255205 COUNCIL FILE NU.� �����5 BY • FINAL ORDER IN C4NDEMNATIO�N PROCEEDINGS In the matter oi oPen i ng, wi den i na and extend i na VAN DYKE ��E� fran Wi 1 son Avenue to Conway Street by taking a�d condemrting for street purposes that part of Lot 1 , Block 4, Hudson Road Gardens descrlbed as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 1 ; thence Northeriy on the East line of satd Lot l , a distance of 120 feet to the Northeast corner of sa�d Lot 1 ; thence Westerly on the North line of said Lot 1 , a distance of 20 feet, thence Southeasteriy to the polnt of beginning. �w» under Preliminarq Order�00 , aPProve�l June 29, 197) � Intermediary Order 254865 , approved ��L�t g, �97� . � A public hearing:having been had npon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having 7 '-�heard nll pereone, objectidne and recommendatione relative thereto,.and havimg fully coneidered the aame; :4=.. therefore, be it f"..•.�.�.n..... RFSOLVED� By the Council of the City of �aint Paul that the preciee nature, pactent and kind of im- provement to be msde by the eaid Citq ie Opening, widening and extending VAW DYKE STREET ' f ron+ Witson Avenue to Conway Street by taking and condea��ing for street purposes that � part of Lot i , Block b, Hudson Road Ga�dens described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast ccrner of said Lot l ; thence Northerly on the East line of said Lot l , a - dtstance of l�d feet to t#�e Northeast corner of said Lot 1 ; thence Westerly on the North line of said Lot 1 , a distance of 20 feet, thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning. r • and the Couacil hereby ordere eaid improvemente to be made. RFd30LVED; FURTHER, that the foUowing Isnd, lande or eseemente thereia be and the eame are berebq ordered to be f,alcen, appropriat�l snd Qondemned far the purpoee of making eaid improvemente� vis.: Opening, wtdening and extending VAN DYKE STREET from Wilsc�n Avenue to Conway Street by taking and condemn�ng for street purposes that part of Lot 1 , B1ock 4, Hudson ' Road Gardens described as follows: Beglnning at the Southeast corner of said lot ' i ; thence Northerly on the Eas.t line of said Lot 1 , a distance_ ef 120 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1 ; thence Westerly on the North line of sald Lot 1 , a -- dista�ce of 20 feet, thence Southeasterly to the point of beginning. _ R.E$OLVED FURTHER, That the Commiseioner of Publie Worke be and is hereby instructed and directed to pnpare plane and epecificatione ftrr e�id improvement, and the proper city officiale �re hereby .,, suthoriaed and directed to proceed with the making of esid improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Counc�i , AUG 5 �97� ,5 �97� City t@;k. APProved_ �U G , 19 � Msyor. Councilmen: ��� � l � �.,�.�:��G(i'(i � L��USNED'r �e � �— � � - � � AUG 7 1971 Meredith T�d�s�ce, '� ' �a� . Mr. Pres i dent, �'" G��