256898 a_ . : _ _ _ ,4. � ` .. .� � ._ �� i � _ �8q� ` � f' • COUNCLL FILE N0. . GITY O�F ST. PAUL . R�esdl�tion Ratifying As�e�sment By � In the matter of the assessment of �sl��,�,sy �t�! irt q�i�s �it �tiM� � �• •�s�rtr�st�t �t s� �t rps�lt i�M��l�ats3 �t OwMts� ?�YQ�,� �wr� �r. 4� �tl�tt �. ), . . . ,....,,.y,,.._ ___ _ _. ..e� �,. ���:.:.:_,. .. ,.----�.� . . . . . . '.( . . . . . ._ . . . . . _ . _ ....._ � _ -I � ����3a�1�:�.. ` �� '�+�i M�nolsa ,�,rf., s�ali► ste. lr�. .taewv. :t... e. �at+� fc. r 1.�: i�4�43 - =arit Aw�., both sidu frw� De�oto it. to CIa�1t 3t. r.0. f24�►T38 - ?ork A�.. both sida�� �soa �nrr at. ta .T�ssi! ft. t.o. fsA�3s= • lhica�.! at., bocb .ta.. tr.. surr �e. eo'clark ac. Z.O. � ►�i47S7 - iiar A�t., La�h sidss ir+� �orsse =t. to C�r�s� SC. t.0. i244192 - sarl !t.� sasE sids lra� Ma�aolia Aw. to Jta�wins Aw. ?.0. f244190 - =arl ft., wat sid� fra� J�swia�e Aw. te Oaraainia Avs. �.0. _f�l03. • .G!ra�i� Aw.,�..���.+���:,,�'�1.,1��4t3.�L..,. t0.��A��A: �t. . _,�,. . _ _,� ., . - �i1DIi: ,�:.,r.. � . , _. ... ..,..,,.,. . -: . . _. . , . ., , ., ., . __;, ��P�i�' • . - ?ork Aw., botti sidss fxoa �rr at. to Jssai� it. . >.,--.. .. t.0. i2�43iZ - iihitail it.R.bott� aiy�:..t��,�r �t�._��.�,�k.,#L..,Y . ... ,,., ._.a....M. ` 1�':b. ��`1'�'1.- t�r`.IEira., `both'aidis tro� !�n•t =t. to Cpprs�rs st. X.O. !'144190 _ sa,rl. qt.,, ,�►s�; �ids, !`raa►..Ja4aawitwR �mt..;�o, R*s+�i,p�i�i►�� . ,a$s- ' _. t.0. i`1�4�� �il�aa�inr k�ra., 6o�h •idt� izaa lorrst :t. to C�s�a� =t. , '_ : . �: �rp, be it therefore RESO!LVFD, That tlie said assessment be and the sa,me is hereby in all resgects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the I?istrict Court of the County of R,a,msey for canfirmation. BE IT FURTHER R�ES4LVE�D, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in � equa,l installmenta. COUNCILMEN Q�C ,a 9 ��7, Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciL , �t:;Jl+'Jr1Y LE�r�NE OEC a 9 1� r��EtREDITH S:='RAFKA Appro �r_C��� T�;_, � Mc�AR7Y Tn Favor - or �) Agal��t OEC 311971 Form x-z z� �asa s�� pUBLISHED�---�- � - : " CITY dF ST. PAUL �c��8�9!� ��'1Jc lF�� OFFICE UF T�iE COMMLSSIONE'R OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Ass�essment � In the matter of the assegament of �� �M! � +�M�MII� �R �l+�t MI' �M► +�r�t'��ra ri �'�� rM rw��t l�iM�s� �_ �! 'f��, i+��qr 'M�r. Ar � �1►,. � , � .0. � • 1Mprlis A�s., a�l6 si�i+� ts� Jneksw Rt. to �at� it. Z�O. �?�4l� - Taek �.� 1uo�th �#� �w� D�i�t4 �t. t� C3as'It �1t. r.4. i?M►7S8 » �'ic #�., M� si� tsw Mru :t. to Jor�i� 3t. �.0. f�►3s3 • tihitsll �t., both sl.d�s tsa� �nr i=. to Claa�ic �t, ' i.4. �?��57 - 8tr �.. balb st+Ma l�ra� Tors�st ft. to C�rsrn lit. � a.o. #24�r192 - �ari st., auc si� tra. l�asaoita w... to Jasu�i.+ JMr�.. Z.O. �Z441l0 • isxl �t., �at sid� ts� J�ssa■�iAre Aw. to �sxriaa �w. t.0. f2419� - O�rati� Av�., both sid� tr4 ?ansC 8t. to Cypru� St. . T , ..,..< ,.... . . :. . . .. . :.: _ . .. . _ _ r,. . �. . .. _ . M�-Yii�i�lti: _�.�-. . ..:: . .. � r.er�►�s�►-_-�Y.�k �....s,.�lY�..i�t:x�'s�a.-��rr_!t. e..�3�s.i._.�e�►. ...� ,. . - ,�r- r.Q. #�A43is • i�itall St., b►�tt� sid�s �sa� iorr �t. to C�ck St. ;:.. ,r . , l�D�.,il44�S�-• 1far,.�.�..Nt�:�l�����!'r�.�evrut.�=t� ti►4_�ss�a �t� .,.. . ..,:,�.,. T.G. l�4i190 • i�tl dt.� ri'�it •i�! #!'a� Jlasa�i,�! Aw• t0 0�lani�r �w• . �ra. ��l43; ��iirraui� Aw.� bot� �id�� lra� to�est =�. te +Cri►s�ss SC. -__ _�..___�....__..� .,� ��.u��� �ruy r�,vrL�s �o znE �ouncii Lne ioiioanng as a�tatement v� tine ex- penditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above impravement, viz: Total conabruetion coats . .. .. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... $ 18,000 22 Engineering .I�Ad. �tt�F�4t1.P1� . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . $ 2,880 Q� �c.Q��.u���,�'t.��d. t�u.��a�4emt. ��x�r�c¢a. . $ 360 Q�,_ Poata.� ca.rds . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. . $ 11 3�_ Publications . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . ... .. . . .. .. . . . $ 112 .�(� Collection costs . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . ........ .. . ... .. .. . $ 22S 00 Gourt coata for canfirmation . .. .. .... .. ... .. . ... .. . $ 11 �� Cv�aptroller's Coats 112 5� TOTAL EXPE�NDZTURES . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . $ 21,,J 12 � Charge �o . . . ..Q��Q�4b�. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .. . . . $ 4,970 � . . .. ..........NPR-�lR$4�¢8p�.e. . . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . q 1 179 � NetAsaeasment . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .... .. .. ..... $ 1S.562 3S Said Commiasioner further reports that he has asaesaed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to-wit: the aum of $ 15.562.35 upon each and every lot, paxt or parcel a� land deemed benefited by the said impronement, and in the case of each lot,part or parcel of la.nd in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said asseasment has been completed, and that hereto atta.ched, identified by the signature of the eaid Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said �saeasment as com�leted by him, and whieh is herewith aubmitted to the cil fo such action thereon as may be considered proper. . Date� 1��►�er 30. 1971 ommissioner of F`ina ce Fo�, �z a� iaes s�