�lY as tf sst fa�rth hecet� wrbattw. �roof of ce�lts�cs vtta th� pro�ri s ions of ths afcresaid s�cti�, as a�d�at, :lwl l ba i• srch forn as tl�s Corperat ioa C�nas�l of E�e C t t� of Sa t ut P�n 1 � �i t r�t; a. That said psr�itta� shi11 sub�it said bend aai t�wra�c� de�- �eats to tbe Aff 1ae En�i�wc of Ebe D�a�t�snt o�f �i ic Mr�ks. Tbs Offic� Eagi�s� sbail t�ss# apPro�wt of said roc�nts by t!w Corporattoa C�asul aAd � �praval siui 1 #i i� said dou�� wi tw tl+e ot�tw of ths Cowptroller of the Ctty of Safet Pad1; o. Thst tbs said psr�itta� shali. Mltbi� tt�trtjr (3d) diYs aft�r the p�ssage of th i s �d i aaaca, f i Is a wr i tt� acc�pts�ce thatiof �rt tb tha City Clsrk; S�ctioe 3. This ordi�saca sb�ti taks affect and b� i� f�w thi�ty �30) dars fra� sad aft�� its pssssg�. sppro�vsl aAd p�tblicattv�. � � AUG 2 5197� Yeaa Councilmen Nays Pa�ed by the Counci� B�Ca�e3een- � �� n Favor . �� . , � ro�;� . T�� AUG a 5 1971 Mr. President (McCarty) APpmved: Attest: City Cl�k Mayor *�,� :`, Form appn►ved Corpor��,ion Couneel By . . .. i /. { Saint Paul, Minnesata August 30, 1971 To the Honorable' the City Council Saint Paul� Minnesota Gentlemen and Mrs. Butler; We� the undersig�ned� do hereby accept and agree to abide by a11 the terms and conditions of Council File No. 255250, being Ordinance No. 1�+891� adopted by the Council on August 25, 1971. GUALIALUPE IGHTS� C. sicient, G a pe eights, Tnc. 28 E. Curtice Street S , yaul� Minnesota. 55107 DUlLIC�T6 TO�RIN7zR �- . _ � 25�?�� , •' CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ntes�c.,r COMMISSIONE1t �A'� iMEREAS An Ora i�anca, C.F. No. 25�2�� . . 9�antia9 p�rsission to Gwdalups hsi�hts, Inc.. 285 E�st C�rt cs Strsst� t. Paut, Mi�n�sota, 55107, to �oastruet a public sanitary sews� in sn �ase�ent. has bssn preparsd and int usc�d to the Coaaait of the Citr of St. Pa�l, and M 11 adopta! oa )q ') ( to b� �ffsct i ve :v�sn tua 11 y a+ �,,�„�,�_; twM, t • ot , b� 1 t REEOLYEO. TMt p�adtny ths said Ordl�anc� beca�ing effectiv�. tha Cawissioner of �ublte MoMcs is h�nby authorizsd �nd directed to tssue a p�n�i t to: awdslup� Htl9hts� Inc., 2S5 East Cdrtice St�a�t. St. �swl, MinAesots, 55107, to eonstruet s public santtary sa+sr in ths City of St. Paul bs9lnc+in� st th� �xistin9 s�+sr in Mood6ury Strat, ths� fn • �astsrly dir�ctton a�+t�r�d en th� north�rir ltns of Lat 1, Y�nish and Martin's Subdivision of 8outh � elk. S0, Brown s Jackson's Addltto� to I�f�st Satnt P�ul. thancs �asts�lr in a 20 foot wtde as�nt. betnq 10 f�st on sach sld� of a csntar line describ�d as folla+is Caw�t�eing at the point of fnt�rsecticn of tha northsrly a�d wast�rly itn�s of Lot l, Yanish �nd Martin's Subdivtsioe� ot Scwth } Bik. S0, aravn s Ja�k- son's Addition to Msst Saint Psui, thance s�st�rly ow� ti+� entirs northe�ly ltne of Lots 1 and 2, and thsnc� easterly ow� ths w�stsriy 20 fest of tlN no�therly lie� of Lot 3. and th��a tarminatin9, said pabltc swrsr to senre all of Lots 1. 2 and 3 of Yanish and Martl�'s Subdtvlsion of Sonth } of Bik. 50, Brawn t Jackson's Addition to Mast Saint Psul. Accordin� to Pi�ns aad spscificativns approved vhlch are or+ file with the D�part�snt of Publt� Morks, subJ�c��g�yh�cjV conditfo�s and requiru�nts as s�t oat in Ordinana� C.F, No. J �.� _pending bsfore t!w Council of the City of St. Paul, infonwl spprova o�LTis constructicn of said public santtaryr sM+sr is hsrebr givsn tn antictpation of tha finsl adoptton and approva 1 of ss 1 d Ord 1 naqcs. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coim� AUG 1 O �97� 19_ Yeas Nays s"�� ��o� AU 6 1 0 1971 18— ��Cor�y � ''�� Tn Favor Meredith � Sprafka �r A gaingt Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty ��9 .'�; � � ;� � �� � �� Aug. 30' 1971. Guadalupe Heights� Inc. 285 E. Cur�tice st. St. P�.ul, Minrteaota Gentlemen; Enclo��d i�t a a4py af 4rdinance No. ].�+891„ granting you permission to construct a publie sanitary aew�r iri Waod- bury St., etc. as more f"ul.ly se�t caut in the ordinance; also bill in the sum of $45.00 to cover the cost of • publication of the ordinance. Also eraclosed ia a copy o�' Cauncil File 255�+69 adopted August 26, 19'T7., pertaining to the same matter� and bill in th� sum of �8.10 to cover the cost o� pumiicat�.on of this resolurtion. We aa11 your $pecial attention to Paragraphe 1 ar�d o of �ect�.on 2 of the ordinanae whieh require the filing oP a band in the amoa,nt speciPied and �he filing af a written acc�ptance af the provision�� texme and conditions QP the ordinanee� with3n 30 daya af`ter pa�sage�, with the d.ty Clerk. We enelvse a form o� accep�ce for your convenience. Very �x�ul�y yours' City C1erk �B `�.,,�, ,�. :; _z.. �� �"h�t said p�s�i�t�c� sh�ll �on�truct sair� se��r �:ntirely at his c��.+rs e�xp�r�s�� ur�der th� �uperv i s dc�n �nd to the sat i sfact to�e of the Cc�mmi�s i oner o?� P��lic 9�or�CS �nd i� ac�mrd��ce wi�h th+� plan� and s�a��if6eations prep�ar�� b�r �h� ����rtr���t �f �`��l Ir; '��rks; ,;. �3��,�t ���+' pc:rmit*�'.� s��ll pcy t#�� c�st �f ���.''�licati�n �,f tf�i� C'Y'Cie��flCe' +3f;fj :A� � r�'."sC!34:'�:��,C1S 2:�d" �.7tLt:'�i3�'C�'y ;')c`35��'2� li �"�`���tt9�l t0 ��1�S e^,S"'v'�i flei;��{.'.k:.; . . �i`r.'ol: ai3bta "�"1a:��"97;t.�f�f'. :�c3a � `"oC,��ry, ����f' T!'s4'���C: �Uf't'r')U Af if1C'. �ut'.�$I"t' !�:d:�Y9i. tl'P�' ?�si'6dC �r�"e�)9"l:� !� �:�lr, C.�"+1' .".""�°'.i{;$g4^.b31 i'i� s��.i"� �a�fi'0��.�C'� 5�°tI!°8C S�IiI@ � 6F9c2�(.� r;�,c.����::�r°� �.�ac: c�c>�ir��^ �,� 1�'c����ua-�r StrE:�t cr part th�r�c�t� �nci t�at all Lx°� �;+�r, ,�=> d�Fc�arrc:� t�� �h� '��-�:a���L. i�c�r�;��y.w €n �8.���i�l�inrr 3n�talli�rg or r�m�vin� ��;` b,.rr3�.�xe��r, s��;c�� �a�e� �?t.r,t��g� ��.�s�*ro? �;�:v�G�`5, �9���� 1 h� a��td by the perniitC�e . ,:,r; -,h��? 1 �:���r� E?c x���r;,�.�rr�;' t'r,;r° r„trc.��r D�w��;��rn�:n�. o�` �'ca�� �c 1Vc�rks Pro,jecC ¢ .���s�, S�- a��d�i f_ ��':a�i fi�'CIS{,,M;K)t"1 ri9.S5? f,c"? �;�M'�+`tiP'I�ls�tf i��/ �3 �CJEI�'P�f:��C a'�Ik3�C'OV@� �1y tflh.' �!.'C� a� �'+rtt�� � s)� j'eE.�:S i �3 G �'r,1� °�=;:"a� 4�, s�tc'^� is�aoti �`3c:°�"liltl�°�f:t'f "':�Yk+� � ��a�rt"', i)IlC W��'4��• ?t'�Ve1B'4G'� P�G`t!��Ce3it 1(�64 tp . ;,��;::F'rr�r.g�a�r� �n,,.��ra�s �° ��ag "s�c� �)��:�r�:�oe�t r_sf Publir.. Wr�rks ��as tc the cr�o° � ,:,��� :s�a�°4 �� cc����t�°�r�3r�� a�c9 ;°�r�r��r sch�dsa'� of r�p�:��tio�� and �h�l � �n�^ �c�f:�f� w>:.a� ae��a�l��•a���3,°;�, ��,s;�n��r ��rhnn �tie� pr�Jeet has be�� c�mplct�d tzs �� lc�w �c?r � f$n�l in��ection; ?�� y�h,�t ����i � �aa��°s�����e �1��1 '1 p'�'�s��!"�`y �ratc:,.t. �� 1 exca�✓��tbc�r�� �Jr��t� �1�� ,ar��# n3;;h4 �:r� �s tc� �void aal d�m�c�� or inJe�ry t� p�t�sor�s or prcap�rty; $��a;-� «,hr�l ! r������' �1 ? p��°3er.�te and �,ublir: �arap�rty th�a� is ciisturbeu�; 3 , t�o c�:°�:i�rr: i�s ��r< ��d s��i nc� r�rae�� o� �r��+ l:empar.•iry or perrr�ane�t � rre.tc�a,w�z� �5���� 1 �a� ��rrn���.�c� w1�h�ro th� �:�sement with�aat written p�r�nis�ior� t`�rrt� tha� �yp��r�r���t �s� �'u�i ic ��a�'k�; �nd the. D�partr��n� �f Pu�l ic l�'arks �`7.�11 e1.r,t b�• r���a�snsa;�le fr�r 3:h� rast�r:�tia�� �f �r�� c�ans+�ruetinn ti�at may ���: ci o�t+�rbec� �n :�c� 1 i�nD t� �nf L4�� �a���+�nt i n the nurma 1 course of ma i n- t�r��n�c� r.f t�sc� �r�ak�] r�: ����it�-ary s�w�r; j . T��a� �=:��ri �=�mr�i �teeY �ft��' th� ir�c�ption �af ��id work, sh�it pro�e�c�te �3-s� s�r��e ���tt�nu��aslyR �.airf: dili��nc:�= ����d �u�tly �..am�.�lete s�r�! w�r�. tc� th� ��tis�a�.ti�n ar+d ��pr'�wal �f �al�l Commis�ion�r e?n �r �efc�rP .3ul� ;,i r l���g k� T'�.^t �aQd p�r°�n$ttee �xp����l�y ag�'e�s and c��dertak�� tc� ful ➢y ir�-� ��mnifyy �u�d h�arml��� �nd d�f�r�d Che City of S�int P�ul , its agen4�, �ffic��s a�r►d emp�r�y��s frcrm any �r�d al � da�mages, c�e�ir�s, lc�s��:s, jaac�gm�nts, ��u i Ys or� �xpens�s ar i 9 Y�c� out af or uccas ion�d 4ay th� p�rfarm�nee �f the work ��nt�r�plated by tt�i� p�rmisso�in and aa�tharity; i � Th�t sa�d p�r�r�€tt�e �ha10 fur�aish � bc�nd to �he City a� Saint Pa�l tr� th�: sus� af Ter� Thvusand D�llars ($1�,OOt7.�34) eoradit8oreed t� cam�ly with al1 the t��ms of this ardir�anc� and to inde:�antfy and s�ve h�rmt�ss sai� C�ty fir�am .�11 1 iabi l i ty, 1c��s, judgm�nts, SU6�Ss costs, charg�s �nd expen�e thr�t r�ay �ccrue to person� �r prop�rty accasione� �Sy the making af the im�rov�ment �� ��'i§3ng caut of the ��m�; .. .. i.,'�� -2- c. That said permittee shall construct said sewer entirely at his own expense, under the supervision and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and in acco�dance with the plans and specifications prepared by the Department of Public Works; d. That said permittee shall pay the cost of publication of this ordinance and all resolutions or ordinances passed in relation to this ordinance; e. That said permittee shall notify the Traffic Bu�eau of the Depart- ment af Public Works if the construction of said sanitary sewer shall make necess'ary the closing of Woodbury Street or part thereof, and that all ex- penses incurred by the Traffic Bureau in furnishing, installing or removing of barricades, signs and other contro) devices, shall be paid by the permittee and shall also be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project No. S-1461 ; f. Construction muat be performed by a Contractor approved by the Department of Public Works; g. That said pe�mittee shall give one week's advance notification to the Construction Engineer of the Department of Public Works as to the pro- posed start of construction and proper schedule of operations and shail also notify said Construction Engineer when the proJect has been completed to allow for a final inspection; h. That said permittee shall properly protect all excavations both day and night so as to avoid all damage or injury to persons or property; and shall restore all privete and public property that is disturbed; i . No change in the existing grade or any temporary or permanent structure shall be permitted wiYhin the easement without written permission from the Department of Public Works; and the Department of Pubtic Works shall not be responsible for the restoration of any construction that may be disturbed in the limits of the easement in the �ormal course of main- tenance of the public sanitary sewer; j . That said permittee, after the inception of said work, shall prosecute the same continuously, with diligence, and fully complete said work to the satisfaction and approval of said Commissioner on or before July 31 � 1972� k. That said permittee expressly agrees and undertakes to fully in- demnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul , its agents, officers and employees fram any and all damages, claims, losses, Judgments, suits or expenses arising out of or occasioned by the performance of the work contemplated by this permission and authority; 1 . That said permittee shall furnish a bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) conditianed to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save harmless said City from all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and expense that may accrue to persons or property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same; I st � � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app � �—Adopted ��� '� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler \Butler Carison Gadsen— Levine ���/�� \Levine � Meredith eredi+h � Sprafka ,\$prafka J Tedesco �' Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarty O