02-82C�ICI���;L Presented By Council File # � - �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 1 O 3�{ 3 y 1*14 Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership has provided marketing services to promote the City of 2 Saint Paul for several yeazs; and 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has provided funds to the Capital City Partnership, which have been used for events such as those found itt the attached Executive Summary; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such marketing events serve the public purpose ofpromoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership seeks matching funds from the private sector as part of its marketing campaign for the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such solicitation serves the public purpose of promoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership seeks to continue marketing and promoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the adopted 2002 budget placed $250,000 of the Capital City Partnership City contribution in contingency; and WHEREAS, the appropriation must be moved from object code "council contingency, " code no. G1 050 30101 0548, to "contribution to an outside agency, " code no. G1 050 30101 0545; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 10.07.04, the Mayor recommends that the appropriation of $250,000 be moved from contingency to contribution to an outside agency; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 1) The Saint Paul City Council approves the attached Capital City Partnership Agreement and authorizes the appropriate City staff to execute the agreement for the purpose of marketing the City of Saint Paul; and 2) The Saint Paul City Council approves the changes to the 2002 budget by moving $250,000 from council contingency G1 050 30101 0548to conhibution from an outside agency G1050 30101 0545; and 3) The Quarterly Reports required by the Agreement and the list of matching funds from the private sector shall be made available to the public upon request. Adopted by Council: Date � �� �� 1 Adoption Certified by Council ecretary Appx � 7teauest d by Dep, of: / - � i Form Approved by City Attorney o�-�� GREEN SHEET .�. MNB9t Fpt ROU7HG � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES f•:;l'. _ii•_.3 0 3. . k�- No 103434 � ❑ 1aIY�Tfo111EY ❑ anClHll[ ❑ NYMtlI1LfFRMGFfOR ❑ AYIGIILf ❑ M110RlORAfOlI111!) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� The Saint Paul City Council approves the attached Capital Ci�y Partnership Agreement and authorizes the appropriate City staff to execute the agreement for the purpose of marketing the City of Saint Paul. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Fi�tliic a� e�arwarwea untlei a comractm mie a�paNrem? YES NO Has Mie D�fm Mr been e Cdy dnpbyee9 Y6 NO Does this c�rm D�s a slo�8 ra[ mnnalHDOSaess�d bY �Y �R�� �Y �WoY� YES NO la this pe�saKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Approval will give Marketing and Promotions spending authority to fulfill the agreement between the City and Capital City Partnership. iF Agreement can be fulfilled and the Marketing Committee can proceed with 2002 event marketing, special projects and promotions. try_�..x.�sy.� Agreement can not be fulfilled for city support of the 2002 Marketing Co�ittee. rwwsn�noNt 250,000.00 COST1FtEVEMUEBUO6ETm(GRCLEONEj Y YES� NO ACTIVT'NUMBEft OOZSZ INFORMATION (EXPWN) D � -Fa The Capital City Partnership City of Saint Paul Contribution to Marketing Committee 2002 This /�qreement, made as of the day of , 200_, by and beiween the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("City") and the Capital City Partnership, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Partnership°). WHEREAS, The 2002 City of Saint Paul Adopted Budget authorized the expenditure of $250,000 for city support of the 2002 Marketing Committee. 125 000 of this amount is available by Januarv 10. 2002 upon receipt of a written request from the President of the Capital City Partnership and approval of a budget amendment by the City Council; and the balance, 125 000 is available by June 10. 2002 upon receipt of the 2002 Marketing work plan and approval of a budget amendment by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Marketing Committee will seek matching funds from the downtown business community on at least a one to one matching basis. City funds may not be expended unless they are matched by at least a one to one basis by business community funds; and WHEREAS, the Marketing Committee, made up of representatives from the Capital City Partnership, City Council, the City of Saint Paul and the business community, intend to use these funds for the following promotions: 1) Event Marketing, Special Projects and Promotions 2) Downtown Employee Support Training 3) Neighborhood Marketing 4) Investor Marketing 5) Business Recruitment 6) Marketing initiatives NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as foilows: by March 1, 2002, the Marketing Committee will submit its 2002 work plan to the Mayor, City Council, the Director of Marketing and Promotions and the Director of the Office of Financial Services; and The Marketing Committee witl submit quarterly reports to the Mayor, City Council, Director of Marketing and Promotions and the Director of the Office of Financial Services detailing the funds raised from the business community, the actual expenses of the quarter, the estimated effect of the marketing efforts initiated during the quarter and any other pertinent information. On or before January 10, 2002, at the request of the President of the Capital City Partnership, the City will pay $125,000 to the Marketing Committee. On or before June 10, 2002, at the request of the President of the Capital City Partnership, the City will pay an additionai $125,000 to the Marketing Committee, of which payment is subject to all of the following conditions: the Marketing Committee has provided its 2002 work plan fo the City; and the Marketing Committee has provided to the City all quarterly reports then due; and the City Council has adopted the appropriate budget amendment. Parties oi _�'a hereto acknowledge and understand the City Council adoption of the budget amendment is a legislative action, which the City does not guarantee to occur. The parties hereto agree that the City incurs no obligations whatscever to anyone iF the budget amendment is not adopted by the City Council. �� Presiae�Capital City Partne IZ�17 Date vL. i - Dire or Mark ting and Promotions �Z 2o c/ Dat Form Approved: Date °�'l.d.�L /�f���iL� Director, Office of Financial Services // Da e C�ICI���;L Presented By Council File # � - �� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 1 O 3�{ 3 y 1*14 Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership has provided marketing services to promote the City of 2 Saint Paul for several yeazs; and 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has provided funds to the Capital City Partnership, which have been used for events such as those found itt the attached Executive Summary; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such marketing events serve the public purpose ofpromoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership seeks matching funds from the private sector as part of its marketing campaign for the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds that such solicitation serves the public purpose of promoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Capital City Partnership seeks to continue marketing and promoting the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the adopted 2002 budget placed $250,000 of the Capital City Partnership City contribution in contingency; and WHEREAS, the appropriation must be moved from object code "council contingency, " code no. G1 050 30101 0548, to "contribution to an outside agency, " code no. G1 050 30101 0545; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Sec. 10.07.04, the Mayor recommends that the appropriation of $250,000 be moved from contingency to contribution to an outside agency; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, 1) The Saint Paul City Council approves the attached Capital City Partnership Agreement and authorizes the appropriate City staff to execute the agreement for the purpose of marketing the City of Saint Paul; and 2) The Saint Paul City Council approves the changes to the 2002 budget by moving $250,000 from council contingency G1 050 30101 0548to conhibution from an outside agency G1050 30101 0545; and 3) The Quarterly Reports required by the Agreement and the list of matching funds from the private sector shall be made available to the public upon request. Adopted by Council: Date � �� �� 1 Adoption Certified by Council ecretary Appx � 7teauest d by Dep, of: / - � i Form Approved by City Attorney o�-�� GREEN SHEET .�. MNB9t Fpt ROU7HG � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES f•:;l'. _ii•_.3 0 3. . k�- No 103434 � ❑ 1aIY�Tfo111EY ❑ anClHll[ ❑ NYMtlI1LfFRMGFfOR ❑ AYIGIILf ❑ M110RlORAfOlI111!) � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� The Saint Paul City Council approves the attached Capital Ci�y Partnership Agreement and authorizes the appropriate City staff to execute the agreement for the purpose of marketing the City of Saint Paul. PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMRTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION Fi�tliic a� e�arwarwea untlei a comractm mie a�paNrem? YES NO Has Mie D�fm Mr been e Cdy dnpbyee9 Y6 NO Does this c�rm D�s a slo�8 ra[ mnnalHDOSaess�d bY �Y �R�� �Y �WoY� YES NO la this pe�saKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Approval will give Marketing and Promotions spending authority to fulfill the agreement between the City and Capital City Partnership. iF Agreement can be fulfilled and the Marketing Committee can proceed with 2002 event marketing, special projects and promotions. try_�..x.�sy.� Agreement can not be fulfilled for city support of the 2002 Marketing Co�ittee. rwwsn�noNt 250,000.00 COST1FtEVEMUEBUO6ETm(GRCLEONEj Y YES� NO ACTIVT'NUMBEft OOZSZ INFORMATION (EXPWN) D � -Fa The Capital City Partnership City of Saint Paul Contribution to Marketing Committee 2002 This /�qreement, made as of the day of , 200_, by and beiween the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota ("City") and the Capital City Partnership, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Partnership°). WHEREAS, The 2002 City of Saint Paul Adopted Budget authorized the expenditure of $250,000 for city support of the 2002 Marketing Committee. 125 000 of this amount is available by Januarv 10. 2002 upon receipt of a written request from the President of the Capital City Partnership and approval of a budget amendment by the City Council; and the balance, 125 000 is available by June 10. 2002 upon receipt of the 2002 Marketing work plan and approval of a budget amendment by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Marketing Committee will seek matching funds from the downtown business community on at least a one to one matching basis. City funds may not be expended unless they are matched by at least a one to one basis by business community funds; and WHEREAS, the Marketing Committee, made up of representatives from the Capital City Partnership, City Council, the City of Saint Paul and the business community, intend to use these funds for the following promotions: 1) Event Marketing, Special Projects and Promotions 2) Downtown Employee Support Training 3) Neighborhood Marketing 4) Investor Marketing 5) Business Recruitment 6) Marketing initiatives NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as foilows: by March 1, 2002, the Marketing Committee will submit its 2002 work plan to the Mayor, City Council, the Director of Marketing and Promotions and the Director of the Office of Financial Services; and The Marketing Committee witl submit quarterly reports to the Mayor, City Council, Director of Marketing and Promotions and the Director of the Office of Financial Services detailing the funds raised from the business community, the actual expenses of the quarter, the estimated effect of the marketing efforts initiated during the quarter and any other pertinent information. On or before January 10, 2002, at the request of the President of the Capital City Partnership, the City will pay $125,000 to the Marketing Committee. On or before June 10, 2002, at the request of the President of the Capital City Partnership, the City will pay an additionai $125,000 to the Marketing Committee, of which payment is subject to all of the following conditions: the Marketing Committee has provided its 2002 work plan fo the City; and the Marketing Committee has provided to the City all quarterly reports then due; and the City Council has adopted the appropriate budget amendment. Parties oi _�'a hereto acknowledge and understand the City Council adoption of the budget amendment is a legislative action, which the City does not guarantee to occur. The parties hereto agree that the City incurs no obligations whatscever to anyone iF the budget amendment is not adopted by the City Council. �� Presiae�Capital City Partne IZ�17 Date vL. i - Dire or Mark ting and Promotions �Z 2o c/ Dat Form Approved: Date °�'l.d.�L /�f���iL� Director, Office of Financial Services // Da e