02-818Return copy to: (BJE) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall �'�l�l�'�J�� Presented By Referred To cow,�� ��e # o a. g 14' Green Sheet # 111994 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �3 1 WHEREAS, in 1980 the City of Saint Paul ("City") acquired a residendal pazcel located immediately 2 west of 885 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul, and described as Lot 10, West'/z Lot 11, Victoria and Lafond 3 St. Addiuon, for the purpose of constructing a storm sewer pipe under and across the entire parcel; and 4 5 WFIEREAS, said parcel has since remained vacant as there has been no available use due to the 6 existence of the underground sewer pipe; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the City has consulted several city departments regarding potential use of said parcel and 9 has determined that there is no longer a public purpose for owning it; and 10 11 WHEREAS, the City has declued said parcel to be surplus and wishes to vacate City interest in it; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation ("Wilder") has proposed to develop said pazcel into a 14 parking lot for users of its facility at 919 Lafond Avenue; now therefore be it 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as documented in Technology and Management 5ervices Department File Number 16-2001-B, the pubiic properry heretofore described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City officials to convey the vacated property by Quit Claim Deed to the HRA for subsequent sale to Wilder. This vacation shali be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul Legslafive Code as amended, and to the foliowing condiuons: 1. That a permanent utility easement for sewer purposes shall be dedicated to the City of Saint Paul over the enure parcel, with easement restrictions as follows: a. No buildings, suuctures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, nar any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or other objects that will prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes. b. Improvements in or upon the easement azea that do not prohibit the City from exercising its reserved rights may be ailowed by obtaining written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of oa-�i� 1 such improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and 2 assigns in the event the City exercises its reserved easement rights. � 4 c. No change from the e�sting grade within the easement area will be permitted without 5 written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. 6 7 d. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 e. No change in surfacing within the easement azea will be permitted without written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. That the peutioner, its successor and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hamiless the City of Saint Paul, its o�cers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received ar sustained by any break in any service pipe or connection in said reserved easement, arising out of, or resulting from, any action or negligence on the part of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. 2. That this property, which is part of a larger tax parcel, requires a survey of the parcel showing the split, which shall be submitted to the PED Zoning Office for approval. 3. That plans shall be submitted for site plan approval to the Office of LIEP for their pazking lot improvements. Improvements on the parcel are subject to the approvai of Public Works Sewer Engineering within the site plan review process. 4. That the HRA shall reimburse the City in the amount of the gross proceeds from the sale of said property described. Requested by Department of: Technoloev & Manaeement Services By: � ���ZL Director Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date ��_ �.�Q� � By: oa- �tY T1bLS./REAL ESTATE DIVISION D�� 7uly 29, 2002 G n S Number: 111994 Persoa md P�one N�bez: 2 EPARTMENI' D �Y i 4 CiTlt COUNCII. Broce Engelbrekt 266-8854 �p 1 ATTOItNEY 7 3 � . ci,Exx � UDGET DIRE('COR PFICE OF FINANQAL SVCS beoe('omn7Agmdaby: SEPT. 4� GOVG 3 YOR(ORASSLSTAIVT) OTAL # OF SIGNA'T[3RE PAGES 1 CLIP ALL LOCATI01�5S FOR SIGI�ATURE CTION REQUESTED: To approve a petition to vacate surplus city right of way acquired to consfruct a storm sewer. Reference: 1) resolntion; 2) map; 3) mayor's petition to vacate. TMS FILE N0.16-2001-B ATION&APPROVE(A)ARREJECf(I� ERSONALSERVICECOIVTRACiSM[35TAPISWERTHEFOLIAWII3G: PFALVNINGCOMMIS.SION STAFF •��e peison/firm ever workeA mWer a contnct for fltis deparlment? YES NO . Has Utis petsod£u�m ever been a City employee? YES NO C(VII. SFRVICE COMMLSSION . Dces thts person/fum possess a skill not normaIIy pos.seased by any YES NO CFBCOMIbIITPEE � CeII � empluyee? Ex am all YES answeis on a se sheet and atfach PORTS WHICH CAUNCII.OBJEC'ITVE? ifiiCII, 1 DISTRIGT '] ARD(S7 PLANNING COiTNCII, TIPTGPROBLEM, ISSIIE, OPPORTUNTfY (Who, What, WLen, WLere, Why?): As p�rt of a sewer construction project� this property was pnrehased. The property is not needed except for the sewer. The W�1der Foundation proposes to develop the surface into parking for iks nearb faciti . The sewer and its easement would remain. v�vTAGES rF APPROVED: _ HE COUNCIL HEARING ON Egcess right of way will be vacated. The Ciry will not be in THIS MATTER IS SET FOR possession of property it does not n�ed:•�Tliis property can b� rodnctivel used as arkin for tlie Wilder Fo n Ge�� IS�iDVANTAGES IF APPROVED: SEPTEMBER 4�ZOO2 PFone `�� Q � ���� LSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will be in possession of progerty it does not need. The sarpins City property will continue to remain unused. (7[AL e4MOIINT OF TRANSACTION: $S�lOO �ST/REf'EN BUDGETED (CIRC7,E ONE) YES NO �rm�c souscg: N/A ncz�ivrnr xiJMaEa: N/A � (7AF, INFORMA3'ION: (EXPI.AIN) Wilder Fonndation will pay $5,100 to acquire the pamet from t6e HRA. The HI2A wiR forward the proceeds to the City. G.FSAqREDtREAL Wpdata\VACA1B�Bruce�2001\16.2001B.VacRes.Sutplus.GS.wpd � oa- t�� �� .r �� �� �� I • � '\ � y,, ��. •` --i•� � � � / ,_ '/, � .. 9 �^ / �' ., ( . ` �' " • ^'> -+ '+a �. e � � �' � `�.�_ o e '' �` y � N� " � oo N � � � ° � • , ;, '� �' • � : � � v Q i � � `• � ! t '�► � * � , �� �... �" ! .-,. .�. I r .�?, � ' `� � � � � � ? _ • � �, � � I ` . � a� w . "`� "� = � ` ' �' � % r � � w _ • � �� � � ( �. � tr� M .!� ~ - yZ : � t N ,� ., C � � - - # `-' Yt 4 4, � ,. -�` ^ �• � ` i m ,_,,, — ��°" — — ' � °o � � e � � � v� �� ` � � ^ � > > s ' z/ � � . . � j .. t .� f 2 :f 2 / �-- .s c ^ � ; , , . �' '' ° i � +`� 7 / .� � -. � .. � ^ ^� � �� � w -� .-. I ti�� M ,• - �V N fi M � � -. _ Z � � ^ ` � ---�---- � � ° "� � � `. � 1 '� „� � r ' � - �� t � \ • � � � I ■ � h w - .�. ' c �O ,� :%+ �. I t �� ` � c 1�" � �n � � �i1 * ' � � I �� � V Q M � � � � 'V w `� a � '- 1 I � ' � �► °� Z.c ;� Z / �• f/ � / ! .�►'� ., s s��, .1 �' > �', r f'' r�' -� _ _ _ _ s� t frr r,s _ • �tsti� �rFrf' '-+�,/ M�� � J � � � � ♦ ' �, , . ( . '� W . : �w l b � ����'�{ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Thomas J. Eggum. Director/Ciry Ersgineer To: CTI`Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman. Mayor Brnce Engelbrekt St. Paul Real Estate 140 City Hall From: Linda Murphy St. Paul Public Works 800 City Hall Annex Re: Request of W ilder Foundation to acquire City property on the north side of Lafond Ave. west of Victoria St. Date : August 30, 2001 800 Ciry Ha![ Annex 25 West Fourth Srreet SairstPauf, Minnesota 55102-1660 Phone:65l-266-6150 Faz:651-298-4559 aa-�`�� The Department of Public Works has reviewed the request of the Wilder Foundation. We have agreed, with conditions, to declaze as surplus the following propeRy: Part of the Ramsey County parcel with PIN of 35-29-23-21-0081, more specifically described as Lot 10 and the west half of Lot 11, VICTORIA AND LAFOND'S ADDTTION. The conditions are as follows: l. That a permanent utility easement for sewer purposes shall be dedicated to the City of St. Paul, over the entire parcel with easement restrictions as follows: a. No buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement azea nor any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or other objects that will prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes. b. Improvements in or upon the easement area that do not prohibit the City from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division with the.understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns, in the Responsive Services • Qualrry Facitiires • Employee Pride �o b �_rts� event the City exercises its reserved easement rights. c. No change from the existing grade is pernutted within the easement azea without the written pernvssion from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. d. No change in surfacing within the easement azea is permitted without the written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division. e. That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions, or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe or connection in said reserved easement, azising out of, or resulting from, any action or negligence on the part of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. 2. This property is part of a larger tax parcel and therefore requires a survey of the parcel showing the split, which shall be submitted to the PED Zoning Office for approval. Contact Paul Dubruiel at 651-266-6583. 3. That plans shall be submitted for site plan approval to the Office of LIEP for their parking lot improvements. Call Tom Beach at 651-266-9086. Improvements on the parcel are subject to the approval of Public Works Sewer Engineering within the site plan review process. Preliminary approval was given of their concept plan. lcm attachment copy: Tom Beach Paul Dubruiel Bill Hagland Ila Shah aa.�rtr T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: July 15, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111168 ntact Person and Phone NuinLer: BARrMexrDlxe�TOR a'rs �°nr�°' eter White or Bruce Engelbrekt 266-8854 ATrOR\EY rr ccEax UDGEiDIl2ECfOR OFFICEOFFLYA�CfALSVCS. ustbeonComcOAgendaby: A.S.A.P. 1 YOA(ORASSLSTA.tt� y m'areiwcti OTAL # OF SIGNA'TI3RE PAGES _1_ c� ALL LocaTio�s Fox sicxaT�E> CTION REQUESTED: Please sign the attached petition to allow the vacation of surplus city property as shown on the attached map. Please have the signatures notarized and return the form to the Real Estate Division so the vacation can proceed. This vacation is to dispose of property purchased by the City several years ago to construct a storm sewer. EC�NMfi[�DATIQ�F:AYPROVS WOAAPJECC�) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING: 1. Has tfie personlfirm ever worked under a contract YES NO PL4ttMNGCOMMI55ION STA� [oltltiSd¢paihll¢Ilt? � . Hat tivs petso�6rnt ever been a City employee? _ YFS NO CNIL S&RVICE COMMISSION . Doesthispersodfirmpossessasldll�notnorn�ally - , YES NO possessed by any curxent City employee? � . CB COM�IITTEE E lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and a[tach. UPPORTS �VHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) � DISTRICT PLA�ING WUNCIL 7 NITIATSNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Wlry?): The Wilder Foundation is asking to purchase a vacant lot owned by the City in order to provide additional parking for one of its nearby buildings. The foundation also is petifioning the City to vacate an abutting alley as art of this project. The City does not need the vacant property. Public Works has indicated that it may��eclared surplus subject to conditions that allow the City to continue to use and maintain an under ound storm sewer that runs the len th of the lot. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Wilder Foundation will have added parking for its staff and visitors. The City will conrinue to use and maintain the storm sewer on this ro er . ISADVANTAGES IF APPROVL� D: There are no disadvantages to disposing of the vacant, city-owned lot as long as the city retains an easement for the storm sewer. ISADVANTAGES IF NOT AYPROVED: The City will be in possession of property it does not need. The Wiider Founda6on wili be unable to provide additionai arkin for its staff and visitors. OTAL ANiOUIVT OF TRANSACTION: None COST/REVEA'[JE &UDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) 'XES N� ING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NU��IBER: INANCIAL INFOR�'IA7TON: (EXPLAIl� The usual fees are waived because the Cit is the etitioner. G��SHAAED�REAL WPdata\VACATEBruce@OO1U62001MyrPN GS.wpd o�-- a�ir Department of �nance and Management Services Real Estate Division 140City.Hall Phone: (651)266-885t Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-885_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor July 15, 2002 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate city property as shown on the attached map and described in the following legal description: Lot 10, West 1/2 Lot 11, Victoria and Lafond St. Addition. This purpose of the vacation is to dispose of property purchased by the City to construct and maintain an underground storm sewer. The proposed use of this property for a parking lot would not interfere with the City's ability to maintain ar : STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing insuument was acknowledged before me, this �� day of � , 2002, by n h s �� � p �'� , ayor of the City of Saint Paui, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. G:�SHARED�I2EAI, WPdata\VACATE�Bruce�2001U6.2001MyrPm.wpd ��. � a��, Notary Public . .., ` JEAN R. KARPE NOTARYPUBLlC—MINNESOTA � My Comm. E�ne Jan, 31, 200b _ - ._._� _ __ .. _ ;'Bruce Engeibrekt Re Lafond Ave. near Victona St property Page 1• _, __....__._.�_.� . � —�l� From: Bruce Engelbrekt To: Tschida, Bill Date: 8!8/01 12:58PM Subject: Re: Lafond Ave. near�ctoria St. property Bill, No hard copy necessary. Thanks for your response! Bruce »> Bill Tschida OS/O8/01 12:54PM »> Sruce, Saint Paul Regional Water Services has no use for the parcel Wilder Foundation has expressed an interested in, as described in your August 18, 2001 memo. Let me know if you require a signed hard copy response in addition to this e-mail. Bill Tschida Engineering Division Saint Paul Regional Water Services 8 4th St. E., Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55101 phone: 651-266-6265 fax:651-292-7811 email: bill.tschida@ci.stpaul.mn.us � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL RECEIiJED ,.�� _ � � �;,j� REAL ES7.�TE �(!/�g��n� TO: From: Date: Subject: Commander - Traffic and Accident Unit Saint Paul Police Department 100 East l lth Street Bruce Engelbrekt aj � Real Estate Division � 140 City Hall August 8, 2001 Request for surplus property: Lafond near Victoria ��•g On August fi, 2001 the City received a request from the Wilder Foundation to purchase a City-owned parcel located on Lafond Avenue just west of Victoria Street (see attached maps). The foundation would like to develop this parcel and an abutting alley for parking. If the parcel is declared surplus, a separate alley vacation would be processed. Would you please ]et me know if your department would have any use for this parcel? I would appreciate a reply to this request by August 17th. Thanks. �,�3-or r/ Q � � (V " ' � � ���- \\Tms\vol l\[ISERS�EngeAwpfileslvacate\162o� LV ac&qst.wpd Page 1 of 1 D ���� Bruce Engelbrekt-Surplus Property Request From: John Wirka To: Engelbrekt, Bruce Date: 8/9/2001 9:15 AM Subject: Surplus Property Request Bruce: In response to your August 8, 2001 memo conceming the city-owned parcel on Lafond near Vctoria, the Division of Parks and Recreation has no interest in this property. file://C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\GW}00005.HTM 8!9l200 � Bruce Engelbrekt Requesf for surpius properry � _ �_ _ ., w _ ___ . W ._ � __�__ __ _ ._ ,_�. Page 1 .___..m�.. __ _ _..___..�.__ __._.. _ .. __... �'a, - � It From: Lee Wiiliamson To: Engelbrekt, Bruce Date: 8/13/01 4:48PM Subject: Requestforsurplusproperty Sruce, the tbrary has no use for the parcel of land at Lafond Ave. aear Victoria. t will return the map this week. CC: Williams, Carole �__ _.___ �,. _ ,_ .�_ .., .. . . _ _ Pa e 1 w�Bruce Engelbrekt Surplus property at Lafond near Victona � � � � _ ___ _ _ _ „__, _ _ . ��_ . . 9_,. _( oa _��r From: Tom Beach To: Engelbrekt, Bruce Date: 8/10I01 7:53AM Subject: Surplus property at Lafond near �ctoria In reponse to your memo of August 8, LIEP has no use for this property and has no objections to this it being declared surplus. NUU 17��6 ^r �n PED 14TH FLOOR lnterdepartmentai Memor Post=�t' Fax Note CfIY OF SAINf PAUL To � A a DATE: �' l 3 "C � To: �, aw 2 h a.� (DIS T PLANNEF� 6512283220 P.01i64 � � � � �sn —� r �`�� -�f �� Vacation Requsst No. " �� s'a� K r� Q :�.c�'�n� �► �i c`Ftif ��k The attached vacation reqaest was received by the Planning Division on Q'�d'0+ , please '� revietiv and retutn comments or zecommendations to me b-�/(rt1 �, so that I may prepaze the Aivisions recommendations. . ZONING SECTION: Is this 'vacation proposal also tied to a rezoning or �7riance request? XES N0� Tf yes, explain below: STAFF COMMBNTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: �f} %s �tm ef ct�n� us�e PEp ma L�ave fai' �Gia p�tv�c.e(, sr�c_2 (1'�5 nar suir��le fn� ho�siv� o� Ct�mme✓�ial cQev2/oPrhe�i-� nei�c.e1' is i+ �.i� ad� ac� ��- ro o�t�e.�� u�-o�vv��ed pr�v�c.�(. . Tt.Q,r�c Ps � �0.�'9¢. G( Py S2b.i�.0 U �nc(A-r 7�1`5 �dCG2l� cc�-v� �l �2�1�t" p��w�'-�� wo.�il+�l �i1l� c2w.al�n �� ��z. rarce� �cJIMe.S P�t��f�y Owt,.a . fl �a�vCi� (e� co� � �aJelf- o�-• �� �a-r �5���e.�` �-o �'�,.� �`^re-� �J- �i��' �t,U¢_ `�o � 5.2�.aP�� �o�f�`J dr d7�,.4.�" Planners are to return the reviewed vacation request to Allan Torstenson (Zoning Manager). St�..ct�re.s co��l �`f I� ��J/� p�. Y'7', _� t� vw��- so�i�.�, a�(2y if ✓6cc.a..'F'�/ j'¢" S�od� � SJ�J2� `f a� ea��w.2 Q..G.0 677 5 S �r�e.. � R�K Il„� �� � )r/ t �J...GG2�Js TD I� �S� � Inl2� Q.'l �� �caw� l..a�'Fa �'� a �o Fd a. c�za-� - o�-o� eQST- w�s�' �l(!�Y � Interdepartmental Memorandum CTTY OF SAINT PAUL b �.. f -�r � To: All Council Members From: Peter White �pz. �' Right of Way E� neer r` �` � 140 City Hall Date: Sul�jeet_ 7uly 31, 2002 � ul���J� ��� ej5,� l" fT � R�� � �� �,� ��� � . 'T�YIS-It��1 FSt�C� I3i�+i5��n'�a���ci�i� Fi€1� �TV. .1�-ZQQI�B ° I recommend that a public hearing before the City Council be held on ��stetub�c 4 �€�Q2: The purpose of this hearing is to consider a resolution to vacate surplus city property to correct alley drainage problems and construct a new parking lot for the Amherst Wilder Foundation. This property is located in City Council District t, Planning District 7; cc: Shari Moore City Clerk's Office 170 City Hall G.�SAARED�REAI, WPdata\VACATE�Bmce�2001\16.2001B.Hrg Rqst Stuplus.wpd •. : . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the petition of the City of Saint Paul for the vacation of surplus city property at Lot 10, West � Lot 11, Victoria and Lafond St. Addition to correct alley drainage problems as more fu11y described on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Ha11 and Court House on the 4th day of September, 2002 at 5:30 P.M. Dated: August 2, 2002 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (August 8, 2002) ����� �� ;�. - � � .