02-810Council File RESOLUTION Green Sheet OF SAINT PAUL MtNNESOTA Presented by: Re£erred to: # Od- $(0 � 111509 as Committee: Da Public Hearing Notices For 2003 Sanitary and Storm Sewer Rates 1 Be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 77.02 (as amended by Ordinance No. 2 14662, approved December 1, 1970) dealing with Sanitary Sewer Charges, the Council does 3 hereby set a publ3c hearing of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Service Charges far the year 2003 on 4 November 6, 2002 at 530 pm. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to 5 publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least seven (7) days before 6 the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation; and 9 10 11 12 13 14 Be it FURTHEIZ RESOLVED, that in accordance with Section 8 L04 (as amended by Ordinance No. 17359, approved June 3, 1986) dealing with the determination of the Storm Sewer System Charge rates, the Council does hereby set a public hearing on the proposed Storm Sewer System Charge for the year 3003 on November 6, 2002 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish notice of said hearing, the publication of which is to be had at least ten (10) days before the public hearing in a newspaper of general circulation. o�.- �to DEPARTMEMIOFFlCE/COVNCIL Public Works CqMACT PERSON & PliONE Mike Kassan 266-6249 MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (�ATEJ October 2, 2002 # DATE INITIATED August 22, 2002 � - Q Sewer Uuliry Manager /1551GN �MB�++� � Public Works Accoun� FOUIiNG °RDF 0 Depaztment Director ❑ Budget Director _ SHEET No 111509 �vmumn� wmam 3/7� � Mayor 2� °t '[� c�ry co��;� _ � � �❑ CII�+C]CIIC _ � _ ❑ Fin. Services Acct. — 7 (CLIP ALL LOCA710NS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve the attached resolution setting a Public Hearing date of Wednesday, November 6, 2002 for the 2003 Sanitary Sewer and 5torm Sewer rates. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission PERSONAL SERVECE CONTRACTS MUST ANSW ER THE FOLLOW ING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this persong/firm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMfirm posess a skill not normally possessed by any currert city employee? YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on a separate sheet and attach it to the green sheef INITIATINGPROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITYfWHO WHAT WHEN WHERE.WHYI: To meet expected budget needs for 2003, sanitary and storm sewer rates must be adopted. According to requirements in the Citys ordinances, a Public Hearing must be held prior to adopting new rates. The attached resolution sets November 6, 2002 as the date of the hearing. The resolution actually setting the rates will follow under a different Green Sheet. A Public Hearing date will be set. None AUG 2 7 2002 MAYOR'S OFFICE sewerrates cannotbe adopted. TOTAI ApAOUNT OF TRANSACTION S FUNDING SOURCE � �1' �� � � �'�., , -„ ��3� � � . COSTIREVENUEBUDGETED? YES ACINITY NUMBER Pl0 FINANCIA� INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN)