02-812Return copy to: (e.c. ) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Council File # ��.-Si�, Green Sheet # 1�t�"� 3 RESOLUTION C1TY OF SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 6 Committee: Date � BE IT RESOLVED, that, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of Qwest Communications, Inc., Xcel Energy, d.b.a. Northem States Power Company, A. T. & T. Broadband, Inc. made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations hereby waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated areas described below. 7 Pazcell 9 10 11 That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easteriy extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's 5ubdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of I,ot 28, said Block 5; and 12 Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's 13 Addition to Cottage Homes. 14 1� Except that a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the south'/z of Pazcel 1 and all of 16 Parcel 2 to protect the interest of Xcel Energy. 17 T.M.S./REAT. ESTATE DIVISION Date: August lb, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 111973 Conpct Person and Phone Nnmber. 2 DEPARTMENI' D 4 CPiY COUNCII. _� � i � T Pete1' White I,YT 266-8850 1 crr5r aTronx�x /�„ �� crrr cc,Encc t ��l MEP6p4 BUDGETDII2ECTOR OFFiCEOFFINA1vCIAI,SVCS Mast be On Cou¢cil Age¢da by: 1YIAyOR (OR ASSLSCANI) REAL ESTATE DNISION 3 TOTA.L # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�cs.s nt►. LocnTTOxs aox sisrra�raae� ACITON REQUE5fF,D: To release easements in Vacated Hawley Street and the alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes. 12ef: 1. Resolution for approval; 2. Map; 3. Certificates of Intended Non-Use. nern�¢rvnwnavs neneovep�onxeircrp:> PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TI� FOLLOWING: 1. Has the person/Erm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNIIiGCOMA9$SION A STAFP 2. Has this persoNFrm ever beeo a City employee? YES NO CIVII, SERVICE COMM1DSSIOTI 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cm comm��rree curreot City employee? Ex lain all YES answers on a se arate sheet and attach., SUPPORTS WffiCH COUNCIL OBJECTNE? COUNCIL 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL � ARD(3) INI1'IATING PROSLEM, ISSl1E, OPPORTl7NITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?): The property will be developed for senior housing. ��� ���� ADYANTAGESIFAPPROVED: AUG i J 2U�Z The owner will proceed with th�e;development. ����.�'����� - • e���on4a e`1� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: q'�M Hfl� None ' ��� �� �' ���� � �� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: ' The owner could not proceed with the development: TOTAL AMOUNT OF'LRANSACTION: $O.00 WST7REVEN6E BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES 1V0 FUNAING SOURCE: N�A ACTIVITY NUMBER: N�A FINANCIAL INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIN) There is no administrative fee for release of easements. � �4"1 �r- CERTIFICATE OF {NTENDED NON-USE Q � s ��g � T�� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TT� COLJNCII. OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File #r�� The undersigned hereby certifies, on behaif of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Parcel l. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cattage Homes and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of the said Block 5; and Parce12. AIley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes. except as here noted: under the laws of the State of Minnesoia. ���s � Notary Public, D ta Counry, Minnesota. / � My commission expires ��J / / LJJ Y ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** o� •e�� � � �^- e33� � i 3 ---8d'tn9t�� . � � :: (H) 38 (rg} 3T c��) 36 fta) 35 (I5j � 33 32 ...: � 31 � r � � ( l(lp�l ` •� � �� I _ � ;, ��0� . : it1 (3) . ti7 �� . " ' � 13(s7 :._ `, f �' (�; �� � — � - . �{�7 �� - � !j� �� $ {�oa _ �t9 _ PLQ --- ��� [ (iy? = ir�) � `::.a� ° (f3) ZS . 28 {tz} 26 P. y � _..! __.�.�_ . , o � � �S bo- ot �: � � �� � f 1 � 3 � 2 � � _ `C:! r , � ���� ( � : - � �Czq . � _ !�.(ut c � ' . c t � � � T ((2A�� a � = : ae , 6� � � = Ca�1 6 4 „ _. .•�. : �_� _ 7 1no3 . �. '�., ..� � .` . ' � � {z¢} - � `� i t 9 (t5J # = � ' t3c7� o s � ��_�PbS = � �'� �� _� . � ' �'w�l'(27� '. ,..._�6l `��. r• r � {2 [zs2 = � f ..= � ' •• ,cts;fl5' t3 r j. _ = 4 , . , + �. $ ��'•:_ #4tr�� ° � � t�` " " " ' "" " " " � " .. " " � " "' _ " " ' _ _ � _ _ � _ � ' .... � �" � � � � , .� _ 7T� �-V�/'�Lir • . . . :\ � _ .� ,. ��' '.. � "_""'..` ...' � r» _. _"_ � _`�.. � ��' _� �.�_% . � '� � �?Sj � d .: � �' � � f7� , _ `�,� �� �� . }3 �.�:. � � C�9 29 - � 2tr,� - : i4 = #a6I � � � � , � ��3) 2$ � : , 3 t�g) , ` �6 2 Z = , 4 C�7 = � � � '7 � '� ; ; e t� � t�) 26 � g� 5 te�� ° � rs� ( t g � � �' C�7 � � H � � S tec� o (sa3 � ..�.,. ----------_____ --------------r---- CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��� 6'3 - �A4� In the Matter of Vacation File # 24-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department ar company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Parcel 1. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of the said Block 5; and Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes. except as here noted: US West Communications Its Director-EngineeTing MINNESOiA j > Signatur [t�€s�Y �R51-I�nJGT1)nI ) The foregoinL inswment was acknowled�ed before me this l� day of n U6i1S i , 2002, by �.Jf J��F .ihe�/��Gl��.- LIJGiI��tJe%�C of �,UJc'ST , ���-A� ���P6QATion1 under the laws of the Siate oPMinnesota � ' LINDAA. JUELICH � � �� N07ARY PUBLIC � °�'� My Commission Expires t-31-2005 • . � � No Public, Raw+xy Counry, 3n esota. VdF}SEIinUTo My commissio� expires � ` �j ' �� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Half, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Phone: (651) 266-8850 Saint Paul, MN 55102 Far: (651) 266-8855 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor August 8, 2002 Ross Lazson US West Communications 500 NortYt Cazlton Maplewood, Minnesota 55119 Re: Deaz Mr. Lazson: �acatioa File #24-2999 The property owner of Lots 29 throu�h 38, Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 throu�h 7 and 14 tl�rough 18, Walcott's Addition to Cotta�e Homes has requested a waiver of a11 easements in Parcel l. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Watcott's Addifion to Cottage $omes and northerty of the easterly extension of the south line of the said Block 5; and Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots I through '1 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addifion to Cottage Homes. The purpose of this request is to facilitate multi-unit housing development. Pleas� execute the enclosed certificate and return it to the Rea1 Estate Division, as addressed above, by January 5, 2000. Real Estate Technician Attachment (2499cert) Earl Carlson ,;� ;�,. CERTIFlCATE OF tNTENDED NON-USE .a��- o�.��� THE HONORABLB MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF T1IB COtJNCTi, OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAI�i tT PAUL Vacation Fiie # 24-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utiiity rights in the realty described below: Parcei 1. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes and northerly of the easter;y extension of the south line of the said Block 5; and Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage nomes. except as here noted: IVSP needs to retain its electrical utility rights in the south one-half (1/2) of Parcel 1 and in all of Farcel 2, both as described above. Northern States Power- Electric Division Its Real Estate Representative hSQ�NESQTA � � GZ.��� / /�G�?LE �LI � � Signature Margaret Maahs HENNEPIN � The foregoing inswment was acknowled�zd bzfore me [his 28 day oF December . t99�. b Margaret Maahs Real Estate Representative oe Northern States Power Comnanv � under [he Inws of [he S[are of btmnesota. / / �sys �/� A/y� (� " �-�r�' � ;'s%=`� LGRflAINE D f.6LFN ` a, � ary ublic, Htnnepin County, Minneso[a. !��j�� � NOTARYPUBLIC-Pdu: S WASHINGfONCOUNN MyCORmssionEvpimsJvn3129La �tycommissiontxpires ** Please return this original copy to 740 City Hafl, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** A ��"n^"`� , � � � ^ F �' h Y n>' f �1t,z�'� d ��T, , ' . tH � ���t� p ri Y ) P fa, ',..,":' ,� . � �InyRR°'Wf:'niA*� '�`4+,.w�m�g^^a,hrw� . , . , , . ,. ' . , , , , . � i , . , . „ R'JG-19-2902 11�33 � GkF211hiGATE UF INTENDED NON-U5E �ECc1+IEi> TFIE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMSERS OF THE COUNCII. OF THE `'�'., c'� C� Ci;OZ P.02iO3 �vva�, kt3 In the Matter of CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Vacation File # 24-1999 ;CnL c., � n�,. I�� Vi, Tkte undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depaz'tment or company, tbat it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty desczibed below: Parcel 1, �'hat part of Hawley Street lying southerl� of the easterly egtension of the north line of Block 5, I�ager's Subdivi,sion of Lots T through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addirion to Cottage Homes and northerly of the easterly estension of the south line of the said Slock 5; and Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage T�Tomes. except as here noted: Northern States Power Company, dfb/a Xcel Energy, needs to retain its electrical utility rights in the south one-half (S1/2) of Parcel 1 and in all of Parcel 2, both as described above. MINNESOTA Y-16NN6PW Xcel Energy - Siting and Land Rights Its ) ��--1 _ (./(..l.t-- % SigfllBt'uTC � The focegoing inslaunent wos �4nowlcdged 6eforo mo this �� day of ��� IA S] . 2002, V n� /�ia2�n/ �,dJJ s� v�.f�. �ne S, ��_ y v— La.� �2, �, 2e,� or XGei �'!v �la �-! . x �'i f Ccr- �u,-� t` under the luws of che State of Minn�ota. SFIANO�� � � � �.� / � No Pub�ic, Hcnnepin Cnwry. Minncsota. My tommi55ion ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St_ Paul, MN b5102 *�`