256874 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK ���" �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. LICENSE C�NIl�ITTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ID�CGIl1b�'r ��� �9�. COMMISSIONE DATF WHII�EASs Myles, Inc, ma,de Application L•-11693 f or the transfer of On Sal� Liquor License No. 8015, expiring Januaxy 31, 1972, from Ragogna, Inc. at 413 Nor�h Robert Street t� Myles, Inc. at 369 Cedar Street� a new location to be conatructed, arid WHEREASs Said licer_se is soon to expire and said �stablishment has not been completed as of thi� date� therefore, be it RESOLVED: That gpplication L�11693 for the transfer of said license as stated �,bove be and the same is hereby granted to aecount for the e�arrent license and permit the applicant to apply for renewal of said license. � �'.- TRANSFE�t (Licenseeg} � On Sale Liquor Informally approved by Council July 8� 1971 New Lecation ► �C ,�8 t►97� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19.— Yeas Nays � Butler ` �`+ a 9 ���� �; CONWAY App 19� Levine �n Favor Meredith Sprafka � Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, McCarty DEC 3 i 19�� PUBLISHED �� _ , ��, a��.�.� ��.�¢ 7-�1--�� f. � � � �� �$'/L� � 7 v 8 y- �fb \ � � �= CITY OF ST. PAUL r���APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE " A lication N . � PP o ._.�___ Name of Applicant..........M�les F. McDonough �.._ 32 _....._...._. ._......... ..........................._........,......�.........._........... .r.. 1256 Selb Ave. St. fi,esidence Addresa........._....... . .,�,._,,,_�,.___.,_,,._Paul, Minn. .__.. Telephone No..........6 4 4—5 0 9 6 --._._.._ ................ .... ..----.. ........._.......... ` Are you a citizen of the United States?_.._....Ye s_..___._........._..............__.........._.._......_........._.___._..._...._..._---_....._.._.........._....................._ ` Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink paxlor, or business of similax natureY ...�.�._...................................................._...._..._......_._....__.__......:__......_...__......___.............._...._...__...---.._ _.__....._.__.._._.._.................._....._.._..._.._._.._......_ When and where�.....�969_. to 1971-�^De�ot_._B�ar�.-241 E. Kellogq__Bl,v_d�_�St. Pau1 Minn.. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation.....My1e�_Tne�_._____. C�ra1d 8usiness Pur ose •••��'•��•�.w..�.��W�� _...... �.....__........._._._.._.__...............�?_.._..................._.._..._..........._.........-�---.............._._._._...�.___.._ __......._......................._.........._...._._.._...__ When incorporated?.----......�7.:l�e.....30�,_ 1_971 . , .:..................._..._.._............_...._...._..........___...._....__._.....__._...._._. _ If cl u b, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?.......N�.....A�...___ Ho«- many members?.-----..N........8,s...... ._...._._..__..._.___.._._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and address of general manag^er. .. .. . . . . .. . .. _.My..a..e.�....�'.'.a.....�C�2o�...__..�,256.....�elb�.._A'�en��....5�.._..�'�,.��.�M3.nnesota._ .......__. . ....._ ._..._... ..._._.... ..................................................._._..�....._....----•---•---..Px�:�.�7�t--.�.��_.�e�:.e.�'�.l...M..�?..��e.r...._.........._..._.._...---_._....._._...___......-----....._........._._._ ; Namea and addresses of Stockholders: .._Myles....F......McUo.nough_......_.,__�Sole. shareholderl..................___..__..... ....._...._..-•--�-�-�•----......_..........._.._._...._.._...___....._----.___.� .1256 .�elbX .Avenue _St. __Pau1,�.Minnesota. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known.._U....,,S..l._.:F.___and G. In suran ce Co. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streeta Ward ��y : Cedar : �test : 5th : 6th Street How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?.....400.0 .(A�proximatelX) How many feet f�om a church (mea.sured along streets) ?......._1_�_400._...�Approxim�tely,�._.______,_„�_._�._,_._ How many feet from closeat public or parcehial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?.�.�.50.0....__(Ap,�rox. ) Name of closest school....._....St.R.....M3x:�:!.�_�r.ade.._S.choo�l......................................................_...._...._...._...._...._..._..___._..__ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?....._......CommerCial On what Roor located?.........Street_,Leyel_,,.,__........._,. Are premises owned by you or leased?..�ased.___,..._� leased give name of owner........L... _J,._.,S�l��ric�an.,w&_..Co. If a restaurant give aeating capacity?........�.�2..... Inc. ... ..............._.. __ ifhotel. seating capacity of main dining room?....._........N�....A.�-----------------•--.....:......_...._.-�-----...----_........._.................._._...._...._......._._.........._........_ Give trade name.__.__MCDOnough� S -------•--••--------------------•----•-•------------..._...---•---•-------------------•-- �--------------•- ._._.. ._------•---�-------•---- �----------�--•- Give below the name, or number� or other description of each additional room in which Iiquor sales are intended: ...N... .�..............................._...._...._...._...._..._...._..._.____ .._...---.__..__...-�----__...._..-�------__...................._....�.........._...__......._._......._....__ (The inlornastion abo�e mnet be given for hotels and restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooma in hotel Y..._,..N s.__A� Name of resident proprietor or manager (reataurant or hotel)....N�__A.�........._._._...._.._._.._............ ......__....__._......,.._..._..._............ Give names and addresses of three business references:..._... _.._.._.... __....__._........_..._._........_.._...._..............._.........._..._ 1,._Thomas. J., Burke--Attorn�_..�...1220. Minnesota B1dg�.,.St.._,Pau1.,�,.,.Minn.._.._...�_._. _ ......_...___._............_........_..._... _.._.._.._._._._.._.......... ...._ 2 .wiiiiam Krausmann N. W. National Bank St. Paul, Minn. _._...._.. ......_....__..---_....__ g, Stan..ley_ J..._�Calof---Accountant 242._W. 7th Street St. Pau1�,.,Minn.�.__�.___ THIS APPLICATION MiJST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPOItATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE COR,PORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPOR,ATION BE ATTACHED: � SEE OTHER SIDE ; � /�/o S�.4 �. sTa� oF n�nvxF.sar�, COUNTY OF RAMBEY, �• ...__......... -- being Srst duly sworn, deposes and saya that he has read the foregoing application and lmows the contents thereof,and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me thia.._.._...._. _�.day of_..._..__...�........_...._. _..19 ........_.__....._...._�...._..._..._� .._._.... _ No Public Ramsey County, Minn. My commission eacpires....._...._......._.__....__..._._..___..._ STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, S8' _._..M..yles. F.�...McAonouc�h..----_..._..._...__._..._.._:_—...._.__...._..............__...._..__...____. .._being&�et duly aworn, deposea and says tha�...._..�..e i�_._„���, ,��esiden:�.,._.._ .. of....._.....�.�,.�5.�..Tzi�-•----....._...........-�------._..._.__....___.... ......._.........._.._...__._._ . ,a corporation; that................._.�.�..............................._.........__....has read the foregoing application and knowa the contenta thereof,and that the same is true to the best of....._...._....h�.�._......._...._..._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the eeal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signe�� sealed and ez� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and executaon thereaf is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. X.................._ �....�... ...._. My7,e F. McDonough 3ubacribed and sworn to before me � TU thia_......-�....__...__._.day of...__..J'�e......._...._.._._._19 � � _..._.--•---•----___.... ._. .. .... ........._......_.......... __ � Notary Public, Ramse n1;y-, Mia n�n. � S�nitI�. F. Egg�,eston My commission expires....._.�7�?g�a,�-...19 7 6