255243 ORIfi�INAL TO CITY CLBRK 25�;��� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL c�o�E Nca NO. � OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK C N ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE Conwa ATF WHEREAS, It is necessary to construct extensions to the previously constructed ARCADE-WHEELOCK PARKWAY STORM SYSTEM, which was constructed under Preliminary O�der No. 246800, approved December 24, 1969, and Final Order No. 247873, approved March 13, 1970, and WHEREAS, The Department of Public Works has prepared plans and specifications for said extensions known as the ARCADE-WHEELOCK STORM SEWER EXTENSIONS, S-1418, and WHEREAS, The construction of the ARCADE-WHEELOCK STORM SEWER EXTENSIONS S-1418, will be financed by 1971 Local Imp�oveme�t Fund 0920-701 , be it RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for the ARCADE-WHEELOCK STORM SEWER EXTENSIONS, S-1418, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works are hereby approved; and be it further �SOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this construction. ,�ORM � pss , r orati n ounsel COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� � ' � � 1971 19.— Yeas lvays AU6 10 1971 Butler �n Appro 19— �e � Favor � Meredith Sprafka �/ ayor Tedeaco A gainat Mr. President, McCarty � PUBLiSHED A U G_ 1419�1-.�- � . DY!*IGT6 TO.lRIN7'Lit �.��� CITY OF ST. PAUL �Np� NO , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM C�AM�MISE.RIONEe COI1W�� eAre WHEREAS� It is necessary to oonstruct extensions to ths pr�viously constructsd ARCADE-WHEELOCK PARKWAY STORM SYSTEM, which was constructed under Preiiminary Orcb� No. 246800� approvad D�cember 24� 1969� and Final Ord�r No. 247873, app�oved March 13, 1970, and M�iEREAS� The Department of Public Works has prepsr•d ,pians and sp�cl f i catt ons for sat d extans�1�;: kncwn as the ARCADE-MFIEELOCK STORM SEMER EXTENSIONS, S-1418, and WHEREAS, Th� co�st�uction of the ARCADE-WHEELOCK STORM SEWER EXTENSIONS S-1418, will be financed by 1971 Local Improwaient Fund 0920-701 , be it RESOLVED, That the plans and sp�ciftcations for tha ARCADE-WHEELOCK STORM SEYER EXTENSIONS, S-1418, as submitted by ths Com�aissionar of Public Works are hereby approved; and ba it further �=t� RSOLVED, That the Purchasing Agent bs and is hereby d�ctid to ° adve�tise for bids on this construction. - � �:::�, .,. . � � , . .__ �;;� c� �ti :Y_` _EM 9 , f ^-`J ' COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cound�►U G 1 0 19� 18— Yeaa Naya Butler AU� 10 1971 „� Appro� 19— �— � Tn Favor Meredith Sp�� m � Ag'Sinst Tedesco Mr. Preaident, McCarty ���