D001107No. D t�t tio� Date • � _ � l - 1 � • CITY OF SATNT PAUL - OFFICfi OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGFs AGREEMENT NO. 1 ADMINISTRATZVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Remedial Investiaations known as Contract 015364, City Project No. L95-00-32, American Engineeri�a Testing. Inc. Contraotor, is composed of the following: Due to high concentrations of petroleum contaminants Eound in the soil, additional groundwater monitoring wells and sampling are neoessary to determine the extent and magnitude of possible groundwater contamination. Additional work is per bid Unit Prices and contractor's letter of proposal dated November 14, 1996. ADD $10,471.25 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 10,471.25 , said • amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract 015364 , and which amount is to be £inanced from: Original Contract Sum $ 7,347.00 Change Orders to Date -0- Amount this Chanae 10 471 25 New Contraat Sum $17,818.25 AS TO FORM � ( �JU 19� t Chief Engineer Director of t�'a`-� ! s'�'�i/p 19 /f of Parks & Recreation C94-3T1�1-�882-34098 American Enaineering Testing Inc ContracCOr By letter dated November 14. 1996 of 19 ca: City Clerk • Finance Department Department Acoounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy Admini & Management Services ve Assistant to the Mayor (J S I 'lnn t t n r1 DEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNpL DATE INfTIATED LVV � ( V � Parks and Recreation 12-20-96 GREEN SHEET NO. ��}� CONTACT PERSON & PIiONE DEPAR7MENf DIFiEC � CfiY COUNQL Ed Olsen - 488-7291 ��� �cmnrroarrEr �cmcieaK BE ON COUNpL AGENDA BV (DAT� ROUTINf+ � BUDGET D�flECfOR FlN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. �MAYOR(ORASSI5TANT) �Parks & R? rp TOTAL li OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� AC710N REQUESlEO: Approval of contract change order Project: Soil Remediation Investigation RECOMMENDAiIONS: App�o�e (A) « Rejact (f� COUNqL COMNITTEElFtESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL __ PI.ANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A�Y� PHINJE NO. _ CIB COMMRTEE _ A STAFF _ COMMENTS: _ DISTXICT COUFT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVET INffIATNG PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPOR7UNRY (Who, Whaz, When, Where. Why): Revision to the contract has been necessary due to more soil p�llution found than was antici ated. p :?��Li'�'E� �aM a 3 assl aAPo +:at��i�4'� vd°�n�.;a� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Work will be done in accordanc? with the new c�nditions found and in compliance with PCA requirements. ������� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED� NONE RECE�VED ���� ��� � JAN 61991 CI7Y CL�KK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Work will not be done. TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION S 1 O 471. 25 COST/REVENUE BUDCETED (CIRaE ON YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE �I ACTIVI7YNUMBER C94-3T101-0882-34098 FINANCIAI INFORMATION: (IXPLAIN) ' ^ _ _ � �