256883 Orlainal to Cit7 Clerk � ; - � � . - � ORDINANCE r������ COUNCIL FILE NO ��` PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 0 An or inance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordi.nance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by stri�iag out the specifications for the following titles: Sanitarian I Sanitarian II Sanitarian .Aide I Sanitarian Aide II and by substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following specifications: . -1.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Butler Carlson Levine Tn Favor Meredith Sprafka Ag�inst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Atteat: Gity Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Cor�oratioM Counsel By ���<<�•��'��Lx�,�� � , Orlalnsl to Ctty Clerk � � � � ORDINANCE ���� ��� � COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��' � � — Section 2. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for Housing Aide I Housing Aide II Housing Technician I Housing Technician II _6.. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler Carlson Levine In Favor Meredith Sprafka A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Maqor �� ° Y - �l �•��?�c�r_tiu�� , Form approved Corporation �Counsel By � __ . . , o�a t�cu,cie�t r � � � ORDINANCE �� ��, COUNCIL FILE NO ~� ����` � PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO /�-�D �� Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. � �11_ JAN 12 1972 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Butler � Le���u�w� Tn Favor Meredith �' Sprafka ' A gainst Tedesco Mr. Preaident (M ) Approv • �Aa �� �9�� Cle ayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � �� � � PUBUSHED JAN 151�72 b.�.a m r� . � � � ORDIN �i1'�' +� E �-� �,� V couNC��,r�� No �c�.��►c��i PRESdVTED BY ORDINANCE NO ��N►�M�w�• . ; ; : �.: �.� �i��. ; �� � � � � , �''�wr���urw+���� �`r�w���E �.���M�� . ������-� . � ��rr�Ml� �� _ � �'�r-�'., . � - . ; . , r�w���w�rs* �, �l�, ��. _ ' � u,�. +�l► � �"�" �t �i�' �► .�'w► � ±O�E� ; ���. ��eit�>'�a "�+�"1'« ������ � � . : �'!�,► ��i�r�► ���s��� ����W#�`�� �� ����s �r��6i�i�r��_ , _ _ #��� . lr��w�� �+�Mri►��. i '� fWruwr�l����.�� �,���i�►l�r� ����� �����+���: i � - .. ; ,•�. Yeaa Councilmen I�Tays Passed by t�e Cound� Butler Carleon ��e T++ Favor 111C1A1i4i1 � ro�;`� . gpxafkA 464 Tedeeco ' Mr. Fresident (McCarty) ApProved: Attest: Cit,y Clerk �ay�. �� ; > ,� � •- Form s$proved Corporation Coussel By U�-1.�m A��l�. �„�„' �aplltat�ta Prlatn j ' ` ORDINAN � E 25688� , . COUNCfI �ILE-d�O PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO �+� 'z`l�! �i �a� � a�rw�ri+�i�, �s�it�r �an�r , �* �r�rr�r�a�ra�i�����t�.��1Ai �t�,s�i��wf�r�� ��ir�i��. � �#�r�� ��� ' . . . � '�",���� � . _ : . _ . y A Yea� Councilmen N e "�"' JAN 18 1912 aY Pa888d by tlie CoUn�il Butler Carlson ��e T*+ Favor Meredith $prsfka ro°";nst Teaesco � 13 1872 Mr. President (McCarty�) APProved: �N Attest: City Clerk Yayor �� Form approved �orporatiom �ouneel By���m �-�. ��Z�����a�—+ , D.vn..a eo rr� . - y ' ` �`� RDINAi1TCE �5�88� COUNCIL HLE NO.� PRE56NTED BY; ORDiN�E NO f �a / tS l�f�a:1, �� �� ��r;���tt!� ir���01+�� !�'�� ��• �!!�. �.�s�ti�s. - � . , , ; � , , , . , � , : ;. , , ; � , r���r . Yeas Councilmen Nays Paesed by the Council Bntler � � Favar Meredith � gp� ro,�inst Tedeeoo Mr. President (McCarty) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� , , ,-, � . Form approv� Corporatior� �ouneel By��—���P'L� • � `�'`,�_' Title of class: � , ,��,�- �,�,�-� ,:c)u���7° 5_%i�it`T.A�;IA�; I �uti�s and r�s�onsiiuilitie�: jlnd�;r 5up�rvi:ion, t� Le tr��i.:�e�' in arad '�� p�;�forr.:� ;7rofe:.�sionai sanirar:6an r]utiiv�. anr? a��Ci�nr::�n:s fo-r t:�e p�irpo�e �f enforcing th� ci�y h��lth-r�l�t�:r� c�s•�in�:nc�<, and aF�3licable s��;r� statutes and rulz� and re�ulaci�n.s, and ;;�;iabli�ned adr-:icais���.rative ��alicies �.nd pro�evure�; and to ?a�rfo�m 3�elate:� �FJG:ii� as ��si�ned, �::;am�les of �s�orle �crfo�r..�etl� Dua•in� tile �ro�a*_iotzary perioc: to rccei�cr� instructi�n and training re�a�din�; fihe eniorcer��t�ai an�`� a?x�ni�rs�r.�t�ion o€ rela�Ed health OI'C�lY1�.C:Ct'.: c^-..11C� cti.�pllCc`�.�1C' SL3.t� £?�c^i'C'J.j;�=�� �3C]i1Cll;&� standards� �nd rul�� anci ,e�u1a`iions and to �e,x•�'orm routiri� in�pe�t`tons, a�d a�`��r tn�s p�o'��tion��y ��e��iod tQ �crfc�Y•zn duti�� such as; ro n-i2.l:e �outine i�1:�ectior�s uf ��r��de `°!',`r farYns E� see that they ineet tr�� ;-er.�uirc�rxient: i•ecarclir:� ia�.xilrlin�;• �coastructi��z�, weI'. `=�at�r stardards, €a�r�z conditi�ns, k�ac�e�i�io�ical stGz��ards and ancillary mil:^� t�:wts, sanit�zin� p�•o�:e��,?�e�, and to see t:,a� tizey havz th� �aroper chemical cleani.n� aoet��is ancl :ew4�c; dis�os�.l facil;.±.�ies, and �o �.ee ti�a� tf��y folla�Tr fine Faropc�• p�Iicies �:nd pro�ecluz�e�, To as;i:� in �at�ryin� o�Lt ixiv�:�;�ationa? and educ�.ticnal probram� in t�ze fit�1� of pablic h.�ya�.�h, in•.i�di.i�.0 rral�ing cp�e:.�e:� ar.a pre��rin�; edueatiari�sl �r,�tei°i�1., 'AO in�p�c� commcx•ci.al. �.:�ib:�in�;:, `aad c,stal�li�hrr.ent:= an�� o*_her Iicensee� e�tabiisizzr_ents TC�fil;�z2'Iria:; a��s�oval by '�he �-:(ea:tt?z Officer as wo thei� pnysical �nt3 eqai��rsez�.� ze�u.irer.��n�� and }�rzctice� n�.�es�a�y tu �Sro�ect the �;enex•:.�1 �;L�b1�Mc, an� to enforce public xZealti: la�x��, applicajl� st:cte �'�a�:ez�es, and s�?l�s anc� r�guiations oi the dc�ax•tr�3�nt fox• corr�ctii:�r �xisti:a; viaia�ic�ns� To in��sti�a�<� don�e;�tic, watcr S;z�plii;s, sewa�e di:posal facilities, and �n� clis�osal of o�;i�3er COYl13.?"]t�iilfy �vaste to s�� xhat �uater s�anuard: ::�a� rrzct, tlzat a�-��rovc..� �lu:mbin� is r�sed, �nd that th� fa�ili�iL� ar� p���operlyo u��ia�t:;d. '3�o pGrfarrn e�aidczriolo�ical invesii�ationc and to :zse the prager tecYinitiues zor obt:aining foos] sample� i`or l.a�orz�oi•y ��nal�sis,: To �stab?ist-� and relcasc; anima? qua�•a���.?.ne:, T� investigal;e com�laint� co�zce:�nin� �IZe�;c!'. in��nitary condi:ions, ill���.l prlctice�, spoiled, acl�.;1'r�rate� oi• coritan�inat�d fo-ods, io issue orclers �elative �o the abafi�m�3<�i of insani.�tary conc3itiors. '��o c�11�ct f�or] and drin?: sampl�s for Ia��orzcory analys�s� `?�o �eonsult, advise and instr�c2 faad c.stablishna�m¢ proprietors and o�li�r� retatiti-e to accep:.ab1� ��txblic hea;.�:h r.zetlic�ds, �o k�ep record� aizc3 xnalc� re�orts, �!'-inimuz�� ��zalificwtionsa Ca11��e �raduatiun ;�it� a n�a�or if-� one �� L��c n.at�z.•al �r plzyGical sci;nce�, ,��.bii� h�aith, or frad and/a.: elairy f-�chnology. (.t�'+o s�.t;Si;;t�11�:lOFl .fO� edueat;c�n, j ��ust possc,ss a 1��bnne���a ��i�r�r�� Licen�e: �' , , Tifile o�`, c].ass° � ���C7�� �?`��?I�I'�';�:�F�<T�; II ?�uta�s anc3 ,_�:��-��n;;.bil.itier: L�ndcr su�serv�Aion, �o �eri�r;.�-� c?ifzici�.lt �;rG�����ional sanitarian Guties an.:. �ss.i�n.�.erit� for t�e nda���f�s� of cn�o?�cin� �i1e Ciiy h�alth-r�lra.t�d o�:�cinance� �r.d ap;�iy.ca�.,le ::t�t� statates, ��.n� :�uleG ar�� re�ulatior�a, an�i �5ta'�listi��� adi-r.�.i�i��.,�rati�,r� .��alicies anci �x•ocec�ures; and to perfoxm �(�1�Lt:LJ �.�/0215 r�.J c�'.a:Z�j�ZU'lAe E:,;amp?.e� oz �,�ork ��rforr:.,c:c': To rx ake i�spection� �i ���ar'.e 9Pf4�� faz•:zx:: ta :�� that the� x�seet thc rc:�uirem�nt� .re�a�;�a=:1r ?;u�.ic;i4�z� �en:t��Tactior�, -rr::11 wa�er SI;�.Y1C�a.T'C��, farm conclitioi�:�, bac;;i;t-iola;;icai �tanc�rarc7s anc: anczila�y mil?c tests, sari'tizin� proccciures, and to Ce�: th�i: t.ae�r h�.`r� t���; prnper chemical cicaning agcnt� anci ^.t.�zoe :,i.�}�c�aa1 f�cilitiL�, ,:zn�:2 to see that they ioll�w th.e proae7� �c�.icic� anr? �:��-�cedu�es- '�� �a.ry out inv�Gti�atic>n-�l �r.el e�iu��.t?rsn�.1 pY•ogrums in z:�c field of public health, in.clu�ain� rr�a?��in� :�pe�c'r•_vt. and �repa:.•in� ed�:.�ational matcrial. To ii�;.pect comm��•cial �u.iicin��, foocl �s��'�lishrnen�: and other licensed r-��t3l�ll.�hrneiit� rec�t�_iz•ir:� a�;�-ro�,-al' �y t��,� ;-�f;�ltn �'•fii�er a� to th�ir pfiysi�al �n�l eq�ixpme.7t re�t�.i.����:�r:.,it�; �.z�.� p-rac�ices necessar�r to p��otcct tne ��nc�al puu�ic, .nd t� e:�FO�•.e ;�#.x�lic healtE� i��ws, �.�7�3�.1C�3}�iC 6ticltt, htltLl�F;r, 3Ii�� I'i.1Z:�S �ii�'] 1C�'LlI.3�lOi.� Oi the clepartment f.or corr�cti��; existin.� �riala*io:;G;, To investi�a*e e?c�xne�,tie u��u�e.r tiu��'_ies, �etiva;� dispo�al faciliti.es, �znd the di�posal c�f. otliez� t�.-nrnunit�.° :v<,sj.e to :��� fih�.t t�;ater stanclards 1�•e ��et, tha.t ay���ro�-c:d p1lar�t�ir.:n is usev, a}ic? that t4�e facilities are pi•��e?'T;� opr,r�!te�o 'T'o p�;rform ::pi�le:ar�iolo�ica:. ic��r-�r;tzr=a�ions ,xn�; tu u,e �I�.e proper t��_IlII1C1Ues foa• oL>tai3zin�� £oo� :�?m};1<�s "�r ?a��o:��tory a.azaiyai�. To e�ta�alish an� release �?nir�:�i ��sazar�?:i.�.e:;_ �'o inv��ti�a.ta co�s��.�2ai�.ts concc,-;�za�,�� 11ie;�cr3 insanitary conditzo��, ille�ai pra.�tic��, spoil::�,, Gc�u1�.�Aat:;d oR• cant�zr,in��tcd :Foor�:,, Ta i.ssue orclers i-eiati�re to t�1� :z�uterl�en�: of in4anifiax•y conditions: To collect food at�d dris�.k :;�i�:�l.�.. znr lrzt�c�z�atot�y analyst�; TO CG21SLl��� �C�ViS@ cZ21C� 1?1f,•�Y'IICi �!JC?; t.:i!'?�i�,l!'�t2X3:1!'`l3�' pPU��A'1t��02'S 3Y]C� o*hc�rs r��la�ivc; to �cce��tabl�+ �;U.'uli�: k�_�a1�:h n,cthods. TQ intcrpr�� an� en�furce L�ub�.ic ht��:l�.� ��:���s, or:;inan�es, and re�ul.ations, To condu:,t �urvey� Gnc; analy;� �3ata u�i.�in.��c� tl�e�e'�f, To assi�t in �u�3r-�rviJin� and t�zi.�zan; �un;l:�rian: I 4ncl Aides_ To k�ep recar�ls and Fnal:.� re;�vz•i:G: iv�inimu� qualificatioraC: Cdlleg��raduation a�z� �wc yeas•s� c.��,c:•ri��:ce �� a S<nifi�zrian 7r or �� ecuivalent, �:�?0 5u�:=ti*��ticn fo�� cc�ucat�r�az. } �.�i.ust po:,s�s� a '��:iran�so:a Driver"� .L,icnnsr, � �r � � r��i� �f �1���. ..�� �� � �.A��':��.��nN .����r� 1 Dut:cs and r�s�,�on���iliGs.�s� �.Jnd�r sug�r�rision, �:o be tra�.ned irx az�d t� perform rc�a:�z.�: in�pcc'€xuns and in��r�s�zb���ions ef publi� and pri�ate f.acili�ies far *he purpose of determinan� �ornpli.ance wi�n health-rel?tec� ordinances, applicable sxate �ta���is, �txles and regulations, and ectabli�hed administra�ive polici�s and �roced�ar�s; and �to �e.�form �elated work a� assi�ned. Fxamples of �voric �erforir�do Durzn� the probal:ic�nary p��ri.cd to rec�ivc� ins�ruetiozl and training re�;ardinv tre �n:£o�•cer��ent and ad1 zinistration of related he�lth ordinanr��s esnd a��lica�le s�a�:L statutes, policie�, star_dard�, and rt:les and r�gulations an�' �to �erfo�•m routine inGpectiaons, and aftcr the probationary �er�od to pe.rfo�m dutiis cuch as� �'o e�:abli�h and release anzmal c�ua�antinesa To p�rform �igeon control ;��r��;: `Co malce routine inspections of s��-i�.�min� pools and �athi.n� places. Ao c�lle�c� rou�nn� s<�zmples of fooe�, m�Iic, and water fcr labcr��ory analy:is: To a���..�; with T'OUtlll� li��nse insp��tions� 'To.ke�p rc;cords anu ma?�e reports, _ I��inimurn qual�fi�at°tans: � High cchool graduatxon, ^d:�st poss�ss a AJ.�innesata D�ci•�reres License. � . , � ������ �r�ri� o� �i��.., Cr�?`;I�.C_'�.���I�i�: A�:i?: T.0 Dutie: a�_ici r. c� �or;^ibili'i'i:s; t,li1(]�7' gLY}�L'2'�JiS?OYl� '�O 2Y7:1�'t'. Itw,gt',ZCi:Lv11S c"tI1C� r21��^`�T�;i"�LOI1S O� �CT��T� 3Clij nI'1�/cs`IE', f:�,Cl�.i'r"i'c:� fOi. �11C-. ,:uT�OS? Of C�2�f:TfTPC11L`l�� �`O14�p�Td.:.2(,°N, V;'L�::1 �1C''a�'�i?,•,1-��.�i�?�,� �7i'C�i123i1��e�?;: 3�7�Z1?�'�I�J�C �i:3��: �'�."�:,��Y4CS, Y'llZl?:' �111`J ii'.C;SSi_�.GYOT!5, �ri.'11 .. F''�:=1L?�1Si.Ct� 3'.�iY]L11P5'�T�1i:i`V(.' '�)OJ.1+�.:.L"=� ci11�.� ,` �-roce+a�:-�:=; ?�nc; �o ��e:�•ior:�� re:s���i work as �ssiti�e�?. �'xam�:��^ �f «�ox�: p:•��for���;z��,� To mak� i•o��tin� licenre in�,�ec�i�i�s, To invests�;a�e �����plaint� �•��arding do�;s and o�ther animals, I'o perforrr �i�;e�:n �nr�t-rol wcs-k.. Ta make ins�ections of ^zvirnr:i:n� pools and bat��in� �lac�sa To cot2ect sarripxc:: of f:ood, z�ilk, and �va*cr for �aboratory analy�is< `fo keep retiord� and make ��e;-�or'r:� Niinim�rn q�alif.icati.or3s; Hi�h school �racuation ancl one yL3T,S cx7erietace as a Sar�itarian 11i���. I, or. e��:iv1?e:��t; c}� �3���3 se�ee���*a�r�af}s� a�a��,��� _ . . ��lusv possess a lti�iinnesc�ta LUriv�er�� L�i�'�nc;, �/ � , Title of class. �'������ SANI'TARIEIN I Du��ies and responsibilitieso tli�der suj���vision, ta i:e trained in and to perforrn profe�sioilal sa.ni�arian c3uties ar.ci assi�nrn�nts for the purpaGe of enforcing �he ci�y Y�ealth-r�Iat�d ord'anances anc3 applicable state s�tatutes and rule: �.nd re�;ula�ionh, a.nd �sfiabli�hed adminis�rative polici�s anc� piocedurc�; ancl to perfo�m relat�d woric as assigned, E.,amplES �f �,��oric perform�elo Durin� the p3•obatio:�ary �e�iod to receive insfiruction Gnd trai��in� re�axdin; �t3ze enforcemnn� and administrltion of relatEd health ordinatietG and applicabie siat�' statutes, polici�s, standards, and rul�s and s e�ula�ion: an�] to pe�iorm rou.tzne in�pe�ctions, and af�er th� prob�tiana�y ��riod -�o perfoim dutics �uch a�o To rnalce routiize in�pections of Grade ".F�" farms t�, s�e �=ha1: t€�ey meet the requir�rnent� iegardin�; t�uildin� constructi�n, we11 wa�er standardc, fa�rz� con�3itions, bacterioiogical standards and ancillary rnilk testr>, sailitizina �a•oe��l;�re�, and to s�e tx�a`t they ha��e the proper clicrriical cl�ar_in� agtr.xs and �ew�.g� disposal facil�.;�;es, and �o s��e ttzat they folluw tn� pro�er ��olicies and proc�dures. To aGsist in �.arr�rir:�n out invLst��ational and edtacatz.onal pro�rams in tihe fielc; of �iu��lic hc:al`t'n, in�luding malcin� speeches and preparinU �duc�tzonal mat�xial, 'Fo inspect commercial buiidin,�s, faod establis'nments anr] other licens�d CCLe��LZJhments requi.f•ing approval by fhe �-I�al.t:1 Officer as �o theix phy�ical and eeiuip7nEn� requii•cr��ints and practices n�cessa�y to px•otect tne ;�:n�ral �ubli.c, an�l to �nforce public h..alth la�=��, ap�slicak�l� sfat� s�att�te�s, an�3 rul�s and r�gulations of the departrnen� so� cora ectin� �xisi:ing viola�ions. 'To �nvesti�;�ge domeGtic watcr supplies, se��a�e disposal facili�ies, and �h� disposal of o�:he�.° corn��n��nity �;raste to s�� �hat water s�anclarcl: are mct, ttzat a��provcd plurnbing is used, and that iche facilixi�s ar� proper'yo uperaw�d� To p�rform epidemiola�;ical invest�gations and to use the proper techni�ues £o� ol�tainin; food samples �oY laboratory analysis� To �stablish and x•elease anirial quarantine�.; To investi�ate complain�s conccrizin� alle�ed insa:zitary candi�ions, i11�ga1 practices, spoiled, ad�:I•t�rated or contarninated foods� To isstze orders i•el�tiv., ta ti�� aLafi�ment of insani�tary conditions, To collect iood and c�link �arx�ples for 1al�oratory analysis� 'To const�lt, �dvise and instrizct food establishn�aen4 �roprie�or� and o�herG rc-Iative to aecep:.able publie h�al'�h meti�ods: To lceep recorc3s ancl maice reportsa ��inimum qualificationsa Go11�ge graduation ��ith a r��ajor in one of the natu�al ar physical science�, public healt�s, or €c�od and/or dairy tcchnolr,gy. (No sub��i�ution .far educatbon. j �lust po�,sess a Iv�innesc}a Dri�rei es Li.cense: v ' Title o£ cla:�s: S�.NS�.CA.?�iAN I� �utie� and res�onsibilities: Under supervi�ic�n, to a�erform difficult profe5sional sanitarian GLttleS and assignrz:e:�tw for the pur�ose of enforcing �tlze City health-related ordinances and a�plicahlE >t�.te statutes, and rulec and re�;ulations, ancl estal�lished admi.ni��rativ� policies and procedures; and to perform re�af�d w�rle as assi�n�d< Example� of wark perborrned: To ma�e insp�ctions of Gzad� "A" farms to see that th�y meet the requir�r�enta re�a�ding Luilding canstruction, we11 wa�er standards, farm conGition5, i�act�riolo�iczl stanaards and ancillary mitk tests, sanitizin� procedure�, and �o s�� that they hav� the proper chemical cleaning agents anc� Gc�x�age �7i�po.a1 facilitizt, �nd to see that they follo�v the praper policies and �-rocedures, To carfy out inv<�st:ibatianal and educationaL programs in the field of public h�alte�, includin� rnaking speeches and �reparing educational mat�rial. To inspect cornmercial buildin�s, food esLablishments aad o*_her licensed establisiiments re�uiring �.p�roval by the �iealth Officer a5 to their physic�1 an�l c�uipmer�t reqt�irem�nts and practices r.ecessaryr to prot�ct the general pub3ic, and to enforce public health laws, appli�aUle state Gtatu�e�, and rales and regulations of the department for corrc�cting e�isting vio2ations, To i�iveati�ate domestic water supp].ies, sewa�e di��osal facilities, and th� dispo�al of othea c�mxnuni�}� wast� to sec tliat watex• standards ar� met, th�t approved pluml�ing :s usc;d, and that the facilities are �raperly operated< To p�_r£orm epid��miological in���ti�ation� and to u�e the pro�er te�'tzniques for aiatainina fo�d :�ai:��ai�t ior IaUoratory analysis� 'To establish and release atai.mal c�uarantines� 'To in��estig�.te corn�laints conc�rni.n�; �ille�ed insanitary cc,ndit�ons, illeb�l p2•acti.cec, s�oiied, adui��rzt��i or contaminat�d foods, '�o issue orc3er:} relative iQ the ab«tezz�en�: of insanitary conditions� To collect food anc3 drink sample� for labo�°atory analysis� To consult, advise und i.nstruct food esta�lishn.ent propri�tors and o¢::�ers relati.ve to acceptablc �ru'uli.c }�ealth meihods. To int�rpre¢ and enforce g�u�li� h�al.tt: latz�s, oic�inanc�es, and ge�ul�tions. T� concuct stir��ys and analyze data abtained tk.ereby> 1� a�5ist in supervi:�in� atzd trainin� �anitarian: I anv �icles� To k�ep recorde an�1 xr�a�e re}��rts, iv�inirnu�n qualificati.ons: Collegegraduation and tv��o yearsf experience a: a Sanitarian Z, or ec?uivalent, �_No sul�:titu.ti�n fox �ducatiun� � r✓iust possess a �'�::inn�so�a Drive�"s License, � . Title �i clas5� SA TJI'�T 1`�.T:��N .���D��. � Du�ies and responss,bili�.�.es: �::lnd�r s:�per;risi�n, to b� tra°.nec� �.rz azic� t� perforrn ro�Yt�xae insp�csac�ns and in�.r;,sve�;a�€:Lor��: cf p�2blic an� pri�ate f�cilitie^ aor `he purpose of c3Etermin:en� �uz-��pZiance witll healthmrel:ztec's ordi:�a�Lrs, applicabl� state sta�ut�s, rtxles and ;e�ulagiozis, �.nd r�tat�li�he� adrninistrative palieies anc� procec�u�e�r and to �erfor�r.. re3.ated work aG assi�ned. Examples af work p��-formecl: Durin� the pro�a.t:anary perio:l tc rec�iv�� in��ructiori and training re�;arding the enforcerrzent anc? a�s;:iiz�isL-z•ation af relate� health ordinanre; and ap�,Ii.ca�l� :�a�� s��tatut�s, p�licies, staradards, and rules and re�ulations and �tc perfo�m roL,i.ine in,pec�ions, �and aft�r th� �ra�ati�nary p�riad fa nerforr� dutic� =uch a�: To esta�ulisr and -release anima3 F,�uaiantine�. To gerfoxzzl �igeon control war�:;: i o maice routin� in��ection.s of ;���ir�min� pQOI;: ancl bathing piaces. To c�l�ee2 rou�yinr: s�mples r�f rcod, rxiil%, and w�ter for la�acr�.t��ry analysi�: To as�i�� wit�i routin� li�c�n:c ir►spec�i�n�� ro ke�p .�cords anc make zeports, Iv�iniinurn qual�:i�ati�ns: Hi�h cehool. �rad�xation, 1:i�st �oss��s � Iv..iran�rota Dri.ver's License. 7 � Ti'�1� o:: c':�.ss� � �A�i�'�'�`�Et7.5.S`�; <���ir' T� -- �L2�:Fi:c �llCi PC.`?!?t7i2fiL�`.+I�.1�3C:E ; ��TIC!'?I ^LII�''2'4,%LS10Y7, $d 3Yl��tE 1�E�pi��i:1G?YS 8.S7�J I11'67:S�E�c�.`�PO2]5 d� �JLlbITL' arifl pri�%���c- f��i?.i*i-�s f�r 4:he pUr�::>o^e oi cict�rmii7it'a;, �o:n�I�anC� ��i.�`.��. he1��h�rcl:�'t��i o��ciiz��.n.r�E�s, �p�lic�aul� sxa��e rt���zx�s, rules 3Ia� T:'.�;'41'i.c7ti.YOC`S, �']11ri LS'��i2?�1�i1CC1 3t1111LYi1`%'i.T�i�ll'YC' �011T'.IE.�" d11G' j?Z'OCiUF;Ci��.°i �lt1Cl� �'O i.�T�V7.'7?i :. •�l.a'�.E'CI VJ02'�C c"l5 �,SSL�11�C�, �xam�,3,�� of �:�or:. r��.rfoxYr,c,ua `�o ma?ce rv�:.tine ii.een�e in�per_tions, I'o inv��::t�ax� camplai.nts �c�;ar�in� do�s a.nd o�her animals, '�o pezform pigeon control wozi;.� �o mak� ir�spec�ions of s�vir��n�in�; po�ls �nc] bathing plae�s. To �oll�ct cdYYt?,��L:.� of foo:�, millc� and wa��cr fo-r l.aboratory a�alysis� To keep r�;.ords and rnalce d�}�or��G� � TViinim�,m q�alifir�,tion�; Higr. s�:.hoo;. gr�civation an�l. one ycar'r cx�c�ience as a 5ani*arian Aice I, or Cr,�Liva��12'C; .. �,;,i., „�.�,,, .,a.,.,�: �i „ ,��,._� . .. , _ .. . . �✓iust pc�sess a Iviinnerota Driver�: ?.icen��, ,/ • . Title of class: FI��;SZNG A7DE I Duties and responsibi?ities� Linder supEr�vision, to iae trained in and to perform rautir�� inspections anc3 ?nv�sti�;ation� of �ublic �nc priv�.t� facilities for the purpose of deterznining compliance �vith the housing cad�; and to perform relat�d work as assi�n�d, �xampler of c�ork perforr�zeda Zn the ca.�acity of a l�arner-�- To investinate complaints regaxc�iil� ?rnr�roper Utora;e and dis��sal of r�iuse. To assist in the insp�ctions of �.��:te�•ior property ar�as with re�arr] to �anita�;ion, gradings, draina�;e, v�eeds, a�d inseGt ai�d rad�nk laar'�ora��. To as�i�t 1I?. ti3� inspecti�ns of *he e�:t�rior of stru�tures wi�h regard to tlle conditio�.� of foundatiozasr walls, roofs, stairs, porchcs, railin�s, ��vindc���s, doors, hatch�vays, and sereeningo To assist in �he inspections of the iizterior of structures wi�h re�ard to dam�nes�, conditi�n of s�ructural members, the safety of interiar stairs and railinbs, �hc imperviousness of t�athroam floors, s�nitation, and insec� �nd rodent harbora�;e. To assist in the in�p�cti�ns o�' the k�asic f�cilities in occupancies witk� re�ard to typ� and numbe� ai �v�fier closets, la�ratories, ba�h tubs or stiowers, ici�chen sinks, w�ter and s�wer system conne`�io��, xxal:er heati.ng f�ci.Ii�i.es, ancl o•tner �a.ni�ary faci�itie s, 'I'o as�i.�t in the in5pecti.on� of oceupancies with s•e�ard to the conditi,on ai�.ci nuxnLe� of plurzihing fixtures anci syst�ms, heating equipment, el�ct-rical outlefi� ane� fixxtures, �nc� w;ih regard to ceilin� hc:ignts, �loor ar�as, sleeping rooms, access, anG loc��ion of btt�h and sleeping units. To awsist in tlae inspections of oc�u�ancies with 1e.gard to ligh� an�l ventilation both na�ur�l and arEif.ici�.l, �af�Yy from fire, and �enc�al maintenance �.nd clea,nline:-:. �'o as�ist in the ins�ectiona of roornialg houses with regard to bathroon� facilities, �lcor a�ea for s�.eepin� purpose�, bed linen, f:���r�as, shades, and dra�aes. To maP:� inspectionE �•elzx�i�;re �o �he issuance of �cr�s.f��a�es r�f oc��.p:-rtncy. To k�c� :am�ie recordc and mak� r��ot ts o` inspec�ions., Ptinimum qt�aliSications: Hi�h school ;ra�u�4ion> it��;:�s�. pos3e�s a ��:�innesota Dri�r'er�s LicenSe. � � � � Tiule of clds,� ��`'���;��c? �7�?7S�_iVG AZDE II Dutic:s 1n�' re s�onsibilitie s� Under sup�rvision, �o perform rouzine ins�ec�ions and investigations of �ub).i.c and grivate facilities for the �urFose of c7etermining camplian�e tvitn th.e hotz�ing code; and to Perform relate� worlc as assi.�ned� Ex�.rnplcs c�f wor?c performed� To investi��te complain'�s regarding imp:opEr storage and dis��sa? o�' r�fuse. To de��rmin� otivncrahip of parcels of re�l estat�, To investi�ate �eneral nuisance ccmplaints anel obtain wbatement v�here Yvarra.nted. To prepare a��ro��ri�tc reports �tnd make recommendations, To assist in the inspec���ns of el�terior property areas with regard to sani�alion, �rac.lin�s, drainag�, ureed:, and insc.ct and �odent r,arborag�, To assist in �he inspec�Eion of the e�c�'erior of structures with regard �o the eonditioi� of fotlnda�i�ns, walls, roof5, stairs, porclz� s, railin;�, windows, doors, hatchways, and sGreening. To asGist in �tY�c in�pection of the i.nt�rior of stYU�tures wit�z regard to d�rr�pnes:;, cvndi�ion of structural rxzembers, tt.e safety of interior stairs and r�ilin��, the imp�r�;iousness of bathroom floor�, sanitati�n, and insect `r>d rodent har.bor�.�;e: To assis� i.a the in�pectio�� af �he �a:�i.c tacilitie� in occap�ncies �vith r��ard �o ty�e a.FZd num'aer of t,vatei clasets, l�vatori�s, bath tut�s or sho�tr�rs, l:itchen Jinks, t°v�.ter and sevver system connectians, `vate� ?���tin� £aciliti�,, hEating facilities, incinex•ator�, rubbish �tora�z facil�ties, �ar�age Gtorage or rlisposal facilities, and ather sa:�itary facilities> To as�ist in t�e in�pection o£ occLC�ancies ��ith re�ard �o the condition anc3 nut��ber of plu��.�?ain�; �'i,.t��r�s, ard wi�h re�ard to ceiling hei���c�, floor area�, sl��z�ing roorx�s, acces�, and loca��ion of bati�: .�i��i sleeping tznii:u. To as:=ist in the ins�ection af �cc�zpancie� tiK�itlz re�ard ¢0 1��;��t and ventilation �oth natczra� and �rti£z�.ial, .afety from fir�, and �ene�•al maintenanc� and cir-,anli�zess� To as�i�t ir, t11e in.�pec�ian of r4�mi.n� �ous�s ��ith rr-.ga�c� to '��.throom faciliizes, floar area for sleepin�; g�.zrpos�s, t�ed linen, �owels, sia�clur, zz�� ci�apes� To assist in the in��ccLi�n� :��1�.'�iv� �o the issuance al certiticates of occGpancy. 'To keep re�ord� and r�a.?cc-, re�urts of ins�aecticn�, �.:inimum qualifica�:ons� F-Iigh schaol �radu�atiot� and onc yf:�rVS �xperi�nce as �: Hotxs�n� Aide I, or eq�iFral�r.to N�:4st �ia�r� a �Iinnesot�i dri.�er9s lxcense� U .. ti . `�itle of c�lass: �-IO�JS�SV� �ECI-iN�C�.P��1 I -'�utie� and respons:Uilitie:s� lindE�• a�.per��isi.on, to perform in�pf:ctions and in�zs4iga�:ions o�" p�s.blic ai�cl pT•ivate Jac�li�T.es for fih� pu�posc of eie:�rm•rnin� compl�;an�� v��i�h thc; hou�in� �ode;; anrl ;�o �erform -r.ela��d u�orlc as assi�;n�d� �'xamples ox work perforiz�c;cl� To inv��ti�;a.�:e compi�ints r��ardin� ii�pr��pc��� stora�c: anc.i d�.spor.al of refuse� To de:,e�rnin� o�vnershi� of parc�l� of rea? estatc� '�'� inve:ti�at� �;�neral azuisan�� comg�la.�nf� an.d ob�ain a'aat�mnat ��h�::,�� wzrx�an��:do To pr��arc appio�x•�at;� report�s an�3 m�.lce r�comm�nda�ions� To as�:�>•�: ;�,ta tl�.c insp���ion� c,f ��c;;erior praperty az•��� wx�:h r�gaad �:o :�.;ni��.-c�ion, grac'iizg�, drainag�,t w�cc-3�� aiz�-1 insect �xnd rod�n� hart�oz�a��.�- To in�� >e�fi �he e�,�ez•ior of s�ru.ct�re� wit�:� re��x•:; �� �:�:e �cndi�Cion 01 �:iLl17C�c't.'L1Ci11..��� Lvall�, Y'Ot7fSt S�r131'5� �O:iC[?G�SF, T'r"1%�3ri�5t W;IIC�GWSr C.�O'1 6� �'?.��C�1E%J�i.lf'r� c7,17.C� 5f.'i"C.'�Y1S12g: Tc i::. ;�ee�: `:.1�� i�z�efi�p• of s�ructure� witiz rega-rd fio cizm�ne:�s, �:c;i�:��i.ori of :>xrGetura3. mcrk�b�rs, th� a�fety of �nter�.�r st�t�.ra �..�3 rai3in�s, �Izc ims��x•�r�.c�usn�s� of bathroom floorsy san9��.�"ion, �.°c� i:�sc�y� ar�d roclent �ar}aoragt, To ;r �pec�t �>li� kaasir. ���cb?t�i�s �n o�e;��ancies �vi?�h r��ar�1 `�o �ype and z��;m�cr �f �r�ater clo�e���, lawa�ori�s, ba1:h �uws or shour�r�, l:i�,��.��en r_2:.zl�:sf tv���x rnd :etver sys�em coilnec�cionti, w���er. hc�..�i.ng f�cilities, r� , a.`.fn� f�:��liti�s•, inc�,ncr�.2�i•s, x•�.hbi.��i rbOxcl.b� fac5.li�;esx �arba�;e �-t�ranc �r c�isposal faWil��b�s, �n�l o�her s:�rirary £acil��i.�s: `Tc :,..�;�e�.�: ���upanci�s wii�i Y'G��I C� "GO the condi�ion �.nd n�xmb�r of ;, �mbing f;�a�:�:res aud �ys�ems, hEatii�� e�u:�men�:, cic��rical u�..Llets �.nd ii:stuz•es, and w5�h i•E��cxrD tc� ce�ling he�ght�r floor ar�as, = e�piii� TOOI2lS' access, a1�c� lo�.�•Wion ef ba�IZ ancl sieeping L..r�zis� To 'flspec`�� c,�c<<�ancic� wi�'n re;ard ;�o li��?�t ��ncl �,renfila�i�r_ ��:Ei n�tiur2:1 .nd ar}"fi��:a?., safe�L-y a:�c�rn f;re, a��d hen�ral ma;ntnnance ancl clLanl�n.��ss, To �ns���� ruoi�3ing h.ous�:s wzth r�;ard to ba�hroom f��ili��.�: , Floor : xc� for slepping �l�xr�oses, bed I�.nenj to;i✓e3.s,. �h�des, and drap�s. To ;.alc� iTlupections rel�ti.tia� �o "�h� AF5L12.11�E ef r�er±i£xca�-es r�f n��u��tn�y, � Tc� ;e�p recoi•c',s and mai�� 1�pOI'�5 of inspeciions.: I1�111122;_l:�?'i"] c�ualifi,cations� IIi;;� s��ocl �raduafion anc] �.� credi� hou�•s in caurs�s r�1�.i,ec] to the ��ri.c zn�rolver� in ho��s�n� i.nspe��:.�.an anc? t�;vc� 4re�.zsF' �xprri�n�e as . s-Ic;����ng Aicl�, II ar ��u�s���lenc� Ea�h ac�c,;cborf�.l. t-ear a� c�ualzfying •:t�serien�� x�nay be �tsb�t:;iut�cl for fiv� �r�c3i'� hot�rs_ ivlus�"� h�.ve a ��i�neso�� driver�s li�ensea � . �� ,� � � J Title of �Ias�, Ia04.i�a:.i'�TG TEC��N:t�::vE°;._C�;�" t� DuCies and res�ons:,bilitie.�� LTnd�r sup�rvi.sion, to �ef�farm ancl su�sr:rvi�e insp�c�ior3� atid ir���s�;.�;afii.ons of gubli�c and prit�a�e iacilil;ies £ox the r�i�.rpo�e of detc-�•minir..g complian�e �,v�fih �lze hou.sin� cade, and �� perfoi•rx� rclu�ed �vork as as�igncd� �xan�ples o� �aork perforr�zed� Tc as�Lst �;n t�ze i.nspeetioi3s of t;x�ter�.or property area� wi�h rc��.re� �:o saf�i�s�°son� gra�lin�s� dr�ini�e, weeds, and 'ansecd and radent n�rbos•a�e: T� :nspec� the �x��ri.�r of ^a�Tl'a�`Cl]i.T�B «ith r��;ard to ti�c; Condi�Eie�n of fo�nda�i.ons, wall�, :�oofSE st�irs, �orch��y railan,�s, �vinclaw�, door�, hatchways, anc� screening: To insp�ct tc:� ���t�rior of u�r;��tt�r�s ti�ri�'n :re�az•d to �ar�pn�ss, condirio� of atr�.ctur�.i mem'�ers, €he :�af�4y of in�eri�r :t:�z�•s =�nt3 railingti f the im�c rv�ousr�ess of �a��hroorn f:Ioc+rs, sans�a�ion, and �n�ec� and ror�ent hazbora�i.. To inspe�`� vhL basic f:z�;;i1.;�:Tes in o�cugax�.cica �vi�h re�;arc� ta '�vpe and n«r�b�r of watrr clo���y� la�ato�i�s, ba.�kn '��abs ar sl��v.��;r.,,. .ci?�ch�n 4_Znke, wat�r and sc�vc-r systc�n c+�nncc�ior��, �v���r b.��.tzi�A�; ft�CTII�CAf-'8� ll�%1.t1Y1� �c�:sZ142L�SS Z11�lIll?Y'i1�0I':m 1LI'!�'}J2S�1 S`CGT21�C.' i�,cili`����, ��rbage st�r��e or dis;so��� �1GXi1t1�SS atad o�:hct� sar_iba�y f�cili.'Lies�_ To �rzsp��� ocGUpan�ies wi.�l�. 1•��;ard 'co the condi�ion ancd numb�;r of �lur��b�n� f;.,�tures �Lr�d sys���a�d, heaY;,n;� ec�uagmcn:; ele��ri�;al �.a:�;:le�s and_ .ffx�t�.i•cs, ancl �✓i�:h �-egard �o �c:3ling h�i�i�x�, flc�or arc�,s� s3e�Fing roorns, a���:ss, and lr�c��;c�n of. ba�h and slce}�ir���� ttni`i s� To �.nsge�.•: oe:.tr.p�.ncir-.s t�vrt�h r�ga��� �� li�:r't a�7�1 4re2i4�la�;.Gn b��h n�.;:cxr�,l and artificial, sa.fe`�y £7��rr, fii•e;: and penex al. rr.�,�.n�cn�.r��� dnd r.lLanliness. To ixzsp��`� raor.�in�; hota:�s tvi�6l1 7'�gc12'G zo ba�hraom .fa��,3.i�s��s� flur�� ap•c�a for sl:,�:.pzt�g �L�rgas�s� �ed lin�n, tov��c:lsY s��dese �ncl ca��jac.^.. To �:aperv;se: a. �rou�a of ha�sin� �c^Izni�ians and ai:des� 'Yo �,ssisf� �n €i•danin� �zc;w �mploya�s, To pxeparL s�cp�rts and rn�ke r��arr.mcn�lst;ons� To k��p r�eords and z�aa�ce re�oi•�s af ins�.�ec�ions� h2in�mum q�alt�,f��a'�ic��s< Iii�h s�haol gxa3ua�ion and �0 �z•cd?��;: ho�ars Yn co;�rses z el�fied :� �-sic work ii��r�l�r�r� zn Ia�a�sin� :nsp�:r��n ai�.t� G�NO qe�irs` �..g�crt��;1�� �.s a I�ou.�ing Techniciai� � or ec��.i°r���len�; E�c�h a�7s����,cn.��_ }Yi�r �S c���,l:£y:ng e:;cn�eY•�cnee m�y b� sub�i:i���t�=d fa:r f:�•�e �recit;�. ����,�..rs� ��u�`� gosscss a I�1inn�sc�;;� dr��.��rss 1��.:,n�eo �� �c'�C7(7� T�'elc of cl.��s: �7�J�TC���Cs ��:���:. � Duti�� and respcnsii�iliti:��� L�nder �tipcgvisxon, to ��c tsaincd irz and t� perfoxm rou�ine inspections and ir.��Us�i�atio:�� o�' ��zblic anc3 privat� i:zci'ities for the �urpose of e�etc.���m�nin�; e�mt�lias�ce �vi.t�z �i�e i�ousia�� coe:<; and �o pe�.form �elai:�� �,�lor1� as assi�nccl, �xan�ples o!: �ro�'.: ;�erfc�?•�i�d; 7n t!�e c�.nac�ty* of a liax:�ez��� To inv�;.�tiLirzte com�laints rc;a'�din� �r�:,nro�er �tora�� an�] di�posal oi �efuse. To assist in the ins�ections rf r��sateri.or �3iY��3ert� �rcas <<�ith r�gaxd to �anitat:ioti, �rz�:in��, daaina.�e; �*recds, anc? ins.,vt and rod�n�- h.ar'�or��;e. io assist in ti�.e in^}���cti�si:� �f tlxe i::�t�riax o� �Zrizetixxe� with T°bcZrC� `d 1;11? C:Q17C�I,�i0I1S Of iOilP_C�e1.t7.G11u� S:�G.���� I"JOfE� S�c7.i1'S� p�1C�1C'8, Tc'Zlllri�5, �UlY1C3U�Va, ��OQTS, �2c'1.t:C}l.xl?3�TS, "clili'� �GT'Eening� '�o a:sist ia� the ir_5p�ctions o.f the ir:terior oi �t�ucture�� with �°e�arc, 4o dam�ness, conu�ition of sta•uctural ���er�bez•G, th� saA�;ty o.f iaztcri�r ��tairr ��ia.� railin�sz �hc ir?j er�c�iou�ness of bathrooan flo�r�; ��:jai�at�.on, azad i�ycct �n� r�dezzt Iiaz�L�o,-a�e�. '�o assist in t:hr ins�cc�ions oI th.� t�.Wsic �`�c;.lit'r^� in oc��u��klci�� VU1G�7 Y't;�TC�3"C3 �o tJ�<' aTal"� Yluil��i.hC:C oi W2.��1 c��S�'�S, �cZV��O�'i�S, ba�Eh tub� or sliovaLrs, Icitc'n�n s�nks, wlter a;�d �ewer s�rstern con�ection_�, <<•at�e� hc,ati.n; f�.cilit.:ie�, anc? o�xaea• sanitizry faciPitie�_ � � 'Io assi�t in tt�a�: in:�pect;�az�� ni oceura�.ncies wi�� ����ard t�i :�e conditz�i� �zn*_� nu��?�aef• of �°,lut-�3bin; figrture5 �.nc:� s�r�tems, b��tin� e�uz��e:nt, elect�•ic.�? aullets ar�cl ii;tux•��, :?n� �v�.�li regard to ceilin� t�ei��.ts, flcor are:�u, sl��rling roorr�r., �ceess, anca lo�a'tio� of ba�h an�� ..Ieepir��; u:�it�, To :cs:ist i;� the i�irp�^ci:ion; of ac;,u�ancic� v✓i��i �t,�;ard to li�;ht and vryntil�.tior� bo*�'.� n�,�us�al ar,d c�.l I.I.AZClwl, ^atin�y f-roan fire, and ;eneral ����zin�r^a:a�ce �nc� c1.�-�nlin,s�. �'a Ussist in ttie ins�e:ctior.s oc xoor�3ing; .zou:�es �.�:tl;. rega-rd to ba�th•ruo� faci.lities, i�cox �rea fo�- si.e�:��.n� pur�.o�es, i�ed Iia,.cn, :::;��ij�as, aha�ec a�Zd c�rar�es, i o matc� insp�ti:ti.Cns ��cla��i.��r� Y.v ahe i�stl�ncc oi cnr'a:��xc�s��a �f o�.���par?.cy '�'o i:c�p :=f.rr�j�le r�co�s:� and rs��.�,e r��r,xt� ai :�ri���4W1Gi1,�., P��inim�m q�.�•a.lzti:^a�inns� �ii�h school &raduation, ��_t�^�, pass��ss a i�iinnc:^�3�=: Dritrer�s �iccnse� _ / ' ` � ������ Ti�le of cl�,ss� HO��,�S�,i�TG A��E II Duties �,n�i res��onsibilities: Un�3ci sut��rvision, to periorm routine inspc;ctions and investigations of �aub'_ic and grivatc facilities for tl�e purpose of de4erminin� cornplian,:e with the housin� code; and 1:� pertorm relat�>d �ror�c a� as��.�ned: �xamplc s of worlc perfo�med: To int,esti.�atc complaint� r�:�arding impro�:�er stor�ge anc3 dispos�,I of rcfuse, Ta Get�rz��i.ne owncr�ni�, oi parc�ls o� xe��.l estate: To inve�tx.�at� �ener�l nui�ancc complaint� and abtain ai�atei7�ent vs,,}iere warranted. To ;�rc;pai•� aN.pro�ria�e rerorts ana ma1�e: r�:co.i�mend�tious� To �.s�ist in th� inspections of cxterior p-��o�eri:y �rcas w:th rega�d to :_ani?'a,tion, nx•adirirya, dr�.ina�;e, �-ecd.>, �nd insect and rodent harbora�e. To assist i.n �he inspec`ion o£ thc ex�c;rio�- ef str�ctLxres witn regard t0 ��1G� condition of fouridG�1G11S� lxJclll6� TCAOfS� ^�tu11S� 130TC�.1� S� railin;s, windows, doors, ���atch��ays, und screenin�. To �,s:ist in �i�c ins�ection af �i�� int-;�.rior of �tru�ture:� with re�ard to dam�n�:��, c�n�il-aan of stru.Ltural �r�embers, the saf_��;r of interior stair� and 3•ailin�;s, tiae ii�z�erviousness of bathraoin floors, sanitation, and i�zsECt �n�3 rcdent harbora�e. To assis� i.n tile in�pect�on o� ��e b�:si.c facilities in occupaneie.� witrl r�•��-rd to typ� and nui�i�er oi wat,,r closets, lavatories, batl3 i:u�s or SYlOVJi Y5, kitchen sink�, dr�a�er and sewer system conncyctior�s, W2;tC`a iina"�1t1� :Fr.1�111tI�,:, �eating facilities, incin��r•a�oa•::, �-ab�isti �tor��e �a�ilities, garbage Gtorage or dis�o��:z2 £acilities, ancl othcr �anitary facilities, Ta a�ei5t in the inspect:ion of acciz�ancie�• �s�ith r��ard to the condition and nuz dbcr of plu.��nbin� fi;:4u�•�s, and :�.rit� re�ard to c�iting hei�h�F, £loor areas, siee•niz�.g z•oom�, �ccess, and location of ba'e3.�. ar_� �lcepina unit.s> To as�isC in �hc in:^ps:c�i.on �f accLpancies wit;�z re�ard �o lig�zt and ventilation both na�ural z��d a�•�:iii�ial, safety �rom fire, and �;ene ral maintenanc� and �leanli�ze s s�. To assi�t in th-� i�a��ecti.�ia oi roomzn� �.ouse� with r�gard to bat�roc�in facili�i.�s, xl.00f ar�a for �le�pin� purpo�cs, be�:i Iin�n, towels, shad�C, and drape5� To assist in ��ac ina�scction� rela.�:vL ko the i.ssuance of certificates of o�e�.�ancy. To keep 'r�corr.�s and rx:a?ce reporfis of ins�ccl:i.ons, 14�inimuxn qualifi����on�� �-iigh sch�sr�l �raduation and �ne yearYs �,>peri�nce as a Iio��3n� Aide I, or eq�ieYal�n.�� iViu�t na�,�� � iLs:�nn�sota ari�;•er°� li.censeo l� ' � �7����� ��itl� of cl�s3 0 E-i�P.15T�1� '�EC�SN���E'-iI�3� I '!�u�ies anci respons�.biliti�:; Und�r ��,pert�isi.on, to �crfori�� in�p�vtion� and in��syigatians of. f�t,.=b1_;.� anrl ps•ivate facili�%�s for thc purpo�e of d�yerg�onkng compl;-a.nce v�ith the hou5�n� code; aiad �o gerform related work t65 85S1.�;i?CLa� E,s3mnles o�` �vork �crfogmcdo .�o investa.�;a�� cozr��lain�ta r���a�din� impro�c:r storag� anc] di5por �1 of rcit�etic� To d���°min� o�:��ner5lxi�� of �;a�cels of real cstate�. '�'o inv:..,*:�;atc �ener�.l iau.isarc� com:f�l�inis and ob�ain a.ja��men�: �ah�.�� wa i z ai��e�3.. To pt��arc .�Pp:°opr�at� PG'�Oi•�:s a�ia rr.�lte recor�m�ndations� To as�is�w :;n �i1� in�pe��ians of ��-'tLrio_• pa•�»ertSr ar��,� v�Ji�h z e�a�d qo :-����nitt�wior_, g�aGizZg�, drainag�, cv�cc':�r and insect and roden�= �?t?T�rG I 1.�v�. To ?r:' ���� 2tze e��'�rior of s;;r�:ct�a•ew �,�i.�Eh rc�ard �a �he cond�tion oi :��u.ndZ7ioi�as, �vall�= ro�fs, s�ta4rs, porche�y ra-i1An�s} windows, �o��r.�, h.afich�vays, and scr�en�..i�.�< To i�. �,p��y �t-ai� ia�gerios• of s�rucf�.r�e� wi��i r��ard �o dampn�ss, ���ici':icn oi �,i�•�ct�z•al rn�mb��sr �hc �a��fy oi :�n�er4.:,r stairs a�,1 r�il�rzgs, t�� imper�r�.cizsn�ss oi ba�:hroom floorsd sani�a�ion, :�°:a i:�". �1: anc rou�nt ?^tarl��r��e.. �I'a i� �5g�cei `<hc b�sic fac;,l.L�ic� ;.n occ�.��?ancic.� w;.�h regard ��.o �yge and �;,�i��i?�.r �S tvater clo���s, la,ra�€��r.i�s, ���;1n t�xas or shawer�, ki;':.hen .-�,��:s, ��aa;�r �ncl �ewer sys�em coznr:c�ian�t w��er he�t�En� faciliti�s, �-;, :2.�inry f��.��li.t�ts, �ncs,ncr a�ars, z•�x13�i�� stox•�.�� fa�s'.li�:�.es, g�.rba�e =tora�;e or disposal. fa�il�z��cs,. a.n::l ct}zer. s�ni�:ary ��.c:ilsa::.��: �'c : ,,s�r3�� <��ct��{ancie� cviih rt��arrl f�v �hE con�i�ion and n�amber of �� �umb%n€, f:�.;:c,aac:s ai�d :;yst��ns, hea�ing ec�uipiz�er�ri, elec�rieal �r�.`�:l.et� =�i��i fi:xi'u:res, anc] w5�h rE��.rd i:a r.?i,Iin� heightsr floor areas, =!.��c��in�; z•c�omsa acces5, and la�:a�.ion af ba�h and sl�epin�; un��s„ 7['0 '.xs�c�c'� n�c<<�anc:2e� �vif�h rLgard ao lig}�.t ancl �aen��iiation bo�h na�ural � t�d ar'=.fi;i�?_, �a�e�y fro� f3.re, �n� gen�ral rria�n��nance and �'ear..l2n��:�� Ta ����rc�:�� ;�;rr�r<�in� h.�uses ��✓i.th regard to ba�an�•oom fa�ili�:*:��, floor : x��a far sle��3i�z� pu��::os�s, bec� l.inen., towel.sF shades, and drapes, To �,�xt.� i�is��FCtiot�: rcl�.�i•�c� 5;0 �Izc> zs�uai��e of �er�If7lCc�.t�5 of i'�'CL,�3��11*;Y, �C �E'.C f� ::.^C i:C�'3'C'u �.-�11."'.� i.i7 3 kw l�' Y'E?iT�0 7.'�t'.8 C3.r{ l II.y.�3 G�C+�.I O 11 S:. n-�inir��;-�:m at�al�i�'ac�ti.an�� `-��',i s�s�flcl ��•�.caLt�tinrz aii� 3� c��c:i� hot�i•s i.� course� r�1�S:ec1 to the ,��°ic invcl�e�. A�� ho�a�T.tz� �ns��c��.�n �.�a two years° �xperi�n�e as , i-���,a�r,�; -�ic':e I.I ar eqaz'i.e���3.��z:�. �'a�h a�ldi.cicnal �ear o� qualbfying �x�,E��i���� m�y �i� �t�t�sfi:,:�ut�c3 for fi�r� �x��i�" hotars. lUius��: have a :inneso�ia dr�.ver°s lic.ensco � ��s��� �� � Tit1� �f �.lass, Aio����c;7 'r. �c���,7.����.c�; �� Du��e� �n�i r�s�o�.s:�iilil�-�s, f'1"tC�Ll' �Ll�?�.1"�l'k51C3T1, �:O J C:2'iC"iS';T7 �I1C� .^_.t'c�:�;I'`.riSG 1t1�'�CC`i:L011S c7.I1C� it�v�s�L�a��i�:�s of pu�sli� �,nci �?��ava?�e f.��:�.1i��,-_�s f;sz• the ;�!�.�:�po.e �r dct��r�riinin.� �om�lian�e v✓�'tY�. ���� I10t.E>1i2�; codc; ar�;3 ::o �e:�zo��t-r� r�lakc;d •:✓oxk as as�i�ncd< E�can-�p1es oi •s�or:: perf�rr��d� To a�syuc ;.n �he i.nspccl:ioi�r o.f c��er�,or �ropex-ty ar�as tvi;n r. cnarci Ha san:ra�;�nA �radin�;sE c]A�7n���, ��e��s, and in�EC�: and r�c-'e�:�' hc�.rl�c�ra�L: To °�nsne�t tr�� ex�ct•inr c� swx•tx�c�.re� t��i`cl� r�,�artl �lo tlzc �ondiiion O� �U't:Ti.1�.�7.021a� �TJc1�.l^u�, T'OO�ui. S�c�.41.'Sl T301C�1?Sr ?'c7.11k12�:^� WiY1C1�W^, C'IOQPB, �1:1�C1;.�.J3V5, �ric� SCT,'C;111I1�: 10 inspC�.C'L j��1G ii1�C1'1�T O:i af.i',���ZI�,I":':; V,1;,'t:�l 1'.^-.�,lY'� �� CiwY17�TYG5S�, condi•czo�� o:C :tpc�tur�i n:r•mt�erut �:he rzf,;�cyr of ir�,�ri.��• st�:,�s �I1C� r�.a�:.R,�;�.^�, '�Il� 7.TY1�7C'.iT,F7i�FE:.5;2`.�'.c. O� ;�3'��"1I'OGIY; ��OC�TG, :�,Yl',,�:�-."�.�101'l� and Yns�ct �.ra roden� i�ari�ora�;r�,. To �n�per�� '�:z� k�asic fa�.:il�.��.c� ?�z a�cuoancie�, �ri_i-h r��arci ta �:y�e and nur?zbe�• af warcr �Ios��cs� lavatorzz�s, �,�.�t� ��xbs or s�o�,ve;r�,, i:l?C�'1C'Yl �,1T1���'x We.1�CT' 111C� �I;WC-'T Sj73�l:Y?:i Ci7iiIZGC�'I�Tl�� VJ=?GGT' �'.+�-�.�."�].Y1� ��ICY�.;t1,C;5, ilE:�t1Y1Z� �c�;ilt7.�:ab 111ti:7.'.lt'1'ct01�} il:i���:�11 c�O1c�1.�C,' facili;:ie;s; ��Zriza�� :��c,r��c or dis���11 f�,ci;zi::��.a� �nd �gl�c�� sar_i�:�,r� faci.liziev�_ To yr5p��`z oc::t�pin�i�:s 2vi'ih rt:;ard �:c� tj?c conc'iti�n az�.�i nurriY�ez of �lutrrsbin� fi�;�tcr�� ar:� .,Srs��rns, 1��1tin�; �qt.���n��i�'v: �3c��`r?,��1 �wi,le'vs �,nn ii..}:�tares, �,n� T,�ii.'� r�aa�d �o ��ilin� h�igiii�� fic�or �z�;�ts4 s�er�gzn� rao�..s� a��.e;ssy an�t lo��t�-;rr. of: �aa�h ancl sle��irs� un���� To �nsp��� oc:,zf:�ctn4i�5 wT_�th i�e�ar�l �� lig��•y :z�cl -,r�r��;1a�:io�3 h�4h i��r�u.i���I and <zr�ificialy s�,fe`�.y it°�rn i;.r�,. �.n.d �,�:zt;r�Z m�:,n`��v�n�xn�c .�nd a:I��,nliness.: Tc:a iz�sp��� i•oc�rrAing hoc�.��:s �v:�41a, r��;�.rd s:o la_::d�x�ar�m fa��`,�i�i�s, flc��r arCa fcr slc;epzng �uz���s�sf �ad ].�ne,�, ��o�*✓��s, sh.�de�,. ����r1 c�;�a�f�s.. Tr� sy�;�cr�r;s� a �ro�.zp of ho�M�n; �c:Itinici�.�� ai�.� �.��.:3�s� 'Tu asv�s�. �n `t�r�inin� nc�w ��Y1��O�J'C,'i5, To prCp��� r�por#:s and rn�.ke re�ommcn���:oiiw< '.I�c kE�g rr��..aids and ma�.� r��:arYs of ins�;•�et+�a:�^� AViin�m;�m r�tzal�'.x��a�i°ac,n�< i�i�h sc'.�ool gr�du�.�io�i �nci 30 c�re�ls'.:; 'rRaurs 7.ri c�s:,-ses s•�l��i:e:1 �cr ;.hr-_ woric invol�ed in ho�;�rn� int�pc�rf.on an� +v,�o ;re�rs° c;;��e�:•5_�n�� ��s a Housin�; Te�hnic�;:aai � or ec����.��r��l�:n�: �'�.a::h ac3a�.°�����r.a% }Y��s• o� �ta�,2�fy��n� �:�gerzencc m�y �� st��si:i'�u1:�. ° � '•` � ,;, � '� �DY' I°ti"+f'�, C2'C'.d:Ji.,:. �li, t1 5� ��usf possess a Mi:zn��c��a l.�T'3``?C,�'PS li,=.���n�e,> f� I st � ` � � 2nd � � � . Laid over to 3rd and app _Adop+ed /�� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Butler Bu+ler Carlson Carhen- Levine s?����a�? � Levine � Meredith Meredith $prafka Sprafka Tedesco Tedesco Mr. President McCarty Mr. President McCarFy O