255230 ORIOtNAL TO CITY CL6RK ������. � CITY OF ST. PAUL co�NCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F� NO. � CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED 6Y Dean Meredi th " Augus t 5, 19 71 COMMISSIONE ATF Whereas, The Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety maintains Epidemiological and Infectious Disease Clinics, it is necessary to provide qualified professional licensed physi:cians' service to direct such clinics and to offer clinical consultation services; and Whereas, The Department of Internal Medicine of Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital has proposed to furnish such services; and Whereas, There are avai.lable adequate budgeted funds in Account 0185 (Tuberculosis Control); now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City of Saint Paul, through the Bureau of Health of the Department of Public Safety, be authorized to enter into contract negotiations with the Department of Internal Medicine of Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital for the furnishing of such abov�e services, said contract to include staff qualifications, responsibilities and reimbursement at a rate not to exceed $1,000.00 per month; and be it Further Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby directed and authorized to execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul a contract between the City of Sai.nt Paul and the Department of Internal Medicine of Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc�►U6 6 1971 19— Y� xaq8 AU6 9 1971 Butler �se�–��;'1�ti'�iL�� � ed 19— Levine �n Favor Meredith � Mayor Sprafka gainst Tedeaco Mr. President, McCarty � AUG 1 4197� � ,� PUBLISHED , �� DEA�1 MEREDITH CITY OF SAWT PAUL Capital of Minnesota B. J. MEARS, M.D. Commissioner Health Officer ' «�,.,, RALPH G. MERRILL L/� �.��?"-A Deputy Commissioner ep att�.cat 0 kf/LZC a L�� �`�''1 I �U 1�uzEau o f a�7�£a�E�i Health Center — 555 Cedar Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 227-7741 August 5, 1971 Mr. Dean Meredith Commissioner Department of Public Safety Public Safety Building 101 East lOth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Dear Commissioner Meredith: Enclosed is a copy of a proposed resolution which would enable us to enter into negotiations for the establishment of a contract between the City of Saint Paul and Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital for the provision of physician services for our clinics. I am also enclosing a copy of a proposal which Doctor Gruninger made to me which roughly embodies the services which are being considered and their scope. Account 0185 of the 1971 budget provides $13,155.00 for the salary of a Medical Examiner (General). Doctor George Roth occupied this position until his resignation during 1970. It is essential that proper and adequate physician coverage be provided at all times due to our greater involvement in clinical applications. We are presently conducting Tuberculosis Clinics three times weekly and are proposing to revise this to ttaice weekly daytime and twice monthly in the evening. Daily Immunization and Venereal Disease Clinics are conducted; throughout the year various special Immunization Clinics are conducted throughout the City. We are also responsible for the epidemiological inv�estigation of certai.n contagious diseases such as infectious hepatitis , salmonellosis, etc. The proposal of Doctor Gruninger appears reasonable and would provide us with staff of hip,h competence. Funds have been requested in the 1972 budget at the rate suggested, but we would like to proceed with this matter at the present time to cover the balance of the year beginning September 1, Mr. Dean Meredith August 5, 1971 Page 2 19 71. If you concur with our proposal, will you please submit a resolution to the Council along the proposed lines. R fully submitted, ����� J. Mears, M.D. Health Officer ERE:bb � Enclosures � PROPOSAL FOR MEDICAL S-tAF� POSITION FOR EPIDEMIOLOGICAL & INFECTIOUS DISEASE CLINICS OF THE BUREAU OF HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, CITY OF ST. PAUL In as much as the Bureau of Health maintains epidemiological and infectious disease clinics, it is advisable to provide well qualified professional service (licensed physician) to direct such clinics and to offer a clinical consultation service. It is proposed that this position be established as a program of joint responsibility of the Health Officer (B.J. Mears, M.D. ) , St. Paul Bureau of Health and Chief of Infectious Diseases (R.P. Gruninger, M.D. ) , Department of Internal Medicine, St. Paul-Zamsey Hospital . The program proposal is as follows: (1 ) Staff Qualifications. A. Licensed physician in State of Minnesota. B. Board Certification, board eligible, or approved training in Internal Medicine. C. Pursuant to continuing education in infectiaus diseases, epidemiology and public health. (2). Staff Respansibilities. A. Direct and provide appropriate consultation to: _ 1 . Venereal Disea�e Clinic a. Three (3) daytime clinics per week. b. Two (2} evening clinics per month. 2. Tubercul�sis Clinic a. Two (2) daytime clinics per week. b. Two (2) evening clinics per month. 3. Immunization Clinics (and programs). 4. Other epidemiological infectious disease, or immuniz�tion programs as deemed necessary and reasonable by agreement of program directo�s. B. Actively participate in the continuing education program in infectious disease at St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital on a graduate level . This would involve active clinical , teaching and research responsibility under the advisory of the Chief of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal . Medicine. Emphasis in the program would be placed upon those areas of infectious disease that would provide continuing knowledge as relates to ' responsibilities in the St. Paul Burza�a of Health Clinics and programs. (3) Salary, fringe benefits, etc. $12,000 per annum. Submitted July 27th, 1971 by R.P. Gruninger, M.D. , Chief Infect�ious Diseases, Dep�. of Internal P�ledicine, St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital